Author Archives: Shlomo

Mother of Muslim Terror Victim Decries PLO Payments to Terrorists at UN

Terrorist murderers are being paid by the so-called PLO Fatah “moderate” Muslims in Israel – the same Muslim terrorists Trump is trying to force Israel to give up the holy land to. The mother of Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American citizen who was killed by a [so-called] “Palestinian” terrorist in Israel in November 2015, on Wednesday spoke out against […]

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Violent Black Lives Matter Wins Peace Prize

Are you really surprised? The Sydney Peace Foundation is giving its prestigious 2017 international peace prize to Black Lives Matter, despite the less-than-peaceful tactics of some of the group’s followers. The Sydney Peace Prize, affiliated with the University of Sydney, seeks to honor those who fight for the poor and oppressed, push back against racial discrimination, broker peace, save the planet, or […]

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After Jihad Suicide Bombing, Katy Perry Claims “no barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist”

Katy Perry puts part blame on the dead and injured victims of a suicide attack at Manchester children’s concert. After the suicide bombing that killed 22 people in Manchester on Monday, Perry made headlines when she said in an interview that the best way to respond to terrorism is to “just unite and love on each other.” The real solution […]

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Chelsea Clinton: “Child Marriage” and “Climate Change” are “Interconnected”

Sounding like she had a mouth full of mashed potatoes, Chelsea Clinton, while speaking as a panelist at the 2017 CARE National Conference to promote “social justice” (communism), attempted to conflate several unrelated separate issues as if they were somehow connected. Among the issues Chelsea Clinton, who now is the vice chair of the corrupt Clinton Foundation, believes are connected […]

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Outrage! Veterans banned from flying American flag

There’s a neighborhood near Atlanta, Georgia that has banned patriotism… except on certain “appropriate” days. That’s according to a shocking report from Fox News, which said that the controversial decision from a homeowners association allows their residents — including veterans — to fly the U.S. flag outside their home only 23 days per year. Recently, residents living in the community […]

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Trump’s “evolving” view of Islam is bad news for Israel and America

Standing in Bethlehem alongside PLO/Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, Trump said, “King Salman of Saudi Arabia could not have been kinder, and I will tell you, he’s a very wise, wise man.” During meetings with Russian officials earlier this month, Donald Trump revealed previously classified intelligence about ISIS activities, including a disclosure about the origins of the information. It would later be […]

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Trump tells Israel the so-called “Palestinians” are ready for peace and they can “make a deal”

Trump is pushing Israel to commit national suicide with Arab Muslim terrorists who call for the extermination of the Jewish people. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. In a speech in Jerusalem today, Trump said that the […]

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Secretary of State Tillerson Claims “Tel Aviv” is “home of Judaism”; Will not acknowledge Western Wall is in Israel

“Only the blind cannot point to Jerusalem as the center of Judaism and Israel,” Zionist Organization of America states. “We’re shocked at Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s remark to reporters during their Air Force One flight from Riyadh to Israel,” the Zionist Organization of America announced today. The secretary of state has been “perhaps the most hostile Trump cabinet member […]

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UK: Muslim Suicide Bomber Targets Kids at Manchester Concert, 22 Killed, 59 Wounded

Concert goer’s attacked in the UK on the anniversary of Muslims beheading Lee Rigby on a London street in broad daylight. Children were among 22 people killed in a suicide attack after an Ariana Grande concert at Britain’s Manchester Arena, police said early Tuesday. The bomber also died when he detonated an improvised explosive device near one of the venue’s […]

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Dear Ariana Grande: Are You Still A Pro Muslim “Refugee”, Anti-American, Fan Hater?

The Manchester attack happened after HER concert. Will it change her views? Probably not. The update today is that 22 people are dead, the first two confirmed victims are 18-year old Georgina Callander and 8-year old Saffie Rose Roussos. … What happens to a star that has made her views CRYSTAL clear about being a pro-refugee, pro-Muslim, anti-Trump, Nasty Women’s […]

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Twitter Liberals Worry Most About Muslims’ Feelings After Manchester Bombing

Leftists on Twitter were more concerned about “racism” towards Muslims than the victims of jihad mass-murder. How dare you tweet that it might be an Islamic terror attack, you racists! Via Daily Caller: An explosion outside of an Ariana Grande concert Monday night killed as many as 20 people and injured approximately 50, but some liberals on Twitter seem more […]

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Why Hasn’t Trump Canceled Obama’s Onerous Climate Deal?

