Category Archives: Articles

Here’s Why The RNC Didn’t Want A Reset Of The Convention Rules — It Was About Ted Cruz!

The RNC worked hard to make sure the RNC convention rules weren’t reset at the convention on Monday, but their reasoning wasn’t about protecting Trump from possible threats against his nomination. Rather, it was about trying to keep Ted Cruz from becoming the nominee in 2020! YAHOO NEWS – For the first time in 36 years, there was a vote […]

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Republican National Convention shuts down YouTube comments in wake of anti-Semitic abuse from Trump supporters

Anti-Semitism continues to ominously swirl around the Donald Trump campaign. I even have to block and remove anti-Semitic comments from Jew-hating Trump supporters here on JTF! The Republican convention shut down comments on its YouTube livestream after anti-Semitic abuse appeared during a speech by Linda Lingle, the Jewish former governor of Hawaii. Comments including “Make America Jewish Again” punctuated by yellow stars […]

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Trump Supporters Surround Utah Delegate and Threaten To Kill Her in RNC Convention Bathroom

A Utah delegate is making some really strong claims against Trump supporters at the RNC convention: A Utah delegate was reportedly threatened inside a bathroom at Quicken Loans Arena during the Republican National Convention Monday. According to NBC, Utah delegate Kera Birkeland was on the floor during the Rules vote as one of the delegates calling for a roll call […]

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Former DIA Chief Flynn: Hillary ‘Should Never Have a Security Clearance Again’

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton should “never” have a security clearance again nor should she receive classified intelligence briefings. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) wrote a letter to the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper requesting that he deny Clinton classified intelligence briefings given her history with […]

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Iran ‘proudly’ outlines expansion of nuclear program

Iranian Foreign Minister boasts of ability to renew full-scale nuclear program in coming years. A secret document added to the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal was revealed on Tuesday, highlighting the rogue state’s intentions to renew and even expand full-scale uranium enrichment operations in the coming years. The document, an addendum to last year’s agreement, was filed by Iran with the […]

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Ivanka’s Rabbi Drops Out of Republican National Convention

Rabbi Haskel Lookstein has backed out of offering the convocation for the Republication Convention. Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, rabbi emeritus of New York City’s Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun and the rabbi who is known for having converted Ivanka Trump, has backed out of his commitment to offer the invocation Monday at the U.S. Republican National Convention. The rabbi was to offer the […]

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Surprise! Donald Trump’s Campaign Supports The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

If you’ve been paying attention at all the title was a rhetorical question. The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington. Throughout the campaign, Trump has been […]

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Hillary: “White Americans Need To Do A Better Job Recognizing Their Privilege”

The only thing she could do better is to give all the #BlackLivesMatter thugs loaded weapons and have the police wear uniforms with targets on them. Monday in Cincinnati at the 107th NAACP convention, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said white Americans need to “recognize our privilege and and practice humility.” Clinton said, “We white Americans need to do a […]

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“Art of the Deal” Co-Author Now Regrets Writing Book, Says It’s Full Of Falsehoods – “I Put Lipstick on a Pig”

Where was this guy in the primary when it mattered? I’m not sure it would have made much difference, but that was the time to speak out about Trump, especially when Trump kept pushing his book as second only to the Bible. The co-author of Donald Trump’s best-seller “The Art of the Deal” says he regrets writing the 1987 book, […]

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Paul Ryan: “This is not a war with Islam”

Dear amnesty supporting Paul Ryan, if Muslims are our “partners”, then were are all the “moderate” Muslims denouncing the mass slaughter of innocent people? House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has continued to edge away from Donald Trump’s “inflammatory” rhetoric, saying Tuesday that “this is a war with radical Islam. It is not a war with Islam. Muslims are our partners.” While […]

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Rush Limbaugh: It should be #BlackLivesMurder

Rush Limbaugh is now calling the Black Lives Matter movement “Black Lives Murder.” The Daily Caller reports the conservative talk show king — commenting on the acquittal of a white Baltimore cop in the death of Freddie Gray — said Monday on his nationally-syndicated radio show: “This could be a problem in Baltimore now. I’m serious. This is the kind […]

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3 Police Officers Killed and 6 Shot by Blacks Dressed in Black and Body Armor in Baton Rouge

• Gunman opened fire close to Baton Rouge Police Department headquarters • Three officers slain, three in critical condition • One suspect is dead, described as a “black male with body armor,” wearing black fatigues and firing a semi-automatic rifle • The attack comes two days after the funeral of Alton Sterling, a black man killed by police during an […]

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After Calling Ted Cruz The Worst Liar He’s Ever Known, Trump Back To Calling Him A ‘Good Guy’

