Category Archives: Articles

“Full Repeal Would Cover More People Than ObamaCare-Lite”

One million more Americans would have health coverage if President Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans fully repeal Obamacare, instead of pushing for the American Health Care Act, which some are labeling, “ObamaCare-Lite.” The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicted in January that a complete repeal of Obamacare would leave 23 million Americans without health insurance by 2026. In response to the […]

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Trump’s State Department refuses to look for Hillary Clinton’s emails

Judicial Watch was hoping that “Team Trump” would also mean team transparency. But the conservative watchdog group was disappointed Monday after State Department lawyers were still insisting — even under their new President Trump-appointed leadership — that they have no intention of trying to find any potential as-yet uncovered Hillary Clinton emails from her time at the department. Given that […]

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Trump has meeting with Mahmoud Abbas; Says “peace is possible” with terrorists and “time has come to make a deal”

Abbas praises Trump after their meeting saying “Trump is committed to the two-state solution.” Donald Trump has a 20 minute meeting with PLO/Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas and claims peace with mass-murdering terrorists who praise Hitler and Arafat is possible with the Jews in Israel. Trump said “the time has come to make a deal.” That “deal” screws Israel and sets up […]

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Arab Terrorist From East Jerusalem Stabs 2 Border Police Officers in Old City

Arab terrorist shot dead; officers treated for moderate wounds. [An Arab Muslim terrorist] was shot dead early Monday morning at a police checkpoint near the Old City’s Lion’s Gate after following two Border Police officers into a small security station and stabbing them. According to police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, the Muslim Quarter attack took place shortly after 4 a.m. “What […]

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Congressional Budge Office: “14 million would lose coverage next year” under Trump’s new Obamacare 2.0

The Congressional Budge Office dropped their damaging analysis of Obamacare Lite the American Health Care Act on Monday, and the big number, the big headline tearing across websites, newspapers, Facebook pages, and the evening news is not good. “14 million would lose coverage next year under Republican health plan.” That’s not a good headline. Or a good thing. The GOP […]

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HORRIBLE: Illegal released by Obama TWICE murders underage girl and UNBORN CHILD

Remember when we reported over the years that Obama was releasing criminal illegals back into the country? Well here’s one he released twice and now a woman and her unborn child are dead: CNS NEWS – A 35-year-old illegal alien, twice released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under the Obama administration, reportedly shot a 15-year-old girl, killing her and […]

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Vermont: Mayor who plotted in secret to flood his town with Muslim migrants loses reelection bid

Last May, Louras’ secret plan came to light in the Boston Globe, which said: “Louras made no apologies for excluding the public from the planning. If the proposal had been floated earlier, the mayor said, the debate would have become ‘about them’ — meaning the Syrians, their culture, and possible links to terrorism — instead of whether the city had […]

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High school students in hot water for wearing PATRIOTIC COLORS to basketball game

Apparently having a USA-theme night at a high school basketball game is now offensive, especially if the other team is from a large community of “refugees”. Here’s more: KCCI – The Valley Tigers bested the North Polar Bears 57-55 Wednesday night, but it wasn’t the slim 2-point loss that’s causing controversy. Some North fans said the Valley crowd, decked out […]

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Trump voters would be among the biggest losers in Obamacare 2.0 replacement plan

Americans who swept President Trump to victory — lower-income, older voters in conservative, rural parts of the country — stand to lose the most in federal healthcare aid under a Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, according to a Times analysis of county voting and tax credit data. Among those hit the hardest under the current […]

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Seattle synagogue vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti

“Holocaust is fake history!” spray painted on synagogue in Seattle. Police searching for suspects. Police in Seattle are searching for suspects after one of the city’s largest synagogues was vandalized with Holocaust denial graffiti. The message read “Holocaust is fake history!” with the letter “S” replaced by a dollar sign. It was discovered on Friday at the Temple De Hirsch. […]

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More citizens of Saudi Arabia have joined the Islamic State than from any other country

Muslim Saudi Arabia the country most of the 9/11 hijackers came from. They are not America’s “allies” or “friends”. The Sunni Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) has boasted that key U.S. Middle East ally Saudi Arabia is the top provider of terrorists for the jihadist group in Iraq, reports Fox News, citing Iraqi military sources. Reports of a Saudi Arabia/Islamic State alliance have […]

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Trump invites Fatah terrorist leader Mahmoud Abbas to the White House

President Donald Trump invited [PLO Fatah] chairman Mahmoud Abbas to the White House during their telephone conversation on Friday, Abbas’s spokesman said. “President Donald Trump invited President Abbas to visit the White House very soon,” the spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, said after the phone call, according to Haaretz. The phone call was the first contact between the two leaders. A PA […]

