Author Archives: Shlomo

New York City Will Fine You $250,000 For ‘Misgendering’ A Transsexual

Did you call a transsexual person “he” or “she” when they preferred to be called “zhe?” According to a newly updated anti-discrimination law in New York City, you could be fined an eye-watering $250,000. In the latest, astonishing act of draconian political correctness, the NYC Commission on Human Rights have updated a law on “Discrimination on the Basis of Gender […]

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Ted Cruz in control in Iowa

Ted Cruz has assembled an impressive presidential campaign structure in Iowa, veteran political observers here say, with one going so far as to describe Cruz’s campaign as perhaps “the most sophisticated” the first in the nation caucus state has ever witnessed. Because of that grass roots organization, Cruz is primed to maintain his recent surge in the polls and win […]

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‘Third Man’ in Garland Terror Attack Linked to Islamic State, Targeted Super Bowl, Malls and Military

The federal government filed a second superseding indictment against Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem, a.k.a. Decarus Thomas, the Arizona “third man” connected with May’s foiled Garland, Texas, terrorist attack, alleging a direct link between Kareem and the Islamic State. The indictment handed down by a grand jury on December 22 provides the clearest possible link yet between Kareem, 44, and the Islamic […]

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Silent Intifada and Full List of Attacks this week: Two Murdered in over 150 Terror Attacks

Two Jews were murdered and 16 were injured in over 180 terror attacks this week. During the past week (Dec. 18th- Dec. 24th) there were over 180 terror attacks recorded in the ‘Silent Intifada’ updates on Hakol Hayehudi. Among these were five shootings, three stabbings, and one vehicular attack. In addition there were a number of incidents of arson, stone […]

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UK Police Chart Soaring Rates of Anti-Semitism

There has been a dramatic 61 per cent increase in anti-Semitic hate crime in the UK capital over the past 12 months according to the latest statistics released by London’s Metropolitan Police. A total of 483 anti-Semitic crimes were committed up until November 2015, up from 299 crimes in the same period in 2014. Breitbart London has reported on rising anti-Semitic attacks in London […]

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My friends, the Duma suspects were tortured

The lawyers of the suspects in custody attest that the Shin Bet sexually harassed suspects, struck their genitals, kicked, spat and electrocuted them, and that one of the suspects attempted suicide. After hearing about the torture of the Duma suspects at the hands of the Israeli security services, it’s time to remember that these suspects are first and foremost Jewish […]

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Jerusalem: New Rules Require Israeli Medics To Treat Terrorists Before Victims

[Jerusalem] – A new directive issued by the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) this week now stipulates that Israeli medics must treat wounded at terror sites solely on the basis of the severity of their injuries, and that possibly means treating attackers before victims. reports that the new rule which was implemented this week and replaces the old guidelines stipulating […]

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Military Mourn Deaths of Six Soldiers Killed By Muslim Suicide Bomber… Obama Golfs in Hawaii

The six airmen perished after a suicide bomber attacked the Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. “Today’s the day I remember and honor the sacrifices our fellow Airmen made for us, our country, and our freedoms,” announced Special Agent Heather Garver, Air Force Office of Special Investigations and part of Task Force Crimson. “While we mourn the loss of our family members, […]

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Poor Muslim banned from Disneyland was self-proclaimed ‘Taliban supervisor’

The liberal media was crying foul when a British Muslim family of ten was suddenly and mysteriously denied permission to travel to America.  All they wanted to do was visit Disneyland!  The liberal media was crying that this poor Muslim family simply wanted an all-American vacation, and they suffered evil discrimination, simply because they were Muslim! At least, that was […]

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UK Court Clears Muslim Millionaire Of Rape Who Says He Accidentally Fell Crotch-First Into a Girl

On Tuesday, the Southwark Crown Court cleared a 46-year-old millionaire Saudi property developer, Ehsan Abdulaziz, of rape after he claimed he accidentally tripped and fell on an 18-year-old girl sleeping at his flat. “The businessman had already had sex with the teenager’s 24-year-old friend, whom he already knew, in the bedroom and said his penis might have been poking out […]

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Fighting Terrorists Stabbing Innocent Jews in Israel: ‘I emptied the magazine into him, he kept on charging’

Security guard Katya Sohet tells a story of heroism after she and another guard killed a terrorist at Ariel. Two security guards at the entrance to the western industrial area of Ariel, in Samaria, were wounded Thursday morning by a terrorist who stabbed them. One guard – a man – suffered numerous wounds to the head and limbs and was […]

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Israel Endures 2,225 Rock Attacks in Last Three Months, Media Silent