One of the central themes of President Donald Trump’s campaign was the need to extricate the United States from international agreements that hurt American jobs and unfairly disadvantage American companies versus foreign competitors.  Another major theme was the promise to reverse Obama’s regulatory power grabs that dramatically expanded government control over our lives without the approval of Congress.  Those two […]

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Tillerson: President Trump’s Views On Islam Are “Evolving”

Because of course they are. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was in tow as President Trump made his first trip abroad, spoke with reporters about Trump’s “evolving” view of Islam. Yes. He’s evolving. In a piece from the Washington Examiner today, Tillerson notes: “I think the president’s views like we hope the American people’s views, are going to continue […]

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Nut-Job Alex Jones’ Site Gains Access to the White House Press Room

No. Seriously. Somebody at the White House thought giving somebody from InfoWars press credentials was ok. For those who remain gloriously unaware, InfoWars is the conspiracy site of Alex Jones, that pimps theories such as: 9/11 was an inside job, Sandy Hook was a “false flag” operation, and assorted other nut case fantasies. So this popped up today: Jerome Corsi, […]

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Terrorist Iran Re-Elects Rouhani as President

Iran’s nuclear program must be destroyed. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani won a second term in office on Friday, securing about 57 percent of the votes cast in Iran’s carefully vetted and stage-managed presidential election. Rouhani, a pragmatic hardliner often mistakenly described as a “moderate” by Western media, outpolled a field of rival candidates that included Ebrahim Raisi, an ultra-hardline protégé […]

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Trump Defends Islam; Claims that jihad terrorists aren’t Muslim

In February of 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump blamed Saudi Arabia for the 9/11 attacks twice in one day. One of the great mysteries is why hasn’t Saudi Arabia been held accountable? Trump denies “war between civilizations” in speech, and claims that jihadist terrorists aren’t Muslims. After decrying that liberals and Democrats do exactly this kind of thing, suddenly it’s going to be the […]

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What it’s really about: Rex Tillerson’s Exxon and others sign over $50 billion in Saudi deals on sidelines of Trump’s trip

Trumpist Roger Stone on Saudi Trip: ‘Makes Me Want to Puke.’ U.S. and Saudi firms signed over $50 billion in energy investment deals on Saturday, including a major agreement between Exxon Mobil and Saudi heavy industries. The agreement between Exxon and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation will help build a $20 billion chemical complex that the Trump administration had touted earlier […]

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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Blames U.S. for Mexico’s Organized Crime Problem

Okay, it’s not exactly an apology tour because he spoke the words while on U.S. soil. But it was an apology for America by Trump Secretary of State Rex Tillerson while standing alongside Mexican Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray Caso and Mexican Secretary of Government Miguel Angel Osorio Chong on Thursday during a press conference at the State Department. Speaking about the […]

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Ivanka Foundation Takes Money From Saudis; Trump Criticized Hillary for Same Thing

Past Trump tweet SLAMS Hillary for what Ivanka is now doing. It’s almost a daily occurrence now that something happens in Trumpworld that someone is able to find a previous tweet from Trump that showcases perfect hypocrisy (For example, after claiming Goldman Sacks owned Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton, he hired his fifth Goldman Sachs staffer to the administration once elected). I […]

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Planned Parenthood Gives Clinic Award for Murdering More Babies in Abortions

Maybe you’ve seen those awards given to local businesses for having a certain number of accident free days or hitting certain regional or area sales quotas. here’s an award that will take your breath away for a terribly and horrific reason: Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains gave its Aurua abortion clinic an award for increasing the number of babies […]

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Ivanka and Jared violate Shabbat so they can join Trump in pressuring Israel to commit national suicide

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner will be flying aboard Air Force One to Saudi Arabia with President Donald Trump on Friday, after receiving a rabbinical dispensation to travel on the Jewish Sabbath, according to a White House official. As “practicing” Orthodox Jews, Trump’s daughter and son-in-law typically observe the weekly Shabbat holiday, unplugging from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. But […]

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Biggest Arms Deal in World History: Trump’s Jewish son-in-law is the one who pushed $110 billion arms deal with Muslim Saudi Arabia

$110 Billion Weapons Sale to Saudis Has Jared Kushner’s Personal Touch. On the afternoon of May 1, President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, welcomed a high-level delegation of Saudis to a gilded reception room next door to the White House and delivered a brisk pep talk: “Let’s get this done today.” Mr. Kushner was referring to a $100 billion-plus arms deal […]

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U.S. orders airstrikes against pro-Assad forces in Syria; Still does nothing about Iran

Breaking right now is news that the US warplanes, as part of coalition forces, has attacked pro-Assad forces in Syria. BREAKING: US official confirms to @BuzzFeedNews that the US-led Coalition hit Assad regime forces with air strikes in southern Syria today — Mike Giglio (@mike_giglio) May 18, 2017 … Here’s more from the Washington Post: U.S. officials say an American […]

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Classified documents found in Olmert’s cell

Channel 2 News reports one of Olmert’s lawyers was caught smuggling classified documents out of his cell. Investigation underway. One of the lawyers representing former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was caught with classified documents in his possession as he left the prison in which Olmert is serving time, Channel 2 News reported Friday. The incident took place on Thursday, the […]

