Author Archives: Shlomo

Deja Vu All Over Again: Rockets Fired by Arab Muslim Terrorists in Southern Israel

[Arab Muslim] terrorists are once again firing rockets at southern Israel. Rocket sirens sounded Saturday night in Israeli towns near the border with the Gaza Strip. The IDF said it was investigating the incident. Late Friday night, Israeli warplanes carried out three air strikes in the northern Gaza Strip after two rockets were fired from the Strip at southern Israel. […]

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Abbas: Blood of ‘martyrs’ spilled on Temple Mount is ‘pure’

“Moderate” Fatah leader praises rioters, says Jews have ‘no right to desecrate the mosque with their dirty feet’. Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday hailed the [Arab Muslim] rioters on the Temple Mount, saying any blood spilled in defense of the holy site was “pure.” The [PLO] president’s comments came amid days of clashes between police and Arab protesters at the Temple […]

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US Seeks ‘Steep Ramp Up’ Of Syrian Muslim “Refugees” Coming to U.S.

A State Department official said on Saturday that U.S. leaders are committed to bringing more Syrian refugees to the United States and that she would like to see a “steep ramp up” in their numbers in 2017. Anne Richard, assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration, told National Public Radio the Obama administration would like to see the […]

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Tolerant Leftists to Obama: Use RICO Laws to Jail Global Warming Skeptics

Twenty alarmist climate “scientists” – including UN IPCC lead author Kevin ‘Travesty’ Trenberth – have written a letter to President Obama urging him to use RICO laws to crush dissent by climate skeptics. Their hypocrisy and dishonesty, especially that of the main signatory, almost defies belief. The letter goes like this: September 1, 2015 Dear President Obama, Attorney General Lynch, […]

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UN Security Council: Keep Jewish Prayer Ban on Temple Mount

UNSC calls for ‘normality’ – i.e. lack of religious freedom for Jewish worshippers – which ‘promotes the prospects for peace.’ The UN Security Council appealed for calm and restraint Thursday after three days of clashes this week at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount  between Israeli police and Arab mobs. In a unanimous declaration, the 15-member panel also expressed its “grave concern” and called for maintaining the […]

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Obama rolls out the red carpet for a racist, pro-cop-killing movement

#BlackLivesMatter Goes to the White House. The Obama White House rolled out the red carpet this week for leaders of the racist revolutionary Black Lives Matter movement, providing yet more confirmation that the Obama administration supports its members’ increasingly violent activism. News of the meeting comes after a Southern police chief was given the boot for posting a note critical […]

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The telltale truth of Syrian Muslim “refugees” left in garbage they leave behind

As I look at photos posted by witnesses at the Italian/Austrian border, Serbian/Hungarian border, and various train stations around Europe, I am wondering who is going to clean the mountains of trash left behind for miles and miles, as far as the eye can see, by the “refugees” from the Middle East. “Why has everyone, from everywhere and all at […]

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Don’t believe the Carly Fiorina hype: Why you should be worried

Carly Fiorina said “the [so-called] peace process ultimately must include a two-state solution.” And Los Angeles Rabbis and other Jewish community leaders  released a letter to Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, asking her to apologize in Israel for overseeing Hewlett-Packard as it used a subsidiary to sell equipment to terrorist Iran and sidestep US trade sanctions. It was Carly Fiorina’s […]

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US Admits Quarter of a Million Muslim Immigrants a Year

The United States admits a quarter of a million immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries every year, according to federal data reported by In 2013, the number was 280276. Of those 117,423 were made permanent residents, 122,921 were temporary migrants and 39,932 were refugees and asylum seekers. The figures come as President Barack Obama has ordered the United States to […]

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Ferguson Report: ‘Make No Mistake: This is About Race’

And it’s only the beginning… The 198-page Ferguson report spearheaded by Democratic Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon was released Monday and has declared that racism is the underlying problem between citizens and police officers. That conclusion is not hard to believe when the report is titled, “Forward Through Ferguson: A Path Toward Racial Equity.” There were 16 volunteer St. Louis citizens on […]

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Ahmed Mohamed and the “Islamophobia” Terrorist Clock

And Obama invites Ahmed Mohamed, who was arrested in Texas, to the White House. A Muslim teen, fourteen-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, bought a strange ticking device to his school, MacArthur High School. His device caused alarm and fear, and he was detained for having what his teacher perceived as a bomb. Police officers said the electronic components and wires inside his Vaultz pencil case (which […]

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Ann Coulter Digs “F—ing Jews” Hole Deeper – Also Taking Shot at Evangelical Christians

Coulter’s remarks sparked a stream of support from anti-Semites, including terrorist Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. After the GOP debate on Wednesday night, Ann Coulter sent out the following tweets.  As left-leaning Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted: Coulter, who has 660,000 Twitter followers, was reacting to the frequent mentions of Israel made by participants in the second televised Republican debate held Wednesday at […]

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Total Failure: Commander admits size of US-trained Syrian fighting force at ‘4 or 5’

