Category Archives: Articles

BREAKING: AN EIGHTH PERSON was at the Trump Jr. meeting!

There are reports that there was an EIGHTH person at the controversial meeting between a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer and Trump officials. Breaking News: @ShepNewsTeam: Eighth person confirmed in @DonaldJTrumpJrmeeting — Fox News (@FoxNews) July 14, 2017 Now this is after already discovering that there was a seventh person, an interpreter, who is said to have had counter-intelligence ties. So, the lawyer, Trump Jr., Manafort, Jared […]

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Monthly Federal Spending Tops $400B for First Time

Remember how much complaining there was when Obama was spending? That’s nothing! Federal spending just hit a new all-time record. Real monthly federal spending topped $400 billion for the first time in June, when the Treasury spent a record $428,894,000,000, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. Prior to June, the record for federal spending in a single month was […]

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Here Are 5 Backroom Deals Inside The Latest Obamacare 2.0 Bill

Buried within the pages of the revised Senate health-care bill are numerous formula tweaks meant to advantage certain states. Call them backroom deals, call them earmarks, call them whatever you like: several provisions were inserted into the bill over the past two weeks with the intent of appealing to certain constituents. It appears that at least three of these provisions apply to […]

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Republican-Controlled Congress Votes to Fund Tranny Surgeries for U.S. Military With Your Taxpayer Dollars

How are the phony Republicans any different than the left-wing Democrats? This evening the Republican controlled House of Representatives voted 209 to 214 to defeat the amendment denying the Pentagon funds for “sex change” surgeries. Sarah McBride, spokesperson for the LGBT lobby group Human Rights Campaign, reported, “If only three Members of Congress had voted yes instead [i.e., FOR the […]

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Erekat: U.S. Told Netanyahu to “Curb Israeli Settlement Building”

US President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace team told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that settlement construction must be limited, chief [PLO] negotiator Saeb Erekat said he was informed on Tuesday by the American team. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click […]

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GOP Senators Urge Trump Administration to Admit Iran Is Not Complying With Nuclear Deal

A nuclear terrorist Iran is one of the most dangerous issues today. A lobbying battle between critics and supporters of the Iran nuclear deal is becoming more heated, days before the Trump administration is due to give Congress a periodic verdict on Iran’s compliance and whether U.S. national security interests are being served. Friday marks the second anniversary of the […]

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New Senate Obamacare 2.0 plan has ‘bailout’ for insurance companies

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Republican leaders released a newer version of the healthcare bill to … replace Obamacare on Thursday, which they hope will be more acceptable to “moderate” and conservative holdouts. One revision of the bill includes Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) “Consumer Freedom Amendment” that would allow individuals to purchase private health insurance that’s not Obamacare compliant. This amendment is […]

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Trump Wants to Invite Russian Dictator Putin to the White House, but Not Yet

U.S. President Donald Trump is willing to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to the White House, but “not yet”, according to official remarks released on Thursday. During a conversation aboard Air Force One flying into Paris, Trump said he was willing to engage the Russian leader despite controversy over the country’s involvement in the 2016 US election. Asked whether he […]

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Obama’s DOJ let the Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr. into the US without a visa

Donald Trump Jr. is currently under a lot of scrutiny for meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya. He was told in emails from music promoter Rob Goldstone that she had some opposition research on Democrat Hillary Clinton, who was running against his Republican father for the American presidency at the time. The Hill reports that she got into the country for this meeting on the efforts […]

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5 million immigrants granted US citizenship can’t speak English

In a stunning indictment of the system that tests immigrants on their eligibility to become “naturalized citizens,” a new report finds that a third are functionally illiterate, unable to speak and understand enough English to get that status. Some 32 percent of naturalized citizens, about 5 million, fall below “basic” skills in English, the equivalent of being functionally illiterate, according […]

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Former Israeli Defense Minister Ya’alon: “Netanyahu ‘Absolutely’ Will Be Indicted”

