Category Archives: Articles

Just Evil: Cosmo Is Now Trying To Normalize Sibling Incest

If you think Cosmo couldn’t top its already off the charts insanity, then brace yourself, because things are going to get really gross. On top if its already increasing library of asine articles and idiotic subject matter, such as telling white children not to dress as Disney’s Moana, calling women’s orgasms sexist because men are gratified by them, and actual sadness that Texas women […]

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Muslim terrorist who murdered 8 in Manhattan car ramming attack pledged allegiance to Islamic State

More details are emerging about Sayfullo Saipov, the 29-year-old suspect in Tuesday’s ramming attack in Manhattan. Saipov, who had been living in Tampa, Florida, is originally from Uzbekistan, having arrived in the U.S. in 2010. According to The New York Times, investigators discovered handwritten notes in Arabic near the truck used by Saipov that indicated allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS) jihadist […]

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MSNBC claims ‘Allahu Akbar’ NYC Terror Attack Was ‘Anti-Islamic’

Leftist MSNBC contributor Malcolm Nance stated Tuesday that the Islamic terror attack in New York City was an “anti-Islamic” attack. Nance stated, “It is evil. What it is is you’re seeing the physical manifestation of a cult ideology. And what you’re seeing is not Islam, whatsoever. None of this is condoned, including the sacrificing and getting yourself killed at the […]

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Iraqi Parliament criminalizes display of Israeli flag

  From Voice of America: Following the display of the Israeli flag in pro-independence Kurdish rallies, the Iraqi parliament, known as the Council of Representatives, voted Tuesday to ban the Israeli flag, describing it as a Zionist symbol. “A dangerous phenomenon, representing the hoisting of the Zionist entity flag during public rallies in front of the media, has recently appeared that breaks the basic […]

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Ex-Trump campaign foreign advisor SECRETLY pleaded guilty to FBI

According to Bloomberg News, ex-Trump campaign foreign advisor, George Papadopoulos, has secretly pleaded guilty to Robert Mueller’s investigators for making false statements about Trump to the FBI: Here’s more from Bloomberg: A former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, George Papadopoulos, secretly pleaded guilty as part of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential […]

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DNC Caught Discriminating Against Straight White Males In Hiring Process

Racist Democratic National Committee official says she doesn’t want to hire “cisgender straight white males.” Apparently, it’s okay to discriminate so long as you’re a DNC official. The Democratic National Committee is hiring, but not if you’re white, male, aren’t transgendered, or are straight. According to the Daily Wire, DNC Data Services Manager Madeleine Leader sent out an email to DNC insiders […]

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Anti-Israel British Labour leader to boycott Netanyahu

British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is a Jew-hating piece of sub-human garbage. British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn refuses to attend celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration and will boycott an official dinner with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. He has asked Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry to take his place. The Sunday Times reported that the Israeli ambassador to London, Mark […]

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Trump’s Campaign Chairman Manafort Surrenders to FBI in Russia Probe

President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort surrendered Monday to the FBI on charges of conspiracy against the U.S., money laundering, and more in connection with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election, multiple media outlets reported early Monday. In a statment, Mueller said: “Paul J. Manafort, Jr., 68, of Alexandria, […]

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Meanwhile, A Second Probe Is Looking Into Jared Kushner’s Company

While unrelated to the Russian investigation, a Maryland probe has another member of President Donald Trump’s inner circle in its spotlight. At issue is a real estate deal and reports of aggressive/unethical debt collection practices by the company formerly run by Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and it’s an issue that a Maryland’s attorney general is looking hard at. Via CNN Money: […]

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Another Terror Tunnel Found Under U.N. School in Hamas-Ruled Gaza

IDF sets off controlled explosions in terror tunnels leading from southern Gaza into the heart of Israel. UNRWA, the United Nations body that exists solely to serve [so-called] Palestinian “refugees,” has yet again discovered a terror tunnel running under one of its schools in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. UNRWA reportedly informed Israel immediately regarding the discovery. In the past, UNRWA has not […]

