Category Archives: Articles

Poll: 61% of Trump supporters say there is literally nothing he could do to stop them from supporting him

A just-released Monmouth poll provides confirmation with this data point: 61 percent of those approving of Trump’s performance say there is literally nothing he could do that would cause them not to support him, while 57 percent say there is nothing Trump could do to earn their support except resign the presidency. Plain and simple, that is a cult. Not a political party. Not a […]

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Trump defends KKK and Nazi demonstrators: “You also had people that were very fine people on both sides”

Can “very fine people” march with neo-Nazis? Three days gone, and Trump has not even reached out to Charlottesville victim’s family. US President Donald Trump has failed miserably. By doubling down and creating equivalence between the white supremacist neo-Nazi marchers and the counter demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump is revealing one of two possibilities: he is either afraid to offend his political base by condemning […]

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Trump getting a lot of criticism and pushback from Republicans over Charlottesville

Even former Presidents George Bush, Jr., and George Bush, Sr. condemn the Nazis and the KK in a rebuke of Donald Trump. Ted Cruz also unequivocally denounced white supremacy and anti-Semitism. Trump isn’t just in the crosshairs of the media. Many Republicans have also come out after yesterday’s press conference against Trump’s comments: WASHINGTON EXAMINER – President Trump on Tuesday reignited the controversy […]

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President Trump Gave Nazis and the KKK an Unequivocal Boost

Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists praise Trump’s “fair” condemnation of so-called “both sides” in Charlottesville. Ex-KKK leader David Duke cheers president’s ‘courage’ President Donald Trump’s infrastructure presser quickly descended into a heated exchange with the news media, which are still unsatisfied with his remarks about the horrific violence that erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. The New York Times reported that […]

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Anyone Surprised? PLO Leader Abbas Sends Greeting to North Korea Dictator

Abbas has wished North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “health and happiness” at a time of rising nuclear tensions with the U.S. President Mahmoud Abbas sent the greeting on Tuesday in honor of “Liberation Day,” when both North and South Korea celebrate their liberation from Japanese colonial rule. Abbas praised the “historic friendship” with North Korea and wished the country’s […]

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Illegal immigrant in Utah who was deported raped 7-year-old girl ‘thousands of times,’ police say

An illegal immigrant who returned to the country after being deported to Mexico is accused of raping a 7-year-old girl “thousands of times.” Victor Francisco Michel-Lara, 32, of Cedar City, Utah was arrested Sunday and faces first-degree felony charges of rape of a child, according to his arrest report. He was also placed on an immigration detainer. The girl told […]

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Iceland Systematically Murders Anyone with Downs Syndrome to “Eradicate” It

Europe has always had a history of murdering groups of innocent people they consider “inferior.” A casually worded CBS News article depicts a horrifying leftist reality. CBS News reported earlier this week that Iceland is leading the world in “eradicating Down syndrome births.” One might be forgiven for assuming that Iceland has developed an innovative treatment for the chromosomal disorder. It turns […]

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DOJ Demands Info on 1.3 Million Users of Anti-Trump Website

The Department of Justice is demanding that web host provider Dreamhost turn over information on more than 1.3 million visitors to a website it hosts that is used to organize protests against President Donald Trump, The Hill reported on Tuesday. The website, part of the DisruptJ20 political organization, helped plan a protest for Trump’s inauguration in January, at which several purported members […]

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KKK and Nazis plan to be ‘more active than ever’

Motivated by Charlottesville rally and Trump’s refusal to denounce them, white supremacists planning campus speeches, additional events at Confederate monuments. Emboldened and proclaiming victory after a bloody weekend in Virginia, white nationalists are planning more demonstrations to promote their agenda after the violence that left a woman dead and dozens injured. The University of Florida said white provocateur Richard Spencer, […]

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Tillerson’s State Department hosts CAIR and other terror-linked Muslim groups to discuss Israel

