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Offline nessuno

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2017, 05:49:57 PM »
Considering Lubab is a 9/11 truther I think it's more than fair to yell Alex Jones reptilian people at him.
It would have more impact if it weren't yelled at everyone that disagrees.

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Offline nessuno

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2017, 05:58:02 PM »
Bullcat, I really couldn't care less about you or whoever it is you are for now. You voted for Cruz in the primary--yippee for you. You get a participation medal. That doesn't change the fact that your brother was a complete tuchis who got himself banned (not me, LKZ, etc).

I was not calling you an Alex Jones conspiracist--that would be your friend Lubab I was referring to. I know you think he's sent from above, but the fact is he is a certifiable nut (I believe he himself has promoted AJ) and a troll, to boot. You can get your panties in a bunch if you want, but I'm not pulling punches with him. If you honestly think this thread, or Lubab (and your brother's) conduct over the past eight months has been acceptable in any way, we have entirely different definitions of acceptable.
My brother must have gotten under your skin with that Talky Tina stuff.  You just can't let it go.  I didn't mention my brother.  I didn't mention Lubab.  I didn't mention Israel Chai ( in relation to my brother).  I just asked, Israel Chai, why what Lubab said about Ted Cruz was nonsense.  And I didn't mention Lubab in that post.
Ted Cruz has so much more vim and vigor when he is supporting Donald Trump's ideas and nominees.
Had he had that in the primaries...we might have a different president right now.
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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2017, 07:01:12 PM »
I really liked Cruz's performance in the debate last night against bernie sanders.   

Offline nessuno

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2017, 08:19:48 PM »
Yes. Me too.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2017, 03:52:42 AM »
Yea I hear your point on this 100%.  At the same time I think this point can be made without threatening poppy.  She doesn't have to like cruz.  By all means hold her to a high standard of argument but she's been a good long time member here who shouldn't get the violent rhetoric.  I have never seen her say a negative word on Jews ever.  Disliking cruz is not some terrible thing even if u and I think he should be liked, u know?

Yea i get the argument but same as above.

I mean ur using it metaphorically here but the comments you said talked about real violent threats.  Doesn't make sense to me.

You can call me any insult in the book and i will not care so long as you are saying something. If you make a general insult that means nothing, bye bye words time, the correct response is violence or publicly humiliating the person on their lack of communication skills, and I think it's mean, especially since telemarketing made me good at it. I can hurt someone alot more by humiliating them on all their insecurities and faults and destroying their self-worth and hope, and I only do that if someone tries to act like there is a 30 foot imaginary crown on his head that requires every to be delicate with him and respect the air crown no matter what he says.

She doesn't have to like Cruz. If she says "Cruz is such a rat, just look at his face you know he's a rat, how can you trust him he's a rat", I will very much desire to use violence. If she attacks him even from the left, I will respond to her arguments with no emotion.

It's nothing personal, I think she's a wonderful person, and I refuse to insult her. If she was in front of me and said that I'd probably just throw the chest of drawers out of the window, I wouldn't hit her, if it was a guy yeah, now you learned your lesson to make general arguments that remove your colleague's ability to respond rationally.

You can not like Cruz and I don't care. I personally am emotionally neutral on him, and think he always fights for really good things and endorses anyone with feet, I trust him in charge and almost no one he has ever endorsed, like Trump's old campaign manager. A rule in sales is "no one ever said, "I love the product but hated the salesman." If they didn't like the salesman they didn't buy". This is because most people have never used their brain for longer than a minute and are complete emotional junkies, and so what the product will do for them does not matter, they buy relationships with a salesman they won't see three seconds later ever again, and any detail they communicate about themselves is simply a tool to exploit the customer to make him buy more or sooner, no one cares about some stranger's daughter's piano recital. This pattern of behavior is equally retarded in my eyes to basing your decision about a political leader based on your emotions that will change five minutes from now and need no basis or logical justification to exist or change. Cruz never stopped fighting for good causes and endorsing bad people. As for judging him on little things to see if you like him, that's a judgement a wicked man makes, if it's not about his righteousness. Jews don't do confession to men, stop telling me you're a wicked person.

