Category Archives: Articles

Disgraceful: Trump’s Evangelical Board Jumps Ship To Stand With Nancy Pelosi to Defend Illegals

Members of President Trump’s evangelical advisory council decided to jump ship for the day and publicly sided with Nancy Pelosi on DACA. “You have always taken the lead. Your commitment to the immigrant community to the dreams is second to none. So America is in a better place because of your prophetic leadership on this matter,” the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, who spoke at […]

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Spineless GOP CAVES to Freedom Caucus demands, spending bill to PASS

And surprisingly, the spine of the GOP folded once again, but this time before the might of the Freedom Caucus!! The majority of the @freedomcaucus has taken a vote to support the CR effort this evening — House Freedom Caucus (@freedomcaucus) January 18, 2018 That means they likely have enough votes to pass the spending bill. The Freedom Caucus was holding the bill hostage for the […]

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Report: Number of Illegal ‘Dreamers’ Far Larger Than Previously Known: 3.6 Million

An estimated 3.6 million illegal immigrants in America were brought here as children — a stunning figure more than three times higher than one commonly used in the contentious political debate over the fate of so-called Dreamers, USA Today reported. The larger number isn’t widely known because so much attention is currently focused on the 800,000 immigrants protected by the Obama-era […]

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Planned Parenthood providing sex-change hormones to children

Children are not allowed to drink or vote but, apparently, liberals believe children can change their sex which damages them for life and is proven to cause cancer. Planned Parenthood, the agency that celebrated a banner year in 2017 after murdering over 321,000 unborn babies while pocketing nearly $544 million in taxpayer funds—occasionally making a few extra bucks on the side by […]

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Trump paid porn star $130K “hush” money to keep quiet about extramarital affair one month before election

And now a second porn star confirms story of Trump’s extramarital affair. So how many reports are necessary before we’re allowed to believe that it’s not plausible to think everyone else in the world is a liar and only Trump tells the truth? Let’s set aside the “Sh*thole” maelstrom for a bit, and go back to an old standard: Trump as […]

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How Conservatives Are Being Destroyed by Facebook, Twitter and Google Without Even Realizing It

[Townhall] – Today, as you read this, my website Right Wing News is shutting down operations. It has been around since 2001, but became massive a few years ago because of Facebook. Remember the mainstream media liberals going out of their minds because the Russians reached almost 150 million people with their $100,000 Facebook ad buy? In July of 2015, […]

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Google Sued for Anti-Conservative Bias

Cast your mind back, if you will, to last August. James Damore, an engineer at Google, found himself thrust into the internet limelight after writing an internal memo (which was leaked) that was portrayed as anti-female or anti-diversity. What Damore actually said was that Google was an “Ideological Echo Chamber,” going about increasing diversity the wrong way, such as by having support groups that […]

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Trump abandons building border wall in order to save DACA

For a guy who likes to brag about how he only hires “the best people,” Trump’s childish response to Steve Bannon after it was revealed in a soon-to-be-released book that the former chief strategist wasn’t all that fond of working for the Narcissist-in-Chief wasn’t totally unexpected. However, as the tabloid-styled details of the man behind the curtain in the Trump Land of […]

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Trump’s State Department urges Israel to ban all Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount – the holiest site in Judaism

Annual State Dept report shows department urged Israel to curtail Jewish prayer on Temple Mount in order to appease mass-murdering Arab Muslim terrorists. The annual State Department report on religious freedoms [what a joke] emphasizes US efforts to maintain limitations on Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount, including restrictions preventing them from praying at the holy site. In the report […]

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Chief Rabbi speaks out against death penalty for mass-murdering Muslim terrorists; Claims Jews are terrorists too

The Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, on Saturday night spoke out against the death penalty for terrorists law being promoted by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu). According to the Kikar Shabbat website, Rabbi Yosef warned in his weekly shiur (Torah lesson) that if the law is approved, it would endanger Jews, not just in Israel but around the […]

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Study: Nearly 25 Percent of DACA Illegal Aliens Are ‘Functionally Illiterate’ in English

Nearly 25 percent of illegal aliens eligible for former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are “functionally illiterate” in the English language, a researcher says. According to Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research Steven Camarota, about 24 percent of illegal aliens who are eligible for DACA — which President Trump administration will officially end in March […]

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Bannon calls Trump Jr. meeting with Russians ‘treasonous’

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon called a June 2016 meeting with a group of Russians attended by Donald Trump Jr. and his father’s top campaign officials “treasonous” and “unpatriotic,” according to excerpts of a new book seen by Reuters on Wednesday. The explosive comments from a former close aide and far-right architect of Donald Trump’s November 2016 election […]

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“U.S. is withholding $255 Million from Pakistan” – Why are they giving terrorist countries millions of dollars in the first place?

