Author Topic: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies  (Read 10196 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #75 on: December 21, 2010, 06:34:26 PM »
You two should take Muman's wise advice, and maybe settle it in private message if you prefer.

It is clear who started this, please read DBF's post in which he calls a synagogue a "bath house."  Disgusting!

I don't want to get involved, but I think you two need to work out your problems with each other somehow.   I don't know if all this stems from misunderstanding or what, but it is useless for you two to be constantly fighting each other.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #76 on: December 21, 2010, 07:31:51 PM »
No Deform "synagogue" is a real synagogue, regardless of the gay issue. Just by being Deformed, it's an abomination.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #77 on: December 21, 2010, 10:08:28 PM »
Calling any Jewish place of worship a 'bathhouse' is something so vile that I am not going to keep repeating it here. While I, and I doubt anyone here, has been to one, comparing any Jewish place of worship a 'bathhouse' is such a chillul Hashem, that I really do not want to discuss this further.  If you think this is ok, then that is between you and Hashem.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #78 on: December 21, 2010, 10:19:14 PM »
A Deform Baal-worship temple is not "Jewish".

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #79 on: December 21, 2010, 10:29:48 PM »
Calling any Jewish place of worship a 'bathhouse' is something so vile that I am not going to keep repeating it here. While I, and I doubt anyone here, has been to one, comparing any Jewish place of worship a 'bathhouse' is such a chillul Hashem, that I really do not want to discuss this further.  If you think this is ok, then that is between you and Hashem.

I hear your point.  It's not something I would say.  It's quite vile.

Except for exceptional circumstances I think the halacha basically forbids participating in reform and conservative synagogues.  They may be dens of political correctness and sometimes atheism, but I wouldn't go so far as to start labeling it with crazy terms and names.    There are many sincere Jews there who are just going to pray.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #80 on: December 22, 2010, 05:40:24 AM »
Calling any Jewish place of worship a 'bathhouse' is something so vile that I am not going to keep repeating it here. While I, and I doubt anyone here, has been to one, comparing any Jewish place of worship a 'bathhouse' is such a chillul Hashem, that I really do not want to discuss this further.  If you think this is ok, then that is between you and Hashem.
While a terror attack of a reform temple would be considered an attack on Judaism, the institute itself is certainly not a Jewish house of worship, but a house of rebellion. So I really don't take offense from DBF calling a certain reform temple a bath house.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #81 on: December 22, 2010, 07:56:11 PM »
Calling any Jewish place of worship a 'bathhouse' is something so vile that I am not going to keep repeating it here. While I, and I doubt anyone here, has been to one, comparing any Jewish place of worship a 'bathhouse' is such a chillul Hashem, that I really do not want to discuss this further.  If you think this is ok, then that is between you and Hashem.
While a terror attack of a reform temple would be considered an attack on Judaism, the institute itself is certainly not a Jewish house of worship, but a house of rebellion. So I really don't take offense from DBF calling a certain reform temple a bath house.

Please do not respond to me further on this thread.  I am not coming back here.  I am sick that you are all so passive about Jew hatred as long as you can tell yourselves that this synagogue which was tolerant of homosexuals deserves to be called a bath house.  That is pure anti-Semitism.  Any attack on a Jew for being a Jew should be condemned by JTF.  I'm not arguing this point anymore.  Really, just disgusting!

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #82 on: December 22, 2010, 08:46:05 PM »
Except for exceptional circumstances I think the halacha basically forbids participating in reform and conservative synagogues.  They may be dens of political correctness and sometimes atheism, but I wouldn't go so far as to start labeling it with crazy terms and names.    There are many sincere Jews there who are just going to pray.

Any supposedly Jewish house of worship that denies that the Bible is G-d's eternal word for all mankind (and the Chosen People in particular) is a vile fraud. If it is actively brainwashing gullible, lost Jews with the satanic lie that the abomination of sodomy is just great, then it does qualify to be called a brothel.

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #83 on: December 22, 2010, 08:52:56 PM »
I just want to add my two cents here.  

Since we have Jews and non-Jews here, we have to remember to be sensitive when writing about the houses of worship of other members religions.  

For example, I remember reading on a blog about some church that had a lesbian women minister (or whatever they're called).  And there was this other church where the female minister actually became a Muslim.  For a while she actually practiced both faiths.  But she was eventually defrocked when word got our of her conversion to Islam.  I have no problem with saying or writing that these people are crazy.  But that's as far as I'll go.

Now getting back to that gay friendly "Temple" that was a target of Muslim terrorists.  You guys are all missing the point.  This is not about supporting homosexuality.  That place was a terror target because it was seen as a Jewish house of worship.  So arguing about whether or not the place is a "bathhouse" is irrelevant in this case.  Those Moosies were after Jews, period.  