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The Iran-Hamas Plan to Destroy Israel

The Iranians are urging Hamas to hold on to its weapons in spite of the recent “reconciliation” agreement signed between Hamas and Fatah under the auspices of Egypt. Iran’s goal in this move? For Hamas to maintain and enhance its preparation for war against Israel. A high-level Hamas delegation headed by Saleh Arouri, deputy chairman of Hamas’s “political bureau,” traveled […]

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U.N. Defends Terrorist Iran and Claims: “Iran Is Fulfilling Nuclear Deal Commitments”

IAEA chief Yukiya Amano, whose inspectors are tasked with monitoring compliance with the deal, claims that Iran was “adhering” to it while Iran threatens to wipe the U.S. and Israel off the map. Yeah, sure. They refuse to even inspect Iran’s nuclear sites. Why do we still give the U.N. a single tax payer dollar? From the Jerusalem Post: Iran […]

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The “difference” between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism explained (illustration)

[Elder of Ziyon] – People still get confused between the terms anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, so I decided to list all the major differences between the two so no one will make that mistake again. See? One of them is filled with crazed, deranged hate while the other is filled with insane, unhinged hate. The differences are so obvious.

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U.S. skips Knesset meeting on rising anti-Semitism

The United States Embassy in Tel Aviv declined to send a representative to a Knesset committee meeting Monday on rising anti-Semitism in the United States and Europe, in a hearing attended by high-level diplomats from Germany, Austria, the United Kingdom, and France. “They were invited, [but] decided not to send [a representative],” Knesset Immigration and Diaspora Affairs Committee chairman MK […]

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Insanity: Congress Won’t “Jeopardize Nuclear Iran Deal” With Legislation, Cardin Says

There is bipartisan consensus on Capitol Hill against killing the Iran nuclear deal through legislation, a senior lawmaker on foreign policy said on Friday. “There is a general understanding that Congress will not take any steps that will put the United States on a path that would violate the agreement,” said Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranking member Ben Cardin, Democrat […]

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U.N. Launching $5 Billion Plan to “End Occupation” of Jews from Israel

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. The United Nations and the Palestinian Authority have formulated a comprehensive plan for a joint struggle against Israel and for “a transition to Palestinian independence,” Makor Rishon revealed Friday, based […]

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Senior Terrorist Hamas Official Survives Assassination Attempt

Hamas has confirmed that Tuafik Abu Nayim, Hamas’ Deputy Head of Gaza’s security forces, on Friday afternoon survived an assassination attempt. The incident occurred near a mosque in Gaza’s Nuseirat Camp. According to eyewitnesses, Abu Nayim had exited the mosque and entered his vehicle, when the attempted assassination occurred. According to one report, an explosive placed near the vehicle caused […]

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Paul Ryan Announces New RINO Budget That Funds Planned Parenthood, Amnesty, and Obamacare

Looking like the cat that swallowed the canary, the Republican champion of big-government spending, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, stood before the American people yesterday to announce that under his magnanimous leadership, the House of Representatives had passed a massive $4 trillion budget beginning with these words: “First of all, I am very very excited. Because today, we passed a budget […]

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Trump and RINO GOP working on tax plan Democrats will love

When the Senate passed the #MOGA (Make Obama Great Again) budget, it laid the groundwork for funding many of the pet projects of Obama and the left, including: Planned Parenthood, DACA, and Obamacare subsidies. If it becomes law, this budget will put America on the fast-track to a Thelma-and-Louise-styled dive off the financial cliff. Even with these glaringly obvious betrayals to the […]

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Leftist Israeli High Court Rules Tel Aviv Shops Remain Open on Shabbat

These are the same courts issuing rulings on destroying Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria. The High Court of “Justice” ruled on Thursday that grocery stores can remain open on Shabbat in Tel Aviv. The decision follows a decade-long struggle against the practice between small business owners and the municipal authority. Haredi lawmakers reacted with fury to the ruling, vowing […]

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Jewish Companies on the Anti-Semitic U.N. Blacklist: “We’re Doing Nothing Wrong”

“We are not breaking any international law,” AHAVA CEO Ron Michael told The Jerusalem Post. Some of the companies that may be on the UN Human Rights Council’s blacklist for their business dealings over the “pre-1967 armistice line” have rejected the organization’s charge that they are violating international human rights laws. The companies include Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories, Motorola and […]

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Why Is Trump Marveling Over The Communist Party’s Elevation Of Chinese President Xi Jinping?

