Category Archives: Articles

Despite FEC Complaint, Trump Campaign Continues To Solicit Illegal Foreign Money

After a very public run-in with campaign finance laws a few weeks ago, non-partisan watchdog groups put the campaign on notice over their illegal contributions. Though it didn’t really require their notice, as the issue was widely publicized and complaints from members of the British Parliament were made publicly. An FEC complaint was filed, for which the campaign was also […]

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Leftist MSNBC and New York Nazi Times Blame Truck for France Terrorism

The leftist media continues to cover up for Islam. A hashtag was trending on Twitter Friday that mocked (yet, nailed) the ridiculous ways the mainstream media spin the news to focus on the pet political agenda of the day. #MSNBCHeadlines allowed the Twitterverse to imagine headlines in reaction to the horrific Islamic terror attack on Bastille Day celebrations in France. […]

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French Authorities Cover Up the Torture, Disembowelment of Paris Attack Victims

France still covering for Islam… What possible reason would the French government have for covering up the fact that many victims of the terrorist attack in Paris at the Bataclan music hall were apparently savagely tortured? They not only covered it up, they’re still lying about it today. Washington Times: A government committee’s testimony translated by Heat Street, a conservative site […]

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Attempted coup d’etat in Muslim Turkey, hundreds dead

More violence from another Muslim country. Turkish President reasserts control after military attempts coup. Purge of military underway. Following a failed coup attempt mounted by Turkey’s military, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reasserted his control over the country. After the botched attempt to overthrow the government which left more than 260 dead, Erdogan has set out to purge the judiciary […]

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Hospital Refuses to Release Medical Records of 5-Year-Old Who Was Raped And Urinated On By Muslim Migrants

The hospital is trying to cover up for Islam by not releasing medical records to 5-year-old victim’s own mother. A five-year-old girl was raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho; one of them, a 14-year-old, videotaped the attack. After the attack, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused and targeted by law […]

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Jihad Terror in France: 84+ dead, 10+ Children, 188 hospitalized, 50+ critical; #BlackLivesMatter angry at white victims

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he mowed down men, women, and children. #BlackLivesMatter are angry at white Nice victims for stealing the limelight. At least 80 people , including 10 children, have died and dozens were injured during Bastille Day celebrations in Nice, France after a truck ran into a large crowd. Police are treating the incident as “an […]

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Trump Makes it Official: Illegal Amnesty Supporting “Mike Pence Is My VP Pick”

From NewsMax: Donald Trump announced Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate on Friday, adding significant government experience to his outsider campaign for the White House. “I am pleased to announce that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. News conference tomorrow at 11:00 A.M.,” he tweeted. And it looks like Trumps rabid supporters […]

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EU: Israeli “occupation” is root cause of violence

The narrative that the Jews occupy land owned by Muslims is an anti-Semitic and outrageous lie that defends the horrific violence of Muslim terrorists against innocent people. EU states, in an internal report drafted last year, have said the outbreak of Arab Muslim knife and car-ramming attacks against Israelis in Jerusalem is due to Israel’s occupation. They said the attacks began […]

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Ted Cruz’s Convention Speech Subject To Approval, Censorship By Trump’s Team

In what is sure to be a peek into how an Emperor Trump would rule, with Nixonian paranoia and unbridled ego, the word is out in regards to Senator Ted Cruz’s speaking slot at the GOP convention next week. Cruz’s continued public silence, as his loyalists actively plotted to undermine Trump on Thursday, irked Trump allies and Republican leaders alike, […]

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Knockout Game: Blacks brutally beat and hospitalize helpless 75-year-old man

Police are seeking a pair of African American youths after surveillance video showed them launching a brutal sneak attack in Greenwich Village that left a 75-year-old man unconscious and seriously injured. The New York Police Department released images of the surveillance video taken on Wednesday, just after 2 p.m. at 120 W. 14th Street, according to PIX 11. Police say […]

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Nearly 1 Million Babies Murdered By Planned Parenthood Last Year

The abortion goliath, Planned Parenthood, posted goliath sized numbers as to just how much business they do in terms of the business they do best. According to, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) reported that they killed 964,325 babies in 2015. That’s nearly a million children worldwide. If you were to read off the names of IPPF’s tiny victims—without sleeping, […]

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Trump Says He Doesn’t Really Care If Republicans Lose The Senate

Here’s the latest absurdity from the loudmouth moron that voters gave control of the GOP. From the Daily Wire: While Republican delegates prepare to nominate Donald Trump in Cleveland in two weeks, Trump provided yet another piece of evidence that he’s not particularly concerned with the success of the party he has hijacked. New York Times Magazine asked Trump about the importance […]