Former Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon pulled no punches when, on prime time US television on Tuesday night, he announced his belief that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his former boss, will be indicted on corruption charges. CNN’s Christiane Amanpour could hardly believe what the former IDF Chief of Staff had just said. “There are serious charges and there are serious […]

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Oh My: It Was Trump’s Son-In-Law Jared Kushner’s Legal Team Who “Discovered” Trump Jr’s Emails

“Trump increasingly questions the loyalty of everyone, including his own staff and personal lawyer,” wrote Axios of the Don Jr fiasco this morning. “Every day, it feels like the walls are closing in and it’s unclear who to trust.” Last night the mystery was who had handed Don Jr’s emails to the Times. Today the mystery is why the Times would specify in […]

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Plot Thickens: Radical Left-Wing California Democratic Worked For Russian Lawyer Who Met With Trump, Jr.

Radical left-wing icon former California Democratic Rep. Ron Dellums was a hired lobbyist for Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. June 9, 2016, the Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned. Dellums, who represented liberal San Francisco and Oakland, Calif., is a long-time darling of left-wing political activists. He served 13 terms in Congress as […]

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Now Trump claims he was “totally unaware” of son, son-in-law, and campaign manager’s meeting with Russians

Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner also joined Trump Jr’s meeting with Russians that Trump claims he knew nothing about. U.S. President Donald Trump stressed on Wednesday he was unaware of his son Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting last year with a Russian lawyer who reportedly provided damaging information on Hillary Clinton. Speaking to the Reuters news agency […]

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Senator Bob Corker blocked effort to stop yearly $215 million payment to terrorist PLO

That’s $215 MILLION U.S. tax payer dollars handed over to Arab Muslim terrorists in Israel. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., claimed Wednesday that his colleague, Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., blocked his […]

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ICE Director Says There Could Be More Than 12 Million Illegals In US

Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan said he isn’t sure exactly how many illegal immigrants are in the U.S. There could be more than 11 to 12 million in the country, he said. No matter how many there are, Homan said that President Donald Trump’s executive orders have put every illegal immigrant (except those covered by President Obama’s […]

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Billionaire Owners of Failing Newspapers Request Running to Congress for a Taxpayer Bailout

The richest men in the world are claiming poverty so they can get taxpayer bailouts from the government: In a New York Sun column this week, Ira Stoll reveals that “Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos [who also owns and is worth $85 BILLION], New York Times owner Carlos Slim [who own $65 BILLION], and Buffalo News owner Warren Buffett [who owns $73 BILLION], publicly pleading poverty, are […]

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Trump Sends US Envoy and US Ambassador to Meet PLO to Push “Two-State Solution”

President Trump insisted that in the future, Friedman would be a central player in talks with the PLO, alongside both Greenblatt and his son-in-law Kushner. Representatives of PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas met Tuesday with US envoy Jason Greenblatt and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. “They had an open, cordial, and frank discussion on many topics related to peace negotiations,” […]

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Russia Is Building Nuke-Filled Terror Trains

Trains filled to the brim with ballistic nuclear missiles are reportedly being built by the Russian defense industry. Dubbed “ghost trains” by Pravda, the official mouthpiece of Russia’s Communist Party, the cars would be disguised as commuter and freight trains to avoid being identified as traveling death machines. The fearsome railway-based missile system is being constructed in conjunction with the […]

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Smart home device hears domestic violence and automatically calls the police in New Mexico

The privacy implications can not be understated when a phone or other smart device can eavesdrop and call the police. A smart home device alerted authorities to an alleged assault at a residence in New Mexico earlier this week. Eduardo Barros was house-sitting with his girlfriend and her daughter Sunday night at a residence in Tijeras, some 15 miles east […]

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CRUZ: We Need To Work On Obamacare Repeal Instead Of Take August Recess

