Category Archives: Articles

IRS Overpaid More Than 600 Employees Approximately $4.2 Million

That’s not just a little mistake. The Internal Revenue Service, which is responsible for collecting federal taxes and enforcing federal tax law, was unable to accurately deal with its own complex rules governing the payment of its own employees and ended up overpaying more than 600 IRS workers about $4,200,000, according to an audit report by the Treasury Inspector General […]

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Texas A&M won’t fire professor who called for killing white people

The racism against whites, Jews, and even Hispanics in the black community need to be addressed – not excused or even embraced by “mentally challenged” liberals who claim “tolerance”. In a May 10, 2017 email to students obtained by Red Alert Politics, Texas A&M President Michael K. Young refused to discipline or fire Professor Tommy Curry. Curry called for white […]

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Shocking new DNA study in Israel reveals that human beings are divided into two genders

There’s some additional bad news out there for the “party of science” (as the Democrats have taken to calling themselves) and particularly for transgender advocates. But even if you have no interest in such social justice topics, a new study published by geneticists in Israel is still pretty fascinating. The Liberty Council has a report this week on new research […]

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Ohio 7th Grader Suspended for “Liking” Photo of Toy Gun on Instagram

Zero-tolerance rules regarding firearms were supposed to be about keeping our children safe. In theory, at least, they would make sure potential school shooters were removed from the campus quickly, before they had the chance to hurt anyone. In practice, however, they’re something very different. Time and time again, we hear about zero-tolerance rules being used in situations where they’re […]

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NY Times: Comey Sought More Funds for Russia Probe Days Before Firing

It is interesting that Comey was the one who helped Trump win the election. Once he pushed a probe into Russia (even mentioned in Trump’s letter), he was fired. James Comey asked the Justice Department for a “significant” increase in funding of the agency’s probe of Russia’s interference with the 2016 presidential election only days before the FBI chief was […]

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On day Abbas met Trump, Fatah honored 12 jihadis who murdered 95 people

Abbas lied brazenly to President Trump, claiming that his government “educates for peace” and that the Palestinian Authority is “raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. Click here for […]

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Trump tells Russian Foreign Minister he wants “a better relationship” with Russia

Trump, after meeting Russian FM, says “horrible killing [of Muslims] in Syria must stop.” President Trump on Wednesday told Russia’s top diplomat he wants to improve ties with Moscow, according to the White House. During an Oval Office meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, the White House said the president “emphasized his desire to build a better relationship between the […]

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U.S. judge rules California must issue transgender undergarments, grooming supplies to inmates

A U.S. district judge last week ordered California state prison officials to provide free chest-flattening underwear, also known as compression tops, to transgender inmates at women’s prisons and feminine accessories to transgender inmates at men’s prisons. Requiring inmates to buy compression tops “effectively” denies those items to individuals who cannot afford them, according to U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar, who issued […]

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President Ivanka Trump: U.S. will stay in Paris Global Warming Agreement

Following a meeting between Donald Trump, his daughter Ivanka, and the High Priest of the Church of Global Warming, Al Gore, talking heads worked to assure America that it was only an information-gathering event and that Trump was still a skeptic on the issue of so-called climate change. In these early days of Trump’s administration, there have been a few “window-dressing” […]

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Negotiations With The Arab Muslims Won’t Bring Us Peace

I emphasis  inexplicably, because facts and history haven’t changed. All those Israelis who in recent decades, Right, Left and Center, who now insist, as I’ve heard Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu say, “…the Palestinians deserve a state…” have fallen for a dangerous con/sting. Why should and how can anybody insist that a bunch of immoral blood-thirsty terrorists should be given land […]

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Turkey’s Islamist Dictator Erdogan says he is working to halt ‘Judaization’ of Jerusalem; Meeting with Trump on May 16th

The anti-Semite dictator Erdogan is set to visit Washington on May 16th to meet Donald Trump. Hamas is currently operating from Turkey. Meeting Palestinian PM hours after blistering attack on Israel, Turkish leader says he is paying ‘huge’ attention to holy city. Hours after launching a scathing attack on Israel, calling on Muslims to flood the Temple Mount in protest […]

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Arab Muslim Terrorist Hunger Strike Leader Barghouti Caught Eating

Barghouti, who inspired some 1000 Arab Muslim prisoners to undergo a hunger strike, was caught on camera eating in his cell. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti, revered as a hero by the [so-called] “Palestinian” people, […]

