Category Archives: Articles

White House Russia expert won’t attend Putin meeting; Trump and Tillerson will join Putin alone

President Trump’s top White House expert on Russia won’t attend his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump and Putin will be joined only by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, as well as translators, according to reports. That leaves a leading Kremlin critic outside the first face-to-face meeting of the two leaders, which Tillerson prefaced […]

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DESPICABLE: Oregon Dems FORCE insurance companies to give FREE abortions to anyone for any reason

The Democrats in Oregon have just passed a bill that will force Insurance companies to give free abortions to anyone for any reason. Not only that, but they are going to force taxpayers to bankroll abortions for illegals who don’t qualify for the state’s Medicaid program. The Democratic governor still has to sign the bill, but I haven’t read anything […]

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New York Nazi Times Calls Mass-Murdering Muslim Terrorist Serving Five Consecutive Life Sentences a “Freedom Fighter”

The New York [Nazi] Times published an article on Wednesday profiling Fadwa Barghouti, the wife of Marwan Barghouti, [an Arab Muslim] terrorist currently serving five consecutive life terms in an Israeli prison for murder. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for […]

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Netanyahu vetoes “Beit El Law” requiring him to fulfill promises he made repeatedly to build 300 homes for expelled Jews

PM removes from agenda law to require him to fulfill promises he made repeatedly but never kept to build 300 homes in Beit El. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday vetoed the ‘Beit El Law,’ which was due to be submitted to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation this coming Sunday. The bill would have required the government to fulfill promises […]

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Hamas Chief Haniyeh: Terrorist “Prisoner Swap Around the Corner”

Will Netanyahu betray Israel by releasing mass-murdering terrorists again? Newly elected Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh on Wednesday suggested that Hamas is close to reaching a prisoner swap deal with Israel, in his first major speech since assuming the position. “Their liberation has become closer than any time in the past,” said Haniyeh, who resides in the Gaza Strip’s Shati […]

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Black NY Cop Assassin Quotes “Black Lives Matter” in Newly Uncovered Video

A newly uncovered Facebook video reveals that the man who shot and killed an NYPD officer in her vehicle was not going to back down from confrontations with police. The September 2016 video, found by The New York Times, showed Alexander Bonds railing against officers, who he claimed were guilty of raping and killing inmates, and making prison conditions worse. Speaking […]

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Arabs complain that prison sentence for man who burned a Jewish family is “unfair”

Arutz-7 reports: The military court on Tuesday sentenced Muhammad Badwan, the terrorist who committed the attack in which Ayala Shapira was seriously injured on December 24, 2014, to 18 years in prison and fined him NIS 50,000 ($14,200). During the attack, Badwan threw a Molotov cocktail that set fire to the vehicle in which Ayala Shapira and her father Avner, a […]

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New Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men In Their Showers

While the Pentagon’s review takes place behind closed doors and the inevitable culture-war volleys spill into the public square, it is critical to understand the real-life implications of the policy shift. I recently received a copy of the new “Tier Three Transgender Training” materials—a PowerPoint and accompanying lesson plan excerpted below, with full documents at these links—that the Army is now using in mandatory […]

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Arrests Made In Anti-Semitic Attacks On Stamford Hill Residents

London Shomrim’s vigilant community watch has led to 3 arrests made in two anti-Semitic incidents against Stamford Hill’s Jewish residents. Early Tuesday morning, a man who appeared to be drunk and is believed to be an Italian in his late twenties or early thirties, assaulted two Jewish men. He allegedly shouted numerous profanities at them, and grabbed their peyos. Shomrim alerted […]

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Damon Wayans Jr declared July 4 “white people proud of their racist ancestors day” on Twitter

Damon Wayans Jr. is yet another racist leftist that hates America. “New Girl” actor Daman Wayans Jr. took to Twitter on Independence Day, wishing his followers a “Happy white people proud of their racist ancestors day.” Happy white people proud of their racist ancestors day — Damon Wayans Yunior? (@wayansjr) July 4, 2017 Now, obviously some cheered Wayans’ words. While others… […]

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North Korea successfully test-launched ICBM, US officials confirm

North Korea successfully test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time on Tuesday, U.S. officials confirmed to Fox News. The ballistic missile flew longer than any North Korean missile test conducted by the rogue regime to date, U.S. Pacific Command said — meaning Kim Jong Un’s dictatorship may now possess the ability to strike Alaska. North Korea launched previously […]

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Here’s how much the PLO pay terrorists and here’s how much money the US gives them

The PLO paying terrorist murderers and their families salaries has become an issue after Trump pushed Israel to make a deal with terrorists. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. However Mahmoud Abbas, even just a few days […]