El Trumpo showed his infinite flexibility with the truth again today, pretty much his only skill, as he went back to calling Ted Cruz a “good guy”! In case you’ve forgotten, his nickname for the Tednado was “Lyin’ Ted.” Trump is an infant who acts like any single thing he dislikes is the “worst ever” and then moves on to […]

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Reeling from Falling Polls, Paul Ryan Floods District with Mailers on Border Security After Funding Every Obama Open Borders Initiative

Following a new primary election poll showing that House Speaker Paul Ryan has plummeted to well below 50 percent in his home district, Ryan is out with new mailers assuring Wisconsin voters of his desire to secure the border, and urging them to support him in his contentious August 9th primary election. The new mailers touting Ryan’s support for border […]

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PLO Praises Student ‘Martyrs’ Who ‘Excelled’ By Attacking Jews

Following the release of high school seniors’ final exam results by the PLO this week, the official press praised “martyrs” who did not graduate because they were busy carrying out terror attacks against Israelis. The PA’s official daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida’s lead article listed 16 [Arab Muslim] students who did not take their final exams, but nevertheless “passed the difficult [test] of dying as martyrs for the […]

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Months Of Servitude With No Payoff Has Left Chris Christie “Livid”

Poor Chris Christie. For months, he acted as Trump’s loyal manservant. He stood dutifully by during press conferences, often becoming the butt of Trump’s fat jokes. Some reports state he was fetching Trump’s lunch for him. Who knows what other errands he ran in service to the Manhattan bully? Several months ago, politicos and casual observers were shocked by a […]

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Gay Mafia makes the First Amendment Defense Act necessary

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held hearings earlier this week on the First Amendment Defense Act, which was introduced a few months ago in the House of Representatives by Rep. Paul Labrador (R-ID) and by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) in the Senate. The legislation would protect religious liberty by preventing the federal government from taking actions against […]

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Hillary Clinton Promises To Gut The First Amendment Within The First 30 Days Of Her Term

It would be ideal if we had even one of the major candidates in this race who was at least moderately tolerable on the First Amendment, but no such candidate exists. Hillary Clinton, like all liberals, only approves of free speech that comports with liberal ideals. And, ironically, the candidate most beholden to large corporate donors of any Presidential candidate […]

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Despite FEC Complaint, Trump Campaign Continues To Solicit Illegal Foreign Money

After a very public run-in with campaign finance laws a few weeks ago, non-partisan watchdog groups put the campaign on notice over their illegal contributions. Though it didn’t really require their notice, as the issue was widely publicized and complaints from members of the British Parliament were made publicly. An FEC complaint was filed, for which the campaign was also […]

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Leftist MSNBC and New York Nazi Times Blame Truck for France Terrorism

The leftist media continues to cover up for Islam. A hashtag was trending on Twitter Friday that mocked (yet, nailed) the ridiculous ways the mainstream media spin the news to focus on the pet political agenda of the day. #MSNBCHeadlines allowed the Twitterverse to imagine headlines in reaction to the horrific Islamic terror attack on Bastille Day celebrations in France. […]

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French Authorities Cover Up the Torture, Disembowelment of Paris Attack Victims

France still covering for Islam… What possible reason would the French government have for covering up the fact that many victims of the terrorist attack in Paris at the Bataclan music hall were apparently savagely tortured? They not only covered it up, they’re still lying about it today. Washington Times: A government committee’s testimony translated by Heat Street, a conservative site […]

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Attempted coup d’etat in Muslim Turkey, hundreds dead

More violence from another Muslim country. Turkish President reasserts control after military attempts coup. Purge of military underway. Following a failed coup attempt mounted by Turkey’s military, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reasserted his control over the country. After the botched attempt to overthrow the government which left more than 260 dead, Erdogan has set out to purge the judiciary […]

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Hospital Refuses to Release Medical Records of 5-Year-Old Who Was Raped And Urinated On By Muslim Migrants

The hospital is trying to cover up for Islam by not releasing medical records to 5-year-old victim’s own mother. A five-year-old girl was raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho; one of them, a 14-year-old, videotaped the attack. After the attack, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused and targeted by law […]

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Jihad Terror in France: 84+ dead, 10+ Children, 188 hospitalized, 50+ critical; #BlackLivesMatter angry at white victims

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he mowed down men, women, and children. #BlackLivesMatter are angry at white Nice victims for stealing the limelight. At least 80 people , including 10 children, have died and dozens were injured during Bastille Day celebrations in Nice, France after a truck ran into a large crowd. Police are treating the incident as “an […]

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Trump Makes it Official: Illegal Amnesty Supporting “Mike Pence Is My VP Pick”

