Category Archives: Articles

Kerry Blames the Jews: Israel Will Be ‘Blamed’ If Congress Rejects Iran Deal

Former Israeli ambassador Oren slams Kerry comments. Secretary of State John Kerry is under fire from Israeli officials for claiming on Friday that the Jewish state will be blamed if Congress rejects the recently announced Iranian nuclear deal. Kerry’s comments came during remarks before the Council on Foreign Relations. Analysts and experts on social media were quick to label the […]

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Hillary Clinton Defends Planned Parenthood as Corporations Flee Abortion Provider Selling Baby Parts

Leading Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton embraced Planned Parenthood on Thursday, defending the nation’s largest abortion provider during a campaign speech in Greenville, South Carolina, and later in a statement from that speech posted to Twitter. Planned Parenthood has been under fire recently after videos were released showing its officials glibly discussing trafficking in body parts of aborted babies. […]

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Obama Equates Gun Control With Fighting Terrorism – After Sending Guns to Syrian Muslim Terrorists

The Washington Free Beacon reports: In a recent interview with BBC, President Obama identified his lack of success instituting tight gun control laws as that which has caused him the most frustration throughout his time in the White House. “That is an area where if you ask me where has been the one area where I feel that I’ve been most […]

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Report: Illegals Committed 600,000 Crimes in Texas in 6 Yrs

“Nearly 3,000 homicides, 8,000 sexual assaults” An internal report by the Texas Department of Public Safety obtained by PJ Media reveals that over a span of about 6 years, illegal immigrants in the state committed over 600,000 crimes and were involved in nearly 3,000 homicides. According to PJ Media, the Texas DPS report found that from October 2008 to April 2014, 177,588 “unique criminal alien defendants” were booked […]

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Obama to Abortionists: ‘Thank you, Planned Parenthood. G-d bless you.’ – For Mass Murdering Babies

Planned Parenthood pays no taxes. Under President Obama, made more than $500 million in profits, but they claim to be a “non-profit” organization. They kill more 800 children every day. And they have from the earliest days targeted minority women. They once had a “Negro Ministers” project designed to recruit black pastors to push first birth control and then abortion […]

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Obama Lied: There Are No Ballistic Missile Restrictions in Iran Deal

President Barack Obama boasted last week that his administration forced Iran to accept an eight-year delay in the lifting of ballistic missile sanctions, when Iran wanted those restrictions canceled immediately. (Never mind that Iran made the demand at the last minute, raising a “non-nuclear” issue of the sort Obama says the U.S. could not make with regard to American captives.) […]

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Growing Jewish Movement Calls to Rebuild Third Temple on Tisha B’Av

Temple Faithful Movement plans march to demand government ‘remove enemies from Temple Mount and rebuild third Temple.’ On Tisha B’Av this Sunday, a fast day mourning the destruction of the First and Second Temple, Jewish activists plan to protest against the discrimination against Jews on the Temple Mount and the impunity given to Arab terror-supporters on the holy site, in a […]

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Nancy Pelosi: Investigate Pro-Lifers, Not Planned Parenthood

On Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) proposed that Congress stop looking to investigate Planned Parenthood and instead investigate the Center for Medical Progress – the pro-life organization that recently exposed the abortion conglomerate selling baby organs for profit in a series of undercover videos – saying they created an unnecessary controversy for no reason.  Weighing in on the […]

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Iranian Textbooks Teach War and Jihad Against US, West

Iranian educational system still teaching the next generation to loath America, pursue jihad – and ‘deceive’ infidels. Iranian school textbooks, like those of other nations, imbue youngsters with their countries’ most important values. In Iran, studies show, this means apocalyptic war and victory over the USA and the West. Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, an expert on Middle Eastern affairs who […]

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WH Acknowledges Undisclosed Iran ‘Side Deals’

National Security Adviser Susan Rice admitted Wednesday that there are undisclosed “side deals” between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as Republicans alleged, but dismissed the idea that they were truly “secret.” As TruthRevolt reported, two Republican lawmakers, Rep. Mike Pompeo (Kan.) and Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark.), called out the administration this week for failing to provide all the details of the Iran […]

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O’Malley Booed For Saying ‘White Lives Matter, All Lives Matter,’ Apologizes