Senator Ted Cruz appeared on Sean Hannity’s show Monday evening, and urged GOP leadership to forego the scheduled August recess. Instead of taking the upcoming break, Senator Cruz urged Congress to get the job of repealing and replacing Obamacare done. FOX News reports: “It’s crazy that we would be taking a recess,” Cruz told Fox News’ “Hannity” Monday night. “There are […]

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Planned Parenthood’s HQ Abortion Clinic Injures Its Seventh Woman This Year in a Botched Abortion

A patient was taken out of the Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood in Manhattan on a gurney on July 7, 2017, after an ambulance was called during an undisclosed medical emergency. This represents the seventh medical incident involving emergency ambulance transport documented at the high-volume flagship Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood in 2017 alone. Operation Rescue maintains a non-exhaustive record […]

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Study Finds Temperature Adjustments Account For “Nearly All Of The Warming” In Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.” “Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published [global average surface temperature (GAST)] data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according […]

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Lindsey Graham: Trump Putin cybersecurity deal is close to the ‘DUMBEST idea’

Lindsey Graham was fairly open and honest about what he thought about Trump’s partnership with Vladimir Putin to go after all those gosh darn Russian hackers that attacked us under Putin’s orders. Watch below: WATCH: Sen. @LindseyGrahamSC responds to Trump’s call to work with Russia, saying it’s not the dumbest idea “but it’s pretty close.” — Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) July 9, 2017 […]

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California refiles charges against pro-life filmmakers… again

California prosecutors have refiled charges against the pro-life filmmakers with the Center for Medical Progress after a judge dismissed the charges in June, according to the San Francisco Gate. In March, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed 15 felony charges against David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress, and his associate, Sandra “Susan” Merritt, for their roles in the release of a […]

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Full Orwellian: Associated Press (AP) Announces New List of Banned Words

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidarity to the wind.” ~ George Orwell Just in case anyone needed more evidence that today’s mainstream media works to push progressive propaganda as well as censor and attack conservatives, then here it is. Most journalists rely on the AP (Associated Press) Stylebook […]

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Trump’s Talk With Putin Included Plans To Join Russia In Cyber Security Unit

Trump tells UK Prime Minister “I had a tremendous meeting yesterday with President Putin.“ For those that actually bought the idea that Trump went into his meeting with his man-crush with a tough agenda, and that he played the Manhattan bully, the same way he is with conservative Republicans, the media, or even his own intelligence community, maybe rethink that. […]

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Nikki Haley: ‘Everybody Knows’ Russia Meddled in US Elections

Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to “save face” by denying during his meeting with President Donald Trump that his country meddled in the 2016 election, but “everybody knows” that isn’t true, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley says in an interview airing Sunday. “”I think President Putin did exactly what we thought he would do, which is to deny it,” Haley told CNN’s […]

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German Intel: Iran Seeking Nuclear Weapons Technology

Even Germany admits terrorist Iran is building nuclear weapons. It’s time to put a stop to giving Iran nuclear technology. Damning German intelligence reports emerged in June and July revealing the Iranian regime’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and missile technology in defiance of international sanctions and UN resolutions. A federal intelligence report also said that the Islamic Republic targets […]

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Underground Iranian missile factories being built in Lebanon

Hezbollah building at least two subterranean facilities to manufacture medium-range rockets, sources tell Intelligence Online magazine. The Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group is constructing at least two underground facilities in Lebanon for manufacturing missiles and other weaponry, according to a report by the French Intelligence Online magazine. While reports of these subterranean weapons facilities have been published in Arab media outlets before, the […]

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Trump’s son, son-in-law met with Russian lawyer during election

Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr. confirm meeting during election campaign; then-campaign manager Paul Manafort also said to have attended. Donald Trump’s eldest son, son-in-law and then-campaign chairman met with a Russian lawyer shortly after Trump won the Republican nomination, in what appears to be the earliest known private meeting between key aides to the president and a Russian. Representatives of […]

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FBI now investigating 1,000 Islamic State-related jihad threats in all 50 states