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Crime Drops in Phoenix After It Nixes Sanctuary City Status

“It had a deterrent effect on folks because the risk of discovery went up exponentially when we actually enforced the law.” While liberals maintain there is no correlation between crime rates and a given city’s sanctuary status, Fox News reports that Phoenix has seen a marked decrease in its crime rates after eliminating the controversial status. “Police chiefs across the nation believe that […]

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I’m a Pediatrician: How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse

Transgender politics have taken Americans by surprise, and caught some lawmakers off guard. Just a few short years ago, not many could have imagined a high-profile showdown over transgender men and women’s access to single-sex bathrooms in North Carolina. But transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws. It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us—children—and […]

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Loser N.J. Gov. Chris Christie goes to beach after closing them to public

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was photographed at the beach just days after closing them to the public due to a state government shutdown over the budget. NJ Advanced Media took aerial photos of the Republican governor on the beach with his family outside of the state-funded governor residence at Island Beach State Park. When asked if he “got any sun” at a […]

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Canada PM Trudeau to Apologize, Give $10 Million to Gitmo Detainee Who Killed U.S. Soldier

We have President Obama to thank for this. He released this murdering savage from Gitmo. In 2002, Khadr murdered Sgt. Christopher Speer, an American medic, by throwing a grenade at him, making Speer’s wife a widow and his two children fatherless. U.S. Army Sgt. Christopher Speer was a combat medic with a Delta Force. Speer was awarded the Soldier’s Medal for risking his […]

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Illegal Alien Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

An illegal alien is one of three teenagers who are accused of scalding a Georgia woman with hot water and raping her in her home near her children. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials confirmed in a statement to the Dustin Inman Society, an anti-illegal immigration organization, that Josue Ramirez is an illegal alien. Ramirez, 19-years-old, along with 17-year-old Francisco Palencia and […]

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Mock envelope bomb sent to haredi IDF recruiter

Senior haredi recruiter receives envelope with inscription saying ‘Vengeance’ with protruding wires. A senior member of the IDF’s haredi recruitment system who lives in Beit Shemesh received an envelope at his home today (Monday), which read: “Revenge”. The recruiter’s wife alerted police who rushed a sapper to the house. No evidence of an explosive device was found. Police have opened […]

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John Bolton Warns U.S. Lacks Missile Power to Fight Off North Korea

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton issued a dire warning about America’s military might, suggesting during a televised interview the President Donald Trump administration might want to beef up missile defense. Should North Korea strike, America may not be able to fully fend off attack, Bolton said. “The argument is that North Korea is very close to […]

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Texas Supreme Court Rules Homosexual Couples NOT Entitled to Marriage Benefits

The Texas Supreme Court struck down a lower court’s ruling that same-sex couples are entitled to marriage benefits Friday. The Court ruled in Pidgeon v. Houston that the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, while legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide, did not adequately address the issue of government subsidized marriage benefits and whether states are obligated to extend such benefits to […]

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From Italy to Sweden, Europe is dying

Muslim migrants are destroying Europe. In what I promise won’t become a regular feature, I thought it worth issuing an update under the heading ‘I told you so’. It relates to two recent, connected pieces of news. The first comes from Italy where the government is now threatening to close its ports. The ongoing influx of migrants from Africa is once […]

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Arabs in Israel re-erect Jenin terrorist memorial razed by IDF

Democratic Front activists restore stone structure praising Khaled Nazzal, who planned a 1974 attack that killed 26 people, mostly children. [Israeli Arab Muslims] on Saturday re-erected a monument set up in honor of a Palestinian terrorist in the town of Jenin, a day after it was bulldozed by the Israeli military. The Jenin municipality last month named a square after “martyr” Khaled […]

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Female Genital Mutilation Triples in United States

The nonpartisan GAO reports to Congress that over half a million women and girls in the United States are now either victims or at risk of this barbaric practice. The General Accounting Office (GAO) is one of the few allegedly nonpartisan outlets that is generally thought really to be reasonably fair and nonpartisan. Their new report on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) should […]

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Ramadan Muslim Rage 2017 Final Death Count: 1,639 in About 30 Countries

The final fatality tally for jihadi attacks during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan increased to 1,639, primarily fueled by victims who succumbed to their injuries… With a total of 3,343 casualties, including 1,704 injuries, Ramadan 2017 is one of the bloodiest holy months in recent history. The number of deaths this year marked a nearly four-fold increase from the estimated 421 […]

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Google to give $2 Million to Campaign Involving Leading Gun Control Groups

