Category Archives: Articles

After Settlers’ Outrage, Forgetful Netanyahu Suddenly Can’t Remember Approving Terrorist PLO City’s Expansion

Phony Netanyahu claims he forgot about approving the expansion of Arab Muslim PLO building in Israel after he criticized the PLO for numerous terrorist murders, violence, and paying terrorists’ families. All building for Jews is frozen and illegal. This is essentially Netanyahu’s approval of terrorism against innocent Jews. The Jewish residents of Kfar Saba and Samaria are protesting the expansion […]

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Ramadan in Israel: 6 Muslims arrested for throwing firebombs at Jewish homes

“According to the investigation, the suspects attacked the homes to force the Jewish families to permanently flee the area.” That is the ultimate objective, in accordance with the Qur’an’s dictum: “Drive them out from where they drove you out” (2:191). The Muslim leaders in 1948 actually called on Muslims to leave Israel, in anticipation of its imminent defeat and destruction, […]

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Trump WH to Lobby House GOP on Softening Senate Bill on Moscow Sanctions

The White House will reach out to House Republicans to bring changes favored by the Trump administration to legislation approved by the Senate this week that places tougher sanctions on Russia, according to news reports Saturday. The administration fears that the sanctions, passed on a 98-2 vote Thursday, will tie its hands in dealing with Moscow, Politico reports, citing a senior […]

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JTF This Week: Vilna Gaon and Chazal predicted everything that has happened in Israel; Trump grants amnesty to 5 million illegal “dreamers” (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 32 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Border Policewoman murdered in Jerusalem terror attack

23-year-old Border Police officer killed in combined shooting and stabbing attack in Jerusalem’s Old City. Hadas Malka, a 23-year-old Border Police officer, was murdered in a combined shooting and stabbing attack in Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday evening. Four other people were wounded, among them two moderately and one lightly. The attack took place around 7:30 p.m. on Friday evening, […]

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Nearly 100,000 ‘Dreamers’ Granted Amnesty In Trump’s Opening Months

The Trump administration has given amnesty to an estimated 98,000 illegal immigrants through former President Barack Obama’s program for minors who arrived in the U.S. illegally, according to government statistics released Thursday. The figures released by U.S.  Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) show that between January 1 and March 31, a total of 124,649 illegal immigrants got protection from deportation and […]

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Israel Allows Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims to Holiest Jewish Site

Did you know that Jews are forbidden to visit the Western Wall during Ramadan? Today, the second Friday of Ramadan, sees hundreds of thousands of Muslims converging on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism’s holiest site. And Israel lets them in. Israel even allowed over 100 Gazans to enter the compound. As a point of comparison, “Palestinian” Muslims, who obsessively count this, say that […]

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Oregon First State to Add Third Gender Option to ID Documents

It’s 2017, and feelings over facts is the name of the game. Unsurprisingly, Oregon has become the first state to officially add a third gender option to identification documents. Thus continues the cultural landslide where we set aside the truth in favor of delusional mindsets and not making anyone feel bad. How dare we face reality! NBC reports: Oregon became the first state […]

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Culture Rot Update: Colombia Marks First Legal All-Male, Three-Way Homosexual Marriage

A group of Colombian [perverts] in a three-way gay relationship have celebrated getting “married”. The trio describe themselves as a “polyamorous couple”, and have taken advantage of the Latin American state’s unusually permissive legal approach to marriage. Colombia is a rarity in recognizing both gay marriage and polygamy – to the apparent delight of Hugo Prada, John Alejandro Rodriguez and Manuel […]

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Bill Advances that Would Allow Health Care Workers to Starve Mentally Ill Patients to Death

This is yet another example of the absolute disrespect and disregard for life that has permeated the very soul of this country thereby leading to a massive culture rot. On the State of Oregon’s website, they brag about how they stand for “death with dignity” having passed a physician-assisted suicide law in 1997 “which allows terminally-ill Oregonians to end their […]

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Ann Coulter Unleashes on Trump for Zero Progress on Border Wall

She also said she fears that “the Trump-haters were right,” and she’s prepared to jump ship if things don’t change. Ann Coulter was a big supporter of then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, but so far she’s been underwhelmed by the Trump presidency. On Friday, Coulter unleashed a series of tweets, ripping Trump for his lack of progress on building a wall along […]

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Israeli Government: “No Jews Allowed” at Western Wall in Israel during Ramadan

During Ramadan, police prevent Jews from reaching Western Wall by car in order to appease Muslim violence. MK Uri Maklev (United Torah Judaism) wrote to the Jerusalem District Commander, Yoram Halevi, clarifying the closure of access to the Western Wall due to the fast of Ramadan. He sent his letter following reports that hundreds of worshipers who sought to reach […]

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Russia’s Putin offered political asylum to James Comey ‘if he continues to be persecuted’

