Category Archives: Articles

Trump to Meet With Martin Luther King III So He Doesn’t Look Racist

Trump meeting with Martin Luther King III while Mike Pence drops by the MLK memorial to pay respects. President-elect Donald Trump will meet Monday with Martin Luther King III, son of … Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., to commemorate Martin Luther King Day. Trump’s incoming press secretary Sean Spicer made the announcement Monday morning on Twitter: Today we observe the birthday of […]

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German Court Says Torching Synagogue Is Justified Act to ‘Criticize Israel’

It is completely insane for Jews to live in Germany, and they should migrate to Israel. “A German regional court in the city of Wuppertal affirmed a lower court decision last Friday stating that a violent attempt to burn the city’s synagogue by three men in 2014 was a justified expression of criticism of Israel’s policies. Johannes Pinnel, a spokesman for […]

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Israel: Sudanese Muslim broke into house, sexually assaulted 12 year old girl while she slept

The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more […]

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Racist Al Sharpton calls for protests and smear campaign against Jeff Sessions

Rev. Al Sharpton called for an occupation of senators’ offices to call on them to block Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Session from becoming President-elect Trump’s attorney general, chanting “We will not be Trumped.” Sharpton, speaking at a march in Washington organized by his National Action Network, called on his supporters to take action to stymie Trump’s agenda. “We’ve come not […]

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Are Deportations of Illegals Coming to the US? Paul Ryan Says No

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) had some comforting advice for [illegal immigrant] Hispanic woman from Oklahoma standing before him Thursday night during a nationally televised CNN town hall meeting who is worried that he she will be deported after President-elect Donald Trump takes office Jan. 20. With her young daughter at her side, Angelica Villalobos asked Ryan, “Do you think that […]

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A Look Back at the First Disastrous ‘Two-State Solution’

In the 11th hour and the 59th minute of his miserable term in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama struck his knife deep into the heart of the embattled Jewish state. With the appalling anti-Israel passage of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334, engineered by President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry, the blame for the Israel-Palestinian conflict was falsely imparted upon the easy […]

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Huffington Post refuses to remove blantently anti-Semitic blog

Huffington Post Arabi, Arabic version of left-wing media outlet, retains overtly anti-Semitic blog decrying Jews as ‘murderers of Mohammed’. The Arabic edition of a left-wing online media outlet has allowed an openly anti-Semitic blog to remain on the site, and refused to respond to calls for the blog’s removal. The Huffington Post Arabi site, the Arabic version of the popular […]

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Senators Cruz And Graham Have Presented A Bill To Cut Off Funding To The UN

The United States government pays around $8 billion annually to that den of thieves and terrorists known as the United Nations. Now would be a good time to pull funding, tell them to kick rocks and relocate in whatever squalid hellhole supports their perverted brand of global “justice.” But I’m getting ahead of myself. Earlier today, Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) […]

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For the First Time Ever, Israeli Settlement Leaders Have Been Invited to a US Presidential Inauguration

Mayors of Efrat and Maale Adumim have been invited to Trump’s inauguration ceremony. The heads of Moetzet Yesha – The Council of Judea and Samaria, received an invitation to President Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony in Washington D.C., according to a report in Makor Rishon. The invitation was passed on to them via the Chamber of Commerce of Orthodox Jews (US), […]

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Rex Tillerson’s Foreign Policy: Russia First

Rex Tillerson was the Exxon Mobil CEO and now Trump’s pick for Secretary of State replacing Hillary Clinton. In New York on Wednesday, President-elect Donald Trump dismissed as “crap” the intelligence reports suggesting Russia has compromising information on him. Trump knows this because, as he tweeted, Russia called it “A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION.” And if Vladimir Putin’s government says […]

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Unbelievable: Russia moves to decriminalize domestic violence

Russia believes overwhelmingly that assaulting and beating the hell out of your family is a good thing and shouldn’t be illegal. The country has already decriminalized assault and battery that does not lead to actual bodily harm. A bill that seeks to downgrade domestic violence from a criminal to an administrative offense passed its first reading on Wednesday in the duma, Russia’s […]

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C-Span Goes Offline and Plays 10 Minutes of “Russia Today” During CIA Pick Mike Pompeo Concerns Over Russian Election Hacking

If that doesn’t set off all kinds of red flags, what does? Business on Capitol Hill was continuing as usual as the Senate’s various committees were holding confirmation hearings for Trump’s cabinet nominees, but then the day took a bizarre twist. C-SPAN was broadcasting proceedings in the House of Representatives when it abruptly cut way from a speech my Rep. Maxine Waters […]

