Monthly Archives: December 2016

Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin Already Mad at Donald Trump: “Big Sell-Out Is Coming”

Two of Donald Trump’s most high profile supporters Ann Coulter (who wrote a book called “In Trump We Trust”) and Sarah Palin may already be regretting their decision and casting off any blame from themselves. Both Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin criticized the president-elect on Friday, following months of staunchly supporting his election. “Sounds like the big sell-out is coming. Oh […]

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Trump Sues Michigan Election Officials Over Presidential Recount

President-elect Donald Trump sued the Michigan Board of State Canvassers and Michigan Elections Director Chris Thomas in the latest attempt to prevent a recount of the presidential vote. The suit, filed Friday evening with the Michigan Court of Appeals and the Michigan Supreme Court, requests leave to appeal theBoard of Canvassers’ ruling allowing the recount requested by Green Party candidate […]

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Mosque With Ties to Hamas Terrorists Gets Gun Training

CAIR-Florida Regional Operations Director Nezar Hamze’s mosque gun training tour has taken him to numerous Islamic centers throughout Florida. One of the centers is the Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton, [yet another] mosque with a sinister past of embrace for those associated with [Arab Muslim terrorists in Israel], including support for suicide attackers and their families. There is no such […]

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Israel’s UN Envoy Slams General Assembly Head for Wearing PLO Nazi Flag Scarf

The U.N. again blatantly displayed that it is biased against the Israel and in favor of the Arab Muslims terrorists who openly call for genocide of the Jewish people. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Israel’s Ambassador […]

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Why isn’t the media demanding Keith Ellison PUBLICLY renounce his RACIST ANTI-SEMITIC past?

Keith Ellison’s bid to become the DNC’s next chairman is on the rocks given the racist and anti-Semitic past comments of the Muslim U.S. House Rep., and yet the media isn’t demanding that he loudly and publicly denounce his past statements like they did with Trump! I wonder why!! The Washington Post describes why he’s having such a tough time: […]

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Armored Troops, Border Guards, Furious at Amona Assignment: “We Didn’t Enlist to Evict Jews”

A lot has changed in Israel’s public opinion since February 1, 2006, when an overwhelming force of 10,000 Police, Border Guard and IDF troops pounced on the community of Amona in Samaria to carry out Supreme Court demolition and eviction facing an estimated 4,000 Jewish residents and protesters. As the court decreed new date for the demolition and evacuation of […]

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Trump Announces James Mattis Who Called Israel “Apartheid” State as Defense Pick to Head Pentagon

James Mattis claims “Israeli settlements” are turning country into an “Apartheid” state — and now he will head the Pentagon. President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday confirmed reports that he would be nominating retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis as his pick for secretary of Defense. Trump made the revelation in his first post-election rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Thursday evening, hours after The Washington Post […]

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Trump Campaign Worker Convicted On Ten Counts Of Election Fraud In Michigan

In Grand Haven, Michigan, political activist and blogger Brandon Hall has been found guilty on ten counts of election fraud. Hall was charged with election law fraud after forging signatures on 2012 petitions for a judicial candidate. His trial was delayed because of a legal battle over whether to try him for a felony or a misdemeanor. Despite the charges hanging over him, the […]

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Jew-Hater Muslim Keith Ellison Running for DNC Lead Was an Active Leader in Nazi Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam

Rep. Keith Ellison has a long history of anti-Israel actions and support from terrorists. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging that Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) not be appointed to head the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Ellison’s dangerous positions, involvements and anti-Israel congressional initiatives have included the following: • This past summer, Ellison (aka Keith X. Ellison, aka Keith […]

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Border Patrol Agents Make Sure Burritos are Warm and Provide Childcare to Illegals

“Basically 100%” of families crossing border allowed into the U.S. According to Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan, agents along the southern border have been reduced to “professional child care providers” whose priorities include keeping the provided burritos warm for illegal crossers. Instead of sending the agents out on regular patrol duties and doing searches for drug dealers, Morgan sends his […]

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Abbas: We will NEVER recognize Israel

On Wednesday, Abbas reiterated that the Arab Muslims will not accept a state with temporary borders or interim solutions, and stressed that they will continue to refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click […]

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OSU Assistant Director Asks for “Compassion” for Butcher Knife and Car Ramming Terrorist

What the hell is wrong with these idiot liberals? Assistant Director of Office of Residence Life at The Ohio State University Office of Residence Life, Stephanie Clemons Thompson, in a now viral Facebook post asked her followers to “find compassion” for the Buckeye terrorist. Debra Heine published the following image of Thompson’s post: A better image image was tweeted by Jewels […]

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White House Warns Against “Blaming Islam” for OSU Jihad Terrorist Attack

How many Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists have perpetrated terrorist attacks in this century? Exactly. “Our response to this situation matters. If we respond to this situation by casting aspersions on millions of people that adhere to a particular religion or if we increase our suspicion of people who practice a particular religion, we are more likely going to contribute […]

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Turkish President Calls on All Muslims to “Protect” Jerusalem From the Jews

It’s being reported that yesterday, at a symposium on Jerusalem in Istanbul, that Erdogan called on all Muslims to “protect” Jerusalem and said it shouldn’t just be left to [so-called] “Palestinian” children armed with stones: There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click […]

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Mohammad Is Now the Second Most Popular Boy’s Name in United Kingdom

And it takes the number one spot in London. Mohammad is already the number one most popular baby name in Israel. Mohammad is the second most popular boy’s name in the United Kingdom, just behind the name Oliver, according to the Liverpool Echo. Olivia was the most popular girl’s name, followed closely by Lily and Sophie. The implications of the name “Mohammad” […]

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Muslim State-Run Moroccan TV Show Gives Makeup Tips for Battered Women

A daytime show on Moroccan television has sparked an online petition after staging a detailed live tutorial that showed women at home how to cover up facial bruises from domestic violence. According to international statistics, Morocco is home to some of the world’s most disempowered women. Sabihayat is a studio lifestyle on the popular majority state-owned 2M channel that airs […]

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