In an interview on Wednesday, Trump couldn’t stop praising China’s President Xi Jinping, and congratulating him for bizarre things. “People say we have the best relationship of any president-president, because he’s called president also,” Trump said during an interview with Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs. Word salad. “Now some people might call him the king of China. But he’s called president. […]

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IRS Admit and “Offers Apology” For Targeting Conservatives; Still Continuing to Target

And they are still continuing to target conservatives, Tea Party, and pro-Israel groups! Don’t believe their “apology” for a minute. Oh but they offered an apology after they ruined so many lives and destroyed so many business: After years of conservative Tea Party groups being bulled at the hands of the IRS on behalf of the Obama administration, the IRS […]

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Black Homosexual School Worker Tried to Infect 42 Male Children with Virus

Only an evil person would sexually assault children, but then you add to that the fact that this homosexual wanted to intentionally infect kids with HIV, and you have a level of evil that’s unfathomable for most people. A former Maryland high school track coach faces a 119-count indictment after police allege the HIV-positive man sexually assaulted at least two […]

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Anti-Semitic UN High Commissioner announces blacklist of Israeli companies

Dozens of companies doing business in Judea and Samaria notified by UN that they have been marked for violating international law. In recent weeks, some 130 companies and another 60 international corporations have received letters from the current UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Jordan’s Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein, warning them that they are being “blacklisted” for “acting […]

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High Court to Rule Today if Tel Aviv Supermarkets Will Operate on Shabbat

The leftist courts in Israel are pushing further and further from the Torah: A ruling Thursday by the High Court of Justice is expected to end the long-running saga of grocery stores in Tel Aviv opening on Shabbat. For more than a decade, the Association of Tradesmen and Independent Business Owners has fought a campaign to force large grocery chains such as […]

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Federal Judge Forces Government to Facilitate Abortion for Illegal Minors in Texas

The U.S. government helped facilitate the abortion of an illegal minor’s unborn child early Wednesday morning, after the Trump administration had fought to prevent such a scenario. The abortion came after a tragic ruling from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday, which ordered the government to allow the woman to obtain the abortion. The young woman was approximately 16 weeks […]

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Europeans Award “Human Rights” Award to Arab Lawyer for Terrorists that Beheaded Four Jewish Rabbis

If you support, reward, and honor terrorists, you are a terrorist. On Sunday, the Geneva-based International Institute for Human Rights and Peace and the Caen Memorial for Peace presented a “human rights” award to [Israeli Muslim] Arab lawyer Mohammed Allyan. Allyan was honored for his legal representation three years ago of the wife of one of the terrorists involved in the […]

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Nearly 40 Kids Per Week — Some Only 4 Years Old — Referred to Transgender Clinics in UK

The number of children visiting Britain’s transgender clinic the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) has skyrocketed in recent years, and this past year an average of 39 children a week have visited the clinic. If current trends continue, it will reach 50 children a week in the next year. Many of these children as as young as 4, 5, and […]

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Trump and GOP ensure Obamacare bailouts and mandates will never die

On his first day in office, Donald Trump, who is on pace to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records for signing more executive orders than any president in the last 50 years, began his record-breaking streak by signing the “Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Pending Repeal.” While the Trump chorus […]

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House Intel Chair Devon Nunes Announces TWO Congressional Investigations Into Clinton-Russia-Uranium Scandal