From NewsMax: Donald Trump announced Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate on Friday, adding significant government experience to his outsider campaign for the White House. “I am pleased to announce that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. News conference tomorrow at 11:00 A.M.,” he tweeted. And it looks like Trumps rabid supporters […]

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EU: Israeli “occupation” is root cause of violence

The narrative that the Jews occupy land owned by Muslims is an anti-Semitic and outrageous lie that defends the horrific violence of Muslim terrorists against innocent people. EU states, in an internal report drafted last year, have said the outbreak of Arab Muslim knife and car-ramming attacks against Israelis in Jerusalem is due to Israel’s occupation. They said the attacks began […]

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Ted Cruz’s Convention Speech Subject To Approval, Censorship By Trump’s Team

In what is sure to be a peek into how an Emperor Trump would rule, with Nixonian paranoia and unbridled ego, the word is out in regards to Senator Ted Cruz’s speaking slot at the GOP convention next week. Cruz’s continued public silence, as his loyalists actively plotted to undermine Trump on Thursday, irked Trump allies and Republican leaders alike, […]

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Knockout Game: Blacks brutally beat and hospitalize helpless 75-year-old man

Police are seeking a pair of African American youths after surveillance video showed them launching a brutal sneak attack in Greenwich Village that left a 75-year-old man unconscious and seriously injured. The New York Police Department released images of the surveillance video taken on Wednesday, just after 2 p.m. at 120 W. 14th Street, according to PIX 11. Police say […]

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Nearly 1 Million Babies Murdered By Planned Parenthood Last Year

The abortion goliath, Planned Parenthood, posted goliath sized numbers as to just how much business they do in terms of the business they do best. According to, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) reported that they killed 964,325 babies in 2015. That’s nearly a million children worldwide. If you were to read off the names of IPPF’s tiny victims—without sleeping, […]

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Trump Says He Doesn’t Really Care If Republicans Lose The Senate

Here’s the latest absurdity from the loudmouth moron that voters gave control of the GOP. From the Daily Wire: While Republican delegates prepare to nominate Donald Trump in Cleveland in two weeks, Trump provided yet another piece of evidence that he’s not particularly concerned with the success of the party he has hijacked. New York Times Magazine asked Trump about the importance […]

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FBI Agents: ‘Inside Deal’ Happened in Clinton Email Probe

FBI agents are reportedly skeptical of the law enforcement agency’s decision to close the Hillary Clinton email investigation without recommending criminal charges. Agents told the New York Post that they “believe there was an inside deal put in place” after Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton just days ahead of the FBI’s announcement that its […]

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Obama Invites Racist Inciter Of Cop-Killers #BlackLivesMatter Leader to White House After His Arrest Last Weekend

DeRay McKesson was a lead full-time paid protester in Ferguson, Missouri during the mass riots and looting. He later became a lead activist in Baltimore during the Freddie Gray riots and looting. DeRay McKesson and the other Ferguson and Baltimore protest leaders were trained in Soros-funded agitation. The Ferguson protests and riots were never a grassroots movement. The mob action was a carefully coordinated Soros-funded […]

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Sorry, Ivanka, Israel’s High Rabbinical Court Doesn’t Recognize Your Conversion

Presumptive Republican candidate Donald Trump is often referring to his daughter Ivanka as an Orthodox Jew, but Israel’s high rabbinical court on Wednesday raised the question in everyone’s mind as to whether the court might agree with him or not, along with the rest of the converts who used the services of Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, an Orthodox Rabbi who serves […]

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Iran Threatens to Destroy Israel With ‘100,000 Missiles’

Iran last week reiterated that it is putting the pieces in place for its own version of the “final solution” to the problem of Israel and Jewish sovereignty. “If the Zionists make a wrong move, all the occupied territories will come under attack from dedicated fighters and, Allah willing, the territories will be liberated,” declared Gen. Hossein Salami, deputy chief […]

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Republicans Have Only Themselves to Blame for Trump

Instead of picking an electable candidate, they fired a shotgun blast and blew off their own foot. Rather than set­tling a linger­ing ques­tion hanging over this pres­id­en­tial race, FBI Dir­ect­or James Comey’s re­com­mend­a­tion not to pro­sec­ute Hil­lary Clin­ton, and sub­sequent word from At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Lor­etta Lynch that the Justice De­part­ment was clos­ing the in­vest­ig­a­tion, have con­versely am­ped up anti-Clin­ton feel­ings […]

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Clinton Charity Spends Nearly 80 Percent on Administrative Costs

The Canadian affiliate of the Clinton Foundation is spending an astounding 78 percent of the money it raises on administrative costs, according to the Globe and Mail. The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP) spent nearly 8 dollars for every 10 that it raised on salaries, office supplies, expenses, salaries and consulting fees, according to filings with the Canada Revenue Agency. The […]

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