Category Archives: Articles

Pakistani Muslim with U.S. citizenship planned Paris-style jihad attacks in NYC

A US citizen of Pakistani origin was planning to carry out Paris-style attacks on “heavily populated areas” in New York City, revealed a report shared by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with Pakistani authorities. The FBI report, handed over to the interior ministry for extradition of the 18-year-old suspect Talha Haroon, says that he, along with his co-conspirator […]

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More Births Expected for Muslims Than Christians Globally by 2035

In recent years, Christians have had more babies than any other religious group worldwide. But by 2035, Muslims are projected to experience the higher birth rate, putting the world’s two largest religions on track to have a near equal share of the global population by 2060, according to a demographic analysis released Wednesday. With 2.3 billion adherents, Christians are the […]

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At UN, Syria Tries to Divert Chemical Weapons Focus Onto Israel

Hours after Tuesday’s deadly chemical weapons attack in Syria’s Idlib province, an Assad regime representative in New York said the Syrian government condemned the use of all weapons of mass destruction, and then tried to turn the attention onto Israel and other critics instead. Speaking at the U.N. Disarmament Commission session, the delegate called chemical weapons use “intolerable and immoral” […]

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Why is Trump Protecting Violent Muslims in Syria? “My attitude on Syria and Assad has changed very much!”

No one, absolutely no one, is going to force Muslims in terrorist Syria to become “peaceful.” It’s never going to happen. In fact, it’s never going to happen in any predominately Muslim country. Didn’t the “Muslim Spring” prove that? So why is Trump wasting any time on Syria when terrorist Iran and North Korea are obtaining nuclear weapons? Every Muslim […]

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Liberal Hypocrite “Equal Pay Day Champion” Liz Warren Pays Women Less Than Men… Much Less

The motto with liberals is “do what I say; not what I do.” Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has been a large advocate for breaking down barriers for women. Bustle provided some examples of how she “fought for women’s rights in 2015”: Being the keynote speaker at the “Know Your Values” event When she introduced the “Schedules that Work” Act Supported […]

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Planned Parenthood Hospitalizes Two Black Women After Botched Abortions; Abortionist Left to Abort More Babies

Operation Rescue has learned that two Planned Parenthood abortion facilities have recently transported two black women to emergency rooms in two states. Where’s Al Sharpton? Planned Parenthood in Boston, Massachusetts, called 911 for an emergency transport of an African American female patient on March 28, 2017. Photos taken on the scene by The Boston Rescuer show the patient slightly inclined on […]

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Special Treatment for Sodomy: Federal Court over-extends Civil Rights Law to cover all LGBTQQIP2SAA persons

Will special laws also cover incest and bestiality? In a pretty terrible decision by a bunch of jerks, a federal court has ruled that all gays, lesbians, bisexuals, try-sexuals, transgenders, questioning-sexuals, anti-sexuals, and scooper-sexuals are covered by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, even though they acknowledge that it was NOT intended to, originally. This is ABSURD. From the Associated Press: […]

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Two-thirds of UK Jewish students have been targeted due to anti-Semitism

It’s time to leave and make aliyah. Two-thirds of Jewish British university students believe they have been targeted due to their religion and more than a quarter worry about being the victim of an anti-Semitic attack, a new study found. Twenty-six percent of Jewish university students told a survey conducted by the National Union of Students that they were either “fairly […]

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Muslims continue to kill each other – At least 58 dead in Syria from chemical attack

Ever wonder why every single Muslim country is ruled by an evil mass-murdering dictator and riddled with horrific cruelty and violence? And why are we helping Syria? Does anyone actually think you can stop Islamic violence? Where is common sense? A monitoring group said Tuesday that at least 35 people had been killed in a suspected chemical attack on a […]

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Trump Continuing Obamacare Bailout of Insurance Companies Instead of Full Repeal Like Promised During the Election

Is it really too much to ask Trump to do what he promised during the campaign? Trump thinks so and attacks conservatives who disagree. The Trump administration said it will reimburse Obamacare insurers for covering deductibles and co-pays for some of their customers, which could avert major insurer defections or price increases. The administration will continue to pay out cost-sharing […]

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Black Lives Matter Just Banned White People

Sad news for white leftists in Philadelphia who want to support the Black Lives Matter movement by attending the group’s meetings in person. According to BLM Philly, white people are banned from future gatherings and are not allowed to be official members of the organization because it is considered a “black only space.” As the Daily Caller reports: The April 15 meeting plans to discuss […]

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Judge approves Trump paying $25 million dollar settlement over Trump University scam

A federal judge has approved a $25 million settlement President Donald Trump agreed to late last year in a bid to head off a civil fraud trial over his Trump University real estate seminar program. U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel issued a 31-page ruling Friday deeming the deal fair and overruling claims from some former Trump University students that […]

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Now identifying as “African-American”, Rachel Dolezal explains her “trans-blackness” to CNN