Israel “can’t see the end of the terror wave.” In addition to the wave of stabbing and shooting sprees and vehicular assaults, [so-called] “Palestinian” terrorists have launched roughly 2,225 rock-throwing attacks against Israelis in the last three months alone, according to reports. The figures, released Wednesday by Israel’s Channel 2, note that this figures amounts to approximately 24 rock-throwing attacks per day. And while rock-throwing may seem […]

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Cruz fires back at Washington Post with his own political cartoon

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz fired back at The Washington Post with a political cartoon of his own portraying the paper as one of Hillary Clinton’s “lapdogs,” after the Post ran a cartoon depicting his daughters as monkeys. The newspaper pulled that Cruz cartoon Tuesday from its website, saying “it’s generally the policy of our editorial section to leave children […]

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Starving children ‘as young as NINE forced to give UN officials oral sex to get food’

CHILDREN as young as nine traded oral sex for food from UN peacekeepers in warzones while officials looked the other way, a shocking new report has claimed. Memos about the sexual abuse in the Central African Republic were “passed from desk to desk, inbox to inbox, across multiple UN offices, with no one willing to take responsibility”, the report found. […]

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Planned Parenthood: Hiding HIV from Sexual Partners is Your ‘Right’

They really don’t care who they kill since they already mass murder babies. Planned Parenthood has reached a new low. The abortion giant responsible for killing at least 7 million babies in the womb to date has now revealed that it believes that not telling your sexual partners that you have HIV is perfectly fine, it’s your “right.” Kimberly Ells of The Federalist […]

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Jews Denied Security Clearance While Huma Infiltrates the Government

How the administration treats a Jewish dentist with family in Israel compared to an Islamist ally with connections to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. The Obama administration’s anti-Israel sentiment knows no bounds. The latest example involves the denial of a security clearance to a Jewish-American dentist, Dr. Gershon Pincus, on the grounds that he has “divided loyalties.” All that Dr. Pincus […]

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14 Paris Jews Intentionally Poisoned

The lock to a synagogue in southeastern Paris was coated with poison, sickening more than a dozen congregants. The electronic lock to a synagogue south east of Paris was coated with poison which led to 14 Jews being sickened. The incident took place on Monday evening, Dec.14, in the community of Bonneuil-sur-Marne. Women arrived at the closed shul at around 9:00 p.m. […]

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Feds can’t say whereabouts of thousands of foreigners whose visas were revoked over terror threat

The Obama administration cannot be sure of the whereabouts of thousands of foreigners in the U.S. who had their visas revoked over terror concerns and other reasons, a State Department official acknowledged Thursday. The admission, made at a House oversight hearing examining immigrant vetting in the wake of major terror attacks, drew a sharp rebuke from the committee chairman. “You don’t […]

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Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill Funds ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’

Paul Ryan’s first major legislative achievement is a total and complete sell-out of the American people masquerading as an appropriations bill. Too harsh, you say? Let the programs, the spending, and the implications speak for themselves. (1) Ryan’s Omnibus Fully Funds DACA Though much of the public attention has surrounded the President’s 2014 executive amnesty, the President’s 2012 amnesty quietly continues […]

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Seriously? Secretary of Defense Ash Carter Also Used A Private Email Account For Official Business

So, after an entire summer about Hillary Clinton’s private email use, which violated government policy, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter probably thought his little tryst with using a private email account for official business would just blow away, right? Uh, wrong. The New York Times picked it up, where they noted that White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough found out about this system […]

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UN official blames Paris attack on West and ‘Israeli settlers’

Because no matter how absurd it is, the Jew-hating U.N. (along with the left) always blames the victims while defending Islamic terrorists and brutal dictators. Of course this week, the United Nations Secretary General also blames Israel and accuses Israel of ‘breeding’ Arab Muslim terror attacks. The UN Watch watchdog group on Wednesday called on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and […]

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Sweden’s Anti-Semitic Double Standard Against Israel – Supports Morocco’s Occupation of Western Sahara

Swedish Foreign Minister Wallström is seen bashing Israeli settlements, while pushing for acceptance of Morocco annexation of Western Sahara. The Swedish government’s foreign policy made headlines again on Monday, after Foreign Minister Margot Wallström took a stance against an EU court’s annulment of a trade agreement with Morocco, over the latter’s occupation and annexation of mineral-rich Western Sahara. A representative […]

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Two Jews wounded in Arab stabbing attack in Modi’in

Arab moderately wounds two Jews at adjacent construction sites, before workers overpower him – was in sovereign Israeli territory legally. Two Jews were stabbed and moderately wounded by an Arab terrorist on Tuesday at two adjacent construction sites in Modi’in, located roughly halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Construction workers at the site overpowered the Arab terrorist, and police who […]