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday offered to give political asylum to former FBI Director James Comey if faces political persecution in the U.S. According to Russian state media outlet TASS, Putin made the comment at a press conference in Moscow. “If he continues to be persecuted in this connection, we will be ready to provide political asylum to him, he […]

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Baltimore Nearing 160 Homicides Less Than Halfway Through 2017

To “Black Lives Matter,” no lives actually matter. The number of murders continues to sky rocket in Baltimore after six people are killed in less than 24 hours. Baltimore is closing in on 160 homicides, not even halfway through the year. Police are beefing up patrols and canvassing neighborhoods. WJZ’s Rick Ritter spoke with some residents who said they’re scared to […]

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5 Ways Obamacare Proves That Government-Run Health Care Is a Disaster

Republicans control everything including the House, Senate, and presidency and they have failed to repeal Obamacare. Obamacare has failed to deliver the health care reform Americans deserve. The Senate now has an opportunity to reform health care and walk our country back from the single-payer edge. After seven years of Obamacare, it’s important to remember the many ways Obamacare has […]

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“American Academy of Religion” to teach religious scholars to combat “Islamophobia”

Why is the “American Academy of Religion” defending evil and murder? The American Academy of Religion is conducting the “Confronting Islamophobia” workshop in Boston and charges scholars $40 to attend…. “Who are the casualties of Islamophobia?” will be yet another topic, but it will presumably not discuss the Muslim-on-Muslim terrorism occurring between the Sunni and Shiite sects of the faith. Muslim-on-Muslim violence could […]

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LGBT Public School Teachers Indoctrinating Kindergarten Children with Homosexuality Using Tax Payer Dollars

Homosexual perverts are indoctrinating children early with taxpayer support. June is Gay Pride Month but for some LGBT public school teachers, it’s all-year-round in their classrooms, according to Mic, which featured several teachers making sure young kids are introduced to varying sexualities under state-sponsored supervision. Ana Patejdl, who is gay, teaches in the New York City public schools and was encouraged by […]

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Trump demanding amnesty for DREAMers

In my commentary yesterday, I shared how Trump is continuing to enforce Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive order, a decision that makes it possible for hundreds of thousands of illegals to stay in the country indefinitely. Trump buried this little tidbit beneath the Comey hysteria that took place last week. Also buried last week was Homeland Security […]

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PLO to Tillerson: No we’re not cutting our terror funding!

Earlier this week I saw that Tillerson claimed that the “Palestinians” were cutting out their terror payments. But it turns out that’s just FAKE NEWS from Tillerson: FREE BEACON – The secretary of state claimed on Tuesday that the Palestinian government had given him assurances that it was no longer providing aid to terrorists and their families, a statement that raised […]

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Tillerson asks for ‘flexibility’ in Russian sanctions

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned Congress on Wednesday against passing any further sanctions against Russia that would prohibit “dialogue” with the country on issues like counterterrorism. At a House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting Tuesday, Tillerson said that he agrees with Congress that Russia needs to be punished for meddling in the 2016 election, but asked lawmakers for “flexibility.” “I […]

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“Conservatives” are willing to murder unborn babies to pass Obamacare 2.0

The likelihood that Obamacare would be repealed “root and branch” as Mitch McConnell once promised went the way of the dodo bird once Donald Trump was elected president. When you consider Trump’s two-tongued approach to Obamacare repeal—promising to get rid of it while at the same time, promoting single-payer health care, complete with more taxpayer funding, and the outright lies […]

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Professor urges students to ‘finish off’ anti-Sharia protesters

Syracuse University communications professor and Jew hater Dana Cloud recently issued a veiled call for violence against a conservative group that was holding an anti-Sharia law demonstration. Syracuse University professor recently urged students and colleagues to help “finish…off” the “fascists” who were demonstrating against Sharia law. According to NPR, the Syracuse rally was marked by tensions between the anti-Sharia protesters—many […]

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UN Delegates: Israeli “Occupation” Driving Arab Muslim Men to Beat their Wives

It’s always somehow the Jews’ “fault.” The UN Human Rights Council’s 35th Session on Monday discussed a Report on Violence Against Women, which, among other things, urged states to provide shelters for women victims of violence under their human rights obligations. The UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, Dubravka Šimonović, told the Human Rights Council: “Shelters and protection orders are […]

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LGBT activists add colors to the pride flag to make it more “inclusive” — but they left off white

More insanity and racism from homosexual perverts. LGBT activists raised a redesigned rainbow flag outside Philadelphia City Hall earlier this month to show their support for people of color who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender. The addition of one black stripe and one brown stripe to the rainbow flag came in the wake of a number of reported racial […]

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Sellout Jerusalem Mayor “Proud” to Fire Ramadan Cannon; Wishes Muslims a “Ramadan Kareem”

The most violent month in all of Islam because of Ramadan, and the cowardly mayor of Jerusalem happily fires the Muslim cannon. Who cares about the innocent Jewish victims of Islam? Sunday evening, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat fired the city’s ancient Ramadan cannon, ending Jerusalemite Arabs’ 16th day of fasting. The event was held with the family of Haj Yahya […]

