Category Archives: Articles

Mass Grave of Children Who Rejected Islamic State Found in Sinjar, Iraq

Officials discovered another mass grave in Sinjar, Iraq, containing bodies of Yazidis, including children, who refused to join the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL). CNN toured the town with Mayor Mahama al-Shangali. He showed Nima Elbagir a new mass grave filled with at least 130 bodies of men, women, and children. The Islamic State wanted to take these people to Tal Afar, […]

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Europe’s Jews Fleeing to Israel in Record Numbers

And not just from France but the UK, Belgium and Italy, too. With the rise of Islam, so too has anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic attacks spiked worldwide, and particularly in Europe. It comes as no surprise then that a new report shows that immigration to Israel, otherwise known as “Aliyah,” among European Jews is at all all-time high. TruthRevolt previously reportedly the fact that Jews are […]

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Naftali Bennett calls religious Jewish settlers “extremists” and again falsely accuses innocent Jews for Duma

Education Minister Naftali Bennett compares religious Jewish settlers to BDS and leftist anti-Semites. Right and left-wing extremists are desperate and as such are trying to “burn down our house,” Education Minister Naftali Bennett said on Thursday. He made these remarks while delivering a guest lecture to undergraduate students in an “Israeli identity” course, taught by  Eldad Yaniv, director of the […]

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Busted: Establishment GOP Caught Sending Amnesty Message in Spanish Version of SOTU Response

Busted by the Miami Herald. After Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) delivered her post-State of the Union response, a Spanish-language version was subsequently released. However, according to the Miami Herald, the latter had a “decidedly softer” message on illegal immigration and may have caught the GOP red-handed sending what some conservative sites are calling an “amnesty pledge” to Latino voters. Patricia […]

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Religious farmers refuse to host gay wedding – fined $13,000 and forced to attend “re-education training classes”

A court has ruled against a husband and wife who own a farm in central New York, upholding a $13,000 fine that was imposed over the couple’s refusal to host a same-sex wedding on their property back in 2012. The New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Third Department, upheld a punishment imposed by New York’s Division of Human Rights that included $10,000 in […]

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Iranians Force American Sailors To Kneel Before Them — And John Kerry Says Thanks!

From CBS News: The vice president explained that the “the Iranians picked up both boats — as we have picked up Iranian boats that needed to be rescued.” Iranian officials then “realized they were there in distress and said they would release them, and released them — like ordinary nations would do.” He added that situations like the capture of […]

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Obama brags over nuclear deal as Iran arrests U.S. sailors

‘Why we are about to give them sanctions relief?’ Iran seized 10 U.S. sailors on Tuesday as President Obama prepared to give his final State of the Union speech. He still touted this summer’s nuclear deal anyway. “We built a global coalition, with sanctions and principled diplomacy, to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran,” Obama declared. “As we speak, Iran has rolled back […]

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Donald Trump lacking any foreign policy credentials while Iran and North Korea go nuclear

… “It’s more than a little strange to see Donald Trump is relying on as authoritative a liberal left-wing judicial activist Harvard law professor who is a huge Hillary supporter,” said [Ted] Cruz in Hudson, New Hampshire, referring to his former law school professor Laurence Tribe, who has said the issue remains debated. “It starts to make you think, gosh, […]

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Al Jazeera Shutting Down in America

Who says the news is all bad? Capital New York reports that Al Jazeera America is shutting down operations after only two and a half years. Al Jazeera America employees were told that the channel’s business model was “no longer sustainable” and that it will shut down by April 30. The media company has plans to pursue a “new global online strategy” with […]

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“Israel is closing its doors to official visits from Sweden”

The Foreign Ministry summoned Swedish ambassador to Israel Carl Magnus for reprimand on Wednesday evening after Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom called to investigate the Jewish state for the “execution” of [so-called] “Palestinian” terrorists. Magnus was summoned by Aviv Shiron, the Foreign Ministry’s director-general for Western Europe division, who attacked Wallstrom for her “biased and hostile attitude toward Israel.” “The minister’s remarks […]

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Hillary Clinton mulled secret plan to spark Arab Islamic terrorism in Israel

Four years ago, then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton considered a secret plan created by her advisers to clandestinely foment unrest among Arabs in Judea and Samaria, in order to “push the Israeli government back to the negotiating table”. The revelation arises from emails released as part of the investigation into the Democratic presidential frontrunner’s private email server. There is no such thing […]

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Race-Obsessed Geraldo Rivera: America ‘Was Not Ready for a Black President’