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Syrian “refugee” immigration to the United States quietly tops 100,000 since 2012

A proposal to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States has ignited a bitter debate in Washington, but more than 10 times that number of people from the [Muslim] country have quietly come to America since 2012, according to figures obtained by Some 102,313 Syrians were granted admission to the U.S. as legal permanent residents or through programs […]

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UN’s Ban Ki-Moon accuses Israel of ‘breeding’ Arab Muslim terror attacks

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. From the article: In a message delivered on his behalf to a conference on the “Rights of Palestinian” people and the situation in Jerusalem organized this week in Jakarta, Indonesia, […]

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San Bernardino jihad murderer was vetted by FIVE different government agencies

It just keeps getting worse. At first we were told that she had been vetted by two agencies. Apparently Obama Administration officials were hoping to cover up the magnitude of this failure. In any case, Tashfeen Malik stands as a witness to the impossibility of vetting for jihadis. “U.S. missed ‘red flags’ with San Bernardino shooter,” CBS News, December 14, […]

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FIRST PHOTOS: Dungeons Islamic State Uses for Sex Slaves

Muslims justified raping the sex slaves “because the action would make her Muslim.” “They took young girls, seven, nine and 10 years old,” like their prophet Muhammad and his favorite wife, the six-year-old Aisha. You’ll note that Obama never speaks of these victims of unspeakable crimes. He never speaks of the Quranic texts and teachings that grants sex slavery  under […]

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Judge orders review of Pollard’s parole conditions

American judge says Parole Commission provided little basis to justify Pollard’s parole conditions, orders review. A judge on Monday ordered a federal commission to provide further justification for subjecting Jonathan Pollard to restrictive probation conditions following his release last month from prison after 30 years, Reuters reports. According to the news agency, U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest in Manhattan said […]

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Rush Limbaugh Blasts Trump for Bashing Cruz

Donald Trump is following the script of Democrats and establishment Republicans in his criticism of new Iowa front-runner Sen. Ted Cruz, says conservative radio talk host Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh said Monday on his syndicated radio show that Cruz has masterfully handled Trump simply by not publicly criticizing him as other candidates have – often to their own detriment. But Trump, […]

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Non-Muslims encouraged to wear Islamic head scarf at school

Terror-Tied Org Invites Non-Muslim High School Girls to Wear Hijabs. Over a dozen non-Muslim female students at Vernon Hills High School in Chicago participated in a December event led by Muslim students who asked them to wear the traditional hijab head covering in an effort to “denounce negative stereotypes” and to gain a better understanding of the Muslim faith, according […]

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Students practice calligraphy by writing “There is no god but Allah”

A Virginia school district is defending a classroom assignment that required students to practice calligraphy by writing the Muslim statement of faith, “There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” Female students at Riverheads High School in Staunton, Virginia, were also invited to wear Muslim clothing — a story first reported by The Schilling Show. The […]

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White House looks to curb “anti-Muslim sentiment”

The White House on Monday began “staff-level” meetings and calls with religious leaders to discuss how they could help combat growing anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States. Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to President Obama, and Melissa Rogers, who leads the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, held a conference call with leaders of all religions from across the […]

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The San Bernardino Terrorists Weren’t “Radicals” — They Were Mainstream

They aren’t radicals. They aren’t extremists. They are Muslims doing exactly what the Koran tells them to do. After Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook killed 14 Americans in their corner of the Jihad over in San Bernardino, the media began its long laborious search for their moment of “radicalization”. The assumption that the intersection of terrorism and Islam can only […]

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Abbas: Arab violence against innocent Jews is “justified popular uprising”

[Yahoo! News] – [the PLO’s] Mahmoud Abbas referred to the last three months of violence Monday as a “justified popular uprising”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Abbas’s comments came as a new poll shows widespread […]

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Islamic State Sharia Judges Order Extermination of Disabled Children

Islamic State jihadists have ordered the execution of children who are mentally or physically disabled. In a Facebook post, the Iraqi activist group Mosel Eye released a video and reported a “fatwa” had been issued on the innocents. Sharia judges have allegedly ruled ISIS followers are authorized to “kill newborn babies with Down Syndrome or congenital deformities and disabled children,” […]

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Obama hijacks Chanuka, makes it into an anti-Israel holiday with chants of “Allah Willing” in Arabic

The White House threw an afternoon ‘Chanuka party’ this past week, which featured the Maccabeats and one [so-called] ‘rabbi’ Susan Talve, who gave an appalling anti-Israel harangue which apparently went unanswered (and has not, as far as I have seen, been reported at all in the Israeli media). It took the President of the United States less than 90 seconds […]

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