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US Man Charged With Threats to Jewish Community Centers Pleads Guilty

No signs of remorse appeared on his face as he smirked throughout the hour-long proceeding. Former American journalist Juan Thompson, charged with making threats against Jewish Community Centers earlier this year, pleaded guilty to the charges in a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday after smirking and crossing his arms throughout the proceeding. Thompson, 32, has been held without bail since his […]

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Senate defeats effort to derail Trump’s $110 billion dollar Saudi arms deal

A group of Republican and Democrat senators teamed up on Tuesday to block the United States from completing part of a major arms deal with [Muslim] Saudi Arabia, but fell short of the votes they needed on the Senate floor. Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., introduced a resolution disapproving of President Trump’s plan to sell Saudi Arabia […]

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Richard Dawkins: Islam Is ‘The Most Evil Religion In The World’

Atheist Richard Dawkins claims Islam is evil but still wants open borders. Evolutionary biologist and popular new atheist figure Richard Dawkins doesn’t mince words when it comes to the threat Islam poses to Western civilization. In a speech at the Cheltenham Science Festival in the U.K., Dawkins slammed the moral idiocy of cultural relativism, arguing against the ill-conceived notion that all religions […]

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Tillerson claims the Trump administration tamed Muslim Fatah PLO terrorists so they will stop paying terrorists families now

And of course all this nonsense is further pressure for Israel to make a “deal” with the PLO that openly calls for the extermination of the Jewish people and praises Adolf Hitler. You can’t make a deal with mass-murderers. This is absolutely insane! How could anyone be expected to make a deal with a terrorist organization that teaches Mein Komf […]

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New Report Reveals Russian Cyberhacks Hit 39 Of 50 States Before 2016 Election

A new report is shedding some light on the depth of interference from Russia into the 2016 election. It extends far beyond just the hacking and WikiLeaks release of the DNC’s emails. Bloomberg reports: In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on […]

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Trump Leaked to Russians Israel’s Success in Penetrating Islamic State Computers

The classified intelligence President Donald Trump is accused (and boasted) of revealing to Russian Intelligence when he met in the Oval Office last month with the Russian foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov and the ambassador to the United States, Sergey I. Kislyak, was based on Israel’s unprecedented success in hacking computers belonging to ISIS affiliates, the NY Times reported Monday. After top […]

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Networks Practically Ignore 3 Week Islamic State Terror Siege in Philippines

Marawi, a predominantly Muslim stronghold on the heavily Catholic island of Mindanao, has been racked by ISIS-inspired terrorism and violence since May 23. Yet, in the three weeks since that date, the big three networks have spent a mere 25 seconds discussing the conflict on-air. Last month, after Filipino military attempted to corner terrorist leader Isnilon Hapilon, the latter was […]

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Leftist Thugs Beat Up Man at Anti-Sharia Rally With “Queers for Muslims” Sign

Anyone with half a brain can figure out what would happen to these homosexuals in any Muslim country – with or without their signs. Seattle was one of many U.S. cities that saw anti-Shariah marches on its streets Saturday — as well as counterprotesters who came out in force against the marchers, often violently. In fact, the Seattle Times said counterprotesters in the city […]

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Amazon selling pro-terror “Free Palestine” clothes, after Sears and Walmart stop

US online giant continues to offer anti-Semitic pro-terrorism shirts and hats showing map including all of Israel as so-called “Palestine”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Online sales giant Amazon continues to sell shirts and other clothing […]

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JTF This Week: Netanyahu’s next expulsion in Gush Etzion; Trump grants amnesty to 125,000 illegals in just 3 months (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 35 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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3 LA synagogue locations closed over bomb threats

Synagogues forced to close over bomb threats Saturday, preventing holding of Shabbat services. Three Los Angeles synagogue locations were temporarily closed after receiving bomb threats on Shabbat. The threats were reported in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal on Saturday. The affected synagogues were the University Synagogue in Brentwood, and both campuses of the Wilshire Boulevard Temple – the Erika J. […]

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Israel Defense Minister: “We won’t re-conquer Gaza in the next war”

Avigdor Liberman is also pushing a “two-state solution” with terrorists. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) spoke to Channel 2 about various “hot topics” which came up in the past year. Liberman contradicted the complaint that he used convicted IDF soldier Elor Azariya’s case to forward his own political agenda. Azariya shot a terrorist suspected of having an explosive […]

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Denver Decriminalizes Public Defecation To Make Life Easier For Illegals and Muslim Migrants

Making Denver Great Again … by allowing public defecation? That’s the latest from the progressive city that seeks to ensure it “will not sacrifice” its “values or bend to a broken immigration system.” The Denver City Council voted Monday to approve major sentencing reform (in other words, making penalties more lenient) on Class I and II offenses. The latter cover crimes like public defecation, panhandling […]

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