Democratic presidential candidate and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley was booed for saying “all lives matter” at the Netroots Nation conference on Saturday and later apologized for those comments. During his town hall discussion, [relevant portion begins around 19:30] protesters stood up and began singing “What side are you on?” While the protesters were singing, moderator Jose Antonio Vargas let an […]

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Female Genital Mutilation: Another Barbaric and Evil Crime of Islam

Asia News recently reported how the misogynist crime of female genital mutilation (FGM) continues to be a “widespread traditional practice” in “rural areas and more remote areas of Indonesia, particularly the island of Java.” The story makes sure to remind us, naturally, that while this crime is being perpetrated in a Muslim country, the crime “is not a rule set […]

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Nuclear Experts Rip Iran “Inspections” Requirements, State Department Won’t Comment on Secret Side Deals

Team Smart Power claims the Iran deal, which they’re railroading through the UN as a potentially unconstitutional means of short-circuiting Congress, offers a robust regime of inspections — even as the Obama administration has embarrassingly retreated from its previous “anytime, anywhere” rhetoric. Critics say the built-in delay period of up to 24 days between requested inspections and final access offers Iran innumerable opportunities […]

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Obama Now Blames Congress for IRS Scandal that Targeted Conservatives and Pro-Israel Groups

No longer denying it, now it’s congress’ “crummy law” led to IRS acting “poorly and stupidly.” Or something… and no one has gone to jail. In his final appearance on the Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show Tuesday, President Obama said the IRS scandal wasn’t his fault nor really that of anyone at the agency. The real blame, he made clear, should fall on the (Republican-led) Congress, which […]

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Seattle officials join push for Islamic Sharia-compliant mortgages, loans

A proposal in Seattle meant to increase home ownership among Muslims by offering financing compliant with strict Islamic law — known as Sharia — is gaining ground in the latest test for local leaders trying to accommodate diverse religious beliefs. “We will work to develop new tools for Muslims who are prevented from using conventional mortgage products due to their […]

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Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database

A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.” Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, […]

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Nuclear Arms Race: Saudi Source Reveals Plan for the Bomb

Head of state-affiliated Saudi TV channel reveals Saudi Arabia will ‘seriously try to get’ nuclear weapons following Iran deal. While US President Barack Obama claimed he prevented a nuclear arms race in the Middle East when he presented the Iran deal last Tuesday, a key source in Saudi Arabia laid bare that claim by expressing the country’s sense of urgency to acquire its own nuclear […]

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‘I WANT A LAMBORGHINI’ Video captures Planned Parenthood doc haggling over fetus parts prices

Second video shows Planned Parenthood doc haggling over price of fetal body parts. A new undercover video shows a top Planned Parenthood official discussing “less crunchy” techniques to get “whole specimens” and haggling over the price of fetus tissue sales because she wants “a Lamborghini.” And the activist behind the sting operation says there’s much more to come. Center for […]

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Families of Victims of Violence by Illegal Immigrants Storm Washington

At a Tuesday Senate hearing dedicated to the families who lost loved ones thanks to illegal aliens, Laura Wilkerson gave testimony on her youngest son Joshua’s horrific death while some in the silent audience wept. Wilkerson called on Congress to place American lives and interests over foreigners, especially those illegally living in the country. During the hearing, titled “Oversight of […]

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Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Shariah, Jihad

In light of the murder of five American military personnel in Chattanooga last week at the hands of presumed jihadist Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, it’s worth revisiting a worrying poll of American Muslims released last month by Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy (CSP). That survey of 600 Muslims revealed that “significant minorities embrace supremacist notions that could pose a threat to America’s security […]

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‘Gays’ shopped for Christian clerk to target

Case highlights determination to attack same-sex marriage resisters. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito warned in dissent that the “same-sex marriage” ruling would be used to “stamp out” those who disagree with the progressive agenda. It’s begun. According to an attorney with Liberty Counsel, a federal judge is expected to release a ruling as early as Aug. 11 on whether […]

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Holding a Gun, Iran Dictator Calls for Muslim World to Unite and Destroy Israel

