Category Archives: Articles

JTF This Week: Do you agree with Netanyahu or Feiglin on Arabs, illegal aliens, judges, borders, Iran, settlements, the economy? (new video)

בס”ד Please promote this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 22 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Police call for PM Netanyahu to be indicted

Investigators say sufficient evidence for charges to be brought against PM, recommend indictment. Yair Lapid said to be key witness. Israeli police announced Tuesday night that they have collected sufficient evidence to try Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in both the “Case 1000” and “Case 2000” investigations, involving allegations of the receipt of gifts from wealthy businessmen and charges of collusion […]

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Trump spins giving 90% of Judea and Samaria to mass-murdering terrorists

The Trump administration’s negotiating team is calling this the “deal of the century.” What a joke. This is interesting. Trump’s “negotiating team” wants to give up 90% of Judea and Samaria to a bunch of lunatic mass-murdering terrorist that claim Hitler “didn’t finish the job”. Wow, Trump sure is “pro-Israel.” Palestinian Authority chief negotiator Saeb Erekat revealed in a report […]

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Newly Released Obama FBI Text Messages Prove That Hillary’s Investigation was a Sham

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew well in advance of FBI Director James Comey‘s 2016 press conference that he would recommend against charging Hillary Clinton, according to information turned over to the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Friday. The revelation was included in 384 pages of text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and it significantly diminishes the credibility […]

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Leftists Watch Abortion Video. Immediately Become Pro-Life On Camera!

For those of us who are pro-life, murder and abortion are interchangeable. Mostly because abortion is murder. But to pro-choicers abortion is no more murderous than having a wart removed. This comes as no surprise, given that they liken babies to an unwanted tumor. You’d think the people who so fervently defend abortion would be well acquainted with the actual abortion process, right? […]

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“Moderate” Turkey: 90,000 mosques pray Qur’anic “conquest” prayers calling on Muslims to be “ruthless against unbelievers”

Surah al-Fath is the 48th chapter of the Qur’an. It promises Muslims who wage jihad much material reward: “Allah has promised you much booty that you will take and has hastened for you this and withheld the hands of people from you – that it may be a sign for the believers and He may guide you to a straight […]

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