Why on earth has the United States given more than 33 BILLION dollars in “aid” to the Muslim terrorist country of Pakistan that harbored Osama bin Laden? Nikki Haley just spoke in a press conference at the UN and explained why the US is now withholding $255 million from Pakistan. In short she says Pakistan is playing a ‘double game’ with […]

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Huma Abedin gave away State Passwords on Yahoo just before Major Hack by Foreign Agents

And absolutely nothing will happen to the Muslim Brotherhood connected Huma Abedin or Hillary Clinton. Huma Abedin forwarded sensitive State Department emails, including passwords to government systems, to her personal Yahoo email account before every single Yahoo account was hacked, a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of emails released as part of a lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch shows. Abedin, the top […]

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North Korea to America: “You Are Within Our Nuclear Strike Range”

Like an imbecile, Trump responds that his “nuclear button is bigger” than Kim Jong-un and does absolutely nothing about North Korea threatening the U.S. with nuclear bombs. Instead of actually doing something about North Korea, the same North Korea sharing nuclear information with Iran, Trump acts like a school kid comparing peepee sizes: Donald Trump has taunted North Korea’s leader about […]

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Religion of Peace Update: Arab Muslims Hurl Firebombs on Jewish Worshipers at Joshua’s Tomb

Now, imagine Israeli Jews had hurled stones and firebombs at [so-called] “Palestinian” Muslim worshippers at the tomb of some famous sheikh. What do you reckon would be the response? Without question there’d be heavy international media coverage and commentary. Perhaps even an emergency session of the UN Security Council? And yet, when the roles are reversed, when Muslims on Thursday […]

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Texas: Immigrant Imam Preaches to Muslims About Murdering Jews

More mass murder and Nazi Jew hatred from the “religion of peace”. In his Friday, December 8, 2017 sermon titled “Our Duties Towards Al-Quds [Jerusalem]” at the Tajweed Institute’s Houston, Texas branch, the institute’s imam and founder, Sheikh Raed Saleh Al-Rousan, speaking in a combination of Arabic and English, referenced the widely quoted Hadith stating that on Judgment Day, the Muslims will fight […]

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Knesset passes “police recommendations” law protecting corrupt government officials from police evidence

“The law prevents police, upon wrapping up their investigations and handing over the files to prosecutors, from commenting on whether there is an evidentiary basis for indictment.” The Knesset early Thursday morning voted the so-called police recommendations bill into law after a filibuster by the opposition that paralyzed the parliament for two days. The controversial legislation, which will not apply to […]

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Terrorist convicted of 3 counts of murder for Halamish massacre

Court convicts terrorist who murdered three members of the Salomon family, prosecution demands four life sentences. The terrorist who slayed three Israeli Jews in the western Samaria town of Neve Tzuf (Halamish) in July was convicted on Wednesday on three counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder, and incitement. On Wednesday, the IDF’s Ofer court found Omar al-Abed, the […]

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DOJ scolds Obama administration over reported groping, harassment, office sex

The Justice Department scolded the Obama administration on Wednesday following a report on how sexual harassment of all kinds was improperly handled at the department for years. The Washington Post reported that the DOJ’s inspector general had found “systemic” problems with how complaints were addressed, with offending officials often being let off the hook or even rewarded. The article cited investigative […]

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Federal Agents Discover Whole Fetuses in ‘Body Broker’s’ Warehouse

Photographs obtained by Reuters reveal that federal agents found four preserved human fetuses four years ago in the warehouse of a man who sold human body parts. According to the report, federal agents found the four whole human fetuses in December 2013 during a raid of a warehouse owned by Arthur Rathburn, a former body broker who has been accused of defrauding […]

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Swamp Update: 1 of Every 5 Government Employees Has a 6-Figure Salary