“It’s harder than finding a needle in a haystack; it’s like finding a needle in a stack of needles.” And that’s especially true since the denial and willful ignorance about the motivating ideology of the threat is still all-prevailing. “FBI Investigating 1,000 ISIS-Related Threats in All 50 States,” by Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post, July 1, 2017: Days after Charlotte-area ISIS sympathizer […]

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New book proves Poland’s widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II

A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust. The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were […]

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UNESCO Declares Tomb of the Jewish Patriarchs a so-called “Palestinian World Heritage Site”

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Hebron, former capital city of Israel’s King David, site of the Tomb of the Jewish Patriarchs and Matriarchs (Maarat HaMachpelah), and location of the 1929 Massacre, when the Arabs murdered […]

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Illegal Immigration Is Spiking, Once Again

June marked another month with a spike in illegal immigration. According to the latest Homeland Security figures, Border Patrol apprehended 16,089 illegal immigrants attempting to cross the southwestern border. Customs and Border Protection nabbed another 5,570 at the ports of entry. The combined 21,659 illegal immigrants is still the lowest numbers for June in years, but the spike is worrisome because […]

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Secretary of State Tillerson: Even Melania couldn’t break up the Trump Putin bromance

Apparently after an hour into Trump’s meeting with Putin, they sent Melania in to break up the meeting. But “clearly she failed” as they continued going for another hour and some change: Secretary Tillerson said Melania Trump was sent into the meeting at the one-hour mark to try to break it up, but they kept talking — Jeff Zeleny (@jeffzeleny) July […]

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Oregon’s Bill Mandating Free Abortions Includes Illegal Aliens

The Oregon state legislature passed a bill this month that would require health insurance plans to cover the total cost of abortion services for all Oregon residents, including illegal aliens. In a press release published July 1, Oregon House Democrats praised the far-reaching bill as a response to President Donald Trump’s alleged attacks on health care and reproductive rights, boasting (emphasis mine): House Bill 3391, […]

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Study Proves Climate Data Falsified to Show Warming Trends

A peer-reviewed study has found that past global temperatures have been routinely adjusted to show warming trends and is said to account for “nearly all of the warming” used to push the climate change agenda. Two scientists and a statistician authored the study, according to The Daily Caller, and seven other scientists, meteorologists, and physicists agreed with the study’s conclusions. The […]

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While Meeting With Mexican Prez Pena Nieto, Trump Says Mexico Will ‘Absolutely’ Pay For The Wall

Umm, yeah… sure. President Donald Trump said Friday that Mexico will “absolutely” pay for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border during a meeting at the G20 summit with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. It was Trump and Pena Nieto’s first meeting since Trump visited Mexico during the presidential campaign. The Mexican president was supposed to visit in January, but canceled […]

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Hasbro CEO: ‘We Eliminated Gender’ for Our Toys

Unlike Mattel and Lego, Hasbro hadn’t caved to modern sensibilities by separating its business units by gender. But suddenly, the third biggest toy and board game company, whose brands include Star Wars, My Little Pony and G.I. Joe, considers gender a very dirty word. Last January, Hasbro reported its revenue by type of brand rather than by “Boys/Girls/Games/Preschool” categories. And now CEO Brian Goldner boldly […]

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Trump administration “concerned” over Israeli construction in Jerusalem

You can’t make “peace” with mass-murdering terrorists, and Israel has every right to build in their own country. The Jerusalem municipality announced that it will approve 800 new homes in Jewish areas of eastern Jerusalem within the next month, prompting an expression of concern from the White House about “unrestrained” building. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, according to The Associated Press, said […]

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Federal Report: One National Security Leak Per Day Under President Trump

“125 stories with leaked information potentially damaging to national security.” According to a federal report by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Trump’s administration is experiencing one national security leak a day, far surpassing — by seven times! — those that occurred under Barack Obama and George W. Bush. The Senate report summarized its findings: In short, […]

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