Category Archives: Articles

Obamacare and Eugenics

The scariest words uttered during Jonathan Gruber’s recent appearance before the House Oversight Committee were “positive selection.” They were read aloud by Republican Rep. Thomas Massie, from a 1997 paper the professor co-authored concerning abortion. The opus in question made the Congressman uneasy because of the following passage: “By 1993 all cohorts under the age 19 were born under legalized […]

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Horrifying: So-call “Ethicist” leftist says abortion after birth is moral

In an article for the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, a well-known Canadian bioethicist – Udo Schuklenk – argues that aborting a child after birth is moral. Naturally, Schuklenk draws his own arbitrary lines as to when after-birth abortion is moral. He says that when a baby’s life contains “overwhelming pain and suffering,” it would be a moral choice. […]

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Censorship Jihad: Court to Consider Order to Remove Anti-Muslim Movie From YouTube

A federal appeals court will reconsider a decision to order YouTube to take down an anti-Muslim video that allegedly sparked violence in the Middle East and led to death threats toward the actors from those who considered it blasphemous to the Prophet Muhammad. An 11-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena will hear arguments Monday […]

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Wow: Congress Cuts Military Pay, Opens Entitlements for Illegals

John Boehner and the rest of the GOP RINO establishment didn’t have enough Conservative votes to pass their $1.1 TRILLION budget. That’s because while these so-called “Republicans” criticized Obama’s amnesty in public, their budget completely funded it. More than 60 Republicans voted against the spending bill, forcing Boehner to get approximately 50 Democrats to vote for it. GOP leaders blocked […]

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Terror Attack Strikes Sydney: Hostages Forced to Hold up Jihadist Flag

7:31 UPDATE by Mary Chastain: The suspects’ intentions are unclear, though sources have told Australia’s that the men taking the café hostage are allegedly demanding to speak to Prime Minister Tony Abbott live on the radio. Black Islamic flag being held up in window of #lindt chocolate store in Martin Place, Sydney – hostages inside. — Andrew Denney […]

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Bill Bonds–Nazi Lover, Jew-Hater, Drunk Driver, Liberal Newscaster–Buh-Bye

[Debbie Schlussel] – Bill Bonds, who dominated Detroit television news in the ’70s and ’80s, is being mourned throughout Southeastern Michigan as some sort of great journalistic icon and saint. But Bonds, who died yesterday at age 82, was an open Nazi-lover, Jew-hater, serial drunk driver, shameless liberal news anchor, and all-around hypocrite, who should not be missed. He definitely […]

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Al Sharpton Leads March in DC as NYC Protesters Chant: ‘What Do We Want? Dead Cops!’

Joining the families of blacks killed by police, thousands marched toward the capitol and down New York streets on Saturday to protest what they called an epidemic of abuse at the hands of police. But even though it was his event, many attendees didn’t want to hear from organizer Al Sharpton. The march, organized by Sharpton’s National Action Network, once […]

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We told you so: Patients outraged after losing doctors under Obamacare

(CBS) – Kevin McCarthy of Thousand Oaks, California, was surprised last spring, when he learned his family doctor of 14 years could not accept the Blue Shield insurance he’d purchased under Obamacare. He said he was “outraged” because when he was shopping for his policy, Blue Shield confirmed his doctor was covered. “We were duped,” McCarthy said. “Hoodwinked is another […]

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Organizers of Irish Holocaust Memorial Event Ban Mention Of Israel

Organizers also fired emcee Yanky Fachler, who hosted the event for a dozen years, because he complained about last year’s ban on mentioning the Jewish State. ext month, the Holocaust Educational Trust Ireland (HETI), will be hosting the country’s annual event commemorating the Holocaust. According to the British Jewish news site The JC, for the second year in a row they […]

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Terrorist Throws Acid at Jewish Family Near Jerusalem (Video)

Arab Muslim terrorist acid attack wounds six in Gush Etzion, including children, south of Jerusalem; terrorist shot and wounded. A terrorist attacked a Jewish family with acid in the Gush Etzion region south of Jerusalem Friday, wounding six people including a number of young children. According to Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics, the mother of the family and three young […]

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Jerusalem: Another Arab Muslim attempts to murder Jew with car

Arab car crashes into barriers at hitchhiking station in suspected attack attempt; soldiers not wounded, driver in moderate condition. An Arab car slammed into the concrete barriers placed at a hitchhiking station near the Samaria territorial brigade of the IDF on Friday morning. It is suspected the incident may have been a terrorist attack attempt to run over soldiers. An […]

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New Lois Lerner emails show Obama’s DOJ involved in IRS targeting scandal

Like we said all along… In the month prior to the 2010 midterm elections, Internal Revenue Service investigator Lois Lerner met with Justice Department officials to discuss the criminal prosecution of tax-exempt political groups. It had previously been revealed that Lerner investigated avenues for prosecuting certain tax-exempt status applicants upon the suggestion of Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) when the watchdog […]

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Imam Joe Biden Schools an Infidel

The courageous ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali recently recounted that at a speech in Washington not long ago, she met Vice President Joe Biden. Biden seized the opportunity to tell her that “ISIS had nothing to do with Islam.” Hirsi Ali politely disagreed, whereupon Biden began a lesson in the teachings of the Religion of Peace: “Let me tell you […]

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Anti-semitic Rosie O’Donnell Is Selling Anti-Israel Artwork Using Pictures from Syria as Lying Propaganda

[Open lesbian] Rosie O’Donnell is selling artwork on her website embossed with messages acutely critical of Israel’s actions during this summer’s hostilities with Hamas. The photo she’s using, however, was taken in Syria. Two collage-like pieces created by O’Donnell currently for sale on her website include a photo implied to have been taken in Gaza this summer — but is […]