Google announced plans on Friday to donate $2 million to a violence reduction campaign that includes the nation’s leading gun control organizations. The grant will be given by, an arm of the search giant that provides money and resources to nonprofit organizations, and go to the PICO LIVE FREE Campaign. That campaign focuses on reducing gun violence, especially in […]

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The most powerful man on Earth is obsessed with attacking loser morning show hosts and a CNN logo on Twitter

Trump has time to devote to his ego-driven obsession with negative news coverage on Twitter but not to educate himself on the day-to-day duties of the office he holds. Not content to limit his state of his juvenescence on Twitter to bickering with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzenzski, Donald Trump tweeted a video showing “beating” on a logo of CNN. […]

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Netanyahu is using liberal self-hating American Jews to remove the Torah from Israel

These same American Jews couldn’t care less about Israel, or Iran building nuclear weapons to nuke Israel, deadly missiles raining down on Jewish children’s schools, or the daily murders of innocent Jews by Arab Muslim terrorists! The last fairly definitive poll we have on that score came in 2008 during the presidential campaign when the American Jewish Committee found that just 3 […]

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Muslim Turkey’s Dictator Erdogan Seizes 50 Christian Churches

Remember when Trump congratulated Erdogan on Turkey’s vote cementing his rule as Muslim dictator? Yeah, that guy. The government of Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan has seized at least 50 Syriac Christianchurches and monasteries, according to press reports in Turkey. Turkey’s Mardin Governorate has established a special Commission for Liquidation & Sharing of the properties owned by the Syriac community. — […]

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10-State Coalition Threatens Lawsuit if Trump Doesn’t End Obama’s Illegal Amnesty DACA Scheme

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and eight other state attorneys general, along with Republican Idaho Gov. Butch Otter, are urging the Trump administration to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Program. The 10-state coalition is giving the Trump administration until September 5 to rescind DACA and not renew or issue any new DACA permits in the future — or […]

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Outrageously High Kosher Prices and Halacha

Pastrami $51.98 lb. Tropicana Orange Juice 59 ounces $8.95. Chicken Strips $29.98 lb. You get the picture. Any seasoned shopper will recognize that these prices are outrageously high. DOES HALACHA PERMIT SUCH OVERPRICING? The question is, does halacha permit such pricing? May stores just price products as high as the market will tolerate – or is there some sort of upper […]

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DOJ Hosts Event To Honor Virginia Transgender Teen, Who Sued Her School For Transgender Bathroom Access

Yet another cultural rot update. Yes, the Trump administration rescinded an Obama-era policy that made school bathrooms and locker rooms sexual free-for-alls, in order to give so-called transgendered students more consideration than the other 99 percent of the student body. That hasn’t stopped the current Department of Justice from celebrating depravity. On Wednesday, the DOJ held a special event to […]

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GOP fake repeal of Obamacare coming together as planned

Donald Trump and the GOP are finding it much harder than expected to break their campaign promise to repeal Obamacare. After a growing number of GOP senators went on record to oppose the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 (BCRA), Mitch McConnell announced that he would delay the vote on the fake repeal of Obamacare until after next week’s July 4th holiday. While it’s tempting […]

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Netanyahu should have taken out Irans nuclear program from the air. Instead, Iran is working on nuclear missiles. Lebanon seems to be having a flag sale. Iranian flags, Hezbollah, the UN, Spain, [so-called] “Palestinian” flags. They are all flying provocatively along the border with the northern Israeli community of Metulla. Just meters from the fence that separates the countries, not far from […]

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Kushner company received $285M loan from German Bank shortly before election

Jared Kushner’s real estate company received a $285 million loan one month before Election Day from a German bank that has lent millions to President Trump in the past, The Washington Post reported Sunday. Kushner, who is married to first daughter Ivanka Trump, was acting as both an adviser to the Trump campaign and working at his real estate company when his […]

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Twitter is now CENSORING major pro-life group from advertising

Another ongoing saga where Google, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter constantly censor conservatives. According to a report by Live Action, they are now being targeted by Twitter and their ability to advertise has been banned. Twitter is demanding that before Live Action is allowed to advertise, that they must delete certain tweets that Twitter deems offensive. But as you can see […]

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Bennett: ‘Mistakes were made’ in Western Wall decision

Bennett, your mistake at the Western Wall was banning all Jews to appease Muslim terrorists. Education and Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett, who heads the nationalist [so-called] “religious” Jewish Home party, said Tuesday that the fallout from the government’s decisions to halt the creation of a pluralistic prayer pavilion at the Western Wall and to restore the “ultra-Orthodox monopoly” on […]

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