That being said I can still like someone if they say their emotions are what decided the political actions they'll take in regards to Cruz, but if they hide that with general arguments so their weak position can't be attacked, I'm not going to just accept the insult to my intelligence, I'm going to put intelligence aside for a moment and show you what it's really like when you have an irrational person that wants to get your way, and when you would like to finish playing and return to a rational discussion, I will as well.

Also, an epiphany I've spent several months studying is insults are usually about things that simply aren't true because people that do not think are not capable of insulting others, they just say things that hurt them, and I've discovered I can extract valuable information about people when they start insulting, so I like to get myself into that position. Threatening violence on the internet is an excellent way to get people to insult you, since it is normal to want to spite something so ridiculous, and in the case that she doesn't want to make arguments and discuss, and would prefer to get personal, I'll win.
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Offline Shlomo

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2017, 11:33:33 AM »
I seem to remember Trump promising to to help Israel and not condemn Jews building on their own land in Israel (like Obama did). I guess that promise doesn't matter at all to Lubab who likes insulting an entire religious forum of people because our organization says the truth when it's not popular.

How about Trump and his love for the “two-state solution” with Islamic terrorists and telling Israel that “settlements are an obstacle to peace” (just like Obama did). This is rather shocking because that’s exactly what the United Nations was condemning when everyone said Obama betrayed Israel and stabbed Israel in the back by abstaining from the vote. Trump does EXACTLY what Obama and Kerry did and where's the outcry?
U.S. President Donald Trump has warned Israel to stop its unilateral announcements of new construction in Judea and Samaria, an unnamed official in Washington told the Jerusalem Post on Thursday. The official said Israel’s recent announcements, which he said were not coordinated with the White House, undermine Trump’s efforts to reach a peace agreement between Israel and the [PLO], and also added that Trump is committed to a negotiated “two-state solution” to the conflict.

Trump can't even decide if the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization (just like Obama):
A debate is under way in the Trump administration about whether the United States should declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and subject it to US sanctions, according to US officials and people close to President Donald Trump’s transition team.

A faction led by Michael Flynn, Trump’s National Security Advisor, wants to add the Brotherhood to the State Department and US Treasury lists of foreign terrorist organizations, the sources said.

“I know it has been discussed. I’m in favor of it,” said a Trump transition advisor, who declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

The advisor said Flynn’s team discussed adding the group to the US list of terrorist groups but said it was ultimately unclear when or even if the administration ultimately would go ahead with such a move.

And Trump's sending armored vehicles to Muslim Syrian “rebels” connected to Al Qaeda (just like Obama did). You know, the Syria right next to Israel.
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Arab and Kurdish forces in northern Syria, has received armored vehicles from the US, indicating increased support from Washington under the administration of President Donald Trump. A small number of vehicles arrived four or five days ago, SDF spokesman Talal Silo told Reuters. “Previously we didn’t get support in this form, we would get light weapons and ammunition,” he added. “There are signs of full support from the new American leadership – more than before – for our forces.” The shipment was confirmed by Pentagon spokesman John Dorrian, who said it was made “using existing authorities, in the interest of helping protect our partnered force from the (IS) improvised-explosive device threat.”

And who needs a wall (that doesn't even exist yet and no one is even 100% if one will ever exist) with “partners” like that and when Trump says illegals shouldn't be worried because he “has a big heart”? He's already defending illegals all over the place (just like Obama did).
Young illegal immigrants who have been granted relief from deportation “shouldn’t be worried” about having their legal status revoked, President Trump said Wednesday.

In his first television interview since entering the Oval Office, Trump told ABC’s David Muir that individuals protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program “shouldn’t be very worried” about a sudden change that would make them subject to removal.

“I do have a big heart,” the president said.

Or how about Trump throwing America under the bus (like Obama) and comparing Americans to the mass-murderer Putin? And when he got called out on it, he was out playing golf (just like Obama):
“I respect a lot of people, that doesn’t mean I’m going to get along with him,” Trump told O’Reilly.

“He’s a leader of his country, and I say it’s better to get along with Russia than not and if Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS which is a major fight and Islamic terrorism all over the world and major fight, that’s a good thing. Will I get along with him? I have no idea.”

