Author Archives: Shlomo

Obama tightens gun control through 10 new executive orders

License now required to sell single firearm, ban for some Social Security recipients. President Obama has issued 10 executive orders changing the way gun sales are monitored and carried out, redefining a gun “dealer” to include almost any private citizens who sell even a single gun annually. Under the Obama edict, many person-to-person sales of firearms would now be scooped […]

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Trump Is ‘Buddy’ of Clintons

Jeb Bush is also not a true conservative and fully supports illegal amnesty and common core, but he’s right about Trump. Jeb Bush said Tuesday [that Donald Trump is] a “buddy of the Clintons” and his views are not those held by true conservatives. “He’s the only person on the stage that’s given money to Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton’s […]

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A group of 14 Democrat senators has written a letter to President Obama urging him to “dramatically increase” the number of Syrian refugees being resettled into American cities and towns. They say the U.S. needs to take in at least 65,000 Syrians as permanent refugees over the next year-and-a-half. “While the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance […]

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Cologne Mayor: Women Should Be More Careful After Migrant Mass Rapes, Promises ‘Guidance’ So They Can ‘Prepare’

A political scandal is developing in Germany as ordinary citizens wake up to the scale of the migrant crime cover-up, and the callous reaction of the mayor of Cologne to mass-sex crime on new year’s eve. The Mayor of Cologne has spoken out about the attacks, but her carefully chosen words are unlikely to delight many. Rather than addressing the root […]

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Arab Muslim Woman From Michigan Explains Why its “Permissible” to Stab Innocent Jews

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Lina Allan, a [so-called] “Palestinian”-Jordanian activist who lives in Michigan, published a video in which she attempted to rebut the position of people who prohibit the stabbing of Jews by […]

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Trump says he is open to spying on Israel if he becomes president

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “leave open the possibility of spying” on allies like Israel if he were president. On Sunday morning, Trump was asked on the CBS news show “Face the Nation”for his reaction to The Wall Street Journal story from late last month reporting that the National Security Agency spied on Israeli Prime Minister […]

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Serious Problems with Duma Indictment

The many contradictions that arise from the indictment of Amiram Benoliel have only shown it’s a complete farce meant to frame innocent Jews. Amiram Benoliel was indicted today (Jan. 3rd) in connection with the arson that occurred in Duma almost six months ago. His lawyer, Itamar Ben Gvir, claims that his client is innocent and his confession was the result […]

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Turkey’s President Praises “Hitler’s Germany” As Example Of Effective Government

Back in August, Nationalist opposition leader Devlet Bahceli took to Twitter to call Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a “locally produced Hitler, Stalin or Qaddafi”: Yönetim sistemi bir ki?inin eline kald?ysa vay halimize! Bizim yerli üretim Hitler’e, Stalin’e, Kaddafi’ye tahammülümüz olmaz, bu iyi biline — Devlet Bahçeli (@dbdevletbahceli) August 15, 2015 That comment came as Erdogan was busy undermining the […]

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France: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” tries to run down soldiers guarding mosque

Of course, this was first reported as an act of islamofauxbia, before it was known that the would-be murderer was Muslim. Will Salon and other mainstream media outlets delete their initial reports, the way they did with the Houston mosque fire after was reported the arsonist was Muslim? What’s striking is that even as the infidels guard their fortresses (mosques) […]

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1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal On New Year’s Eve

Just five arrests have been made by German police after central Cologne was transformed into a war-zone on New Year’s Eve, as an estimated 1,000 migrants celebrated by launching fireworks into crowds and sexually assaulting German women caught up in the chaos. The sordid details of the horrifying sexual assaults and attacks made against ordinary Germans by large gangs of […]

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Another Arab Terrorist Shooting in Har Hevron Region – As Attacks Continue Rolling in Every 2 Hours

One Israeli moderately wounded in shooting attack at an intersection in Judea. A shooting attack took place on Sunday night in the Har Hevron region of Judea, near the ancient city of Hevron. One Israeli aged in his 20s was moderately wounded in the attack, which occurred at Hakvishim Intersection in the region. Military medic teams are providing medical treatment to the […]

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Innocent Young Jew Tortured into So-called “Confession” by Israeli Government

If the government can get away with this, they can get away with anything! Following the indictments, the attorney for one of the minors, Itamar Ben-Givir, told the press “My client is innocent”, categorically rejecting the indictment. “The indictment is not final but the opening of a Pandora’s box opened by the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet)”. Ben-Givir […]

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Chinese Government Gets Sick Of Islamic Violence, Take 13 Muslim Jihadists And Execute All Of Them

The Chinese government, getting so sick and tired of Islamic violence, took 13 Muslims and executed all of them in a measure of pure justice. According to one report: China executed 13 people today for “terrorist attacks” in the far western region of Xinjiang, state media said, while a further three were sentenced to death for staging a lethal attack […]

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Here in America: Muslims Take Over U.S. Town… Immediately Begin Implementing Shariah Law

Hamtramck, Michigan is the first city in America with a majority Muslim population. According to the Washington Post, the population finally got up the numbers to put their people into city and local government. And, boy — they didn’t take long to show exactly what a Muslim-run city council was going to do for the impoverished Michigan town. Hamtramck has […]

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Swiss Army Chief Warns Of Social Unrest, Calls Upon Citizens To Arm Themselves