On the Fox News Channel’s Outnumbered, race-obsessed Geraldo Rivera, inexplicably a network regular, put forth his predictable explanation for President Obama’s failure to unite the country on issues like race, guns and terrorism: Americans weren’t ready for a black president. Geraldo said to his female co-hosts on Outnumbered, “I think, and his is just strictly my Constitutionally protected opinion—I know you’ll get mad at me but I think this—I […]

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Ex-CIA boss: Islamic State gaining new members ‘faster than Al Qaeda ever did’

The Islamic State’s web of affiliates is growing faster than Al Qaeda’s ever did, a former top CIA official told Congress on Tuesday – on the heels of yet another attack blamed on ISIS. Michael Morell, President Obama’s former deputy and acting CIA director, issued the warning in testimony to the House Armed Services Committee. He said the number of […]

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Ted Cruz: Dems Behind Trump’s ‘Natural Born’ Citizen Debate, Propping Up Candidate Dems Can Beat

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz responded to Trump’s comments about whether or not Cruz is a “natural born” citizen and able to run for President of the United States–suggesting that Democrats are the ones prompting Trump to question Cruz’s citizenship. “I will say it is more than a little strange to see Donald relying on as authoritative a liberal, left-wing, […]

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Common Core Textbook Executive: “I Hate Kids… It’s All About the Money”

On Tuesday, James O’Keefe’s corruption-exposing outfit Project Veritas released its latest undercover sting video that exposes textbook publishers involved in a shameless “money game” to get rich off of selling Common Core educational standards. “In this new video, Project Veritas journalists visit with America’s top textbook publishing companies, the moneymakers of Common Core, in an effort to expose how crony […]

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Ambassador Danon on Iranian Holocaust Denial Cartoon Contest: “Pure Evil”

Winner of the competition for cartoons that ridicule and deny the Holocaust will receive a prize of $50,000. Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon called on the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, to condemn Iran for hosting an annual cartoon contest promoting Holocaust denial. “This anti-Semitic act represents the pure evil of the Iranian regime,” Danon said Tuesday. “Denying the Holocaust […]

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NCAA Is “Racist” Because Black Athletes Help White Coaches Get Rich

Can we say NCAACP? The NCAA is racist, according to Donald H. Yee, a lawyer whose firm represents professional athletes, including New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. It’s racist, he argues, because the organization, which brings in billions from lucrative TV contracts each year, makes white coaches and college administrators rich on the backs of unpaid black athletes. And in the […]

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“Shabak fights against the Jewish vision” – Jewish victim speaks out

Hakol Hayehudi interviews Mordechai Ben Gedalya (Meyer), who was released last week from administrative detention after a mistake was uncovered by the Shabak. Mordechai Ben Gedalya (Meyer) was released last week after sitting under administrative detention for five months. It turns out that his administrative arrest was the result of faulty intelligence on the part of the Shabak. Hakol Hayehudi […]

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US Supreme Court lets stand the censorship and rejection of pro-Israel advertisements

American Freedom Defense Initiative’s pro-Israel ads were deemed ‘demeaning’ to so-called “Palestinians” by Boston transit authority. The US Supreme Court rejected on Monday an appeal from a pro-Israel group seeking to place ads on the Boston-area mass transit system, AP reports. The ads are sponsored by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), also known as Stop Islamization of American, and they describe the [Israeli Arab] conflict […]

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FBI’s Hillary Probe Expands Again, Now Investigating Public Corruption

After lying mostly dormant for weeks amid intensive media focus on the Republican presidential race, Hillary Clinton’s scandals have exploded back into the headlines over the past four days. On Friday, the State Department released a 2011 email that appeared to show then-Secretary Clinton instructing a colleague to strip an identifying heading — which includes classification notices — off of a sensitive […]

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Muslim “Refugees” Practiced ‘Taharrush’ On Women in Cologne Rape Attacks

An official report into the Cologne sex assaults has concluded the attacks were by men “almost exclusively” from a migrant background, and links them to the ‘Taharrush‘ phenomenon where large gangs of men attack women in the Arab world. Video – Woman in Cologne Germany dragged into subway by migrants: Yesterday, Breitbart London reported how German authorities now fear a […]

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Illegal aliens given nearly 50% of California drivers licenses

California’s roadways just got a lot more crowded – with illegal aliens. Nearly half of all new non-commercial licenses issued in California in 2015 went to illegal aliens. A new Department of Motor Vehicles program granted 605,000 new driver’s licenses out of 1.4 million to the illegals. “This was a major undertaking and never before had the department implemented a […]

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Four black teens in custody after gang rape at New York City playground