Not 4,000 or 5,000 fighting Islamic State terrorist… only 4 or 5. The top U.S. military commander for the Middle East admitted Wednesday that only “four or five” U.S.-trained fighters remain on the battlefield in Syria, leading to accusations from lawmakers that the program is a “joke” and “total failure.” Gen. Lloyd Austin, commander of the U.S. Central Command, addressed […]

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“Allahu Akbar!”: Muslim “refugee” migrants rampage, attack police

Despite the best efforts of CNN, the BBC and other media giants to paint the European migrant crisis as a spontaneous humanitarian crisis fueled by Syria’s civil war, evidence continues to mount to the contrary. On Wednesday full-fledged riots broke out at Hungary’s border with Serbia, where Hungary had just this week finished work on a razor-wire fence to keep […]

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No, Obama does not want to import 10,000 Muslim migrants. Add another zero to that number.

For those who thought the idea of importing 10,000 “Syrian refugees” was bad enough and who feared the number would go even higher, it just did. Much, much higher. Per Bloomberg: Wednesday at the White House, the most senior national security officials will discuss raising the limit on the number of refugees from around the world allowed to enter the […]

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Police beef up presence in Jerusalem after days of Muslim Arab riots and violence at Temple Mount

Let me ask you a question. Do you think Israel would still be filled with violence if the Arab Muslim anti-Semites were thrown out? Israel Police on Tuesday beefed up its presence in Jerusalem after three days of violent clashes with [Arab Muslim terrorists] on the Temple Mount, as a UN envoy warned the skirmishes could spark a broader conflict. […]

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Donald Trump ‘Worst Republican, Simply Awful’

Club for Growth President David McIntosh released an email letter this weekend saying the group was not going to “back down” in their fight against Donald Trump. McIntosh claimed Trump is “posing” as an anti-establishment conservative, but in reality he’s a liberal. The letter accuses the billionaire of supporting single-payer socialized medicine “to the left” of Obamacare; advocating the largest […]

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Ann Coulter on GOP Israel Talk: ‘How Many F***ing Jews’ Do They Think Are in the U.S.?

Ann Coulter lit up social media Wednesday night when she let loose with a tweeted obscenity out of frustration with what she termed “pandering” to Israel during the Republican presidential debate, reports the Times of Israel. A bunch of the Republican candidates mentioned Israel in their closing remarks at the debate tonight, and boy did Ann Coulter have something to say […]

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Yale Establishes Islamic Law Center Thanks to $10M from Saudi Sharia-Banker, Bin Laden Financier

Saleh Abdullah Kamel, a Saudi banker who is now worth billions of dollars thanks to his success with Sharia-compliant financing, has donated $10 million to Yale University as part of a successful effort to build an Islamic Law Center at the Ivy League school. “Mr. Kamel’s extraordinary generosity will open up exciting new opportunities for Yale Law School and for […]

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Jewish New Year Begins with Bloody Arab Muslim Violence in Jerusalem – 64-year-old Jewish Man Murdered

The 64-year-old Israeli, Alexander Levlovitz, died and two passengers were hurt after Arab savages smashed their car with rocks in Jerusalem. The Jewish New Year began with blood for security personnel as well as for some who were traveling on Rosh Hashana in Jerusalem and surrounds. Police who provide security at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem […]

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3 Arab Muslims Arrested for Murder as Jerusalem Jewish Residents Take to the Streets

Residents of neighborhood gathered in protest, as Border Police carried out arrests following lethal rock attack. Border Police forces carried out three arrests before dawn Wednesday at the the Tzur Baher neighborhood in southeastern Jerusalem, following a rock ambush that killed a Jewish man on Sunday evening, Rosh Hashana. The video documents the arrests, which were carried out as residents […]

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ABC Poll: Hillary Imploding, Support Below 50 Percent for First Time

Hillary Clinton’s growing email scandal is hurting her standing among Democrats, according to a Washington Post/ABC poll released on Monday that shows her support dropping below 50 percent for the first time, with her largest decline coming from white women, who have until now been her major source of support. Clinton still was the poll’s leader, taking 42 percent of […]

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Convicted Fraudster Helped Obama Sell Iran Deal

Convicted fraudster Robert Creamer played a key role in selling the Iran deal to Democrats, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. Creamer, a political consultant who is intimately connected with Obama’s inner political circle, pleaded guilty in 2005 to tax violations and bank fraud. He served time in a federal prison and was under house arrest. After finishing his sentence, […]

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#BlackLivesMatter Activist Murders Kentucky Cop

A Black Lives Matter supporter was killed by police yesterday after he shot a rookie Kentucky State Trooper to death following a high speed chase. This murder is the latest in a series of cop-killings nationwide committed by aggrieved African-Americans who falsely claim blacks are perennial victims of racial discrimination at the hands of law enforcement. The virulently racist Black […]

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Arab Muslims Planned to Explode Pipe Bombs at Jews on Temple Mount

Police have confirmed they found pipe bombs that could be filled with explosives at the Al-Aqsa mosque. Masked Arab rioters had prepared pipe bombs to be filled with explosives in a planned pogrom against Jews and non-Jewish tourists on the Temple Mount Sunday. Advanced intelligence helped police foil the attack, and law enforcement officers startled the Arabs shortly after dawn, […]