Swiss army chief André Blattmann warned, in a Swiss newspaper article on Sunday, the risks of social unrest in Europe are soaring. Recalling the experience of 1939/1945, Blattman fears the increasing aggression in public discourse is an explosively hazardous situation, and advises the Swiss people to arm themselves and warns that the basis for Swiss prosperity is “being called into […]

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Ben Carson’s Free-Falling Campaign Loses Top 2 Staffers

Ben Carson’s campaign manager and communications director both resigned Thursday morning, just a month away from the Iowa Caucuses, in a surprise move that could shake up the campaign as his poll numbers continue their downhill slide. Communications Director Doug Watts, in a statement to The Des Moines Register, confirmed that he and Campaign Manager Barry Bennett had stepped down, […]

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Iran’s president hits back at Obama, expands nuclear missile program

Day after report of new sanctions on ballistic missile program, Iranian president orders to expand program in UN sanction breach. Israel should have taken out their nuclear program. A day after reports that US President Barack Obama [who just signed the suicidal nuclear deal with Iran] is planning new sanctions on companies taking part in Iran’s ballistic missile program, Iranian President […]

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Police Looking For Black Male Who Burglarized Brooklyn’s Sephardic Jewish Community

The New York City Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in locating and identifying a suspect who is wanted in connection to a burglary which occurred in Brooklyn. On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at approximately 2:06PM, the suspect entered a residence through the front open door in the vicinity of East 4th Street and Avenue T and removed a […]

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3 weeks after Arab terrorist attack, Israeli Jew stabbed in Hebron dies

Genadi Kaufman, 40 and father of two children, was attacked outside the Tomb of the Patriarchs. An Israeli man who was stabbed by [an Arab Muslim] terrorist outside of Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs three weeks ago died on Wednesday morning. Genadi Kaufman, 40, succumbed to his injuries at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center. A spokesman for the hospital announced […]

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More Than 30 U.S. Republicans, Led by Ted Cruz, Call on Obama to Close PLO’s D.C. Office

GOP Congressmen say Obama administration should apply a 1987 law banning the PLO from operating in the United States. More than 30 Republicans in Congress, spearheaded by presidential candidate Ted Cruz, called on the Obama administration to close the PLO office in Washington in a recently circulated written appeal. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It […]

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Shin Bet is lying, there was torture

Jewish youth released Tuesday recounts ‘frightening’ ordeal while in the ISA’s custody. The Jewish youth held for nearly a month in connection to the deadly Duma arson spoke out Wednesday a day after after his release from Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) custody. “I didn’t understand what they wanted from me,” he recounted to Channel 2. “I went into the interrogation room […]

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Jewish Student Violently Attacked By Black Racist While Walking Home From Yeshiva in NYC

Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) urged the community to be on high alert after learning about a second local attack in the past 24 hours. A 17-year-old Jewish male from Flatbush was listening to music while walking home from yeshiva around 6:30 p.m. Monday evening. The attack occurred off Avenue L and East 29th Street. The victim was approached and attacked […]

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Obama White House Used NSA to Spy on Israel, Members of Congress, American Jewish Groups

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was the target of National Security Agency eavesdropping which also netted the private conversations of members of U.S. Congress and American Jewish groups, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. The alleged spying took place despite a promise two years ago by President Barack Obama — after it was revealed that the NSA had listened in […]

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Iranian rocket passes within 1,500 yards of US aircraft carrier

Iranian rockets passed within 1,500 yards of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz last week, a senior defense official confirmed Tuesday to Fox News. Cmdr. Kyle Raines, a U.S. Central Command spokesman, said in a statement to the Associated Press early Wednesday that Iranian Revolutionary Guard naval vessels fired “several unguided rockets” after giving only 23 […]

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California Law Allowing Police to Seize Guns Without Notice Begins Jan. 1

A new California gun control law takes effect next week that will allow police, without prior warning to a gun owner, seize their weapons if a judge decides there’s a potential for violence. The law was prompted by a 2014 mass shooting near the University of California, Santa Barbara, in which officers beforehand visited shooter Elliot Rodger’s home after his […]

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REPORT: Muslim “Refugee” Migrant Crime Up 47 Per Cent This Year

End of year statistics released by the Federal German state of Saxony has shown a steep increase in immigrant crime, with a growing number of multiple offenders responsible for the rise since 2014. The increase is significant in the east German Free State of Saxony, as it lies outside the most heavy migratory path which is concentrated on southern state Bavaria. As the […]

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Israeli Government Is Torturing Jewish Children: Former Likud Member Moshe Feiglin’s Open Letter

Moshe Feiglin Presents Open Letter to the Jewish Home and Nationalist Likud MKs. I don’t understand how Knesset Members from the Jewish Home and the more nationalist Likud members do not stop the horror of the torture of the Duma suspects. After all, they are severely torturing the children of your constituents. There is no excuse for this. They are […]

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Emory Prof: ‘Dear White America, Admit to Racist Poison Inside of You’

“Being neither a ‘good’ white person nor a liberal white person will get you off the proverbial hook.” “Dear White America,” begins a New York Times op-ed by black Emory Professor George Yancy. In this discriminating Christmas Eve “gift” only to white people, Yancy asks “to let go of your ‘white innocence’” and bring yourself to the point of admission […]

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