And Obama just gave terrorist Iran nukes. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei went into a conspiracy-laden tirade on Saturday, blaming the “arrogant powers” for getting in the way of the Muslim world’s mission to unite and destroy Israel. More of the poisonous fruit of Obama’s nuclear deal. Where did it get us? Why did Obama give America’s worst enemy billions […]

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WH: Obama visit to Cuba will not ‘necessarily’ depend on human rights

The White House said Wednesday that a decision by President Obama to visit Cuba would not necessarily depend on the Castro regime providing more human rights protections and basic freedoms, but did say progress on those fronts would factor into his plans. “I wouldn’t necessarily suggest that the successful protection of those rights are required before any presidential visit is […]

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Planned Parenthood dealer of baby parts back online

It didn’t take long for Stem Express, the California-based company caught buying aborted baby parts from Planned Parenthood, to get back in business online.  Stem Express,  which LifeNews reported offline on Wednesday is back online today—advertising the sale of the same baby livers,  Deborah Nucatola so callously went on about during her salad and red wine lunch. Planned Parenthood’s baby […]

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Obama to use Social Security to screen seniors from getting guns

Because everyone is worried that Granny, who wants to protect herself, will be a terrorist? If people in the Social Security system are unable to manage their own affairs because of “marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease,” the Times reports, those people might find it difficult to purchase a firearm, if that information is reported to […]

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Obama STILL Has Not Ordered Flags Flown at Half-Mast for Servicemen Killed in Chattanooga Islamic Terror Attack

This Sunday marks three days since an Islamist gunman opened fire Thursday on military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing five unarmed servicemen and wounding a policeman. President Barack Obama still has not ordered the lowering of the U.S. flag to half-staff at the White House and federal properties as a sign of respect and mourning for those killed, even though […]

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Israel urges rejection as US Congress receives suicidal terrorist Iran nuclear deal

Obama has promised to exercise his veto if Congress rejects the deal. President Barack Obama’s administration sent a nuclear agreement with Tehran to Congress on Sunday and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged US lawmakers to reject a deal he said would only feed an “Iranian terror machine”. In a first concrete sign of European determination to quickly rebuild economic […]

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The Americans Surrendered to Iran

Dr. Harold Rhode of Ariel University says there were never any real negotiations between Iran and the West. Rather, the Americans gave in. Dr. Harold Rhode, a former analyst for the Pentagon on the Middle East and today a lecturer at the Ariel University in Samaria, on Sunday told Arutz Sheva that the deal between Iran and the West was […]

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Queen Elizabeth Gives Nazi Salute on Film

LONDON (Reuters) – Buckingham Palace scolded Rupert Murdoch’s top-selling Sun tabloid on Saturday for publishing a previously unknown film from 1933 that appears to show Britain’s Queen Elizabeth performing a Nazi salute as a young girl. The black-and-white film from the year Adolf Hitler came to power purports to show future British king Edward VIII instructing his nieces, the current […]

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Exploding Muslim immigration overwhelms FBI

Expansive visa programs make it ‘impossible to track them all’ The FBI failed to stop another terror attack, this time in Chattanooga, and the pressure building on the bureau from President Obama’s reckless immigration policies may be reaching a boiling point, say security experts. And the problem goes far beyond a loose border, where some 400,000 illegal aliens enter each […]

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Mass-Murdering Butchers of Planned Parenthood

Despite repeated requests, U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s office refuses to comment on the video released last Tuesday showing Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services describing how the organization’s abortionists “crush” an infant so that its most valuable body parts can be saved and sold to buyers. Her silence says a lot about the abortion debate in this country. Why […]

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Greeks Hate Jews

The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith polled 10,000 Greeks this June, and was shocked to learn that Greeks hate Jews. Greece, wrote Alana Goodman in the Washington Free Beacon, …surpasses Iran and trails just slightly behind Turkey in the percentage of its residents who hold anti-Semitic views. In total, 67 percent of Greek respondents agreed with the majority of a list of […]

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Obama administration pledges to help Iran “protect its nuclear program”

The dimensions of Obama’s craven surrender to Iran are becoming more and more clear. Yesterday, the administration circulated a draft UN Security Council resolution to remove UN sanctions from Iran. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) 45%‘s cute little committee isn’t going to finish it’s ‘debate’ until mid-September. The fact that there will be no UN sanctions in place by then calls […]

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