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Abbas Condemns Israel’s Temple Mount Defense from Muslim Violence as ‘Attack’

Mahmoud Abbas strongly condemned the Israel Police on Sunday, calling their defense during an Arab mob riot an “attack.” “The presidency strongly condemns the attack by the occupier’s military and police against the Al-Aqsa mosque and the aggression against the faithful who were there,” a statement from his office said. Earlier Sunday, masked Muslim rioters hurled rocks and fireworks at police on the […]

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Trump: “U.S. should accept some Syrian refugees” while slamming Kim Davis

Trump talks to Bill O’Reilly who attacked Israel for not taking any of the Syrian Muslims. Washington (CNN) – Donald Trump thinks the United States should accept some refugees from Syria due to the “unbelievable humanitarian problem.” Trump has made [phony] anti-immigration rhetoric a cornerstone of his campaign, but the Republican presidential candidate said Tuesday evening that though the migrants could […]

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Senate Leader RINO Mitch McConnell: Defunding Planned Parenthood Is “Exercise in Futility”

On September 1, 2015, the Center for Medical Progress released its latest video – the 9th in its series of videos catching the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling aborted baby body parts. Their ninth video caught a Planned Parenthood medical director discussing how the abortion company sells fully intact aborted babies. The liberal media has been working overtime to hide […]

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Euthanasia: California Senate Passes Dangerous Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide

The California state Senate today approved a dangerous bill to legalize assisted suicide that will target the elderly and disabled. The Democrat-dominated California Senate approved SB 128, “physician-assisted suicide,” where often-misdiagnosed and depressed “terminal” patients would be prescribed a lethal dose of drugs, “inspiring” a suicide culture. Jonathan Keller of the California Family Council told he is very disappointed […]

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Tennessee Common Core Teaches “One Nation Under Allah” to Children

The perils of on-size-fits all top-down government-controlled education reared its ugly head once again with the news that TN Core, Tennessee’s version of the national Common Core, middle school students in the Maury County School District were required to recite and write, “Allah is the only god,” as part of a history project, as Breitbart News reported: In the Maury […]

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Democrats Block GOP Resolution, Secure Iran Nuke Deal

Senate Democrats today successfully blocked a bipartisan disapproval resolution meant to kill President Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal with the terrorist regime of Iran, ensuring its survival, reports Politico. With a 58-42 vote, Democrats filibustered a resolution that would have gone to Obama’s desk for consideration, even though the President had already promised to veto it anyway. Republicans immediately branded Democrats as obstructionist for using the Senate’s […]

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Iran’s Supreme Leader: Israel Won’t Exist in 25 Years, Our Jihad Won’t Relent

This is the creature who rules the fanatical anti-Semitic, anti-American regime to whom we’ve offered breathtaking nuclear concessions, and will soon be furnishing with tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief: After negotiations, in Zionist regime they said they had no more concern about Iran for next 25 years; I’d say: — (@khamenei_ir) September 9, 2015 You’ll be annihilated […]

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Ellen DeGeneres to Hillary: ‘You Don’t Have to’ Answer E-Mail Questions, ‘They Have Not Found a Thing’

In a fawning “interview” with Hillary Clinton aired on Thursday that amounted to a campaign rally, liberal talk show host Ellen DeGeneres teed up the Democratic front-runner to brush the e-mail scandal aside: “Let’s just get this out of the way. Let’s talk about the emails…What?” Clinton replied: “I’m glad you asked. I used a personal email account. It was […]

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New Undercover Video Shows Hillary Campaign Violating Election Law

An undercover video published Thursday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas purports to show Nevada-based Hillary Clinton campaign staffers and volunteers ignoring and knowingly violating Nevada’s voter registration laws. Moreover, the video appears to show that this conduct is being condoned and encouraged by a local attorney who works for the Clinton campaign. According to the video, it is a felony in the […]

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Office Depot Refuses to Print Copies of Pro-Life Prayer

Office Depot has refused to print copies of a pro-life prayer on the grounds that to do so violates company policy of printing material that “advocates the persecution of people who support abortion rights.” Maria Goldstein, 42, ordered 500 copies of “A Prayer for the Conversion of Planned Parenthood” at Office Depot in Schaumburg, Illinois, for distribution at her Roman Catholic […]

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Kids Get School Supplies from Groups Associated with Terrorism

Broward School Board Member Ann Murray helps expose children to “Islamist outreach”. It’s back to school time for kids. New teacher, new friends and new costs for school supplies – something parents know can be fairly expensive! To exploit this financial concern, this past July, Islamist groups, including ICNA, CAIR and Emerge USA, along with Broward County School Board Member […]

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Senior Military Intelligence Spies Rebel: Islamic State Intelligence being Manipulated

Senior military intelligence spies allege reports on ISIS, Nusra being ‘cooked’ in briefings with Obama to make it look like US is winning. More than 50 US military intelligence analysts have alleged their reports were “cooked”, or manipulated, to make it look like the US is winning its war against the ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorist groups, in briefings to […]

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