Category Archives: Articles

RINO Mitch McConnell Won Reelection as Senate Majority Leader; Chucky Schumer Is Minority Leader

Senate begins to “drain the swamp” by electing alligators as majority and minority leaders. The sleazy Mitch McConnell was just reelected UNANIMOUSLY by his Republican colleagues in the Senate: I’m not sure who was there for the vote, but I guess that means everyone from Tom Cotton to Ted Cruz. If they post a roll call of the vote we’ll […]

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Bloomberg Reporter: Ted Cruz Under Consideration for Attorney General

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is under consideration for attorney general in Donald Trump’s administration, a Bloomberg News reporter tweeted Tuesday night. SCOOP: Trump is discussing TED CRUZ for AG — Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) November 16, 2016 Cruz was seen earlier in the day visiting Trump Tower in Manhattan, where Trump’s transition team is talking about Cabinet level positions. Trump himself […]

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UK police force promotes “Islamophobia Awareness Month” with Islamic State hand signal

The signal of the index finger held up is, of course, used in myriad contexts, but it has become associated with a declaration of the oneness of Allah and allegiance to the Islamic State. And now we learn that a company linked to Islamic jihadists gave the witless Bedfordshire Police the logo it was using for “Islamophobia Awareness Week.” Coincidence? […]

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RINO Gingrich eyes Trump administration: “I want to be his general planner”

While President-elect Trump’s transition team considers which campaign supporters to appoint to various position in the White House, one surrogate is making it clear where he sees himself. “I wanna be the general planner,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told Fox News’ “Kelly File” on Monday. Gingrich said he envisions himself “looking out over the next eight years and trying […]

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Rudy Giuliani Front Runner For Secretary Of State Took Money from Qatar, Venezuela, Iran

Giuliani’s foreign clientele could present conflicts of interest as secretary of state. Rudy Giuliani’s paid consulting for foreign governments would present conflicts of interest as the nation’s top diplomat that would make the Clinton Foundation look trifling. Since leaving the New York mayor’s office, Giuliani has made millions as a lawyer and consultant, including for some clients at odds with […]

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To Netanyahu: “The hand that will evacuate Amona is your hand.”

Residents of Amona meet to discuss High Court’s refusal to delay the destruction of their homes, saying PM is responsible for their fate. Residents of the town of Amona gathered for an emergency meeting Monday evening after theHigh Court ruled that the destruction of their community will not be delayed. Amona spokesman Avihai Boaron addressed his remarks to Prime Minister […]

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Trump Says He’s Fine With Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage

Donald Trump said he is “fine with” same-sex marriage but offered few specifics about his plans for the first 100 days of his administration during his first television interview since becoming the president-elect. In an extensive interview with CBS’s Leslie Stahl broadcast Sunday night on “60 Minutes,” Trump sought to ease the anxieties of LGBTQ Americans that a new conservative […]

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Trump Makes Former President of Breitbart News His New Senior Advisor and Chief Strategist – Concerns About Anti-Semitism

Bannon appointment raises concerns amongst Americans. The appointment of Steve Bannon as Donald Trump’s “chief strategist and senior counselor.” has raised concerns and strong reactions due to controversial and anti-Semitic statements allegedly made by Bannon in the past as well as his presidency of the Breitbart news ,which espoused anti-Semitic and nationalist views. The site faced regular criticism — including […]

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Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones: “Trump Called to Thank Me”

President-elect Trump reportedly called Alex Jones, a radio host and noted conspiracy theorist [who is famous for his rant about government putting chemicals in the water to turn frogs gay], to thank him for his support during the presidential campaign, according to a video on Infowars. Jones, who’s become known for conspiracy theories such as the government’s role in carrying […]

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Trump: Suicidal “Two-State Solution” in Israel Would Be “The Ultimate Deal”

Trump promises to pressure Israel to make a deal with Arab Muslim terrorists who claim Hitler didn’t finish the job. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal earlier this week, President-elect Donald Trump addressed the Israeli-Arab conflict for the first time since winning the elections, saying he would do his best to bring an end to “the war that never […]

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Trump Adviser: He Won’t Be ‘Burdened’ By Conservative Ideas

Don’t expect President-elect Donald Trump to adhere consistently to traditional Republican economic policy, or even to positions Trump staked out during his election campaign. That’s the message in an opinion piece written in the Financial Times by Trump economic adviser Anthony Scaramucci that took a swipe at the budgetary discipline promoted for years by fiscal conservatives in the U.S. and […]

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Newt Gingrich admits Trump can’t get Mexico to pay for his wall, “But it was a great campaign device”

Two days after Donald Trump was elected president, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, an ardent Trump supporter, admitted the president-elect’s promise to get Mexico to fund his proposed border wall may have just been “a campaign device.” “He may not spend much time trying to get Mexico to pay for it,” Gingrich said of a hypothetical border structure. “But it […]

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Mike Pence, the US vice president-elect, has said he doesn’t believe that smoking kills