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Trump threatens GOP: Back my RINOcare health bill or get primaried

President Trump has told Republican leaders that he’s prepared to play hardball with congressional conservatives to pass the GOP healthcare bill, including by supporting the 2018 primary challengers of any Republican who votes against the bill. Sources told the Washington Examiner that Trump made that threat in a White House meeting on Tuesday with House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., […]

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Facebook helping terrorist Pakistan government officials remove “blasphemous” content against Islam

Meanwhile, Facebook restored the page of Fatah, the PLO jihad terror group, after it was briefly taken down, and has blocked referrals to Jihad Watch at the rate of roughly 10,000 a day. Get the picture? “Place names of blasphemers on Exit Control List, IHC orders govt,” by Rizwan Shehzad, Express Tribune, March 8, 2017: …Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui said on […]

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Republicans want to know why Trump hasn’t fired the IRS head

Nearly two months into the Trump administration, the IRS commissioner House Republicans once threatened with impeachment remains on the job. John Koskinen’s continued tenure may be surprising, considering how aggressively Republicans went after him under the Obama administration. But despite a sustained push by congressional Republicans to oust the IRS chief before his five-year term expires this November, President Trump […]

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EPA Administrator: “Carbon dioxide is NOT the primary contributor to global warming”

Kudos to Scott Pruitt this morning for saying out loud what many Americans believe with respect to ‘global warming’: CNN – The head of the Environmental Protection Agency administrator said Thursday he does not believe that carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming — a stance at odds with leading climate scientists. Scott Pruitt made the comment to […]

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Netanyahu to Putin: Let’s not talk about Amona expulsion – “Let’s talk about something serious”

Netanyahu breaks his promise (as he ALWAYS does to the Jews he expels) leaving 42 families of Amona homeless. Tells Putin that issues in Syria are more important and calls Russia a “partner”. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was apparently unwilling to discuss some key domestic issues during a meeting Thursday with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin. After opening […]

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Trump Israel adviser headed to Israel to discuss ‘settlements’

Jason Greenblatt, President Donald Trump’s special representative for international negotiations, reportedly will visit Israel next week. Jason Greenblatt, President Donald Trump’s special representative for international negotiations focusing on the Arab-Israeli conflict, reportedly will visit Israel next week. Greenblatt’s visit aims to help determine the Trump administration’s policy on Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, Israel’s Channel 2 first reported on […]

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Rep. Thomas Massie: GOP Obamacare repeal ‘stinking pile of garbage’ written by the ‘insurance lobby,’ and it ‘will fail’

Thomas Massie does not mince words. For more than six years, Republicans have promised to repeal Obamacare and after reviewing the long-awaited replacement package for a few hours, the Kentucky libertarian wasn’t impressed. Massie thinks “it’s a stinking pile of garbage.” Many of the provisions within the bill that he finds so objectionable, Massie explained, aren’t bugs. They’re crony features […]

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Rick Santorum BLASTS House GOP Leadership as NOT Conservative

“The fact that Republicans are trying to replicate Obamacare by trying to fix it here at the federal level is the problem,” Santorum declared. Former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, now a senior political commentator at CNN, blasted the Republican leadership as being the major problem with the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the attempt […]

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Investigators Say Threats to Jewish Groups in US and UK Are Linked

The FBI and Scotland Yard are collaborating on the investigation into several recent waves of bomb threats against Jewish community centers and groups. and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are investigating more than a hundred bomb threats made to Jewish groups in the United States and Britain since Jan. 7, US and UK law enforcement and Jewish community officials said. […]

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Steve Forbes: Border Tax ‘Ridiculous’ – Hits the very people who elected Trump

Ever notice that the government never has a problem coming up with money if they need it for hookers or expensive vacations… but when you need it, there’s another tax. The “border tax” proposed by House Speaker Paul Ryan is a “ridiculous” idea that will cause the price of gasoline and other goods to skyrocket, Steve Forbes, chairman and editor-in-chief […]

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IRS finds almost 7,000 ‘lost’ documents related to Tea Party targeting scandal – and you can’t see them

You’ll recall that, at the height of the Lois Lerner scandal, we heard a lot of stories regarding the IRS’s inability to locate documents.  First communications were “lost. Then they were “wiped.” Then, “the backup tapes were destroyed.” Then, the tapes were “found but unreadable.” Then, it would “take too long to search through the data.”  Then, there were hearings, […]

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More Jewish Community Centers and Jewish Day Schools Targeted in Sixth Wave of Bomb Threats

Nine of the threats were sent or called in on Tuesday and the remaining five, affecting JCCs in Colorado, Delaware, Connecticut and Vancouver, Canada, took place Wednesday. Fourteen Jewish Community Centers and Jewish Day Schools received emailed or phoned-in bomb threats in a sixth wave of such threats which took place on Tuesday and Wednesday in six US states and […]

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Trump’s RINOCARE Orders Insurers to Charge People 30% More If Uninsured for 63 Days

The plan to repeal and replace Obamacare unveiled by House Republican leaders on Monday orders insurance companies to charge people 30 percent more in premiums for a full year if they did not have insurance for 63 days or more in the previous year. The sections of the Republican bill that create this mandate on insurance companies are titled: “Continuous […]

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Facebook Calls the Cops on Reporters Alerting Them to Child Pornography!

