An Example of
Anti-Semitism , Jew-Hatred in the New York City Public High Schools, this one time in the late 1990’s
A teacher in class who was a
White Christian , said to a
Male Student who was also a
White Christian and wearing a baseball hat, the teacher said
to the student
“No hats in class” The white male student “jokingly” replied
“No, I’m Jewish” referring to the skullcap Religious Jews wear
Now, if that White Male Christian Gentile Student truly was Jewish, he would Not be wearing a
skullcap or anything that could identify him as being Jewish, so that he would Not be the Victim of a Hate Crime . In certain New York City Public High Schools there are very very few Jewish or part-Jewish students, if there are they try to hide being Jewish, but often that is impossible if they look Jewish, stereotypically Jewish or sound Jewish or have a Jewish surname . Thus this leads to Jewish or Half-Jewish, part-Jewish Students having
Anxiety, Depression, Self-hatred , and wishing that they were Not Born Jewish
Then this other time in the Public High School Cafeteria , a
wiseass jackass latino male student said to a
Jewish male student
“Where’s your hat ?”
The Jewish student replied
“What hat ?”
The Latino Male Student said
“You’re Jewish right, you look Jewish” the Jewish student denied being Jewish because of Fear of Anti-Semitism
The dumbass latino male student was referring to the skullcap Religious Jews wear
Hello ? What exactly was the wiseass jealous of ?
And also when Jewish or part-Jewish Students Experience Anti-Semitism in the Public Schools , it causes them to develop severe Jewish Self-Hatred and wish that they were Not born Jewish, the Racial, Ethnic Aspect of Jewishness that cannot be Changed
I went to school with these a holes. They are jealous of Jews. They think they all have money. Some of these Latinos have Jewish landlords they don’t like.
If you are Jewish be proud. Stop being a wimp. Take some boxing and self defense. Love lift weights. Remember the original NY gangsters were Jewish.
What about the student with the baseball hat in
class , who “jokingly” said that he’s Jewish
Plus Vile Obsessive
Nutcase Anti-Semites
like DAVID Duke loves to mention how the original NY gangsters were Jewish
David Duke aka
David Dookie then claims
“Jews controlled crime”
I don’t care about what anti semites say about factual information that they misuse to fit their agenda.
Just like not all Italians are going n the mafia, not all Jews were gangsters in the 1920s.
I am simply pointing out that the stereotype of the Woody Allen Jew is a misnomer. Jews are a tough people when they want to be. You seem to be both ignorant,low IQ , emotionally week or perhaps a troll.
From the New York Post , an article is headlined
“Left’s miseducation on the Jewish state rooted in falsehoods and blatant bigotry”
By Liel Leibovitz on
July 2, 2023
Chaim , has an article headlined
“The Rudderless Jews” by
Thane Rosenbaum
on June 28, 2023 about how Everyone Unjustly Hates the Jews and Israel as Always
Many Christians have even said that the Rising Anti-Semitism and Hatred of Jews and Israel is a
Biblical Sign that we are Definitely Living in the End Times, Last Days and that Jesus will Return Very Soon
More about Iran being Diabolical has an article headlined
“UK, Canada, Sweden, Ukraine take Iran to top UN court over 2020 downing of a Ukrainian passenger jet”
Published on July 5, 2023
At JTF how do we feel about the Death Penalty for
Robert Bowers ? Some argue he should get Life in Prison , that while Bowers is a Monster and possibly Mentally ill that he should Get Life in Prison, others argue that he should Indeed Get the Death Penalty . What is the JTF opinion on the Death Penalty and specifically the Death Penalty for Robert Bowers ?
Did anyone hear the news that the Heartless Pig Kyrie Irving
is now an unrestricted free agent , can we get him banned from the
NBA and all Sports Forever
Affirmative Action is finished, except the white Jew liberal admissions offices will call it something else, multiculturalism and diversity and sneak the schwartzes in through the back door. Now you know why there has always been
Such antisemitism for the past four thousand years.
The frogs deserve every bit of it. Frogland wanted to take in outsiders and never was overly friendly to the Jews.
On a side note has anyone noticed how extensive the media controls and censures information? Ever since the news came out about the french cop shooting, the name of the person shot was NEVER fully released. Only the first name and an initial for the last. Why is that? Has anyone else questioned that too?
Yesterday Fox News admitted that
Patriotism in America is at an All Time Low , an All Time Low , an All Time Low..
Probably because the
“Freedom” in America is a Joke, Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies, Not Even That, Not Even That, America has Many Horribly Unjust Cruel Inhumane Barbaric Asinine
“Laws” that sadly Backfire Terribly on Society and sadly create all sorts of Incidents on a daily basis, where is the Common Sense
Countless Americans are
Suffering from Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness, Loneliness, Incel ,
Involuntary Celibacy Problems ,
The list goes on
Stupid, unjust, Retarded, outdated, cruel, inhumane, asinine, barbaric, oppressive, restrictive
“Laws” in America make it
Impossible for most Americans to be Patriotic
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings , Not Monsters
In addition to the: “Stupid, unjust, Retarded, outdated, cruel, inhumane, asinine, barbaric, oppressive, restrictive “Laws” in America, you also have Stupid, unjust, Retarded, outdated, cruel, inhumane, asinine, barbaric, oppressive, restrictive POLTICIANS in America WHO make it Impossible for most Americans to be Patriot
Seriously in Junior High & High Schools in New York City, why can’t Non-Jewish students mind their own damn business
Why Must they ask other students
“Are you Jewish ?” Seriously, why can’t they mind their own damn business, it’s inappropriate of them to ask , it makes others uncomfortable
Then this other time in
7th grade in a Public
Junior High School in New York City in the 1990s
A Jewish male student was standing in line waiting for lunch in the School Cafeteria, in back of him another male student points to a female student standing a few feet away and says to the
Jewish male student
“She says you’re Jewish”
The Jewish male student felt very uncomfortable and afraid, the female student had a ugly sinister hateful look on her face
The Jewish student denied being Jewish
Then this other time in a
New York City Public High School , in a student’s Freshman year of Art Class in the Mid
There was a Very cool
Middle Aged Jewish Man who was the Art Teacher
A Female Student from India had her desk and seat located right next to the Art Teacher’s Desk
The Art Teacher was sitting at his desk and noticed what the Female student from India was drawing on her paper .
The Jewish Art Teacher said to the Female student
“Do you know what that symbol represents?”
The student replied it’s part of her Religion and culture
The Teacher replied in a serious, calm, stern voice
“It has to do with the Holocaust
The Destruction of 12 Million people during World War II”
The Female Student then Apologized and said that she was unaware of the More Well Known Diabolical Sinister meaning and history of the symbol she was drawing, the Swastika , she then
Erased the Swastika from her drawing , at the time of the Incident just described with the female student from India drawing the Swastika, the Female Student and the entire Art class was unaware that the Art Teacher was Jewish, it was only about 2 months later in the Semester that the Art Teacher in the Context of a Conversation with a student in Art class revealed that he was Jewish
The Swastika is an Ancient Symbol that Existed for Thousands of years Prior to it being perverted in usage by
Hitler and Nazi Germany
The Wikipedia article/entry for
Swastika says
“The swastika (卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious and cultural symbol, predominantly found in various Eurasian cultures, as well as some African and American ones. In the western world it is more widely recognized as a symbol of the German Nazi Party who appropriated it from Asian cultures starting in the early 20th century. The appropriation continues with its use by neo-Nazis around the world.[1][2][3][4] The swastika never stopped being used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.[1][5][6][7][8] It generally takes the form of a cross,[A] the arms of which are of equal length and perpendicular to the adjacent arms, each bent midway at a right angle.[10][11]”
The Full article is online
It’s also very sad how certain people in Life have become
Anti-Semitic after how in their words they had bad experiences with certain Jewish Individuals and they unjustly claim that All Jews or Most Jews are bad or Evil, they unjustly Stereotype the Jews based on a few bad
Jewish Individuals
Carter had a high IQ. EQ is important too.
Carter has no EQ
Which site is Better or ?
An Example of
Anti-Semitism , Jew-Hatred in the New York City Public High Schools, this one time in the late 1990’s
A teacher in class who was a
White Christian , said to a
Male Student who was also a
White Christian and wearing a baseball hat, the teacher said
to the student
“No hats in class” The white male student “jokingly” replied
“No, I’m Jewish” referring to the skullcap Religious Jews wear
Now, if that White Male Christian Gentile Student truly was Jewish, he would Not be wearing a
skullcap or anything that could identify him as being Jewish, so that he would Not be the Victim of a Hate Crime . In certain New York City Public High Schools there are very very few Jewish or part-Jewish students, if there are they try to hide being Jewish, but often that is impossible if they look Jewish, stereotypically Jewish or sound Jewish or have a Jewish surname . Thus this leads to Jewish or Half-Jewish, part-Jewish Students having
Anxiety, Depression, Self-hatred , and wishing that they were Not Born Jewish
Are you a troll or self hating?
Then this other time in the Public High School Cafeteria , a
wiseass jackass latino male student said to a
Jewish male student
“Where’s your hat ?”
The Jewish student replied
“What hat ?”
The Latino Male Student said
“You’re Jewish right, you look Jewish” the Jewish student denied being Jewish because of Fear of Anti-Semitism
The dumbass latino male student was referring to the skullcap Religious Jews wear
People like the wise ass are jealous and stupid worthless pieces of shit.
What are they jealous of ? Jealous of What ?
Hello ? What exactly was the wiseass jealous of ?
And also when Jewish or part-Jewish Students Experience Anti-Semitism in the Public Schools , it causes them to develop severe Jewish Self-Hatred and wish that they were Not born Jewish, the Racial, Ethnic Aspect of Jewishness that cannot be Changed
I went to school with these a holes. They are jealous of Jews. They think they all have money. Some of these Latinos have Jewish landlords they don’t like.
If you are Jewish be proud. Stop being a wimp. Take some boxing and self defense. Love lift weights. Remember the original NY gangsters were Jewish.
What about the student with the baseball hat in
class , who “jokingly” said that he’s Jewish
Plus Vile Obsessive
Nutcase Anti-Semites
like DAVID Duke loves to mention how the original NY gangsters were Jewish
David Duke aka
David Dookie then claims
“Jews controlled crime”
I don’t care about what anti semites say about factual information that they misuse to fit their agenda.
Just like not all Italians are going n the mafia, not all Jews were gangsters in the 1920s.
I am simply pointing out that the stereotype of the Woody Allen Jew is a misnomer. Jews are a tough people when they want to be. You seem to be both ignorant,low IQ , emotionally week or perhaps a troll.
I Know that the Jewish people are Very Diverse, what is your opinion of the student with the baseball hat in class
David Duke is called
David Dookie by many people because they know Duke has
Sh-t for Brains 😆
Hello ? What about the student with the baseball hat ?
What about
Vivek Ramaswamy for President in 2024 He appears on Fox News every so often
From the New York Post , an article is headlined
“Left’s miseducation on the Jewish state rooted in falsehoods and blatant bigotry”
By Liel Leibovitz on
July 2, 2023
Chaim , has an article headlined
“The Rudderless Jews” by
Thane Rosenbaum
on June 28, 2023 about how Everyone Unjustly Hates the Jews and Israel as Always
Many Christians have even said that the Rising Anti-Semitism and Hatred of Jews and Israel is a
Biblical Sign that we are Definitely Living in the End Times, Last Days and that Jesus will Return Very Soon
The US Navy just stopped Iran from seizing two oil tankers in Gulf of Oman , Iran cannot be trusted
More about Iran being Diabolical has an article headlined
“UK, Canada, Sweden, Ukraine take Iran to top UN court over 2020 downing of a Ukrainian passenger jet”
Published on July 5, 2023
At JTF how do we feel about the Death Penalty for
Robert Bowers ? Some argue he should get Life in Prison , that while Bowers is a Monster and possibly Mentally ill that he should Get Life in Prison, others argue that he should Indeed Get the Death Penalty . What is the JTF opinion on the Death Penalty and specifically the Death Penalty for Robert Bowers ?
Anyone else want to see
Bowers get the Death Penalty ?
Let’s Hope his Execution is Slow and Painful , they should serve him dogsh-t as his
Last Meal
Why are Defense Attorneys for Bowers working so hard to save him from the Death Penalty ? Why ?
If you really want to know, see what kind of law firm is representing him.
Did anyone hear the news that the Heartless Pig Kyrie Irving
is now an unrestricted free agent , can we get him banned from the
NBA and all Sports Forever
Without affirmative action what is I gonna do
What do you do?
Affirmative Action is finished, except the white Jew liberal admissions offices will call it something else, multiculturalism and diversity and sneak the schwartzes in through the back door. Now you know why there has always been
Such antisemitism for the past four thousand years.
I always thought blacks hated us Jews because we have penises larger then theirs.
George w bush and Trump equals affirmative action. The rich and connected never go hungry.
Thank you Chaim. I will be making a series of contributions in the near future.
Chaim did you hear about the massive riots in France ?
I’m glad. The frogs laugh as USA when we have our race riots. Are they handling it any better? They should ship their spooks to Devil’s Island.
The frogs deserve every bit of it. Frogland wanted to take in outsiders and never was overly friendly to the Jews.
On a side note has anyone noticed how extensive the media controls and censures information? Ever since the news came out about the french cop shooting, the name of the person shot was NEVER fully released. Only the first name and an initial for the last. Why is that? Has anyone else questioned that too?
Al Bundy hates the French
The last survivor of Adolf Hitler’s bunker, has died at 94 , Her name was Johanna Ruf , she was probably a Vile Anti-Semite and Jew-Hater
She was a dog. Ruf Ruf.
I happen to love most breeds of dogs ,
She was a Rottweiler.
How do you know she was a Rottweiler ?
Yesterday Fox News admitted that
Patriotism in America is at an All Time Low , an All Time Low , an All Time Low..
Probably because the
“Freedom” in America is a Joke, Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies, Not Even That, Not Even That, America has Many Horribly Unjust Cruel Inhumane Barbaric Asinine
“Laws” that sadly Backfire Terribly on Society and sadly create all sorts of Incidents on a daily basis, where is the Common Sense
Countless Americans are
Suffering from Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness, Loneliness, Incel ,
Involuntary Celibacy Problems ,
The list goes on
Stupid, unjust, Retarded, outdated, cruel, inhumane, asinine, barbaric, oppressive, restrictive
“Laws” in America make it
Impossible for most Americans to be Patriotic
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings , Not Monsters
In addition to the: “Stupid, unjust, Retarded, outdated, cruel, inhumane, asinine, barbaric, oppressive, restrictive “Laws” in America, you also have Stupid, unjust, Retarded, outdated, cruel, inhumane, asinine, barbaric, oppressive, restrictive POLTICIANS in America WHO make it Impossible for most Americans to be Patriot
Seriously in Junior High & High Schools in New York City, why can’t Non-Jewish students mind their own damn business
Why Must they ask other students
“Are you Jewish ?” Seriously, why can’t they mind their own damn business, it’s inappropriate of them to ask , it makes others uncomfortable
Again why couldn’t the
Non-Jewish Students mind their own f–king business
What’s their problem ?
Then this other time in
7th grade in a Public
Junior High School in New York City in the 1990s
A Jewish male student was standing in line waiting for lunch in the School Cafeteria, in back of him another male student points to a female student standing a few feet away and says to the
Jewish male student
“She says you’re Jewish”
The Jewish male student felt very uncomfortable and afraid, the female student had a ugly sinister hateful look on her face
The Jewish student denied being Jewish
Then this other time in a
New York City Public High School , in a student’s Freshman year of Art Class in the Mid
There was a Very cool
Middle Aged Jewish Man who was the Art Teacher
A Female Student from India had her desk and seat located right next to the Art Teacher’s Desk
The Art Teacher was sitting at his desk and noticed what the Female student from India was drawing on her paper .
The Jewish Art Teacher said to the Female student
“Do you know what that symbol represents?”
The student replied it’s part of her Religion and culture
The Teacher replied in a serious, calm, stern voice
“It has to do with the Holocaust
The Destruction of 12 Million people during World War II”
The Female Student then Apologized and said that she was unaware of the More Well Known Diabolical Sinister meaning and history of the symbol she was drawing, the Swastika , she then
Erased the Swastika from her drawing , at the time of the Incident just described with the female student from India drawing the Swastika, the Female Student and the entire Art class was unaware that the Art Teacher was Jewish, it was only about 2 months later in the Semester that the Art Teacher in the Context of a Conversation with a student in Art class revealed that he was Jewish
The Swastika is an Ancient Symbol that Existed for Thousands of years Prior to it being perverted in usage by
Hitler and Nazi Germany
The Wikipedia article/entry for
Swastika says
“The swastika (卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious and cultural symbol, predominantly found in various Eurasian cultures, as well as some African and American ones. In the western world it is more widely recognized as a symbol of the German Nazi Party who appropriated it from Asian cultures starting in the early 20th century. The appropriation continues with its use by neo-Nazis around the world.[1][2][3][4] The swastika never stopped being used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.[1][5][6][7][8] It generally takes the form of a cross,[A] the arms of which are of equal length and perpendicular to the adjacent arms, each bent midway at a right angle.[10][11]”
The Full article is online
It’s also very sad how certain people in Life have become
Anti-Semitic after how in their words they had bad experiences with certain Jewish Individuals and they unjustly claim that All Jews or Most Jews are bad or Evil, they unjustly Stereotype the Jews based on a few bad
Jewish Individuals