The Council on American Islamic Relations, a Hamas-tied Muslim Brotherhood front group, met with officials from the State Department Thursday to discuss the ongoing situation in Jerusalem, the American Muslims for “Palestine” (AMP) posted online. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more […]

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Anti-Semite Alex Jones claims white supremacist protesters were “Jewish actors disguised as Nazis”

Remember that this is the same Alex Jones that is very close to Donald Trump. Alex Jones’ mind works in strangely anti-Semitic ways. The conspiracy theorist, creator of InfoWars and host of “The Alex Jones Show” on the Genesis Communications Network and WWCR in Austin, Texas, is now peddling a theory that “Unite the Right” protesters were Jewish actors disguised […]

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New York Values: Mayor De Blasio Convinces City to Award Him More Reelection Funds, Then Goes on Vacation

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio took off Monday for a family vacation in Rhode Island just days after he convinced the city’s Campaign Finance Board to award him an additional $1.6 million in public matching funds for what he called a tough reelection fight. De Blasio was automatically entitled to $958,000 in matching funds as part of the […]

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Trump Won’t Call Out White Supremacists But Blasts Minority CEO For Leaving Manufacturing Council

The Chairman and CEO of pharmaceutical company Merck, Kenneth Frazier, issued a statement on Monday saying he was resigning from the President’s American Manufacturing Council. Frazier stated that as a matter of personal conscience he was resigning specifically over the president’s lack of “clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy,” in his statements during and since the deadly rally and […]

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Nazis Are ‘Feeling Legitimized’ After Charlottesville Because Trump Refuses To Call Out Nazis and KKK

From The Right Scoop: Why didn’t Trump just come out himself and [denounce the white supremacists, KKK, and neo-Nazis]? Because he tut-tutted the alt-right throughout his presidential campaign. He refused point-blank to condemn the KKK during an infamous exchange with CNN’s Jake Tapper in March 2016. He refused to condemn the alt-right targeting Jewish journalists like Julia Ioffe in May. […]

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Brooklyn: Two Orthodox Jews Stabbed By Neighbor; One Dead and the Other Hospitalized

Two Orthodox brothers were stabbed by a neighbor who blocked their driveway; one dead and the other in stable condition. A family already shattered by previous tragedy is sadly mourning once again. A 23-year-old Frum man was R”L stabbed to death by his neighbor after he had blocked the victims driveway, Sunday night / early Monday morning. Sources tell YWN […]

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Voters have a golden opportunity to take down RINO traitor Mitch McConnell

In the last seven years, there hasn’t been one ultimately successful conservative primary challenger to an incumbent Republican Senator. The last successful challenger to an incumbent liberal Senate Republican was Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah. That was in 2010, and Lee won at a nominating convention, rather than a traditional primary election. In 2012, Richard Mourdock defeated incumbent Senator Dick Lugar, […]

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Government plays a dangerous game with mass surveillance

Innocent Americans should not fear their government. Few issues are as truly bipartisan as this. When we are afraid, we change our activity in fundamental ways. We avoid actions that we fear might put us in the crosshairs of the government’s overwhelming power. We speak differently. We associate with different people. We think — maybe just for a moment — about whether […]

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Neo-Nazi Trump Supporters in Charlottesville Murder 3 and Injure Dozens

A car plowed into a crowd of people peacefully protesting a white nationalist rally Saturday in a Virginia college town, killing one person, hurting dozens more and ratcheting up tension in an increasingly violent confrontation. A helicopter crash that killed the pilot and a passenger later in the afternoon outside Charlottesville also was linked to the rally by State Police, […]

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Neo-Nazis Praise Trump’s Response to Charlottesville: “He Said He Loves Us All”

Trump’s Charlottesville backlash… We warned about this before the election. The layup untaken? Unforced error? Worst moment of his days as president? However you look at it, President Trump’s suggestion that “many sides” were responsible for the racist carnage in Charlottesville, Va., produced an instant backlash even from some top Republicans: At 3:33 p.m., Trump said in televised remarks from his […]