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California State Assembly Passes Law Allowing Communists to Work in Government

Isn’t California supposed to drop off into the ocean at some point? The California State Assembly passed a bill Monday that would repeal a Red Scare policy that made being a member of the Communist Party while working for the state a fireable offense. Democratic Assemblyman Rob Bonta created Assembly Bill 22 to eliminate any reference to communism in current laws, including the statute […]

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Sacramento votes to use taxpayer money to shield illegal immigrants from authorities & deportation

The Sacramento City Council voted last week to use taxpayer money to create a legal network to help shield illegal immigrants from immigration authorities under President Donald Trump. The council voted unanimously last Thursday to allot $300,000 in taxpayer money to establish the network, which will be comprised of legal, educational and faith-based nonprofit groups. The idea behind the network […]

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CNN’s Kamau Bell: Black gang members can solve Chicago’s problems, just give them gov’t money

In a pretty amazing and amazingly stupid interview on CNN [about the “Black Lines Matter” movement], comedian Kamau Bell says that what he discovered about Chicago is that the gang members don’t want to be gang members, and they can solve all the problems there, they just need money from the government.

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North Korea DETAINS fourth U.S. citizen, accuses them of espionage

North Korea is provoking the U.S. some more by detaining an American citizen and accusing them of espionage. Watch below: More from the Associated Press: North Korea on Sunday said it detained another American citizen over unspecified hostile acts against the country. North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency said Kim Hak Song, an employee of the Pyongyang University of […]

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After Visiting the Whitehouse, Turkey’s President Defends Hamas Terrorists and Bashes Israel

Turkish president scumbag condemned “the Israeli crimes against the [so-called] Palestinians.” Claims Hamas has the solution. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened Monday that his nation will not stand idly […]

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As Venezuela Implodes, Media Avoids Naming the Cause: Socialism

On Thursday, an Investor’s Business Daily editorial cited a long list of news outlets which have recently covered the calamitous events in Venezuela, but which, in IBD’s words, “continue to obfuscate, if not totally ignore” the fact that the country’s implosion can be laid at the feet of one simple cause: “Socialism.” One particularly appalling example exemplifying the paper’s complaint […]

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CAIR Works “Tirelessly to Advance the Agenda & Goals of the Muslim Brotherhood & Hamas”

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a terrorist organization.  Specifically, it was created in 1994 by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, which is Hamas in the United States. This week’s UTT Radio Broadcast (30 mins) – which can be heard at – features an interview with UTT’s Vice President Chris Gaubatz who worked undercover at Hamas’ […]

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JTF This Week: Trump promises to push for Israeli suicide as he praises terrorist mass murderer Abbas during U.S. visit (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 30 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Trump Refused to Visit Israel on Six Day War Anniversary; Didn’t Want to Be Seen as “Unfair” to PLO and Abbas

White House was concerned Trump wouldn’t be seen as “fair negotiator” with PLO Fatah leader Abbas if he visited at the beginning of June, when Israel marks 50 years to 1967. The White House refused an Israeli proposal to delay a visit from President Donald Trump until June to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, according […]

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Socialism in Action: Venezuela’s president dances (literally), protesters are being set on fire in the streets

Here is socialism in action. President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela, everyone: Venezuela president dancing while soldiers shoot tear gas and clash with protesters. Perfect encapsulation of surreal state TV — Hannah Dreier (@hannahdreier) May 3, 2017 Well maybe he can try out for “Dancing With The Stars” to reboot his career after his eventual ouster (if he survives)? Scenes from […]

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Judge Rules in Favor of School Forcing Conservative Professor to Apologize for Political Views

This is happening in America. A judge in Wisconsin voted in favor of the suspension of a Marquette University conservative professor who was asked to confess his guilt and apologize for his political views. Here’s some background from a previous TruthRevolt report: Because one of its professors defended a student’s view of traditional marriage against a leftist philosophy instructor deeming […]

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Snowflake YouTube CEO Says That Interrupting Her is a Sexist “Microaggression”

The CEO of tech giant YouTube has said that men who interrupt her and other women are committing sexist “microaggression”. In an interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has spoken out for diversity in the technology industry and the challenges women face. “Even in a culture where people are well meaning, there are sometimes microaggressions,” Wojcicki said. “People who will just cut you off. […]

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Eric Trump in 2014: “We have all the funding we need out of Russia”

