Author Archives: Shlomo

Schools now indoctrinating 4-year-olds with guilt, labeling them “racist” for asking questions

Reading and writing skill standards have dropped considerably along with other language skills, especially English. When it comes to actually educating children, schools are really nothing more than daycare warehouses for children to become conditioned for corporate jobs and social compliance. What used to be taught at the high school level is now college level, and before that, high school […]

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Arab Muslim Children on Israel TV: Boycott Israel by Killing Jews

[Israeli Arab Muslim] media and schools have escalated incitement of violence against Israel by interviewing children who justify killing Jews for the objective of boycotting Israeli products. Of course, if the children kill all the Jews, there won’t be any Israeli products to boycott, and that is precisely the point. PMW translated and published a video of an official PA […]

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Hillary Clinton Defies Subpoena: Wiped Email Server Clean – All Emails Erased, Lawyer Says

Hillary Clinton has wiped clean a private computer server she kept in her home while Secretary of State, the head of the House Select Committee on Benghazi says. “We learned today, from her attorney, Secretary Clinton unilaterally decided to wipe her server clean and permanently delete all emails from her personal server,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said in a statement […]

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Netanyahu says expected Iranian nuclear deal even worse than Israel feared

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned on Sunday the framework Iranian nuclear agreement being sought by international negotiators, saying it was even worse than his country had feared. “This deal, as it appears to be emerging, bears out all of our fears, and even more than that,” Netanyahu told his cabinet in Jerusalem as six world powers and Iran worked toward […]

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Pew Researcher: Rate of Illegal Immigrant Males In Workforce 12 Percent Higher Than U.S.-Born Males

WASHINGTON, DC — An illegal immigrant male residing in the United States  is more likely to be gainfully employed than a male who is a legal immigrant or U.S.-born citizen, a senior demographer at the Pew Research Center think tank told lawmakers. In 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, an estimated 91 percent of illegal immigrant males […]

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Hatred of Israel on US LIberal Campuses

Anti-Semitism flourishes like a poisonous plant in the Ivy League Colleges. At the University of California, swastikas have been found on Jewish buildings, as they have at Vanderbilt University, University of Oregon and Emory University. These incidents are increasing and are always linked to an anti-Israel campaign. Anti-Semitism flourishes like a poisonous plant in the Ivy League colleges, the laboratories of “equal opportunlty”, in […]

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Holding Leviathan by the Tail: A Story of Republicans and Same-Sex “Marriage”

How do people who claim to fear Leviathan think you can put a tether on him just one more time and then drop him back in the sea? This is a question that should, but apparently does not, occur to the signatories of a now-infamous amicus curiae brief submitted to the Supreme Court. Hundreds of nominally-conservative or –libertarian political consultants, […]

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Virginia State Bar boycotts Israel

All members of the Virginian State Bar received this email early this morning: Dear Fellow Members of the Virginia State Bar, Certain members of the Virginia State Bar and other individuals have expressed objections to the VSB’s plan to take the Midyear Legal Seminar trip in November to Jerusalem. It was stated that there are some unacceptable discriminatory policies and […]

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Unbelievable: Terror Group Al-Qaeda Bought Into Global Warming Junk Science Myth

In a 2010 audiotape Osama bin Laden blamed the United States for global warming and urged his supporters to boycott US goods. Now this… Newly discovered documents and letters reveal Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda bought into the Global Warming junk science myth. The Express reported: EVIL terror group al-Qaeda once discussed strategies to combat CLIMATE CHANGE, a newly-emerged series […]

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Putin: Russia Ready to Help “Palestine” Become Reality

Russia plans to continue helping [Arab Muslims in Israel] achieve their goal of establishing an independent [terrorist] state in Judea and Samaria, President Vladimir Putin announced Saturday. He also highlighted the [so-called] “Palestinian’s right” to the eastern part of Jerusalem as its capital, Sputnik International reported. Putin made the address to participants at the 26th Arab League Summit in Egyptian Red Sea […]

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Women fought for Hamas in Gaza war

