Category Archives: Videos

JTF This Week: Vilna Gaon and Chazal predicted everything that has happened in Israel; Trump grants amnesty to 5 million illegal “dreamers” (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 32 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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JTF This Week: Netanyahu’s next expulsion in Gush Etzion; Trump grants amnesty to 125,000 illegals in just 3 months (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 35 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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JTF This Week: Poll shows most Israelis accept Trump-Saudi plan to retreat to 1967 suicide borders; Trump demands immediate Israeli retreats (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 22 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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JTF This Week: Trump promises to push for Israeli suicide as he praises terrorist mass murderer Abbas during U.S. visit (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 30 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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JTF This Week: Trump supports French Jew-hater Le Pen; Netanyahu agrees to China’s BDS boycott of settlements (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 23 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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JTF This Week: Principled conservatives kill socialist Trumpcare; Netanyahu and Trump agree to settlement freeze (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 23 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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JTF This Week: 18 months in prison for IDF soldier who killed terrorist; Trump has changed nothing in Israel (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 18 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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JTF This Week: Trump worse than Obama on settlements; Bibi apologizes to New Israel Fund while expelling Chaim Ben Pesach (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 31 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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