When O’Reilly fired back, calling Putin a killer, Trump responded, “There are a lot of killers. You think our country is so innocent?”

And since when did Trumps support for homosexual “marriage” and transgender bathrooms (just like Obama) become acceptable to supposed “conservatives”? Do you think that's compatible with the Torah? Do you think that makes Hashem happy?
The president’s daughter and her husband, who serves as a White House senior adviser, worked to nix a draft executive order outlining how to roll back some of the protections granted by former president Barack Obama’s 2014 executive order, Politico reported Friday, citing “multiple sources with knowledge of the situation.”

The White House said Tuesday that President Trump was “determined to protect the rights of all Americans, including the LGBTQ community.”

I can keep going! I've just barely gotten started!

Lubab doesn't give a flip about Israel. He just cares about being “right” and causing problems because his ego is hiding behind his arrogance and celebrity worship. That's why he comes back with ignorant digs to one of the only organizations out that are really helping the Jews in Judea and Sumeria. Nice job, Lubab. Throw Israel under the bus so you can worship Cheeto king that made all his money and power by ripping people off and with Casinos and strip clubs. Way to go. Such an upright guy.

Trump can't even manage to put in the same travel ban from terrorist countries that Obama did. It hasn't been but a few weeks and nothing has really been done yet but you showed us!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 11:49:36 AM by Shlomo »
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Offline ZionIDF

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2017, 12:50:35 AM »
Just forget it, there are some on JTF that are more anti Trump than CNN and the establishment you have an obsession of hatred against Trump much like the looney liberals all over the country, the good news is that the vast majority of Right Wing Jews around the world are Trump supporters. I know Trump is not perfect but he trumps anything we have ever seen before in a leader. Iv'e said this before and I'll say it again, Trump is a messenger of God, he doesn't even know it although I think he is beginning to understand this, he does mention and praise God in many of his speeches. I also notice all those who attack Trump have been defeated he has what is called in Hebrew Hashgachat Hashem (Divine Protection).
I notice a little change in his policies towards Israel that raises some concern, I was not comfortable with his statement against the settlements and his latest statement on moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Its a shame because Hashem will punish Trump if he does not follow up on his promise, I believe Ivanka losing business and Trump losing to the courts is a sign that Hashem is not pleased with his change of heart towards Israel. I will wait and see what happens after Netanyahu arrives.

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2017, 03:13:53 AM »
Just forget it, there are some on JTF that are more anti Trump than CNN and the establishment you have an obsession of hatred against Trump much like the looney liberals all over the country, the good news is that the vast majority of Right Wing Jews around the world are Trump supporters. I know Trump is not perfect but he trumps anything we have ever seen before in a leader. Iv'e said this before and I'll say it again, Trump is a messenger of God, he doesn't even know it although I think he is beginning to understand this, he does mention and praise God in many of his speeches. I also notice all those who attack Trump have been defeated he has what is called in Hebrew Hashgachat Hashem (Divine Protection).
I notice a little change in his policies towards Israel that raises some concern, I was not comfortable with his statement against the settlements and his latest statement on moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Its a shame because Hashem will punish Trump if he does not follow up on his promise, I believe Ivanka losing business and Trump losing to the courts is a sign that Hashem is not pleased with his change of heart towards Israel. I will wait and see what happens after Netanyahu arrives.
Continue to pray to the ground your orange messiah walks in, then you'll find out for yourself what "divine protection" is like in the afterlife.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2017, 04:04:58 AM »
"I notice a little change in his policies towards Israel that raises some concern, I was not comfortable with his statement against the settlements and his latest statement on moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Its a shame because Hashem will punish Trump if he does not follow up on his promise, I believe Ivanka losing business and Trump losing to the courts is a sign that Hashem is not pleased with his change of heart towards Israel. I will wait and see what happens after Netanyahu arrives."