Muslim Arab Terrorists in Gaza

How many of the women “civilians” killed were actually terrorists? From The Times (UK) (the left calls them “fighters” instead of terrorists): Hadifa sold all her engagement jewellery to buy the battered AK-47 that she lovingly cradled as she talked about preparing for “part two” of the war with Israel. Her fiancé didn’t mind the extravagant purchase, she said, giggling: […]

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Obama’s Jihad Against the Jews: Releases Top Secret Document Revealing Israel’s Nuclear Program

Obama is sick, sick with Jew-hatred — unbalanced, unhinged, a danger to this country, our allies, the world. Israel’s nuclear program, whatever it may be, is purely existential insurance. If they have a nuclear weapon, they have had it for fifty years and have never used it, despite the decades-long Muslim wars against the Jews. Obama is hell bent on […]

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Self-Hating Jews, Self-Hating Americans, Self-Hating Whites

In 1970 Lolo Soetero, Barack Obama’s Indonesian stepfather, was hired by Union Oil to work in the company’s government relations division.  He was asked occasionally to go to dinner parties with visiting Union Oil executives and American engineers working in Jakarta.  It was naturally expected that his wife would accompany him, but Ann Soetero refused to go.  Lolo was baffled […]

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Obama Administration: Trading Deserter Bergdahl For Five Taliban Commanders Was “Absolutely Worth It”

Tuesday afternoon the U.S. Army officially announced desertion charges for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who allegedly left his platoon in Afghanistan and was captured by the Taliban in 2009. The United States Army announced this afternoon from Ft. Bragg, North Carolina that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will be charged under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice with one count of […]

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New Amnesty report minimizes Hamas war crimes – and bashes Israel

As happens after every Gaza war, Amnesty International released a single report about Hamas among its multiple anti-Israel reports to maintain the pretense of objectivity. But even in this report, which admits that Hamas engaged in war crimes for firing rockets both at Israel and at its own citizens, proves its anti-Israel – and pro-Hamas – bias. Even though the […]

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Scientists Doubt Global Warming: Not Because of Payment, but Because the Science Is Bad

Members of the Scientific Council of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) recently criticized the Royal Society’s positions on climate. Their clear, authoritative scientific objections to the Royal Society’s positions reveal the weak scientific foundation on which the great climate fervor has been based. The public must either become conversant enough to grasp this or step back and get out […]

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Iran Gains Control of US Intelligence Files in Yemen

A U.S. intelligence network in Yemen has been compromised after files were taken by Iranian-backed militia leaders amid violent protests in the Middle Eastern country. According to a Los Angeles Times report, officials from the Yemen government have given other files about American intelligence operations in Yemen to Iranian advisers as well. Houthi militias took over Yemen’s capital of Sana […]

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Bowe Bergdahl Charged With Desertion

Bowe Bergdahl, who spent five years as a prisoner in Afghanistan until he was traded for five senior Taliban leaders, was charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy by the U.S. Army on Wednesday. According to the statute the maximum penalty for the misbehavior charge is the death penalty; however, when Colonel Daniel J.W. King, spokesman for the U.S. […]

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IRS Reveals Your Tax Data to Visitors, Unauthorized Workers, and Former Employees

Former Internal Revenue Service employees have access to your sensitive financial information. So do current employees who aren’t authorized to see such data. Even some visitors to IRS facilities may have access to sensitive material. Unless the IRS patches up its information security, warns a Government Accountability Office report, “taxpayers could be exposed to loss of privacy and to financial […]

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Obama’s Revenge: US Declassifies Document Revealing Israel’s Nuclear Program

In a development that has largely been missed by the media, the Pentagon early last month quietly declassified a Department of Defense top-secret document detailing Israel’s nuclear program, a highly covert topic that Israel has never formally announced to avoid a regional nuclear arms race, and which the US until now has respected by remaining silent. But by publishing the declassified document […]

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Listen to Answer Senator Gets When He Asks Obama’s EPA Chief If Global Warming Models Have Been Accurate

When Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) pressed EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy on whether past climate change “models” predicting how fast temperatures would increase have turned out to be accurate, she couldn’t provide an answer. It was only one part of a tense exchange on climate change between McCarthy and the GOP senator during an Environment and Public Works Committee meeting on Wednesday. […]