Liberals hate reality. So much so that they just make stuff up and believe it. Mixed in among the debate about North Carolina’s now-repealed “bathroom bill” were questions of race: if a person can “identify” as one gender despite all biological evidence pointing to the contrary, what’s to stop a person from identifying with a race to which he or […]

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First image of St. Petersburg terror suspect shows this was yet another Islamic jihad attack

Cue the establishment media stories about “backlash” and “Islamophobia.” “Pictured: First images of ‘terror suspect’ accused of planting a nail bomb which ripped through carriages on St Petersburg metro killing at least ten and injuring 50 while Putin visited the city,” by Gareth Davies, Julian Robinson and Will Stewart, Mailonline, April 3, 2017: These are the first images of the […]

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Israeli Supreme Court Bars Supreme Rabbinic Court from Ruling on ‘Safed Get’

Israel’s Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the Rabbinical Court of Appeals is barred from hearing a petition filed by an unrelated individual against a ruling by the Safed Rabbinic Court. The ruling permitted an Aguna whose husband is in a vegetative state to remarry. The secular court’s decision is a blow to Chief Sefardi Rabbi Yizhak Yosef and to […]

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Jewish Center in Sweden Closes in Wake of Anti-Semitic Threats

The Jewish center’s building had reportedly been defaced by swastika-laden vandalism and graffiti bearing slogans such as: “we know where you live.” A Jewish culture center in northern Sweden decided on Sunday to close its doors in light of security concerns following a string of recent threats, according to local media. Sweden’s English-language news outlet The Local reported that ahead […]

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Ireland to Fly So-Called “Palestinian” Flag Over City Hall in Idiotic Display of Anti-Semitism

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Apparently, Ireland thinks the “plight of the Palestinians” is akin to its own struggle for independence, hence the country has called for the recognition of a Palestinian state and now, in another mindless […]

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Anti-Trump “March For Science” Protest Has Problems With Bill Nye Because He’s a White Guy

The March for Science is another one of those liberal anti-Trump rallies. This one is being organized by “scientists” who believe the Trump administration is planning on reversing every scientific discovery since Copernicus. Originally they chose Bill Nye the fraudulent science guy as their public face, but there was an uprising against the decision because he’s a white guy. The […]

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South Carolina: Syrian Muslim on Parole for Jihad Plot, Arrested Again Trying to Join Islamic State

Zakaryia Abdin, 18, of Ladson, South Carolina, appeared in federal court this morning in Charleston, South Carolina, following his arrest by the FBI last night. Abdin was arrested for attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization. The charge is based on Abdin’s alleged attempt to travel overseas to […]

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Another Arab Muslim terrorist stabs two 18-year-old yeshiva students and a Jewish police officer in Jerusalem on Shabbat

Terrorist attacker stabs two yeshiva boys and policeman in Jerusalem’s Old City, is eliminated by Border Police. An Arab terrorist from the city of Shechem (Nablus) in Samaria wounded three Israelis in Jerusalem’s Old City on Saturday before, being eliminated by Border Police The terrorist attacked two 18-year-old Jewish yeshiva students while they were walking on Hagai Street, then fled […]

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Eretz Yisrael Lobby Calling On PM Netanyahu Not To Accept Any Settlement Restrictions From Trump Administration

The Knesset Eretz Yisrael lobby is calling on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to reject any and all restrictions pertaining to construction in Yehuda and Shomron. In the letter sent to Mr. Netanyahu, lobby leader MKs Yoav Kisch and Betzalel Smotrich explain they expect the cabinet to reject any preconditions surrounding continued construction in these areas following the construction freeze that […]

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The New Karl Rove: Trump Once Claimed He Loved the Tea Party – Now He’s Declared War on It

This week, President Trump declared war on the Freedom Caucus, saying that he would “fight” the conservatives who opposed RINOcare in the 2018 election. President Trump sounds just like Karl Rove. Back in 2013, Karl Rove and his allies in the Republican Establishment sought to destroy Tea Party conservatives. Rove created a superPAC, the Conservative Victory Project, to “recruit seasoned […]

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Former national security adviser Michael Flynn failed to list payments from Russia

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn did not list payments from Russian companies on his original financial disclosure forms submitted in February. The retired lieutenant general filed an amended financial disclosure on Friday reporting speaking payments from three Russia-linked companies, including the state-backed news outlet RT. The new disclosure was first reported by The Daily Beast. Flynn was paid $45,000 by […]

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Charges Against Pro-Life Investigators Show Government’s Double Standard on Investigative Journalists

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos published in 2015 made one thing abundantly clear: Big Abortion skirts the law for its own gain, going to great lengths to hide its illicit activities not only from the public, but even from its own employees. After such revelations, it seems like common sense that the government would defund Planned Parenthood. After all, taxpayer […]

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NY Students asked to debate Final Solution from Nazis’ perspective and to argue in favor of genocide of Jewish people

Why isn’t this teacher fired?? Could you imagine what would happen if the class was told to debate from the perspective of exterminating Muslims? Exactly. A New York teacher has come under fire for giving an assignment asking students to debate the final solution from the Nazis’ point of view, The Algemeiner reported. In the assignment, titled “Top Secret: Memorandum […]