Here's something else to consider.  I remember either reading about, or hearing on an old Ask JTF show about how, in the days of the old JDL, some black race pimp was trying to hit up Jews for reparations to blacks.  Anyway, I don't remember all the details.  But somehow this person was able to get a group of Jews at some Conservative or Reform "Temple" to let him speak there.  (I guess he threatened and whined his way in.)  When the JDL found out about this, they pretty much took over the place, and threatened to beat the snot out of that schvartza if he came near the building.  Did they care that these were self hating Jews?  In this case, no!  To that black race pimp and his fans, those were just Jews.  To not come to their defense, even though they were self-hating,  would have only reinforced the message that Jews are weak pushovers.  

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #84 on: December 22, 2010, 08:57:12 PM »
Now getting back to that gay friendly "Temple" that was a target of Muslim terrorists.  You guys are all missing the point.  This is not about supporting homosexuality.  That place was a terror target because it was seen as a Jewish house of worship.  So arguing about whether or not the place is a "bathhouse" is irrelevant in this case.  Those Moosies were after Jews, period.
Of course that is true, Lisa, and those Moosies need a date with a bucket of napalm and a match more than I need one with Christina Hendricks. But that fag "synagogue" should still be shut down, and its congregants all shipped away to a mental hospital, preferably one on a very remote island.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #85 on: December 23, 2010, 12:23:35 AM »

Now getting back to that gay friendly "Temple" that was a target of Muslim terrorists.  You guys are all missing the point.  This is not about supporting homosexuality.  That place was a terror target because it was seen as a Jewish house of worship.  So arguing about whether or not the place is a "bathhouse" is irrelevant in this case.  Those Moosies were after Jews, period.   

For sure we established that in the other thread.  I think all of us were in agreement on that point (except maybe daniel, I don't remember).   But I think that now, after the fact, it is an argument over using that term just in general about any shul or so-called shul that is gay promoting etc.

You make a good point that the JDL protected a reform so-called shul from the shvartza's trying to extort reparations.   On the other hand of course "reform Judaism" is never legitimized.  But it may be that calling it a bath house is over the line.   I know some rabbis have referred to reform 'temples' as abominations ( I think Rabbi Mordecai Eliyahu did).

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #86 on: December 23, 2010, 01:13:36 AM »
It actually far from certain that the bath house temple was actually a target so all this discussion is pretty much hypothetical. Lisa I am not sure what you were trying to say. The reform movement is a disgusting, rebellious, assimilationist abomination that worships conceptual idols such as "diversity" and "tollerance" and mocks Judaism. Are you saying that I have no right of calling this beast for what it is, or that I can because I'm a Jew and DBF can't cause he isn't ? If that is what you say then gentiles are also suppose to recognize "messianic Judaism" as authentic type of Judaism, and black Israelites too for that matter.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #87 on: December 23, 2010, 01:33:10 AM »
I don't see why the term "abomination" is permissible but "bathhouse" isn't. If they are actively promoting sodomy in the name of "Judaism", then yes, it qualifies as a perverse sodomite brothel.

How about this--most Deform "synagogues" gleefully support the dismemberment of millions of tiny children, so how about calling them "butcher shops" instead? Would that make the gay apologist JTFE happier?

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #88 on: December 23, 2010, 01:37:41 AM »
Islam is closer to Judaism than Reform "Judaism". And calling it "bath-house" is too polite. But there is a difference.

Missionaries are Crusader Nazis who dedicate their worthhless lives to the elimination of Judaism.Reform "synagogues", although disasterous, do represent Judaism in the eyes of Islam and thus attacking them causes the same Chilul Hashem as would an attack on a real Synagouge.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 01:45:10 AM by Ron Ben Michael »

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #89 on: December 23, 2010, 01:44:40 AM »
In my mind, the question isn't whether or not a Deform whorehouse deserves to be called a bathhouse, but why JTFE considers a Deform toilet to be an actual synagogue.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #90 on: December 23, 2010, 01:46:43 AM »
Reform "synagogues", although disasterous, do represent Judaism in the eyes of Islam and thus attacking them causes the same Chilul Hashem as would an attack on a real Synagouge.
Nobody said that Deform "synagogues" should be attacked by Muslims. But shouldn't their "rabbis" be put on trial for blasphemy and gross perversion?

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #91 on: December 23, 2010, 01:48:11 AM »
Reform "synagogues", although disasterous, do represent Judaism in the eyes of Islam and thus attacking them causes the same Chilul Hashem as would an attack on a real Synagouge.
Nobody said that Deform "synagogues" should be attacked by Muslims. But shouldn't their "rabbis" be put on trial for blasphemy and gross perversion?

They should be treated the same way all terrorists should be treated.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #92 on: December 23, 2010, 01:50:12 AM »
I don't think anybody said that all Deform members deserve severe judgment. We were talking about the so-called "rabbis" that are teaching that faggotry is okay in the eyes of G-d.