Hm, this same thing happened with Cyrus of Persia in regards to the temple, and he had to be reconvinced to do the right thing before he was blessed. It would be beneficial to come to Trump with support and demand a return of support for our sake, and America's sake in the eyes of the Creator of the Universe.
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Offline nessuno

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2017, 06:08:35 AM »
You can call me any insult in the book and i will not care so long as you are saying something. If you make a general insult that means nothing, bye bye words time, the correct response is violence or publicly humiliating the person on their lack of communication skills, and I think it's mean, especially since telemarketing made me good at it. I can hurt someone alot more by humiliating them on all their insecurities and faults and destroying their self-worth and hope, and I only do that if someone tries to act like there is a 30 foot imaginary crown on his head that requires every to be delicate with him and respect the air crown no matter what he says.

She doesn't have to like Cruz. If she says "Cruz is such a rat, just look at his face you know he's a rat, how can you trust him he's a rat", I will very much desire to use violence. If she attacks him even from the left, I will respond to her arguments with no emotion.

It's nothing personal, I think she's a wonderful person, and I refuse to insult her. If she was in front of me and said that I'd probably just throw the chest of drawers out of the window, I wouldn't hit her, if it was a guy yeah, now you learned your lesson to make general arguments that remove your colleague's ability to respond rationally.

You can not like Cruz and I don't care. I personally am emotionally neutral on him, and think he always fights for really good things and endorses anyone with feet, I trust him in charge and almost no one he has ever endorsed, like Trump's old campaign manager. A rule in sales is "no one ever said, "I love the product but hated the salesman." If they didn't like the salesman they didn't buy". This is because most people have never used their brain for longer than a minute and are complete emotional junkies, and so what the product will do for them does not matter, they buy relationships with a salesman they won't see three seconds later ever again, and any detail they communicate about themselves is simply a tool to exploit the customer to make him buy more or sooner, no one cares about some stranger's daughter's piano recital. This pattern of behavior is equally retarded in my eyes to basing your decision about a political leader based on your emotions that will change five minutes from now and need no basis or logical justification to exist or change. Cruz never stopped fighting for good causes and endorsing bad people. As for judging him on little things to see if you like him, that's a judgement a wicked man makes, if it's not about his righteousness. Jews don't do confession to men, stop telling me you're a wicked person.

That being said I can still like someone if they say their emotions are what decided the political actions they'll take in regards to Cruz, but if they hide that with general arguments so their weak position can't be attacked, I'm not going to just accept the insult to my intelligence, I'm going to put intelligence aside for a moment and show you what it's really like when you have an irrational person that wants to get your way, and when you would like to finish playing and return to a rational discussion, I will as well.

Also, an epiphany I've spent several months studying is insults are usually about things that simply aren't true because people that do not think are not capable of insulting others, they just say things that hurt them, and I've discovered I can extract valuable information about people when they start insulting, so I like to get myself into that position. Threatening violence on the internet is an excellent way to get people to insult you, since it is normal to want to spite something so ridiculous, and in the case that she doesn't want to make arguments and discuss, and would prefer to get personal, I'll win.
I asked you a question.  That's it.  I dont speak in circles  And in my long studies of people, probably longer then you are alive, those who brag of their superior intellect and ways...are generally the most insecure people. 
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2017, 06:23:46 AM »
I asked you a question.  That's it.  I dont speak in circles  And in my long studies of people, probably longer then you are alive, those who brag of their superior intellect and ways...are generally the most insecure people.

It is not intellect. I simply can figure some things out about people by observing their reactions.

First you asked me why I didn't think that Ted Cruz would have probably caved and done what liberals say. Then you said that he exposed himself as a typical politician.

Rephrase the second part of your statement disguised as a question.
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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2017, 06:25:31 AM »
I didn't accuse you of speaking in circles. I accused you of making general meaningless insults that can't be responded to. Make a specific claim, or just say "I hate Cruz", and I can forget this and talk to someone useful.
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Offline nessuno

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2017, 06:53:33 AM »
I don't hate Ted Cruz.  I lack respect for him.  There is a difference.  He may be intellectual and a constitutionalist.  He may have been Israels best ally.  But he didn't have enough fight in him.  And when he lost he caved to Trump in stages.  And why?  Because he sees that Trump has good policies. He had an ephiphany.  Or is it his way to keep relevent?  Another pandering politician.
Listen, I know I am at odds with JTF.  But how can Cruz stiill be lamented as a lost opportunity?