Four of five teenagers accused of raping an 18-year-old woman at a Brooklyn, New York playground were in custody late Sunday, as authorities defending their handling of the case. Police said two teenagers surrendered and two were apprehended. Charges were pending against a 14-year-old, 17-year-old and two 15-year-olds. A fifth suspect is still being sought. Authorities said the woman was […]

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Obama to shut Guantanamo before he leaves office, says White House chief of staff

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on Sunday vowed that President Obama will close the Guantanamo Bay detainee facility before his presidency ends in 11 months. “He feels an obligation to his successor to close that, and that’s why we’re going to do it,” McDonough said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Sure we are.” However, McDonough declined to answer whether […]

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Islamic State Executes 4-Year-Old with Remote-Controlled Bomb

Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) jihadists in Iraq have reportedly blown up a four-year-old boy with a remote-controlled bomb. Jabar el-Maamouri, a senior official in the Iraqi state-sponsored Shiite militia movement known as the the Popular Mobilisation Forces, told the Alsumaria news agency that ISIS jihadists detonated “a bomb that was attached to the child through a remote-controlled device so that his organs would be blown […]

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Of 452 Suicide Attacks Worldwide Last Year, How Many Do You Think Were Perpetrated by Muslims?

A new study by Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University found that of the 452 suicide attacks it tallied last year, 450 were carried out by Muslims. The Times of Israel reported: Of course, we cannot avoid mentioning the religious element as the most significant factor that motivates the suicide terrorists throughout the world. Here’s the […]

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New Reform curriculum: Anti-Israel course entitled “Reframing Israel” supports Arab terrorists

“The main author and the majority of contributors to Reframing Israel are part of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. A new curriculum for Reform Hebrew schools […]

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New edition of Hitler’s Mein Kampf goes on sale in German bookshops and sells out instantly

Mein Kampf had more than 15,000 orders despite only printing 4,000 copies German state of Bavaria refused to publish book for 70 years Copyright expired on January and new edition will cost 59 euros (£43) Munich’s Institute for Contemporary History curated annotated edition Hitler wrote notorious racist manifesto while in jail in 1924  Adolf Hitler’s autobiography Mein Kampf was an instant […]

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Treasons of the Democrats

Our country is at a perilous crossroads, one made immeasurably more dangerous by a treacherous national party. A slightly different version of this first appeared at the National Review Online. The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant to dramatize was the fact that a regime as monstrous […]

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Silent Intifada Weekly Summary – Over 180 Terrorist Attacks and Two Jews Murdered

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that […]

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North Korea and Iran: The Nuclear Duo

Obama administration takes North Korea testing issue to the UN while ignoring Iran link. North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test on January 6th, which it claimed was a hydrogen bomb. Despite some skepticism as to North Korea’s claim that it had actually tested a hydrogen bomb, the Obama administration acknowledged that North Korea had indeed tested some sort of […]

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Muslim who attempted to execute PA cop said he acted “in the name of Islam”, police confirm

The man caught in surveillance footage ambushing a Philadelphia officer in a squad car, shooting him multiple times, claimed he acted “in the name of Islam,” police said at a news conference Friday. The suspect’s gun, a 9mm Glock 17, had been stolen from police in 2013, Commissioner Richard Ross said. The suspect, 30-year-old Edward Archer, told homicide investigators he “pledges […]

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Philly Mayor Defends Islam: Islamic State Cop Shooter ‘Does Not Represent’ Islam

The Muslim man who said Islam motivated him to shoot a police officer does not represent the teachings of Islam, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney stated in a press conference on Friday afternoon, following an attempted execution by a man who had reportedly pledged to the Islamic State. A 33-year-old Philadelphia policeman, Jesse Hartnett, was ambushed late Thursday when Edward Archer, a […]

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Leftist “rights” group defends executing Arabs who sell land to Jews

Leftist group B’Tselem on revealing identities of Arabs sellers to PLO: ‘only legitimate channel’ to stop Jews from moving in. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. The purported human rights organization B’Tselem has expressed its support […]

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Time to investigate the Clintons for breaking U.S. law with foreign donations

These countries include Algeria, Kuwait, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Now that Hillary Clinton has openly declared that Bill Clinton will be part of her campaign, it is time for the FBI to investigate the Clinton Foundation, of which Bill is the founder, for possible violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (22 […]

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Just like Obama and Iran: North Korea Developed Nuclear Bomb On Clinton’s Watch

To Republican U.S. presidential contenders, North Korea’s [testing of] a hydrogen bomb may further make the 2016 race what they dearly want it to be: a referendum on President Barack Obama’s foreign policy and, by extension, Hillary Clinton’s. For months, these Republicans have liked to say the world is “on fire,” pinning the conflicts in Iraq and Syria, the attacks […]

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