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I Don’t Care if Obama Thinks We’re Stupid; Just Repeal Obamacare

Instead of using this space to pretend the newly released CIA “torture” report confirms that the United States is the most evil nation in the history of the universe, I’m going to address Jonathan Gruber’s confirmation that he believes we’re all stupid. Assuming you are not under any rocks or haven’t been in an underground bunker without access to media, […]

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Backroom Move Strips ‘Backdoor’ NSA Spying Ban From Spending Bill

[Huffington Post] – Congressional leaders have quietly deleted a measure meant to stop the National Security Agency’s “backdoor” surveillance of American communications from a major spending bill. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted in June to ban the NSA from searching for Americans’ communications in surveillance collected while targeting foreigners. But the omnibus spending package unveiled Tuesday night — a […]

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Clinton = Obama: Hillary, At Saban Forum, Endorses Obama’s Anti-Israel Middle East Policy

[Jewish Press] – From the drive for Israel to accept a suicidal so-called “two state solution” to nuclear talks with Iran, Hillary Rodham Clinton is endorsing President Obama’s [anti-semitic] Israel-related positions. Clinton, who was Obama’s secretary of state during his first term, spoke Friday night with Haim Saban, the Israeli-American entertainment mogul who through the Brookings Institution convenes an eponymous annual […]

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Arab Muslim Minister Has Heart Attack & Dies at Protest – Jews Get Blamed (Video)

Hint: Jews should have already liquidated this terrorist… but he dies from a heart attack and Arab Muslim Nazi riots break out. [So-called] “Palestinian” minister Ziad Abu Ein clutched his chest and collapsed today during clashes between Israeli Forces and Arab rioters in Judea and Samaria. The IDF on the scene provided assistance to Abu Ein but they were unable […]

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Obama: Republicans ‘pretty sure I’m an illegal immigrant’

President Obama, on the heels of announcing his executive actions on immigration, teased Republicans about the immigration debate — saying some of them think he’s an “illegal immigrant.” The president made the wisecrack at a town hall meeting in Nashville on Tuesday. Discussing the immigration debate, he urged Republicans to work with him. “Now, does that mean everybody is going […]

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Boehner Omnibus Gives Social Security Benefits to Illegal Aliens Under Obama Amnesty

Pages 958 and 959 of the 1,603-page omnibus spending bill from House Speaker John Boehner include a provision that gives Social Security benefits to illegal aliens under President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty. The seemingly wonky legislative language in that relevant section reads: None of the funds appropriated in this Act shall be expended or obligated by the Commissioner of Social […]

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MSNBC: Capitalism Is An ‘Oppressive Force’ Against Blacks

A guest on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show” Wednesday told guest host Michael Eric Dyson that after activists deal with police brutality, they need to deal with “the oppressive force” of capitalism. DYSON: The problem extends beyond police departments. What is the next institution that needs to be isolated and challenged?     “HIP HOP ACTIVIST” ROSA CLEMENTE: The economy. Capitalism! […]

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Temple Mount Where it is Illegal for Jews to Pray: Muslim Cleric Preaching Slaughter The Jews

“Oh Allah, hasten the day of the [slaughter] of the Jews.” Anti-Semitic hate mongering continues atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. During a sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheik Omar Abu Sara was greeted with “Amen” as he called out, “Oh Allah, hasten the day of the [slaughter] of the Jews.” In the transcript translated by MEMRI, the target for Sheik Omar Abu […]

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Defense Minister admits Israel has anti-semitic building freeze because of Obama

[Yahoo News] – U.S. criticism of Israel’s settlement policies has slowed down construction in the West Bank, Israel’s defense minister said in comments broadcast Wednesday, adding that he hopes the slowdown will be “temporary” because the Obama administration “won’t be around forever.” The minister, Moshe Yaalon, has previously derided U.S. peace efforts in the Middle East, calling Secretary of State […]

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Obama: ‘Legitimate’ for Americans to Be Worried Illegal Immigrants Will Lower Wages

Obama, who as a Senator expressed the same concerns, also said that it is “legitimate” to be concerned about whether new immigrants will suppress wages, “particularly in the low-wage sectors of the economy.” “We have to be just as civil in addressing those questions as we expect people to be when we are talking to them,” he said. Those like […]

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Obama DOJ forces city to pay Muslims $7.75 million

A proposed mega-mosque in the pretty little town of Bridgewater, New Jersey, was rejected by the town council last year, “citing an ordinance that limited houses of worship to major roads.” Reasonable enough. Municipal officials argued that the purpose of the ordinance was to “preserve the residential character of its various neighborhoods.” But Islamic supremacists and Muslim Brotherhood organizations like […]

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Debunking of Climate Change Fraud Spreads to (Gasp!) California!

Jerry Brown, Governor of California, is a world-class expert on two subjects: 1. Wasteful spending of taxpayer money, and 2. Raising taxes to pay for 1. Most assuredly, Brown is NOT an expert,or even a respectable amateur, when it comes to science and the global warming/climate change controversy. Which means that it makes perfect sense to ignore Brown’s statement that […]

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Lawmakers Agree on $1 Trillion Spending Bill That Puts No Limits on Obama’s Immigration Action

Our phoney leaders hard at work ripping off and lying to the American public. House and Senate leaders finally released the text of a 1,600-page, $1 trillion spending bill for 2015 on Tuesday night that the House hopes to pass by Thursday, likely over the objections of many Republicans who wanted something tougher on immigration. Conservative Republicans have been pushing […]

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