BBC ran an investigation into child pornography rings on Facebook. In the course of their investigation, they would hit the ‘report’ button on 100 pages and posts that violated Facebook policies. Facebook’s responses were staggering. This is bad: First off, Facebook removed only 18 of the 100 reported materials, which included: pages explicitly for men with a sexual interest in […]

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TSA to Get More Handsy with You and Your Family

Every time the government makes a mistake (a frequent occurrence) the people pay the price for its bureaucratic incompetence—both through tax dollars and forced compliance. Since its inception, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has repeatedly failed to do the job it was created to do. However, with each public failure comes increased funding or a reconfiguration of department heads in […]

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93% of women in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan experience sexual violence

Islam is the “religion of peace” where nearly all women in Muslim countries face sexual violence. Coincidence? No. “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from […]

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This Is How You Got TrumpCare: Republicans Don’t Know What They Believe Any More

Many Republicans have lost their conservative ways. Ross Douthat has a column today titled “Why Republicans Can’t Do Health Care.” with a sentence that is jarring because of its obvious truth: [T]here was no [health care] bill that could have united all of the right’s disparate factions, because on health care policy, as on a range of issues, the Republican […]

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Senate unanimously calls on Trump to act against anti-Semitism

All 100 Senators sign letter urging President Donald Trump to act to stop wave of anti-Semitic incidents in US. The U.S Senate unanimously joined in urging the Trump administration to take action to stem the wave of threats against Jewish community centers and other institutions, saying their viability had been made vulnerable by the harassment. “We are concerned that the […]

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At Least 15 Jewish Sites Threatened in Sixth Wave of Harassment

At least 11 Jewish community centers and institutions across North America and four Anti-Defamation League offices have received threats of lethal attack, the sixth such wave since the beginning of the year. As of midday Tuesday, threats had been reported at Jewish institutions in Massachusetts, Illinois, Wisconsin, Maryland, Oregon, Florida, Alabama and at least two community centers in New York, […]

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Leading Conservatives TRASH Obamacare Replacement as RINOcare, Obamacare-Lite, Obamacare 2.0

Dana Loesch says ‘we didn’t protest Obamacare for 8 years to get Obamacare 2.0 from congressional Republicans.’ Rep. Thomas Massie says the GOP Obamacare repeal ‘stinking pile of garbage’ written by the ‘insurance lobby,’ and it ‘will fail’. Even Trump butt-kisser Ann Coulter shreds the House GOP on the Obamacare replacement bill. Leading conservatives voices sounded off on the newly […]

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Republican Obamacare plan signals that liberalism has already won

In releasing their healthcare plan on Monday, House Republican leaders sent a signal loud and clear: liberalism has already won. Barring radical changes, Republicans will not be passing a bill that ushers in a new era of market-based healthcare. In reality, the GOP will either be passing legislation that rests on the same philosophical premise as Obamacare, or will pass […]

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Liberal Insanity: Transgender Woman Can’t Be Diversity Officer Because She’s a White Man Now

Your DNA is either male or female. Everything else is the “special snowflake” leftist fight against reality. This article from National Review says it all: A student who was born female felt perfectly comfortable identifying as a man at Wellesley College — until people said he shouldn’t be class diversity officer because he is now a white male. Timothy Boatwright […]

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Trump Administration Quietly Gives Illegal Immigrants Work Permit Extensions

President Trump said in an address to Congress last Tuesday that illegal immigration threatens the job prospects of American citizens. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, however, will extend work permits for six months on Monday for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from El Salvador who receive Temporary Protected Status (TPS). El Salvador is currently one of 13 countries whose […]

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FBI investigating 300 Muslims admitted into U.S. as “refugees” in Islamic State terrorist investigation

According to Reuters, the FBI is now investigating 300 refugees that were allowed into the US in an ISIS counterterrorism investigation: FBI probes involve 300 people admitted to U.S. as refugees: congressional sources — Reuters Top News (@Reuters) March 6, 2017 The FBI is investigating 300 people who were admitted into the United States as refugees as part of […]

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