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Diplomat: Obama Seeking ‘Revenge’ on Netanyahu

The White House’s latest tirade against Israel is due to revenge over failed V15 campaign, to distract Americans from Iran, source says. US-Israel relations have been especially tense over the past several days, with US President Barack Obama giving a particularly cold reception to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s re-election last week. The many harsh statements that have been made over […]

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Bill Whittle: The Criminal Arrogance of Hillary Clinton

30,000 deleted emails… Bill Whittle looks at the lawlessness, the arrogance, and the unmasked contempt that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have for the American people. TRANSCRIPT: Hi everybody. I’m Bill Whittle and this is the Firewall. The American experiment was many things, but first and foremost it was an attempt, for the first time in human history, to create […]

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Obama: Let’s Face It, Obamacare is Blowing Away Expectations… for failure.

Yesterday marked the five year anniversary of Obamacare, a bad law that ought to be repealed. Its defenders jump through hoops to declare it a “success,” ignoring empirical data while dragging goalposts for miles, hoping that Americans will forget the central promises upon which it was sold and rammed through Congress. In the positive column, the law does appear to have reduced […]

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Why Pollard?

Before we sit down to Seder and the reading of The Haggadah in less than two weeks, we need to ask the question now, “Why is Jonathan Pollard still imprisoned?” If this Seder Jonathan Pollard will not be freed, then my Passover meal will be harder to swallow. In the eye of a political storm between Israel and the United […]

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Another Delivery Driver For Pizza Chain With No-Gun Policy Is Murdered In New Orleans

For the second time in six months, a Domino’s pizza delivery driver in New Orleans has been fatally shot while on duty. Though food delivery is one of the most dangerous occupations in the U.S., Domino’s is one of several national pizza delivery chains that has a corporate policy against employees — including delivery drivers — carrying guns while on […]

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What did Jeb Bush do to fight Obamacare?

For many conservatives, the fight against Obamacare has been the defining battle of President Obama’s years in the White House. For them, and probably a majority of the Republican base, fighting first against the passage of the Affordable Care Act and later pressing to repeal it have been so important because: A) they strongly oppose the substance of the law, […]

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Top Obama Official: Reading Koran Reminds Me of “Quintessentially American Values”

Just like Obama who said “the Arabic Call to Prayer is the most beautiful sound on Earth”. Obama Department of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) that reading the Koran reminds him of “quintessentially American values.” Because nothing is more American than Shariah Law. Via Twitchy: “The reading of the #Quran reminded me of 2 […]

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Top Saudi Grand Mufti: ‘Burn all the churches’

In another ominous sign of Islam’s rising tide of extremism, the Saudi Arabian grand mufti issued a fatwa against Christian churches throughout the Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia’s top Muslim cleric called for the destruction of all churches in the Arabian Peninsula after legislators in the Gulf state of Kuwait moved to pass laws banning the construction of new Christian facilities, […]

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Ted Cruz Is Right About Taxes: The Internal Revenue Code’s Headache-Inducing Complexity Is a Scandal

If you have not done your taxes yet, do not count on getting help from the Internal Revenue Service in answering any last-minute questions that may arise. The IRS estimates that only half of the anxious and bewildered taxpayers who call the agency this year will get through to a “telephone assistor,” and those who do “could easily wait 30 […]

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60 Minutes Lara Logan Back In Hospital for Injuries from Brutal 2011 Arab Spring Sexual Assault

CBS News 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan is back in the hospital in Washington, D.C., due to years-long complications stemming from the brutal sexual assault she endured in Egypt while covering the “Arab Spring” in early 2011, several sources close to her—including one family friend who went on the record—confirmed to Breitbart News on Monday evening. A 60 Minutes spokesman […]

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House Launches Official Investigation Against Hillary Clinton – She’s In Trouble

Over the last few days, Hillary Clinton has been embroiled in an emails scandal that could put an end to her presidential dreams. On Wednesday, House Speaker John Boehner is expected to announce an official House investigation into how Hillary’s emails on her private account were handled. The investigation will also look into the 31,000 emails that were deleted by […]

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