Category Archives: Articles

U.S. Military Aid Fueling Hezbollah’s Next War Against Israel

American military aid to the Lebanese army is arming the Iranian-backed terror group Hezbollah, which has been amassing a large cache of advanced arms on Israel’s border, according to multiple current and former U.S. officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon. Following the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who fled the country and disclosed that Hezbollah controls the […]

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U.S. troops in Afghanistan taught for years not to oppose “culturally accepted practice” of child sex abuse

What are we in Afghanistan for, if not to stand for our own values and the principles of human rights? Instead, U.S. officials for years were aiding and abetting the destruction of these boys’ lives — and all too often sacrificing the lives of our own troops. This is beyond shameful. “Those are the ones brought near in the Gardens […]

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J-Street’s new lying campaign against Israel proves how anti-Israel they are

J-Street, led by J-Street U, started a new campaign this week called  “Stop Demolitions, Build Peace.” Acting exactly like any anti-Israel organization, J-Street U is “partnering” with six Arab communities in the West Bank to protect them from Israel demolishing illegal structures. So for example, one of the communities being partnered with is Jabal al-Baba, a village I cannot find listed in […]

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Leftists: “Babies are bad for the planet” and “morally wrong”

“And G-d blessed them, and G-d said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it” Genesis 1:28 It’s hardly surprising that the Left, which so often promotes abortion as a good thing, would also promote fewer babies in general as a net positive for Earth. You see, babies are bad. Mewling infants cause many problems for those adults who […]

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Washington Post: “Groping Franken Should Not Resign Because He Might be Replaced by a Republican”

This really says it all. It’s not about justice or women. For Democrats, it’s all politics. Bill Clinton proves that. It is better to have a man who gropes women in office that to risk the appointment of a Republican, according to writer Kate Harding, who shared her views in an op-ed published Friday in The Washington Post. Harding, the author […]

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Netanyahu cares more about terrorist Iran and Iraq Muslims than the Jewish people in Israel

Netanyahu wants to give money to the Muslim terrorists that call for another holocaust against the Jewish people due to an earthquake on the Iran/Iraq border. And how does he want to achieve this? By donating to the anti-semitic Red Cross that helped the Nazis exterminate the Jews in Nazi concentration camps and who calls Israel “occupiers.” Then, to top […]

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Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan Takes Shape—and It’s a Suicidal Disaster for Israel as Usual

Senior Trump administration officials reportedly are crafting a plan for Middle East peace. Based on the details that are available so far, friends of Israel have good reason for concern. According to a front-page New York Times report on Nov. 12, the administration is preparing what it considers to be an “ultimate deal” between Israel and the [so-called] “Palestinian” Arabs. […]

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Jared Kushner Failed To Provide Congress With Email Offering “Russian Backdoor Overture”

White House adviser Jared Kushner was forwarded an email during the campaign last year offering a “backdoor Russian overture” as well as communications from a Belarusian-American businessman who has been identified as a major source of the infamous Steele dossier. But Kushner, who is President Trump’s son-in-law, failed to turn those documents over to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the top […]

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RINO Mitch McConnell and His Cronies are Trying to Steal This Election From Roy Moore

Why is it so easy for the media to believe Moore is guilty until proven innocent, when they have defended rapist Bill Clinton tooth and nail and even attacked his accusers? I think you know why. Judge Roy Moore spoke on Wednesday afternoon, standing before supporters, many of them local pastors and Christian leaders in Alabama, telling an enthusiastic crowd that Mitch […]

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RINO Republicans like Mitch McConnell and the Democrats have a double standard for Roy Moore and Al Franken

Hours after news broken that a U.S. senator made inappropriate sexual advances on a woman, Alabama Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore said he is not getting the similar benefit of the doubt. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minnesota, was accused by sports broadcaster Leeann Tweeden of groping her and kissing her aggressively when they were rehearsing a skit for a USO show […]

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Department of Homeland Security To Accept Mail-Delayed Illegal DACA Applications

The Department of Homeland Security has bent under progressive pressure and will allow a few hundred DACA illegals to refile their delayed-in-the-mail applications for their DACA amnesty extension. The decision was announced Wednesday evening and was justified as a decent concession to a small number of applicants whose too-late applications were delayed by the mail service after prior statements had said […]

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University of Michigan Passes Anti-Israel Boycott Motion; Claims Jews Are Violating the “Rights” of Terrorists

These are Jew-haters that support Muslim terrorists that mass-murder innocent Jewish men, women, and children. Student government at the University of Michigan has voted to have the university look into divesting from any companies that do business with Israel, saying that at least some of these companies “violate Palestinian human rights.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a […]

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Hamas Reiterates: “We Will Never Recognize Israel”

A spokesman for Hamas reiterated on Wednesday that the terror group that rules the Gaza Strip would never recognize Israel’s right to exist, a firm prerequisite for peace. Sami Abu Zuhri insisted that Hamas would remain true to its principles and work for the realization of national reconciliation and unify the [so-called] “Palestinian” people in service to their agenda of […]

