Category Archives: Articles

If Donald Trump Hires Only the Best People, Why Is He Hiring Losers?

That was a rhetorical question. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is reportedly hiring another veteran political operative to help him win delegates required to secure the nomination, Bloomberg News reported. Ken McKay, who worked as Chris Christie’s campaign manager before the New Jersey governor dropped his presidential bid, will work as a senior adviser for Trump’s campaign on the team […]

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U.N. celebrates jihad bus bombing, Israel does nothing

Investigative journalist reveals UNRWA schools hold terror celebrations, Israel ignores and blocks US law against terror indoctrination. At a facility in Judea of UNRWA, the UN body tasked with caring for “Palestinian refugees,” a festive ceremony was held on Monday honoring Abd al-Hamid Abu Srour, the 19-year-old Hamas terrorist who exactly a week ago bombed a bus in southeastern Jerusalem. Journalist David […]

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Limbaugh Laughs at Trump’s Suggestion Cruz-Kasich Alliance Is ‘Criminal’

For as neutral as Rush Limbaugh has professed to be in the Republican race, he couldn’t keep from laughing at Donald Trump‘s declaration earlier today that the “colluding” Ted Cruz and John Kasich are doing is somehow criminal. Trump reacted to his rivals teaming up against him by bizarrely linking it to businessmen going to jail if they “collude.” This […]

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Jordan Warns Israel to Block Jews from Visiting Temple Mount or Face “Dangerous Consequences”

And Israeli police remove two Jewish visitors from the Temple Mount to appease Muslims. The government of Jordan warned Israel on Sunday there would be “grave repercussions” if Jews continue to ascend to the Temple Mount to visit Judaism’s holiest site over the Passover holiday. Officials in Amman issued a statement warning of “grave repercussions of break-ins by groups of […]

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Donald Trump Threatens Little Old Ladies In Delaware

This is a bizarre story, for several reasons. First off: Donald Trump was widely expected to win Delaware’s 16 delegates anyway. Second, as this Politico article noted Trump started out with a better reputation among longtime Delaware Republicans than he does elsewhere (I mean, it’s not like Delaware’s Maine or anything).  Third, and most importantly: who the heck thinks that […]

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Ted Cruz on Trump’s Pro-Transgender Bathroom Comments: ‘No Different from Politically Correct Leftist Elites’

Ted Cruz on Thursday blasted Donald Trump for opposing North Carolina’s new bathroom law, saying his rival is giving in to “political correctness” and that the country has “gone off the deep end” about the issue. Trump said earlier Thursday that North Carolina should not have passed the law directing transgender people to use the bathroom that matches the gender […]

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Obama Quietly Seeks Meeting With Iranian President

He just can’t take a hint. He just can’t take a hint. Despite being spat on repeatedly by the Iranian regime following his generous gift of an historic nuclear deal, President Barack Obama reportedly now seeks a private meeting with President Hassan Rouhani. Apparently, Obama has even sent secret letters to senior Iranian officials requesting such a meeting. “President Obama asked to […]

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Donald’s own new campaign chief: Trump Just Playing ‘Part,’ Will Adopt New ‘Persona’

Donald Trump is going to tone down the bluster and adopt a new “persona” as he builds a relationship with the GOP political establishment he’s bashed throughout his unorthodox campaign, his campaign chief told party leaders. The GOP presidential front-runner’s new campaign chief, Paul Manafort, in an address to about 100 Republican National Committee members at a closed-door meeting in […]

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Bloomberg’s Heilemann: “In His Gut, Trump’s a Social Liberal”

From bathrooms to abortions, Bloomberg’s John Heilemann believes that in his heart, Donald Trump is a social liberal. Heilemann made his assertion on today’s With All Due Respect in the context of discussing Trump’s comments on a Today town hall this morning in which he was critical of the North Carolina transgender bathroom law, and said he’d have no problem letting […]

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More Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Crimes At Large in the U.S. Than The Population of Pittsburgh

There are more illegal immigrant criminals in the United States than the population of major U.S. cities, Rep. Trey Gowdy argues, expressing frustration at the Obama administration’s focus on the plight of illegal immigrants rather than the victims of their crimes. “Today there are over 350,000 known criminal aliens in the United States who are not detained by ICE, 350,000,” […]

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Trump is the Establishment Candidate: I Want to Bring Gang-of-Eight Rubio Into My Campaign

GOP front-runner Donald Trump says he’d like to bring Florida Sen. Marco Rubio into his campaign as part of his effort to unify the party. Trump already has the support of two of his vanquished foes: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. “Frankly, Marco I’d love to have involved,” Trump said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s […]

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Why is Trump upset? It’s because Cruz is schooling him in the art of the deal.