And Israel Chai, if my intellect is not worth engaging.  Don't. You want me to give you my side of the story in facts, articles and pretty pictures.  Easy enough to do today.  Obviously you can find supporting 'facts' for any position.  I inform myself and follow my instincts.  Maybe emotionality comes into it.  But the 'gut' feeling is never wrong.  Unless you don't listen to it.
So, don't bother coming back to tell me I am of low intellect.  You might upset my air crown.  I need it for when I am saving lives.
I respect JTFs opinion of Trump.  I disagree.  And I have that right.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 09:13:50 AM by Poppy »
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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2017, 10:14:35 AM »
The US will never get a Pro-Israeli President.
A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. - Ecclesiastes 3:8

Offline Shlomo

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2017, 10:27:40 AM »
Oh look... wow... big surprise... Trump stabs Israel in the back again and supports Muslims in the news again TODAY:

Trump: Settlement Construction Unhelpful to “Peace”, Israel Should Act “Reasonably”
A few days before his meeting with Netanyahu, Trump doubles back on positions that sparked optimism among Israel's settlers; interview published in Sheldon Adelson-owned paper day after Trump met casino magnate.

Reasonably? You mean make deals with Arab Muslim terrorists in a “two state solution” where Arabs live with Jews on one side but no Jews are allowed on the side with Arabs. That “two-state solution” where they stab innocent Jews and run over them with their cars on a daily basis? The one where they give up land to terrorists and make Israel only 6-9 miles wide in the middle? Is that reasonable?

If you think this is acceptable, then you nothing more than a mindless fanatic (exactly like the old Obama supporters) of a celebrity and politician you really don't know. People who think this is acceptable are living in a wishful fantasy because it's too difficult to look at reality because it's too hard and hurts too much.

No no no! Give him more time! Let's see what happens! He just needs more time! Maybe like 100 days or maybe a year or two! That's what they said about the phony Netanyahu who just threw about 800 Jews out of their homes for being Jewish. Congratulations. You are susceptible to brainwashing. Maybe you should stick your head in the sand a little deeper and chant "Trump will be okay... Trump will be okay... the only reason JTF brings up articles and facts about Trump is they embrace hate... Trump will be okay." Let's see how that works out for you.

Seems like the Trump fanatics need their own “safe space” where they don't have to deal with facts and real life and they can pretend Trump will kick out all the Muslims.
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Offline nessuno

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2017, 10:45:38 AM »
Oh look... wow... big surprise... Trump stabs Israel in the back again and supports Muslims in the news again TODAY:

Trump: Settlement Construction Unhelpful to “Peace”, Israel Should Act “Reasonably”
A few days before his meeting with Netanyahu, Trump doubles back on positions that sparked optimism among Israel's settlers; interview published in Sheldon Adelson-owned paper day after Trump met casino magnate.

Reasonably? You mean make deals with Arab Muslim terrorists in a “two state solution” where Arabs live with Jews on one side but no Jews are allowed on the side with Arabs. That “two-state solution” where they stab innocent Jews and run over them with their cars on a daily basis? The one where they give up land to terrorists and make Israel only 6-9 miles wide in the middle? Is that reasonable?

If you think this is acceptable, then you nothing more than a mindless fanatic (exactly like the old Obama supporters) of a celebrity and politician you really don't know. People who think this is acceptable are living in a wishful fantasy because it's too difficult to look at reality because it's too hard and hurts too much.

No no no! Give him more time! Let's see what happens! He just needs more time! Maybe like 100 days or maybe a year or two! That's what they said about the phony Netanyahu who just threw about 800 Jews out of their homes for being Jewish. Congratulations. You are susceptible to brainwashing. Maybe you should stick your head in the sand a little deeper and chant "Trump will be okay... Trump will be okay... the only reason JTF brings up articles and facts about Trump is they embrace hate... Trump will be okay." Let's see how that works out for you.