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Stepson of Roy Moore accuser calls her story a big lie: “Don’t believe a word she says”

The stepson of the woman who accused Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was 16 years-old does not believe any of her allegations are true. “I don’t believe it,” Darrel Nelson said in a video he posted to Facebook, questioning the accusations leveled against the Alabama GOP Senate candidate by his stepmother, Beverly Young Nelson. “Mr. Moore, I support you. […]

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New School Draws Criticism for “Anti-semitism Panel” Featuring Anti-Israel Linda Sarsour and BDS JVP Head

Pro-Sharia anti-Semite Linda Sarsour and Israel-boycotting terrorist-supporting JVP will be featured. Hitler and Arafat would have also been chosen for the “anti-Semitism panel” if they had been available. After coming under fire for its choice of speakers to appear on a panel discussion about antisemitism, the New School is offering to sponsor an alternative group that will include voices from the […]

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Facebook’s Zuckerberg to Bring DACA Illegals to Capitol Hill to Push Year-End Amnesty

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s open borders lobbying group and the United States Chamber of Commerce has teamed up to push an end-of-the-year plan to give amnesty to upwards of 3.3 million illegal aliens., Zuckerberg’s pro-immigration lobbying organization, has orchestrated efforts with the Chamber of Commerce to bring illegal aliens enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program […]

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“Global warming” hoax paves the way for socialism and abortions

NASA’s top climate expert predicted the Arctic would be ice-free and lower Manhattan would be underwater by 2018. November 2017 is the 25th anniversary of the release of a letter by the Union of Concerned Scientists warning all mankind—or humankind for the gender-neutral crowd—to bring an end to “environmental destruction” in order to avoid the inevitability of “vast human misery.” Using […]

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Congress and RINO Paul Ryan to create national data base of children and parents to spy on them for life

When talk show host and fellow conservative Shannon Joy refers to Democrats and Republicans as “unibrow,” she’s describing how there is little to no difference between the two parties. Pushing aside those things that are best for the American people, politicians on both sides of the aisle willingly join hands to do what’s best for their own selfish political interests instead. While […]

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Russia: “Moscow Never Promised Withdrawal of Iranian Troops From Syria”

Russia never promised the United States that Iran and Iranian-backed forces would withdraw from Syria, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday, adding that their presence in the [Muslim terrorist] war-torn country is legitimate. Lavrov, who was quoted by RIA news agency, denied comments made by senior US officials that the recently announced ceasefire agreement in southern Syria included a Russian commitment […]

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30,000 “diversity” visas issued to people from jihad terror-sponsoring countries since 2007

What could possibly go wrong, you racist, bigoted “Islamophobe”? What are a few people killed in jihad massacres? It’s the price of “diversity”! “30,000 visas issued to people from terror-sponsoring countries since 2007: State Department,” by Brooke Singman, Fox News, November 13, 2017: The United States issued nearly 30,000 visas to people from nations officially designated as sponsors of terrorism over […]

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Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to the Pew Research Center. The main question in the August-to-September survey of 4,573 people is built on the phrase: “sex assigned at birth.” But that phrase was invented by transgender activists […]

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Child Propaganda: Mattel Announces Latest Barbie… in a Hijab

America’s first hijab-wearing Olympian, Ibtihaj Muhammad, is now getting another first. Mattel has announced a new Barbie doll modeled after her. It, too, will be the first Barbie to ever don a hijab. As a part of Barbie’s “She-ro” line, Mattel boasts that it is “break[ing] boundaries” for “women and girls everywhere” with the new doll honoring Muhammad and her […]

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Trump’s team drafting “two-state solution” plan to pressure Israel into giving land to Muslim terrorists

New York Times reports Trump and his advisers are developing new framework for Israel-PA “peace”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. Click here for more information. From Arutz Sheva: U.S. President Donald Trump and his advisers have begun developing their […]

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RINO Senate Bill Would Hike Taxes for 13.8 Million Middle-Class Americans

Promoted as needed relief for the middle class, the Senate Republican tax overhaul actually would increase taxes for some 13.8 million moderate-income American households, a bipartisan analysis showed Monday. The assessment by Congress’ nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation emerged as the Senate’s tax-writing committee was set to begin wading through the measure Monday afternoon, working toward the first major revamp […]

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U.S. admits American military weapons given to Iranian jihadists in Iraq

“We have seen reports that some U.S.-origin military equipment is being operated by Iraqi militia units that are not the approved end-users,” said a spokesman for the White House National Security Council. “We urge the Government of Iraq to expeditiously return this equipment to the full control of the Iraqi Army.” Yes, no doubt they’re going to get right on […]

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Trump Jr. Communicated With WikiLeaks Before Election