Donald Trump prides himself on being able to bend arcane and unfair systems to his will. Well, every system except one. For years, Trump has been dogged by questions about his companies’ several bankruptcies, which are potential blemishes upon his business career. In response, Trump has argued that there was nothing illegal, morally wrong or even shameful about restructuring debts […]

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Former Sanders campaign adviser: “Israel will be eliminated”

Lawrence Wilkerson, who earlier in the campaign had advised Bernie Sanders, claims Israel will be ‘eliminated’. Retired US Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson is no stranger to controversy, with a legacy of questionable statements on Israel and the US government. In 2013 the former chief of staff for then-Secretary of State Colin Powell suggested that Israel was responsible for the use […]

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Why I Support Ted Cruz

Reining in executive power. Returning sovereignty to the people. Restoring the prestige and capability of the U.S. military. Lowering taxes, abolishing the IRS,  and unleashing economic prosperity. In his 1944 opus “Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive,” the philosopher Johnny Mercer provided some bracing imperatives that, rightly understood, explain why I am supporting Ted Cruz for the presidency of the United States. “You’ve […]

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Of Course: Trump Trashed Reagan Tax Cuts as Democrat-Called ‘Expert’ Witness

It’s unbelievable how a new Trump scandal is found and published almost every day – and it just keeps on coming. It’s not especially remarkable that House Democrats once summoned fellow liberal Donald Trump to Capitol Hill to testify about the alleged adverse effects of Ronald Reagan’s 1986 tax reforms. What is somewhat remarkable is that this clip wasn’t dug up […]

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The New Racists: Annual White Privilege Conference Draws Thousands of Teachers

It will no doubt come as a tragic disappointment to many of you to learn that you missed this year’s “17th Annual White Privilege Conference” in Philadelphia, particularly because this year’s exciting, Orwellian theme was “Let Freedom Ring, Re-Imagining Equality & Social Justice in the United States.” Featuring a wide variety of workshops to indoctrinate adults and students on race, racism, […]

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Buying the Media: Donald Trump Pays Off Breitbart Editor

Call them, “Trumpbart.” For months now, the website began by the late, great Andrew Breitbart, dedicated to rooting out liberal corruption and upholding the mantle of conservatism has taken a disturbing, vile twist. Rather than be the home of conservative activism that Andrew envisioned, it has mutated into some swirling, viscous vat of mad Trumpism. The stench of the gilded […]

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Muslims Celebrate Jerusalem Bus Bombing

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Palestinian terrorist groups have issued statements celebrating Monday’s bus bombing in Jerusalem, which left 21 people injured. The Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas said in a statement on its website that it […]

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Ted Cruz defends Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights

Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Monday expressed support for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s call to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. “The government of Israel reiterated the reality that the Golan Heights are part of Israel’s sovereign territory,” Cruz said in a statement, adding, “Given the presence of hostile terrorist organizations ranging from ISIS to […]

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Report: Trump hit on beauty pageant founder, contestants

What is Trump even doing at beauty pageants? Donald Trump’s first foray into beauty pageants ended with a bitter legal battle and charges he made unwarranted sexual advances on one of the pageant’s founders, according to a report in the Boston Globe on Sunday. The report on Trump’s short-lived role in the American Dream Calendar Girls pin-up competition documents several […]

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Two Jews arrested on vague charges of “nationalistic crime”

Five others wallow in jail without being allowed legal counsel. Two Jews were arrested on Monday on vague suspicions of being involved in “nationalistic crime events,” a broad term that often refers to vandalism or other acts [supposedly] targeting Arabs. The two were arrested within the framework of a case that currently remains under a media gag order. They will be […]

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Cruz Campaign’s Masterful Performance at GOP State Conventions

The Ted Cruz campaign showed once again its mastery over the Trump campaign, sweeping 14 delegates in Wyoming at the state convention, while picking off delegates at state conventions in South Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia. Washington Post: The events capped off three remarkable weeks for Cruz in the sort of cloistered party meetings where grass-roots organizers can dominate. Cruz, the […]

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United Nations Renames Western Wall to “Al-Buraq Plaza”

“Thus saith the LORD: I return unto Zion and will dwell in the midst of Yerushalayim; and Yerushalayim shall be called the city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.” Zechariah 8:3 On Friday, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Executive Board in Paris adopted a resolution erasing Israel’s ties to the Temple Mount […]

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U.S. Imam: “Muslims Have The RIGHT To Take The Property Of FILTHY Christians And Jews”

Meet Abu Ammaar Yasir Kazi. He’s not some crazy Imam in the Middle East. He’s a college professor at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, who was described by New York Times Magazine as “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.” In lectures to students at this American college, he blasts those in his class as being filthy […]

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