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Poll: Trump’s Popularity Plummeting Among Israeli Jews

The percentage of Jewish Israelis who consider US President Donald Trump more pro-Israel than pro-“Palestinian” has taken a nosedive since his inauguration, according to a Smith Research poll published on Thursday and taken for The Jerusalem Post. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the […]

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OFFICIAL: Trump not moving embassy to Jerusalem

It’s official. Trump is not moving the embassy to Jerusalem in order to appease Arab Muslims. BLOOMBERG – President Donald Trump has decided not to immediately move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a senior White House official said, violating a campaign promise but avoiding a provocation that could drive Palestinians away from peace talks. The official said the administration […]

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Trump to reiterate “restraint” on building in Judea and Samaria before visit

Trump’s policies towards Israel are identical to Obama’s. US president Donald Trump will reiterate during his forthcoming visit his opposition to broadening construction in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and expects Israel to confirm that it heard his opinion. This according to a Jerusalem Post report based on a senior White House official. The official said that Trump would […]

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NY court rejects huge Israeli suit against Facebook for allowing terrorists calling to kill Jews

A New York Federal Court rejected Thursday the Shurat Hadin billion dollar suit against Facebook for not preventing incitement to kill Israelis. The Shurat Hadin organization announced that they would appeal the decision and continue to fight the wild incitement on Facebook which has led to the murder of innocent Israelis. The organization stated that Facebook had not provided a […]

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Algeria bans Jews from pilgrimage to holy site. Not Israelis – Jews.

For the 12th straight year, Algerian authorities have banned Jews from visiting the grave of Rabbi Ephraim Alnaqua, a 14th century Jewish leader, philosopher and physician. I found the background in this recent article in Raseef22, a liberal Arab publication. Darb al-Yahoud, or the Jews’ Path, is one of the most prominent neighborhoods in the Algerian city of Tlemcen that […]

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Not the Onion: Planned Parenthood Campaign Encourages Supporters To “Slay” Unborn Babies

Planned Parenthood encouraged women to “slay” in a recent effort to bolster support for the abortion organization Wednesday. “Watch. Share. Slay.” is the slogan for the campaign Planned Parenthood launched Wednesday, which centers on a video filmed by Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon in support of the organization. “If there’s anything we’ve learned from Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, The Avengers) […]

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Trump and Ivanka launch Women’s Health Week promoting Hillary Clinton’s policies

Sunday was Mother’s Day, a celebration of Mom . . . unless you live in certain parts of Canada. It was also the beginning of Women’s Health Week, “a national effort by an alliance by government organizations designed to raise awareness about and improve the health of women everywhere”—except women still in the womb whose Moms patronize Planned Parenthood because […]

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Police Arrest Innocent Jews Who Shot Their Way Out of 20-Arab Ambush

Defending yourself from being brutally murdered by terrorists appears to be illegal. Two Israeli civilians escaped a well organized ambush as they were driving along Rt. 60 early Wednesday morning. Near Silwad, some 8 miles north-east of Ramallah in the Benjamin region of Judea and Samaria, their car was suddenly attacked by dozens of Arab terrorists who started throwing rocks […]

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Ted Cruz: Western Wall ‘part of Israel’ & Jerusalem Israel’s capital

Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, reiterated his position on the Western Wall and Jerusalem Tuesday, telling Conservative Review that the former is part of Israel and the latter remains its “undivided” capital. The Texas senator’s statement follows statements from three separate Trump administration officials refusing to say whether the Western Wall in (Israel’s capital city of) Jerusalem is part of Israel. […]

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Belgium makes Kosher illegal: Ban on Jewish ritual slaughter passes without opposition

“The last assault on ritual slaughter was by the Nazis.” The Walloon Parliament in southern Belgium voted unanimously to ban the slaughter of unstunned animals, a requirement for both kosher and halal ritual slaughter. Only the two Labor Party lawmakers in the 75-member plenum in Belgium’s largest region abstained in the vote Wednesday, La Libre Belgique reported. Earlier this month, […]

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Trump On Twitter: “I Have The Absolute Right” To Share Top Secret Classified Intel With Russia

Trump “revealed more to the Russians than we’ve shared with our own allies.” Donald Trump is under fire for sharing what many are alleging is classified information with Russian diplomats. Naturally, the morning after such a story breaks, Donald Trump opened up his Twitter app and decided to defend himself. To his credit, Trump’s tweets don’t discredit what others at […]

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U.S. intel officials warn Israel against sharing info with Trump due to Russia’s Relationship with Iran; Israel provided intel Trump gave to Russians

U.S. intelligence officials warn Israeli counterparts against sharing info with Trump administration. Shared information could be leaked to Russia and onward to Iran, American officials implied to Israelis in closed meeting, saying Kremlin has ‘leverages of pressure’ over Trump, Ronen Bergman reports. Israel was the source of the intelligence which US President Donald Trump gave to Russian officials during a […]

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