Rep. Devin Nunes just announced that there are not one, but TWO congressional investigations being begun into Clinton’s Uranium One deal with the Rooskies: Nunes just announced that the House Intel Committee is opening an investigation into the US-Russia-Uranium deal struck under Clinton. — Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) October 24, 2017 More from Fox News: House Republicans on Tuesday launched new probes […]

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Jeff Flake Slams Trump: “Flagrant Disregard for Truth or Decency … Should Never Be Regarded as Normal”

On Tuesday, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) announced his decision not to run for re-election in 2018. In doing so, he took a few enormous swings at President Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party who urged him to get in line behind the president. He refused to do this, in the name of America’s ideals and the principle of the separation […]

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Hamas threatens to bomb Tel Aviv

Hamas leader in Gaza: We can strike Israel for 51 minutes at the same level that we attacked Tel Aviv for 51 days. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. In a meeting with representatives of labor […]

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Poll: Majority of white Americans say discrimination exists against whites

A majority of white Americans in a recent survey said that whites face discrimination in the U.S. today. The poll — released Tuesday from NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health — found 55 percent of white Americans “perceive discrimination against them because they are white.” Fewer white Americans said they have faced discrimination themselves. Nineteen percent of white Americans polled said they […]

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Iran Sentences Supposed “Mossad Agent” to Death

Iran has sentenced to death a person found “guilty of providing information to Israel” to help it assassinate several senior nuclear scientists, Tehran’s prosecutor said on Tuesday. At least four scientists were killed between 2010 and 2012 in what Tehran said was a program of assassinations aimed at sabotaging its nuclear program. Iran hanged one man in 2012 over the killings, […]

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High Court Rules All Jewish Homes of 35 Families in Gush Etzion Neighborhood to Be Demolished

This is pure evil and anti-Semitism. The High Court of Justice on Sunday rejected the request of residents of the Netiv HaAvot neighborhood in the Gush Etzion Regional Council and ordered the demolition of all the neighborhood homes. Netiv HaAvot is an expansion of Elazar, an Israeli settlement of some 35 families in the Judaean Hills, 10 miles south of […]

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Italian Ambassador Supplies Proof of Jewish Connection to Jerusalem

President Reuven Rivlin received the credentials of four new ambassadors on Monday, and while he was happy to welcome all of them, his enthusiasm over the presence of Italian Ambassador Gianluigi Benedetti was almost boundless. The reason: Benedetti, who is also an academic, initiated the translation of the Talmud from Aramaic into Italian, thereby adding new emphasis to the 2,000-year relationship between […]

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Thousands of Nazi Fliers Posted on Campus of NY Cornell University

Anti-Semitic fliers with swastika-like symbols were discovered on the campus of Cornell University in upstate New York. The posters, which read “Just say no to Jewish lies!” and urged students to “join the white gang,” were discovered Monday morning and taken down the same day. They promoted the “Solar Cross Society,” but there is no such group at Cornell and […]

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“Center for Jewish History” Speaker Spews Hate at Israel

There is an increase in the number of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel organizations with Jewish sounding names. Controversy continues at the Center for Jewish History. Its radical new head, David N. Myers, faced protests from the Jewish community over his anti-Israel activism. But as I’ve always said, Myers is only a symptom of the problem. The academic council of the Center for Jewish […]

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Socialism Update: California Allows Home Searches Without a Warrant

On the California coast, a realtors’ association filed a constitutional challenge against the City of Santa Barbara over an ordinance that requires anyone selling their residence to allow the city to conduct a search of the inside and outside of their home. “This is only at the point of sale,” maintained attorney Meriem Hubbard of the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) – the […]

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Feminists Claiming Zionism Is “Built To Uphold White Supremacy”

Mahroh Jahangiri, an editor at, recently published an article in which she claims Zionism is a system “built to uphold white supremacy” (emphasis added): In case you missed it, women are flooding social media this week to share our stories of sexual assault and harassment, using the hashtag #MeToo to “give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.” Though this […]

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