Donald Trump Jr. secretly communicated with WikiLeaks leading up to the election last fall, according to a new report. The organization published classified and/or leaked content on its website, including emails from the Democratic National Committee that painted Hillary Clinton and others in a bad light. The Atlantic reported Monday that someone at WikiLeaks communicated with Trump Jr. on several occasions via […]

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America-Hater Colin Kaepernick named “Citizen of the Year” by GQ Magazine

The irony… They call him an American “hero” for hating America. Colin Kaepernick — the former [degenerate and racist] NFL quarterback who launched a trend of kneeling during the national anthem to protest racism and police brutality in America — was named “Citizen of the Year” by GQ magazine on Monday. The feature article accompanying Kaepernick’s cover photo notes that his anthem […]

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Here We Go: ‘TRANSRACIAL’ White Guy Says He’s Filipino Now

The newest social justice identity is here — “transracial” individuals who think they are really a different race than the one they were born as. An article published Monday on the USA Today Network profiles a white male named Adam who now believes he is Filipino and calls himself “Ja Du,” and drives a “Tuk Tuk,” a Filipino vehicle. The article reads, […]

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JTF This Week: The conflict between Esau (European culture) and Jacob (Israel); why do Jews have 3 fathers – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 34 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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BOMBSHELL: Judge Roy Moore Accuser Worked for Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden Campaigns, Part of the ‘Resistance’

The Washington Post hatchet job, conveniently produced a month before the Alabama Senate election on December 12, wants us to believe that Christian constitutionalist Judge Roy Moore, 70, a former member of the Alabama Supreme Court who stood up to vicious leftist attacks for his fight for real marriage and the Ten Commandments, sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl when he was […]

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Iran Completes Military Base 35 Miles from Israeli Border

It turns out a war between Israel and Iran is imminent, and it will begin not with mutual attacks using ballistic missiles and bombing squadrons, but with a conventional confrontation between the two powers right on Israel’s border. According to BBC, citing a Western intelligence source, Iran has established a permanent military base outside El-Kiswah, 8 miles south of Damascus, […]

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Turkey’s Erdogan: “Moderate Islam” is a Western trick to WEAKEN Muslims

We’ve been saying this for a long time. There is no such thing as “moderate Islam.” The Muslims admit it. From Russia Today: The idea of ‘moderate Islam’ was invented by the West and is being used to weaken the ancient religion, Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan has said in reference to Saudi Arabia’s reforms, while also lashing out at the EU’s […]

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Report: After questioning, investigators favor indicting Netanyahu

A day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was interrogated for the 4th time in a series of corruption probes, senior law enforcement officials reportedly said there was sufficient circumstantial evidence to file an indictment against him on allegations of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, Channel 10 reported Friday. The report quoted an unofficial police opinion according to which the evidence […]

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Washington Post Reporter Behind Roy Moore Hit Piece Has History Of Writing Fake Checks

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states. The original 2011 report details how McCrummen’s criminal career began with her writing a fake check in North Carolina: “Ms. McCrummen’s criminal history began […]

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Self-Hating Jews Fight Bill That Defines Demonizing Israel as Anti-Semitism

Jewish and pro-Israel leaders exchanged heated remarks at a congressional hearing on how to define antisemitism. Tuesday’s hearing of the House Judiciary Committee took up a bill that would, among other things, define as antisemitic language that “demonizes” Israel. Of the nine witnesses who addressed the committee, five said the language was necessary to stem antisemitism on campuses. Four argued […]

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NYC Subway Bans ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ to Be ‘Sensitive to Gender Identity’

New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has banned subway operators from using the phrase “ladies and gentlemen,” because it is not inclusive enough. Transit managers will be monitored to ensure they avoid the phrase, according to a report in amNewYork. Announcements on subways and buses will no longer include “ladies and gentlemen” in an “attempt to be more sensitive to […]

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Oklahoma woman sentenced for incest in marriage to biological mother – who was also married to her son

Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah. A Duncan woman who married her biological mother last year received a 10-year deferred sentence Tuesday after pleading guilty in Stephens County to committing incest. Court records indicate that Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, 26, was set for a bench trial Tuesday but instead pleaded guilty to illegally marrying 44-year-old Patricia Ann Spann, who is identified […]

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Arab Muslims Proclaim “All of Israel is an illegal settlement”

The Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir issued a statement from Jerusalem today saying that “the entity of all Jews on the blessed land has no legitimacy on any centimeter, and therefore the entire Jewish entity is a large settlement based on usurped Islamic land, whether on the borders of the occupier in 1948 or the occupier in 67, there is no difference  between Jewish […]

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UK school assignment for 12-year-olds: “Write a letter to family about converting to Islam”

The dhimmi vanguard preparing the rest of the population to be docile and accept their new overlords. Imagine the outcry if students, including Muslim students, had been assigned to write about converting to Christianity. But no one will be particularly upset about this — that would be “Islamophobic.” Britain is finished. “‘Write letter to family about converting to Islam’: Furious […]

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