As for the missionaries, do remember too that in the eyes of Islam, they were considered Jews.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #93 on: December 23, 2010, 01:56:34 AM »
In my mind, the question isn't whether or not a Deform whorehouse deserves to be called a bathhouse, but why JTFE considers a Deform toilet to be an actual synagogue.
Apparently he doesn't wish to further discuss this matter and anyway we shouldn't make it personal. Everyone is free to have his own opinion.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #94 on: December 23, 2010, 01:59:54 AM »
Apparently he doesn't wish to further discuss this matter and anyway we shouldn't make it personal. Everyone is free to have his own opinion.
Fine. I continue to think that calling it that is completely warranted since it was never a synagogue to begin with. If anyone here wants to flame evil "churches" that ordain homosexuals or promote abortion, I doubt any Christian members would object.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #95 on: December 23, 2010, 02:07:31 AM »
Apparently he doesn't wish to further discuss this matter and anyway we shouldn't make it personal. Everyone is free to have his own opinion.
Fine. I continue to think that calling it that is completely warranted since it was never a synagogue to begin with. If anyone here wants to flame evil "churches" that ordain homosexuals or promote abortion, I doubt any Christian members would object.
While I don't object to your bathouse statement it should be made clear that the entire reform movement is an abomination, whether they are pro homosexual or not, it is only a byproduct of the evil foundation of this movement.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #96 on: December 23, 2010, 02:14:54 AM »
Yes, I know it is an abomination. Any religious movement that denies that the Bible is the absolute word of G-d and that its messages are eternally true is an abomination.

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #97 on: December 23, 2010, 02:23:36 AM »
I will voice my feeling that it is one thing to condemn the Reform movement and its leaders and so-called Rabbis, but it is a whole other thing to condemn all who belong to such synagogues. I shudder to think what would have happened to my Jewish identity if my parents joined a Reform Temple. When we first moved to Connecticut we first joined a reform temple and only after realizing how bereft of Jewish belief it was my parents pulled my brother and I out of it and we joined a Conservative synagogue.

Some Jews are brought up within that system and I am not going to condemn them for that. I believe that the Talmud discusses the case of a Jew who was brought up by wolves and never was taught the authentic Jewish faith. Such a person is not wicked or evil, they just do not know any better because of the fact that they were born into such a family.

It is also possible that some of those reform temple youngsters are actually really Jewish, and that some time in their teenage years they may want to make the leap to Orthodox Jewish observance. We should always try to bring Jews back into the Torah and the Torah lifestyle.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #98 on: December 23, 2010, 02:33:49 AM »

I certainly do not support Christian missionaries.
But I don't understand why so many Jews are so afraid of them. To me, that attitude reflects personal insecurity and weakness. Strong and proud Jews will not be seduced. You don't develop people's strength and confidence by trying to cut them off from the rest of the world. On the contrary, they are strong and truly faithful only as long as they remain proud Jews while living in a free and open society that does not try to ban foreign influences.
Also, I don't agree that a Christian missionary is as bad as a Nazi. A Christian missionary will try to convince you to turn to Christianity by discussing with you. All you have to tell him/her is : thanks, but no, I'm not convinced by you, I am a proud Jew and I don't intend to convert to Christianity. A Nazi will not engage in a dialogue with you and stop if you ask him to. He will send you right away to a gas chamber.

One important difference:

  When dealing with physical death at the hands of a Nazi, the Jew becomes a Kiddush Hashem martyr and enjoys the World to Come.

  When dealing with the spiritual death at the hands of a Missionary, the Jew becomes a Chillul Hashem aprikus whose soul is extinguished therby having no place in the World to Come.


Missionaries of any religion, who target Jews, dying is no cause for morning.  In fact there is reason to rejoice, not for their death [it is a pity they did not lead a righteous life, and now have no ability to do so], but instead for no Jewish souls will be murdered by their continued treacherous conniving. -- It is certainly better evil missionaries die than Jews, especially in Israel.

If no Muslims or missionaries were allowed in Israel this would have never happened.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Re: Two Jewish Women Viciously Stabbed By Arabs In Israel; One Dies
« Reply #99 on: December 23, 2010, 02:34:57 AM »
I will voice my feeling that it is one thing to condemn the Reform movement and its leaders and so-called Rabbis, but it is a whole other thing to condemn all who belong to such synagogues. I shudder to think what would have happened to my Jewish identity if my parents joined a Reform Temple. When we first moved to Connecticut we first joined a reform temple and only after realizing how bereft of Jewish belief it was my parents pulled my brother and I out of it and we joined a Conservative synagogue.

Some Jews are brought up within that system and I am not going to condemn them for that. I believe that the Talmud discusses the case of a Jew who was brought up by wolves and never was taught the authentic Jewish faith. Such a person is not wicked or evil, they just do not know any better because of the fact that they were born into such a family.

It is also possible that some of those reform temple youngsters are actually really Jewish, and that some time in their teenage years they may want to make the leap to Orthodox Jewish observance. We should always try to bring Jews back into the Torah and the Torah lifestyle.

"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein