Monthly Archives: January 2017

Ten states pursuing their own bills requiring people to use public bathrooms of their born gender

North Carolina’s decision to pass its notorious “bathroom bill” last year has prompted several other states to consider their own rules about how people can access public bathrooms. The North Carolina bill was in response to a local ordinance in Charlotte that allowed transgender people to use the restroom facility that lines up with their gender identity, regardless of their […]

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Day 2: Trump Listens To Muslim Call To Prayer In Washington National Cathedral

President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence began the second day of the Trump presidency interfaith prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral. According to the Washington Post, Trump and Pence sat in the front row as more than two dozen faith leaders, from Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Mormon, Jewish, Sikh, Buddhist and Bahá’í traditions, offered prayers and readings […]

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Trump signs executive order giving HHS power to waive ObamaCare’s individual mandate

But don’t get excited yet. This is more symbolic than substantive, but a natural start to the repeal process. Sec. 2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) and the heads of all other executive departments and agencies (agencies) with authorities and responsibilities under the Act shall exercise all authority and discretion […]

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Ted Cruz Introduces Bill To Declassify Histories Of Obama’s Gitmo Releases

If President Obama is determined to make his last hours as president as destructive and potentially deadly to U.S. citizens and our nation’s allies, as possible, then it’s good to have people like Ted Cruz proposing solutions. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) on Tuesday introduced legislation that would mandate the declassification and public release of information on previous terrorist activities […]

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Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense

Barack Obama was the first president of the United States to spend more on “means-tested entitlements”—AKA welfare—than on national defense, according to data published by his own Office of Management and Budget. Historical tables that the OMB posted on the Obama White House website, include annual totals for both “national defense” spending and “means-tested entitlement” spending going back to fiscal […]

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Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Israelis Ready for Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria

A public opinion poll commissioned by the Sovereignty Now movement in preparation for its February 12 conference in Jerusalem and released on the eve of President Trump’s Inauguration, shows that the vast majority of the Israeli Jewish population would like to see Israeli sovereignty being applied over Judea and Samaria. Only seven percent of the public are interested in establishing […]

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27 Jewish Centers Across the U.S. Face Hit With Bomb Threats

The JCC Association of North America reported that bomb threats Wednesday caused 27 Jewish community centers across 17 states to be evacuated and to “quickly engage in security protocols to ensure the safety of their participants and facilities.” Federal agents had already been investigating a series of threats last week that came via robocalls (and one live caller) to 16 Jewish […]

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Imam will issue Muslim call to prayer for Trump’s inauguration

The Trump transition team has confirmed that there will be an Imam issuing the Muslim call to prayer for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony Friday: Imam Mohamed Magid of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center, also known as the ADAMS Center, in Sterling, Virginia, will be one of 26 people offering prayers and reading from Scripture at the National […]

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Sens. Cruz and Graham Introduce Safeguard Israel Act to Prohibit Taxpayer Dollars to UN Until It Repeals Anti-Israel UNSC Resolution

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) today introduced the Safeguard Israel Act, which will cut off funding to the United Nations until the President certifies to Congress that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334 has been repealed. The resolution passed last month undermines and delegitimizes our our ally, Israel. Cruz and Graham discussed the importance […]

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Europe’s Jihad against Israel

Europe has a long history of trying to destroy Israel and has the blood of many innocent Jews on their hands. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Resolution 2334 was as sickening a surrender to the […]

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Obama Uses His Final Press Conference to Warn Trump That “He Will Step in if He Needs To”

Obama might not go away as easily as we wished. President Obama issued a farewell warning to President-elect Donald Trump, saying he would jump off the political sidelines if Trump goes against certain ‘core values.’ At his last scheduled news conference before leaving office on Friday, Obama said if there was ‘systemic discrimination,’ efforts to ‘silence dissent’ or to ‘roll […]

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Top US College Offers Class Asking ‘Is G-d a White Supremacist?’

Another day, another university’s religion program bogged down by political correctness. Earlier this week, we reported on how two top divinity schools are suggesting gender-neutral pronouns for G-d — and now one of the top colleges in the nation has students asking about whether G-d is a racist. Specifically, Pennsylvania’s Swarthmore College is offering a religion class this semester titled, “Is G-d a […]

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NEWT: Trump’s campaign speeches were at a 4TH GRADE LEVEL

Trump is probably speaking at a 4th grade level so he can communicate with his supporters. Newt explained to Heritage today why he believes Trump’s campaign speeches were at a 4th grade level: Normal Americans vs. the Elite – @newtgingrich knows why Trump beat out 17 primary challengers and Hillary. — Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) January 19, 2017 Newt argues […]

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Moshe Feiglin: ‘Having Trump in the White House won’t help us’

Former Likud MK and Zehut chairman Moshe Feiglin downplays relevance of Trump inauguration to Israel, says Israeli government must change. What impact will the transfer of power in Washington have on Israel? Very little, says former Likud MK and chairman of the Zehut party Moshe Feiglin. Feiglin, a Land of Israel activist who opposed the 1993 Oslo Accords and prior […]

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Trump pays out $25 million to settle Trump University litigation

Days before President-elect Donald Trump is set to take the oath to uphold the Constitution, he has followed through on a more painful obligation: coughing up $25 million to settle litigation over his defunct Trump University real estate seminar program. Trump University — now known as the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative — transferred the funds Tuesday night, according to two sources […]

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Rick Perry says he’ll “protect” global warming climate research

Rick Perry also says he’s changed his mind about the energy department and now regrets suggesting he would eliminate it since Trump has put him in charge of it. Energy Secretary nominee Rick Perry on Thursday repudiated a transition team questionnaire that sought the names of Energy Department employees involved in climate research, and vowed to “protect” those workers. “That […]

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Obama squeezes in $500 million payment to UN climate fund on his way out the door

President Barack Obama’s State Department, with just hours to go until it is overhauled by the incoming administration, announced Tuesday a half-a-billion-dollar contribution to the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund. “The Green Climate Fund is a critical tool that helps catalyze billions of dollars in public and private investment in countries dealing not only with the challenges of climate change, […]

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Trump Urged to Dance With Caitlyn Jenner at Inaugural Ball

Advisers are urging President-elect Donald Trump to dance with Caitlyn Jenner as he celebrates his inauguration on Friday night, Richard Johnson reported on Page Six of the New York Post. The inaugural ball dance would help ease concern within the LGBTQ community about Republicans and particularly Trump, according to Page Six. Bruce Jenner was a longtime Republican before he transitioned […]

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Buffalo, New York: Muslim nurse says “My life calling is to take down these Jews”

Did you know that in the U.K., the Department of Health made the decision allowing Muslim nurses to avoid washing their hands prior to dealing with patients to keep with Sharia law? The Canary Mission database “was created in order to document people and groups that are promoting hatred of the USA, Israel and the Jewish people.” The Canary Mission highlights an example that […]

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Obama Pardons Traitor General Who Leaked US-Israel Cyberattack on Iran’s Nukes

President Barack Obama on Tuesday granted a full and complete pardon to former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff retired four-star Marine Corps Marine General James E. “Hoss” Cartwright, who on October 17, 2016, pleaded guilty to falsely denying to the FBI that he was the source of classified information about US-Israeli cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear program, which […]

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Trump Told Michael Savage in 2015 Interview He’d Met Soviet Russian Dictator Putin

“Have you ever met Vladimir Putin?” Savage asks. “Yes,” Trump answers. “You have?” Savage says again. “Yes, one time, a long time ago,” Trump responded. “We got along great, by the way.” Trump during the campaign denied he met Putin and, repeatedly stated he had no relationship with him. The president-elect’s camp has also flatly rebuffed claims the Russian government […]

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Trump’s Interior Nominee: “Climate Change Is Not a Hoax”

Trump’s nominee for Interior is already folding on global warming. WASHINGTON EXAMINER – President-elect Trump’s pick to head the Interior Department told the Senate energy committee Tuesday that he does not believe climate change is a hoax. Montana Republican Rep. Ryan Zinke made the statement while answering questions by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. The Democratic presidential candidate asked if Zinke […]

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How left-wing and racist radicals are infiltrating our children’s minds

A radical progressive political agenda has replaced the pursuit of truth and objectivity in our nation’s classrooms, and it’s time parents and responsible citizens put an end to it. At New Trier High School, a public school in Winnetka, Illinois, students will be subjected in February to an “All-School Seminar Day” aimed at “understanding today’s struggles for racial civil rights.” […]

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Professor Says Arab Muslims Ramming Truck Into Israeli Soldiers to Kill Them Is Not Terrorism

Erakat claims any civilian who “is a direct participant in hostilities” can be killed unless, of course, they are Hamas or other Muslim terrorists who use civilians as human shields. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. […]

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Israel: “Security Council Resolution provided inspiration for terrorism”

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon accused the Security Council of providing inspiration and encouragement to terrorists who murder Israelis by passing Resolution 2334, which declared all Jewish presence over the 1949 armistice lines illegal and only condemned incitement and terrorism in abstract terms without condemning the PLO or Hamas. “Last month the Security Council voted to adopt resolution 2334 […]

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Black Violence on MLK Day: 39 Shot in Chicago and 10 Dead; 8 Shot in Miami and More Injured in Stampedes

Do black lives really matter to the black community? In Obama’s own Chicago, 10 people were killed and are least 39 people were shot by black thugs: At least 39 people were shot throughout Chicago over the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday weekend, leaving ten people dead. In 2016, nearly 60 people were shot over the [holiday] weekend and 11 people were killed. In […]

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Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin Comes To The Defense Of Donald Trump

Putin says Trump attackers are “worse than prostitutes.” This will quiet down all those who are questioning the relationship between Trump and Vladimir Putin, I’m sure. Russian President Vladimir Putin has come to the defense of President-elect Trump, slamming outgoing President Obama for what he sees as his efforts to make things difficult for the incoming administration.  Speaking at a […]

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Russia Says Ready to Talk to Trump About Nuclear Weapons and Syria

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Moscow was ready to talk to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s new administration about nuclear weapons and Syria, saying the two countries could together solve many of the world’s problems. Lavrov, speaking days before Trump’s inauguration, used an annual news conference to flag potential areas of cooperation and to belittle what he […]

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UN Global Warming Chief Openly Admits Goal Is Not to Help Environment but to End Capitalism

The United Nations top “climate change” chief openly admitted that global warming propaganda is nothing more than a scare tool used to destroy capitalism. The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true. A United Nations official has now confirmed this. At a news conference […]

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‘Bibi will continue as PM even if there is an indictment’

Coalition Chairman calls on Likud ministers to support PM while he is under investigation, says PM will continue to serve even if indicted. Coalition Chairman David Bitan stood by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as the investigation against the Prime Minister continued Monday, saying that the Likud party has no true partner in defending Netanyahu against the attacks of the opposition. […]

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Health Insurance “For Everybody” And The “Government Will Pay” Says “Republican” Donald Trump. AGAIN.

This should not be big, surprising, new news. But somehow it is. “We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will […]

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REPORT: John Kerry’s State Department Funneled Millions to His Daughter’s Non-Profit

More than $9 million of Department of State money has been funneled through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation started and run by Secretary of State John Kerry’s daughter, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show. The Department of State funded a Peace Corps program created by Dr. Vanessa Kerry and officials from both agencies, records show. […]

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NYT: Martin Luther King Jr. Plagiarized His Most Famous Speeches and Doctoral Dissertation

[New York Times] – Torn between loyalty to his subject and to his discipline, the editor of the papers of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reluctantly acknowledged yesterday that substantial parts of Dr. King’s doctoral dissertation and other academic papers from his student years appeared to have been plagiarized. The historian, Clayborne Carson, a professor of history at […]

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Was MLK’s Dream Sincere, or a Con?

In his famous speech offered before the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of a powerful faith. With it, he claimed “we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.” King’s legend has been similarly crafted, hewn from the mountain of truth into an image serving those who carved […]

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Trump to Meet With Martin Luther King III So He Doesn’t Look Racist

Trump meeting with Martin Luther King III while Mike Pence drops by the MLK memorial to pay respects. President-elect Donald Trump will meet Monday with Martin Luther King III, son of … Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., to commemorate Martin Luther King Day. Trump’s incoming press secretary Sean Spicer made the announcement Monday morning on Twitter: Today we observe the birthday of […]

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German Court Says Torching Synagogue Is Justified Act to ‘Criticize Israel’

It is completely insane for Jews to live in Germany, and they should migrate to Israel. “A German regional court in the city of Wuppertal affirmed a lower court decision last Friday stating that a violent attempt to burn the city’s synagogue by three men in 2014 was a justified expression of criticism of Israel’s policies. Johannes Pinnel, a spokesman for […]

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Israel: Sudanese Muslim broke into house, sexually assaulted 12 year old girl while she slept

The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more […]

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