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FBI Agents: ‘Inside Deal’ Happened in Clinton Email Probe

FBI agents are reportedly skeptical of the law enforcement agency’s decision to close the Hillary Clinton email investigation without recommending criminal charges. Agents told the New York Post that they “believe there was an inside deal put in place” after Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton just days ahead of the FBI’s announcement that its […]

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Obama Invites Racist Inciter Of Cop-Killers #BlackLivesMatter Leader to White House After His Arrest Last Weekend

DeRay McKesson was a lead full-time paid protester in Ferguson, Missouri during the mass riots and looting. He later became a lead activist in Baltimore during the Freddie Gray riots and looting. DeRay McKesson and the other Ferguson and Baltimore protest leaders were trained in Soros-funded agitation. The Ferguson protests and riots were never a grassroots movement. The mob action was a carefully coordinated Soros-funded […]

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Sorry, Ivanka, Israel’s High Rabbinical Court Doesn’t Recognize Your Conversion

Presumptive Republican candidate Donald Trump is often referring to his daughter Ivanka as an Orthodox Jew, but Israel’s high rabbinical court on Wednesday raised the question in everyone’s mind as to whether the court might agree with him or not, along with the rest of the converts who used the services of Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, an Orthodox Rabbi who serves […]

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Iran Threatens to Destroy Israel With ‘100,000 Missiles’

Iran last week reiterated that it is putting the pieces in place for its own version of the “final solution” to the problem of Israel and Jewish sovereignty. “If the Zionists make a wrong move, all the occupied territories will come under attack from dedicated fighters and, Allah willing, the territories will be liberated,” declared Gen. Hossein Salami, deputy chief […]

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Republicans Have Only Themselves to Blame for Trump

Instead of picking an electable candidate, they fired a shotgun blast and blew off their own foot. Rather than set­tling a linger­ing ques­tion hanging over this pres­id­en­tial race, FBI Dir­ect­or James Comey’s re­com­mend­a­tion not to pro­sec­ute Hil­lary Clin­ton, and sub­sequent word from At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Lor­etta Lynch that the Justice De­part­ment was clos­ing the in­vest­ig­a­tion, have con­versely am­ped up anti-Clin­ton feel­ings […]

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Clinton Charity Spends Nearly 80 Percent on Administrative Costs

The Canadian affiliate of the Clinton Foundation is spending an astounding 78 percent of the money it raises on administrative costs, according to the Globe and Mail. The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP) spent nearly 8 dollars for every 10 that it raised on salaries, office supplies, expenses, salaries and consulting fees, according to filings with the Canada Revenue Agency. The […]

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FBI Agents Silenced on Hillary Probe

Gee, I wonder why. FBI agents who worked on the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server reportedly had to sign an unusual non-disclosure form banning them from talking about the case unless they were called to testify. Unnamed sources tell the New York Post they’d never heard of the special form — known as a “case briefing […]

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Republican platform removes reference to ‘two-state solution’

The Republican Party’s Platform Committee on Tuesday unanimously agreed to language on Israel that omits references to a “two-state solution” to solve the Israeli [Muslim terrorist] conflict, JTA reports. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. The committee meeting in […]

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Foreigners Get Free Health Care; Taxpayers Get the Bill

Medical bills are pushing more Americans into severe “financial distress,” even if they have insurance. That’s the grim news from a top medical journal. These bills force hundreds of thousands into bankruptcy each year. What’s so galling is that while Americans struggle to pay their bills, freeloaders from other countries get the same care at no cost by gaming our generous open-door […]

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New Study: Police Are Less Likely to Shoot Black Suspects

The reason these racist blacks murder whites and white cops isn’t because they are victims. It’s because they embrace evil, racism, crime, violence, and victimhood for all their self inflicted problems. A new study from Harvard’s Roland G. Fryer Jr. (which Robert VerBruggen examines on the homepage today) shows that while police are more likely to use various types of force – pepper […]

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Cruz Campaign Set to Challenge Trump in Texas: ‘We Have a Busy Weekend Planned’

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz may be down, but don’t count him out of the Republican presidential nomination contest just yet. Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump is sending three advisors to the Texas convention in Dallas this weekend who will make the pitch for party unity. However, they will also be running against a Cruz operation that is still working to […]

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Netanyahu investigation launched for money laundering