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Arab Muslim Terror attack thwarted in Jerusalem

Arab terrorist shot, arrested in Jerusalem ahead of planned terror attack in the capital. Israeli security forces thwarted a planned terror attack in the capital Sunday, neutralizing and arresting a suspected terrorist in the Beit Safafa neighborhood of Jerusalem. According to an Israel Police spokesperson, the suspect was nabbed during a joint operation of Israel Police and the Shin Bet […]

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California: Muslim thief awarded $85,000 because cop removed her hijab

“There really is no justification for taking off a person’s religious headgear,” said Powell’s attorney, Marwa Rifahie of the [terrorist] Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations. But there is. Something could be hidden in it. A prisoner could hide a knife in a hijab and kill a police officer with it. And when that happens, the police officer will be a […]

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Google Pounded With Brilliant Mockery for Fascism-Inspired Firing

Google, under the dark cloud bigotry after firing a programmer who dared to believe in the undeniable science and biology that women are different to men, the leftist tech empire is getting pummeled by the brilliant and talented street artist Sabo, with posters brutally mocking the company for the fascism-inspired firing. Former Google programmer James Damore was fired this week for […]

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Alabama judge overturns statute banning teachers from having sex with students

The rate of culture rot seems to be accelerating. Teacher / student relationships in the State of Alabama just got a lot more complicated after a judge overturned as unconstitutional a state law banning sex between school employees and students under 19. In cases involving 44-year-old former high school teacher Carrie Witt, accused of sex with two students who were […]

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Planned Parenthood Staffers Mockingly Called Freezer With Baby Parts ‘The Nursery,’ Says Former Exec

Staffers also set their alarm code to spell out the word “baby.” Speaking with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in a pre-taped interview aired on Monday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, former Planned Parenthood executive Abby Johnson revealed the horrifying truth behind America’s largest abortion company. Johnson previously worked as a Planned Parenthood clinic director in Houston, Texas, before resigning in 2009 when she […]

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Trump riles conservatives by endorsing establishment RINO pick in Alabama’s Senate GOP primary

[Fox] – In between ratcheting up the rhetoric on North Korea and taunting Mitch McConnell – all while on vacation at his New Jersey golf club – President Trump did something else unusual this week: He endorsed the establishment pick in Alabama’s upcoming Senate GOP primary. The president is now facing a backlash from his usual conservative media allies for stepping […]

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Vogue magazine glorifies convicted transgender traitor Chelsea Manning in September issue

Chelsea Manning is a convicted traitor. His crimes included espionage and theft, and he was convicted of 17 of 22 charges. Chelsea Manning — convicted traitor — is featured in Vogue magazine’s September issue, photographed by Annie Leibovitz no less: Chelsea Manning poses in a scarlet swimsuit for Vogue — Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) August 10, 2017 Why is the magazine endorsing treason just […]

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China vows to block US attack on North Korea

China’s state-owned The Global Times said the country won’t help North Korea if it attacks the US, but would intervene if the US attempted to attack North Korea preemptively. In an editorial, The Global Times said China should tell both sides that “when their actions jeopardize China’s interests, China will respond with a firm hand.” “China should also make clear that if North Korea […]

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Top Muslim Imam from Temple Mount: Refugees Must Breed With Europeans to Conquer Europe

Sheikh Muhammed Ayed, a Muslim imam from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, encourages Muslim refugees to breed with Europeans, and threatens the coming of an Islamic Caliphate to conquer Europe. A Muslim Imam speaking before a group told the group to breed with Europeans. Yes, the plan is to breed with Europeans until all of Europe is Muslim. THE VIDEO […]

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Leading Celebrities Pushing The Transgender Agenda Onto Their Children

Why are conservatives still buying their films and supporting evil? How insane is it that the mainstream and liberal media are working to eliminate the concept of gender? It isn’t that complicated. Boys have a penis, and girls have a vagina. It is not some high level philosophical construct that passes over the heads of even the greatest intellectuals and biologists. This […]