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U.S. government agency to investigate U.N. terrorism ties

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) announced that it would begin its official investigation by the into the ties between UNRWA and terrorist organizations and incitement in official [PLO] textbooks after President-elect Donald Trump takes office on January 20. The GAO is the supreme audit institution of the US government and provides auditing, evaluation, and investigative services for Congress. The investigation […]

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Avigdor Liberman Claims “Trump Must Forge Coalition With Israel and Arabs” for “Two-State Solution”

“While declaring his support for a two-state solution … that includes swaps of land and populations.” The phony and cowardly “Defense” minister Avigdor Liberman thinks Trump should form some sort of coalition with Jews and so-called “moderate” Arab Muslim countries who are all run by brutal dictators. The ONLY thing that will work to save the Jewish people from mass-murder of […]

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GOP rep: Sessions attacks part of war on whites

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said accusations of racism against Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), Donald Trump‘s attorney general nominee, stem from Democrats’ ongoing “war on whites.” “It’s really about political power and racial division and what I refer to, on occasion, as the ‘war on whites,’” he said on WBHP 800 Alabama radio, as first reported by CNN Wednesday. “And the Democrats […]

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Obamacare takes first real step closer to repeal after Senate vote

Let’s just hope they don’t replace it with something just as bad… or even worse. After debating seven hours through the night, the Senate voted early Thursday to take the first real step toward repealing Obamacare — a top goal of congressional Republicans and President-elect Donald Trump. Senators voted 51-48 to approve a budget resolution that Republicans will use as a vehicle […]

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Muslim gunman screaming “Allahu akbar” opens fire in Spanish supermarket

More terror from the so-called “religion of peace”. The man was reportedly carrying gasoline and gunpowder in his pockets as he entered the Mercadona shop, in As Lagoas, Ourense. Numerous shoppers were inside making their purchases when the assailant, who was armed with a shotgun, entered and fired several shots. Supermarket employees said he fired at least six shots during […]

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Syrian “Refugees” Kidnap and Chain Woman in Basement of Hookah Shop to Repeatedly Rape and Torture as Sex Slave

After a pair of Syrian men were taken in as refugees, liberal volunteers helped them open their own business — a Middle Eastern hookah shop. However, as soon as authorities came to inspect the suspicious business, they discovered a stomach-churning surprise in the shop’s basement. Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse, Europe’s beacon of liberal policy has […]

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Trump Claims Russia Has Nothing On Him: “Are we living in Nazi Germany?”

This comes right after Trump accepts the report that Russia was behind the election hacking. Trump took to Twitter to defend himself from accusations that Russian operatives claim to have the goods on him and that because of that could be compromised. An outraged President-elect Donald Trump unleashed a flurry of tweets Wednesday afternoon, ripping intelligence officials over what appears […]

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Obama administration has given Iran $700 million each month since nuke deal signed, totaling over $10 billion

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding […]

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Ted Cruz Crushes Obama, Holder, Entire Democrat Party at Sessions Hearing

The confirmation hearings for President-elect Trump’s pick for Attorney General, Senator Jeff Sessions, are underway and Democrats have wasted no time in their attempts to malign and smear Sessions. Interestingly enough, after eight years of Democrats looking the other way as President Obama has run roughshod over the Constitution, usurping it at every turn in order to exact his will […]

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Elite Georgetown Professor Wants White Americans To Open Bank Accounts For Slavery Reparations

This affirmative action professor wants more free handouts from whites, many who don’t even have slave owners anywhere in their family history. Michael Eric Dyson, Georgetown University professor and op-ed writer for the New York Times, is no stranger to saying really, really stupid things. For example, he wrote an entire feature piece on “the courage of Colin Kaepernick.” Of course. […]

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With Obama’s Approval, Russia Selling 130 Tons of Uranium to Terrorist Iran Building Nukes

Where is Donald Trump on this? Terrorist Iran openly calls for the destruction of America and Israel. The Obama administration and the rest of the signatories to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal have approved a shipment of 130 tons of natural uranium from Russia to Iran, rewarding the Islamic Republic for shipping 44 tons of heavy water it sent to […]

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IDF Soldiers Eliminate Yet Another Arab Terrorist Trying to Stab Jews