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Even Trump Butt-Kisser Sean Hannity says “Trump is wrong to blame the Freedom Caucus for AHCA failure”

Fox News host Sean Hannity uncharacteristically disagreed with President Donald Trump on Thursday and explained why he was wrong to blame the conservative Freedom Caucus for the House’s failure to pass the American Health Care Act to replace Obamacare. “Let’s start with the Republican leadership plan to repeal and replace Obamacare stalled in Congress,” Hannity began. … “the president tweeted, ‘the Freedom […]

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Obama’s IRS Chief Who Dodged Impeachment for Targeting Conservatives Continues Under Trump

In the heart of tax season, Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen will address the National Press Club next Wednesday even as many members of Congress question why someone who dodged impeachment during the Obama administration continues to be the face of the tax collecting agency under President Donald Trump. “It could be partly that for the checklist of the […]

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After Planned Parenthood Doc Admits Babies Born Alive After Abortion are Murdered, Arizona Passes Law to Protect Them

Just one day after a shocking new undercover video made national headlines exposing a Planned Parenthood abortion practitioner admitting that babies born alive after failed abortions are left to die, the State of Arizona is looking to pass a new law. The top Planned Parenthood official is caught on video essentially admitting that it “depends on who is in the […]

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California Transgender Prison Inmates Soon To Be Given Bras and Makeup

Sodom and Gomorrah… I mean… California paves the way, again. According to a report in the Associated Press, men’s prisons in California may soon furnish male inmates who identify as women with bras, makeup and other feminine accouterments. “Transgender female inmates housed in men’s facilities could have feminine undergarments, lip gloss and mascara,” reports AP. Likewise, women’s prisons would provide inmates with […]

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Anti-Semite Bill Nye: Global Warming Could Be Solved if Cows Are Bred to Fart Less

Bill Nye [who is NOT a real scientist but actually is an anti-Semite who also claims Jews don’t belong in Israel] produced a curious video on Wednesday, March 29, in which “the Science Guy” claimed that global warming might be solved by genetically engineering livestock to produce less of the methane greenhouse gas farted by animals ranging from cows to sheep or goats. […]

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SAD! Trump Declares War Against Conservatives; Conservatives Respond

Republican President Donald Trump declared a political jihad on Thursday morning against the principled constitutional conservatives who opposed RINO Paul Ryan’s failed health care scheme that was deceptively purported to repeal Obamacare but didn’t — keeping Obamacare’s infrastructure in place and many of the free market-killing regulations, mandates and subsidies that caused health care insurance premiums and deductibles to unnecessarily […]

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State Department says it will up Muslim “refugee” arrivals to 900 a WEEK

What the heck is the Trump Administration doing? As we have said repeatedly, Trump’s refugee admissions are not at the mercy of two rogue judges. He can bring in any number under the CEILING set either by Obama (110,000) or his reduced ceiling (50,000). After resettlement contractors reduced their staffs (their federal funding depends on a per head payment for […]

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Establishment AIPAC Renews Focus on “Two-State Solution” to pressure Israel into making a deal with terrorists

The AIPAC continues to pressure Israel into making a “deal” with Muslim terrorists who openly call for genocide. From the Jerusalem Post: Senior AIPAC officials bent over backwards to emphasize their support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict negotiated directly between the two parties. In private, AIPAC’s leadership told senior correspondents, lobbyists and government officials that the two-state […]

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Arab terrorist who publicly tortured and murdered 2 IDF reservists to be released

Hatem Khalil Marari, one of the terrorists who carried out the public lynching and barbaric murder of two IDF reservists in Ramallah at the beginning of the Second Intifada will be released from prison in Israel immediately. According to the report by Channel 10, Marari is currently serving a sentence for lynching and murder. However, over the years a problem […]

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House pulls the plug on internet privacy rules; Allows ISP’s to sell your information, location, browsing history

Broadband providers won’t have to get your permission before sharing your web browsing history and other personal data with marketers thanks to a vote Tuesday on Capitol Hill. Republicans in the US House of Representatives approved a resolution that prevents privacy rules passed by the FCC last year from taking effect. The vote was 215 in favor and 205 opposing […]

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History repeats itself: Remember when the media said there were “moderate Nazis”?

Meanwhile, back in the real world, do you remember when The Times (the London one of course) felt that Hitler was a moderate making concessions to ingratiate himself with the “radical” wing of his own Nazi party. Yes, you heard that right, upon implementing another plank in his plans to eradicate Jews (as meticulously documented years before in Mein Kampf), The Times […]

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Report: Hamas Develops New ‘High-Powered’ Rocket Akin to Hezbollah Projectiles

While Hezbollah has similar rockets, this is the first time that Hamas has developed such a weapon, Army Radio reports. Hamas has produced several dozen short-range rockets that can carry a relatively heavy explosive load, Army Radio reported Tuesday. The report described the rocket as “completely different than any weaponry we know from the direction of the Gaza Strip, regarding […]

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