The U.S. government pays employees a total of about $1 million per minute, according to a watchdog group’s report on the sprawling federal bureaucracy. Looking at 78 large agencies, the nonprofit organization found that the average salary of a federal employee exceeds $100,000 and that roughly 1 in 5 of those on the government payroll has a six-figure salary. […]

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Americans Fled Blue States In The Hundreds Of Thousands Due To High Taxes, Leaving Fewer To Pay The Democrats’ Tab

After liberals are done destroying their states with high taxes and socialist laws and regulations, they move to conservative states. The grass seemed way greener where the states were redder for many people living in blue states, as new data suggests hundreds of thousands of people fled Democratically dominated states in order to bring themselves to places that had less […]

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Racist “Problem of Whiteness” course reintroduced at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Could you imagine what would happen if any college had a “problem of blackness” course? This spring, a controversial course titled “The Problem of Whiteness” will once again be offered at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The African Cultural Studies course seeks to teach students to “understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to help dismantle white supremacy,” according to […]

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Israel: “They threw a family with small children on to the street” for being Jewish

Israeli government and leftist courts are violently throwing innocent Jews out of their homes to appease Muslim terrorists. Israel Police and Border Police forces arrived on Monday with Civil Administration officials at the Binyamin-region Yishuv Hada’at Farm. According to residents, the forces destroyed a family’s home and treated the family violently, using tear gas against those who attempted to protest […]

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There are countless Mosques teaching their fellow Muslims to kill Jews and infidels. It was another Friday night in the Islamic Center of Jersey City. And its imam, Sheikh Aymen Elkasaby, had some thoughts about the Jews. “So long as the Al-Aqsa Mosque remains a humiliated prisoner under the oppression of the Jews, this nation will never prevail,” he screamed belligerently in […]

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Planned Parenthood Defends Abortions on Babies With Down Syndrome

Abortion activists slammed Ohio lawmakers on Friday for passing a bill to protect unborn babies with Down syndrome from discriminatory, eugenic abortions. Gov. John Kasich signed the legislation Friday, making Ohio the third state to prohibit abortions on babies with Down syndrome, following North Dakota and Indiana. The Down Syndrome Non-Discrimination Act (Senate Bill 164) would help prevent discrimination by prohibiting abortions […]

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Eminem: “Being white is so embarrassing I want to kill myself”

In his new rap album Revival, once-relevant white rapper Eminem — real name Marshall Mathers — says it has been occasionally “embarrassing” to be white and he even considers killing himself because he “can’t escape this circumstance.” Have you tried not judging yourself by your skin color, Marshall? In his song “Untouchable” he raps that “there have been times where it’s […]

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Kwanzaa Was Concocted by a Deranged Felon Who Tortured Naked Women With a Karate Baton and a Toaster

[This is] the true — and truly bizarre — history of the violent, deranged and radical black nationalist who concocted the completely artificial holiday of Kwanzaa in 1966. The creator of Kwanzaa is Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga, a 76-year-old professor of Africana studies at California State University [of course], Long Beach. His real name is Ronald Everett. He was born in rural Maryland, […]

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Trump Whines About Big Luther’s Collapse in Alabama, Sides with McConnell and Establishment After McConnell Spent $30 Million to Defeat Conservative Judge Roy Moore

“Good Republican candidates will win BIG!,” President Trump tweeted late Saturday afternoon. “Remember, the Republicans are 5-0 in Congressional races this year. In Senate, I said Roy M would lose in Alabama and supported Big Luther Strange – and Roy lost. Virginia candidate was not a ‘Trumper,’ and he lost,” the president’s tweet: On Friday, the president signed into law the […]

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Trump just announced he wants to work with liberal Democrats ‘for the good of the country’

You know why he’s tweeting this right? Because Trump, after all his conversations and negotiations with Republicans, knows very well that most of them in the House and Senate will not pass a massive trillion dollar spending bill because IT’S A REALLY BAD IDEA. In order to get this really bad idea through Congress, he’s going to need lots and […]

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If Congress Just So-Called “Essentially Repealed” Obamacare, Why Pass a Bill to Prop It Up?

Where is our campaign promise to actually repeal the whole thing instead of playing games? On Wednesday afternoon, Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) announced they would postpone until the New Year their request for considering an Obamacare “stability” bill. Their statement capped a sequence of developments that raised almost as many questions as it answered—about the “stability” bill, the […]

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