President Trump’s son, Eric, once told a golf writer that funding for Trump golf courses come from Russia, that writer recounted in a new interview. James Dodson during an interview Friday with Boston’s WBUR described meeting Donald Trump in 2014 and being invited to play golf at the Trump National Golf Club Charlotte. He said asked Donald Trump how he was paying for […]

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New RINOcare is over 90% Obamacare

Trump praises Australia’s government funded healthcare right after signing the new RINOcare into law. So a healthcare bill was passed by the House yesterday that is little better than a whitewashed version of what it is supposed to replace – Obamacare – and Trump held a photo-op to make a big deal out of signing a religious liberties executive order […]

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Trump Adviser Has ‘Good Relationship’ With Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan

Donald Trump adviser Omarosa Manigault said Thursday that she has a “good relationship” with Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader known for his anti-white and anti-Semitic rhetoric [and who proclaimed that Hitler was a “very great man” and called all whites “devils.”]. Manigault, a former contestant on Trump’s reality TV show, “The Apprentice,” also said that she would welcome an […]

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San Diego: Ground Zero for Islamic Indoctrination in American Public Schools

With a decade-long history of yielding to Islamic demands and recent, more alarming submissions, San Diego city schools appear to be ground zero for Islamic indoctrination within American public schools.  The current capitulation includes an Islam-centric curriculum with input and resources from a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organization, which raises First Amendment issues as well as serious concerns of favoritism toward Muslims […]

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Netflix begins SCIENCE PURGE to remove all genetics education from science videos to appease Left-wing “gender fluid” lunatics like Bill Nye

When it comes to the left, so much for “science”. They’re actually deleting real science shows now because facts hurt their leftist propaganda. Feels like China. People laughed when I predicted in this Bill Nye story about how he thinks transgenderism is “evolution” that California would begin purging genetics education from its textbooks to appease the lunatic Left. Not even […]

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White South Africans Are Preparing For “Removal of All Whites Within Five Years”

Back in March, the President of South Africa made a shocking suggestion, which left many white landowners fearing that they may face a race war in the near future. In a speech, Jacob Zuma announced that he wanted the government to begin confiscating white owned lands, before redistributing them to black South Africans. Zuma wants a “pre-colonial land audit of […]

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Trump Declares Abbas Partner in Peace: “We Believe You’re Willing”

Trump said it was “a great honor” to welcome Abbas. President Trump lauded Mahmoud Abbas for “fighting terrorism” during the PLO president’s visit to the White House today, noting “there’s such hatred” among Abbas’ people “but hopefully there won’t be such hatred for very long.” Trump said it was “a great honor” to welcome Abbas before the two began a brief Oval Office […]

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Netanyahu: “I Look Forward to Talks With Trump” Over Two-State Solution With Muslim Terrorists

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday said he looked forward to talking with US President Donald Trump about the best way to advance peace between Israel and the [so-called] “Palestinians”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. […]

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Terrorist Iran defense budget increases 145%

The deal that supposedly “reined in” the Iranian nuclear program has proven to be a windfall for the Iranian military. Lifting sanctions on the Islamic Republic has allowed their military to increase the budget by 145%, giving the Iranians an offensive military capability they lacked until President Obama gave it to them. Washington Free Beacon: Iranian officials announced late last […]

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Ted Cruz grills Comey on giving Muslim Brotherhood connected Huma Abedin a free pass from prosecution

Ted Cruz wanted to know why Comey was giving Huma Abedin a free pass, arguing that the law does not require the element of ‘intent’ for prosecution. Comey basically gives Cruz a rubbish answer, arguing that DOJ prosecutorial history of the violations of this law always include intent, something he says he cannot establish. But that sounds like malarkey to […]

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FBI found email that Lynch would do everything she could to protect Hillary from CRIMINAL CHARGES

Our politicians are above the law… especially if they are liberals. Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge says this is one of the biggest headlines out of the hearing today with the FBI director, pointing out that the FBI had found an email was obtained by Russian hackers that indicated that former DOJ hack Loretta Lynch would do everything she could […]

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Google Changes Definition of “Fascism” to Be Only “Right-Wing”

Fascist Google doesn’t believe any liberals can be fascists. Fascist Hitler, who was a member of the liberal Nazi Socialist party, said “I have learned a great deal from Marxism” and “What Marxism, Leninism and Stalinism failed to accomplish we shall be in a position to achieve.” Google the word fascism and you get this: Hold on, where did “right-wing” come from? The […]

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