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Transgender Active-Duty Troops Sue Trump Over Military Ban

President Donald Trump is being sued by five transgender people serving in the United States military who are requesting for transgender troops to be permitted to stay in the armed forces. The lawsuit comes in response to Trump’s July tweets announcing transgender troops would not be allowed to serve in the military in “any capacity,” according to the New York Times. The case, organized by the […]

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Muslim Professor At California State University: “Genocide” Of Whites “Morally Required”

Mohammed Abed reaffirmed his belief that genocide is not always immoral and is sometimes even morally required in an email to The Daily Caller News Foundation Wednesday. The California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) professor argued in his 2015 paper, “The Concept of Genocide Reconsidered,” that  genocide — defined as “a violent process that aims at the liquidation of protected groups” — […]

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Survey finds 72% of Israelis back investigating Netanyahu

Israelis are in favor of pushing ahead with two corruption investigations into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The survey asked if investigations against a serving prime minister should be postponed; 15 percent said they should be put off, while 72% said the investigations should go ahead. The poll published on Thursday was carried out by the Midgam Research Institute for Channel […]

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This is what we are up against: Liberal U.S. Reform “Rabbis” call on Israel to remove travel ban on Nazi BDS leaders

You just couldn’t be more evil and self-hating than these traitors. “Whether we support boycott is a controversy for the sake of heaven.” More than 200 [so-called] “rabbis” from the liberal movements of American Judaism signed a letter opposing Israel’s travel ban on leaders of the boycott movement against Israel. The rabbis signing Wednesday’s letter were responding to an incident […]

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North Korea Responds to Trump: “TOTAL NONSENSE!”; Threatens Guam Again

Obama administration knew North Korea had miniaturized nukes and downplayed the intel. The North Korean regime responded to Trump’s threat of “fire and fury” with their own threat. Reuters: N.KOREA SAYS U.S. PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP’S “FIRE AND FURY” COMMENTS ARE “LOAD OF NONSENSE” -KCNA — Steve Kopack (@SteveKopack) August 9, 2017 BREAKING: North Korea’s military calls Trump’s threat a ‘load of […]

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Heating Up: Investigators Issue Subpoenas For The Bank Records Of Former Trump Campaign Chairman

Several months ago, the vibe from the ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election was that the main player to focus on was Trump senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner. Kushner may very well still be under intense scrutiny, given it took him three revisions to get all of his foreign contacts down on his security clearance paperwork. […]

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Twitter only removes anti-Semitic posts after they are spray painted at HQ

Israeli satirist and activist finally gets some results as Twitter starts removing posts he spray painted at their headquarters after ignoring complaints. Twitter has removed a handful of racist tweets and suspended several accounts after a German-Israeli satirist spray painted about 30 of them outside the company’s headquarters in Hamburg. Shahak Shapira used water soluble spray-paint to write the nearly 30 […]

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Social Security Administration Gave $1.3 Million in Benefits to Criminals

The Social Security Administration gave $1.3 million in benefits to criminals, including individuals who had already defrauded the government, according to a new audit. The inspector general for the agency foundthat just over 50 representative payees who were felons received benefits even though they should have been barred from receiving payments. Representative payees are individuals who are responsible for administering benefits […]

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Trump deportations lag behind Obama levels

The U.S. is deporting people more slowly than during the Obama administration despite President Donald Trump’s vast immigration crackdown, according to new data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. From Feb. 1 to June 30, ICE officials removed 84,473 people — a rate of roughly 16,900 people per month. If deportations continue at the same clip until the fiscal year ends Sept. […]

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Horrific New Details Emerge of Christians Being Crushed Under Steamrollers, Hung Over Fires in North Korea

News broke this afternoon of an escalation of words between North Korea and President Donald Trump, with the President releasing a statement warning North Korea not to escalate the situation any further. “North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very […]

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