Israel’s attorney general has confirmed that he has ordered an investigation into accusations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in what the Israeli media is reporting as a money-laundering probe. Avichai Mandelblit stressed to the media that the investigation opened late Sunday is initial and not a criminal investigation, according to reports. The attorney general reportedly discussed the accusations with the […]

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Florida Democrat: FBI Could Have Stopped Orlando Shooting If They Didn’t Look Into My Personal Slush Fund

On July 7, five Dallas police officers were shot and killed by Micah Xavier Johnson, who expressed his anger towards white people and his desire to kill them, especially white police officers. He told this to Dallas Police negotiators before they sent in a robot equipped with an explosive device that killed him and ended the standoff that ensued after […]

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New Year’s Eve 2,000 Muslim Migrant Sex Attacks; Only 120 Suspects

A new report from German police indicates that 1,200 women were victims of sexual assault by over 2,000 mostly migrant men, but only 120 suspects have been identified. A new police report from the German Federal police (BKA) has revealed that across Germany on New Year’s Eve, in Cologne, Stuttgart, and other cities, over 1,200 women were sexually assaulted. Although the report estimates […]

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South African twins planned to blow up US embassy, Jewish sites

Two South African brothers planned to join ISIS, wanted to bomb US embassy, Jewish institutions in Pretoria. Two South African brothers arrested on terrorism charges were plotting to blow up the US embassy in Pretoria and Jewish institutions, and planned to join Islamic State (ISIS), police said Monday. The 23-year-old twins, Brandon-Lee and Tony-Lee Thulsie, appeared briefly in a Johannesburg […]

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New Black Panther Leader: Blacks Need to Migrate to Five Southern States, Form ‘Country Within a Country’

They should migrate further south to Africa and attempt this there instead since they hate America and love Africa so much. Babu Omowale, the so-called national minister of defense for the People’s New Black Panther Party, says his group and allied organizations have their sights set on establishing “our own government in a nation within a nation.” Omowale was speaking in an […]

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Congressional Black Caucus Absurdly Blames Republicans For Dallas Cop-Shooting

The Congressional Black Caucus continues to show how useless it is by actually rushing out and blaming Republicans for the Dallas scumbag who was literally inspired by [violent] black pride groups to kill police. Amazing. Watch below: Democrat Rep. G.K. Butterfield blamed Republicans for the five officers who were massacred by a racially motivated gunman in Dallas Thursday night. “The Republicans […]

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Poll: Even a Quarter of Democrats Wanted FBI to Indict Hillary

FBI Director James Comey has been roundly criticized for providing a damning report of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s reckless email abuse last week, yet failing to indict her. The House Oversight Committee grilled Comey about his department’s quizzical decision in a hearing on Thursday, wondering how they could come to such an inconsistent conclusion. Republican leaders were among the first […]

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CNN Celebrates African “Transgender Hero” Against “Ignorant” Bible

It’s not just NBC Out that’s pushing the LGBT gospel in network TV-land. CNN is competing in the culture wars as well against “ignorant church” folk. Thomas Page at pushed this article last week: “Tchinda Andrade: Cape Verde’s transgender hero.” A man is the “mother hen” of the trans community in that African island country: It was the popular […]

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21 Officers Injured From Yet Another Violent “Black Lives Matter” Riot

Twenty-one officers from various Minnesota law enforcement agencies were injured and more than 102 protestors were arrested as a demonstration on the I-94 freeway in St. Paul turned violent Saturday night, with protestors hurling rocks, bottles, fireworks and bricks at law enforcement officers on the scene. Hundreds of demonstrators began protesting at the Governor’s Residence in St. Paul Saturday night […]

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Possible Trump VP Newt Gingrich: “White people don’t understand what it means to be black in America”

Newt Leroy Gingrich showed that he’s down for the struggle when he told white people that they just don’t understand what it’s like to be a black man in America! From CNN: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Friday that “normal white Americans” don’t understand “being black in America.” “It took me a long time, and a number of people […]

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Hillary: Everyone in America is racist

During a Friday afternoon interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton stated that “unfortunately,” everyone in America is racist. The interview started with Clinton detailing what needs to happen to avoid future tragedies like the murder of five Dallas police officers Thursday night. “Everyone understands that we have some very deep divides, and if we don’t start addressing […]

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Establishment Republicans want to revise the language in their party platform to support homosexuals

What ever happened to real conservatives? Republicans might revise the language in their party platform regarding gay rights when they meet in Cleveland for their national convention, which begins July 18. “The compromises are going to end up in the same place where it’s pretty much been, just to keep the fighting at a minimum,” an RNC delegate told CBS. […]

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