Soldiers from the Duvdevan Unit open fire at terrorist who tried to stab them in Shechem. A [Muslim] Arab terrorist armed with a knife on Tuesday morning approached IDF soldiers from the elite Duvdevan Unit who were conducting arrests in the Far’a neighborhood of Shechem (Nablus). The terrorist shouted “Allahu Akbar” and tried to stab the soldiers, who tried to apprehend […]

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Exxon Did Business With Terrorist Iran and Syria Under Rex Tillerson

ExxonMobil did business with Iran, Syria, and Sudan while the company was under Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson, Securities and Exchange Commission filings show, USA Today reported. According to the explosive report, the sales took place from 2003 to 2005 when the three countries were under U.S. sanctions as state sponsors of terrorism. The sanctions would hamstring U.S. companies from […]

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House overwhelmingly votes to condemn UN resolution against Israel settlements

The House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted Thursday to rebuke the United Nations for passing a resolution criticizing Israeli settlements. Lawmakers voted 342-80 in favor of the bipartisan non-binding resolution, which declares unwavering support for Israel and insists that the United States reject any future U.N. actions that are similarly “one-sided and anti-Israel.” A visibly angry House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. opened […]

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U.S. ability to shoot down North Korean missile not guaranteed, report says

The U.S. has a “limited capability to defend” its homeland from a small number of “simple,” intercontinental ballistic missiles launched by countries like North Korea or Iran, the Pentagon’s weapons testing office said in its latest annual report. The report said that the U.S. maintains ground-based interceptors based in Alaska and California, but they cannot be counted on with any […]

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John Kerry makes unprecedented apology for State Department “discrimination” against LGBTQQIP2SAA

As one of the last “parting shots,” State Secretary John Kerry made an unprecedented apology to Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Trangender, and other persons “discriminated against” for their sexual orientation or gender choice. Watch below: More from Politico: Secretary of State John Kerry is formally apologizing to gay, lesbian and other State Department employees who were fired or otherwise discriminated against […]

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Jerusalem: Terrorist Drives Truck Into Crowd of Jews, Murdering Four; Arab Muslims Celebrate

And it was all caught on a security surveillance video. An Israel Police spokesman has reported at least 4 [Jews] killedtrcuk and 13 wounded after a truck rammed into pedestrians at the Haas Promenade in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood in south Jerusalem. MDA EMTs and paramedics reported that all four of those killed – three women and one man – […]

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Ted Cruz releases statement on terror attack in Jerusalem

Ted Cruz released a statement on the terror attack this morning on IDF soldiers in Israel: The US stands unshakably with our ally #Israel, & with the IDF soldiers who were the targets of this horrific attack — Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) January 8, 2017 Here’s his statement: “Today we saw yet another horrific attack by a [Arab […]

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Priebus: Trump accepts report that Russia was behind hacking

President-elect Trump believes the report released by U.S. intelligence officials Friday saying that the Russians were behind the hacking in the presidential election in November, incoming White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said Sunday. Priebus told “Fox News Sunday” that Trump “accepts the findings” of the report and is not denying that the Russians were behind the campaign. According […]

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Obama building a wall around his new DC house; Does that make him a racist xenophobic bigot?

Looks like a wall is okay for Obama’s own house but not good enough to protect the American people. President Obama is … going to “build a wall.” While that’s the saying that many Trump supporters utter, it’s weird when it comes from the soon-to-be former President Barack Obama. According to TMZ, the Obamas are building a wall around their Washington, D.C. mansion […]

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Ex-Planned Parenthood Director: They Told Me Every Baby Killed in Abortion Made Them $313.29

In a new expose’ video released today, a former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director says Planned Parenthood put a price on the value of a human life: $313.29. That’s the amount of money Abby Johnson says the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic she ran in south Texas would make every time it would kill a baby in an abortion. Johnson, who […]

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Israel cuts UN funding following anti-settlement resolution

Israel announces it will be suspending a significant portion of its annual contributions to the United Nations for 2017, but Netanyahu is still freezing settlements. Israel announced on Friday it would be suspending a significant portion of its annual contributions to the United Nations for 2017, in response to the approval of UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemned Israel’s […]

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REPORT: Putin Personally Ordered Cyber Warfare Against The United States

The much-anticipated intelligence report, about which President-elect Trump met with U.S. Intel Chiefs today, is public, and one revelation in the report is more significant than any other. Via Fox: A declassified U.S. intelligence report released Friday directly accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of ordering a campaign to influence the U.S. election and hurt Hillary Clinton’s candidacy – findings made […]

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