Mike Pence, the vice president-elect of the US, has said he doesn’t believe smoking kills people. He made that case in an op-ed article published in 2000 and has made no public effort to update his position since. “Time for a quick reality check,” Pence wrote. “Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill. In […]

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Top Advisor says Trump isn’t going to rip up Iran deal, he’s going to “RENEGOTIATE”

“[Trump] is going to put together a coalition of [so-called] moderate Arab countries to deal with ISIS” – Just like Obama. Walid Phares, a top Trump advisor, told the BBC Radio that Trump is not going to rip up Obama’s Iran deal, but rather he’s going to “renegotiate it with the Iranians”. He suggested there could be tense discussions with […]

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Trump Advisors Divided Over Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem – Aggressively Pushing “Deal” With Terrorists

It appears that the Trump administration will aggressively pressure tiny Israel into making a “deal” with Arab Muslim terrorists. Advisors of President-elect Donald Trump are divided over the question of whether the campaign pledge to move the United States embassy to Jerusalem would now be fulfilled. “Many prime ministers of Israel have that close to their heart. Many presidents of […]

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Donald Trump Says Transgender People Should Use the Bathroom They Want

Donald J. Trump said Thursday that transgender people should be allowed to use whatever bathroom they feel most comfortable with — including at Trump Tower in New York. Dipping into a contentious issue by taking a stand many Republicans oppose, Mr. Trump told a town-hall-style event, hosted by NBC’s “Today” show at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, that when people go […]

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Trump Team’s Revenge Against Republicans Who Didn’t Support His Campaign

Donald Trump has 70 days to build a government and figure out how to run it, but some of his allies are spending the early days of his transition plotting revenge against those they believe slighted Trump — and them. Since Trump’s shocking upset victory in Tuesday’s presidential election, several people who worked on his team have discussed ways to […]

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Black Thugs Yell as They Beat and Stomp Innocent White People “Because of Trump”

Let’s be honest… These racist violent thugs are always looking for any excuse to riot, steal, rape, beat, or murder and this week it’s supposedly because of Trump. A SICKENING video showing a man being battered by a pair of youths because he voted for Donald Trump has emerged online. A woman is heard shouting “he voted Trump” as the men […]

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Day 1: Muslim Ban Language Dropped From Trump Website

“Get ready, Trumpsters. He doesn’t need you any more.” President-elect Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country has disappeared from his campaign’s website. Trump put forth the proposal to temporarily ban all members of the Islamic faith last December in the wake of terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif. He later walked back the proposal, but it […]

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Russia Says It Was in Contact With Trump’s Team During Campaign

Russia said it was in contact with President-elect Donald Trump’s team during the U.S. election campaign, despite repeated denials by the Republican candidate’s advisers that any links existed. “There were contacts” before the election, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Thursday, according to the Interfax news service. “We continue this work of course,” he said, without giving details of […]

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Iran’s President Rouhani: “Trump Can’t Overturn the Nuclear Deal”

Iran’s President says there’s “no possibility” that the nuclear deal will be overturned by United States president-elect. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday there was “no possibility” that the nuclear deal with world powers would be overturned by United States president-elect Donald Trump, despite his threat to rip it up. “Iran’s understanding in the nuclear deal was that the […]

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List of Trump’s Potential Cabinet Appointees Leaked

BuzzFeed has it. Normally a president-elect has to balance two interests in filling a cabinet, patronage for his most loyal political allies and competent oversight for each department. Jared Kushner may be a trusted Trump aide but that doesn’t mean he should head Homeland Security. Trump’s task is harder than most presidents’, though, because he needs to please another constituency, […]

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Vladimir Putin Congratules Trump on His Shocking Win

Russia loomed over this election like a storm cloud for most of the campaign, and now that it’s over, Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered his congratulations to President-elect Donald Trump – by telegram, no less. According to NBC News, that’s the Putin’s “preferred method of communicating with newly elected leaders.” In his statement, which was available in a press release […]

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Ex-KKK Leader David Duke: ‘Our People’ Played ‘Huge’ Role in Trump Win

David Duke — the former Ku Klux Klan chief who lost his bid for the Louisiana Senate on Tuesday — is crediting his supporters with getting Donald Trump elected president. In a breathless tweet, Former Grand Wizard of the KKK, credited “our people” with the Republican presidential nominee’s shock victory:  

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Major Muslim Leader: ‘Donald Trump Cannot Stop the Muslims – We Will Rise Up and Start a War’

Hazrat Mirza Ahmed, a major spiritual leader for the Muslim Ahmadi movement stated what Muslims have wanted and what many other have been warning about- a Muslim rebellion. Donald Trump doesn’t really matter to them- it is just an excuse. They have already been waging “soft” war through the legal and educational system. Now as we see more terrorist attacks, […]

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Jerusalem Mayor: Thousands of Arabs live on Jewish property

Mayor Nir Barkat turned to the Attorney General to see if the decision to destroy Amona also affects Arabs living on Jewish property because the Israeli government cares more about Arab Muslim terrorists than innocent Jews. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat contacted Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to ask him to examine the consequences the High Court decision to demolish the town of Amona […]

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