Seems like the Trump fanatics need their own “safe space” where they don't have to deal with facts and real life and they can pretend Trump will kick out all the Muslims.
While I don't consider myself a Trump fanatic.  I would take a safe space.  A nice spot of sand to stick my head in.  Because I most certainly deal with facts and real life.  I have no chance of sticking my head in the ground.  I have to worry about the future for someone else.  If someone expects Trump to kick out all Muslims.  Save Israel from themselves.  Or be their or not.  God help them.  Even Ted Cruz couldn't, and probably, wouldn't have been able to do some or all of the things he campaigned on.  But I would really need a safe space if Clinton were president and or if I had to align myself with her supporters.
If that makes me a mindless fanatic.  So be it.  What is the alternative?

I am very sorry for what is happening to the people in Israel.  I pray for them. 

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2017, 11:10:43 AM »
Poppy, that was not directed at you.

I'm trying to get through to people that if Trump really did start helping out Israel and doing what he said, we would change our stance and support him. I'm serious. The only reason we do not support Trump is because of terrible things he is doing - especially when it comes to Israel. That's it.

So when people start making claims that we just hate Trump for no reason and we are worse than CNN (come on), it's maddening. Do you know how many hours every single day I comb through the news? There are some sites that will not even mention if Trump does something terrible (like Brietbart). These are so biased that you can't really get to the truth. They are usually somehow part of the Trump campaign. There are other sites that viciously hate Trump... but for the OPPOSITE reasons we do. They usually revolve around "Trump is a racist who just hates Muslims". That's not reliable either. People have no idea how difficult it is to parse through it all to find out what's really going on.

We make the best news site for people that care for Israel and Hashem and people don't even care or bother to read it before making wild claims that we are just Trump haters without reason. Instead they make idiotic posts like Lubab did. This isn't some popularity contest. I'm doing what I can to get the word out of what's going on while a few people on the forum stick their fingers in their ears and say "I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. Hillary was worse." which doesn't help in any way at all.

Right now Trump is doing to Israel exactly what Obama did to Israel. That's a fact, not an opinion. When people argue, it's like talking to a mental patient.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: I Was Right Most of JTF Was Wrong
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2017, 02:43:25 PM »
I don't hate Ted Cruz.  I lack respect for him.  There is a difference.  He may be intellectual and a constitutionalist.  He may have been Israels best ally.  But he didn't have enough fight in him.  And when he lost he caved to Trump in stages.  And why?  Because he sees that Trump has good policies. He had an ephiphany.  Or is it his way to keep relevent?  Another pandering politician.
Listen, I know I am at odds with JTF.  But how can Cruz stiill be lamented as a lost opportunity?

And Israel Chai, if my intellect is not worth engaging.  Don't. You want me to give you my side of the story in facts, articles and pretty pictures.  Easy enough to do today.  Obviously you can find supporting 'facts' for any position.  I inform myself and follow my instincts.  Maybe emotionality comes into it.  But the 'gut' feeling is never wrong.  Unless you don't listen to it.
So, don't bother coming back to tell me I am of low intellect.  You might upset my air crown.  I need it for when I am saving lives.
I respect JTFs opinion of Trump.  I disagree.  And I have that right.

Didn't say you hate him, don't care if you do is what I said. I agree not enough fight, I agree he caved, but if he hadn't, Trump's bills would be more leftist. Cruz has been pushing Trump to the right. No, it is not his way to stay relevant. He has other options. Why do you assume he would not be relevant if he didn't support Trump?

Who is he pandering to?

Cruz was a lost opportunity. He was actually conservative, Trump's conservative ideas are a shade of his ideas. Now that he's not president, we deal with what we have.

"And Israel Chai, if my intellect is not worth engaging.  Don't. "

I learn from the dog walker and the billionaire that pays him. If you make general insults, there is no discussion or learning, just tit for tad.

"But the 'gut' feeling is never wrong"

Your heart changes five times a minute, rely on your mind, that is a shaky base. Intuition is something else, just so I don't confuse anyone with this, always listen to the first voice of intuition you have.

I didn't say you are of low intellect.

I'm not really in the habit of respecting things I disagree with, but I'm happy to debate them.

Two questions. 1. Would you respect Cruz more if he was still fighting Trump? 2. Do you appreciate the work he's done since the election?
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge