Author Archives: Shlomo

Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement

The Democratic National Committee has officially endorsed the increasingly violent Black Lives Matter movement whose paranoid radical left-wing members accuse police nationwide of systemic anti-black racism and brutality against black suspects. Throwing their lot in with black racists and radical Black Power militants who have openly expressed support for the murder of police officers, Democrats embraced a statement that slams […]

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Islamic State Terrorists Caught Crossing Into Europe Posing As Refugees

Five men have been arrested as they attempted to cross the Bulgarian-Macedonian border with decapitation videos and Islamic State propaganda on their phones. The terrorist suspects had been posing as refugees. Bulgarian authorities near the Gyueshevo border checkpoint detained the five men, aged between 20 and 24, late on Wednesday, Bulgarian broadcaster NOVA TV reported. The men were stopped by […]

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Shocker: Obama Admin Sides With Planned Parenthood in Lawsuit

The battle over state funding for Planned Parenthood in Louisiana is heating up, after the Obama administration on Tuesday sided with the abortion giant in their lawsuit against the state. The AP reports: The U.S. Justice Department told a federal judge that Gov. Bobby Jindal’s decision to oust Planned Parenthood from Louisiana’s Medicaid program appears to violate federal law by […]

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Child Marriage in Iran

I was speaking recently with some Iranians on the ground in Iran when they told me about a recent wedding where a 14-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl got married. They argued that the religious government admires such marriages, and the trend is unfortunately increasing. The authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran gave full permission for this marriage. As the Iranians […]

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Islamic State ‘Growing Like Crazy’ Around World: NBC

September marks the first anniversary of the U.S. war against the Islamic State group (ISIS), but American efforts are showing little success, NBC News reported on Sunday. Turkey’s recent permission for airstrikes and drone missions to be based there was “a huge tactical gain,” NBC’s Richard Engel reported on “Meet the Press,” but added, “ISIS doesn’t seem to be shrinking.” […]

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More Hillary Clinton Emails Deemed Classified

Upgraded retroactively. First it wasn’t classified, now it is…..the questions around Hillary Clinton’s emails, sent through a “home brew” email server while she served as Secretary of State, continue. The Daily Mail reports that Clinton’s former department is set to release a new batch of emails on Monday night, some of which have now been deemed classified: The State Department […]

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244 illegal immigrants arrested in L.A. sweep, most had a criminal record

More than 240 [illegal] immigrants from 21 countries were arrested by federal officials during a four-day sweep by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the Los Angeles area. Officials announced Monday that the sweep ended Thursday with the arrest of 244 people — with the majority having at least one criminal conviction to their name. ICE officials said 56 […]

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NY Times’ Charles Blow: ‘All of America Is Arrayed Against Black People’

Monday on CNN’s “AC360,” New York Times columnist and CNN regular Charles Blow was asked to react to the argument the Black Lives Matter movement and misses a point that all lives matter and shouldn’t be used as a rallying cry. According to Blow, it’s a “great concept” but ignores the different treatments of people along racial lines. “In general, […]

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Feds fighting to keep cash seized from person never charged with crime

Federal prosecutors are battling in court to keep $167,000 in cash seized in a 2013 traffic stop, despite the motorist never being charged in the incident and the Obama administration clamped down this spring on such asset seizures and forfeitures. The case — which highlights the ongoing concerns about the government unjustly seizing money and property — began when a […]

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Police Lead Gay Pride March While Investigating “Homophobic” Leaflets

Kent Police are investigating the provenance of leaflets distributed throughout Margate calling on residents not to support the town’s gay pride event. “Margate will never be MarGAYte”, the leaflets proclaimed. However, officers from the same force led the parade, driving a police car through the streets while holding a large rainbow flag. Yesterday’s gay pride event in the seaside resort […]

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Black Cop Killer Arrested and Charged in Murder of Texas Deputy

“Deputy Goforth had no previous contact with the suspect and it appears… to be clearly unprovoked.” hannon J. Miles, the suspect in the brazen execution-style murder of Texas Deputy Darren Goforth while the latter was pumping gas, has been arrested and charged with capital murder, Politistick reports. Goforth was ambushed while in uniform and on duty by someone who approached from behind and […]

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Pure Anti-Semitism: “It is terrible to allow Jews to buy houses in Jerusalem”

NOTE: There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. This article from Wafa, the official Palestinian Authority news agency, speaks volumes: Ateret Cohanim Jewish organization Thursday forcefully took over a Palestinian-owned building in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, according to Wadi Hilweh Information Center (WHIC). WHIC said some […]

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One-Third of Americans in Israel Live in Judea and Samaria

Approximately 60,000 Americans, one-third of those who have moved to Israel, live in Judea and Samaria, according to a new book whose conclusions were reported by Haaretz. The Americans also comprise approximately 15% of all Judea and Samaria Jews, otherwise known as “settlers” by most of the world and “illegitimate” and “illegal” by President Barack Obama. The conclusions of the book, […]

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Appeals Judges Turn Back Challenge to NSA Data Collection of American Civilians Telephone Calls

The District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals has turned back a challenge to the National Security Agency’s secret, telephone-data collection program, ordering a district court to review whether “limited discovery” is available to the plaintiffs, but their attorney, Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, already has declared victory. The court panel’s opinion released Friday had two judges returning the case […]

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Virginia Shooting Victim’s Husband: ‘I Blame the Guy Holding the Gun,’ Not the Gun

On August 28, Tim Gardner, husband of Virginia shooting victim Vicki Gardner, said he does not blame the gun for his wife’s shooting. Rather, he blames the man who was holding the gun and pulled the trigger. Vicki is the woman Alison Parker was interviewing when Vester Lee Flanagan opened fire. According to Fox News, Tim Gardner said one of Flanagan’s […]

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After polluting a large river with toxic heavy metals, EPA says global warming is what’s affecting ‘kids and communities’

Just one week after workers from her agency “accidentally” released about three million gallons of heavy metal-laden sludge down the Animas River in Colorado, sending arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury into drinking water supplies that serve millions of people throughout the Southwest, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy had the gall to stand before a Washington, D.C., think tank […]

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Hillary: Republicans Treat Women Just Like Muslim Terrorists Do… Oh Really?

Desperate times call for desperate measures. During a campaign event Thursday afternoon in Ohio, Hillary Clinton compared her Republican presidential opponents to terrorists by saying they essentially treat women the same way. “Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world, […]

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Planned Parenthood Audit Rejected

But Conservatives and organizations that support Israel are targeted. California State Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, R-Lake Elsinore, requested an audit of Planned Parenthood. Her request was a response to videos by a pro-life organization using undercover style reporting revealing Planned Parenthood officials discussing selling the body parts of aborted babies on the black market. She intended that the audit of California’s […]

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Benghazi Witness: U.S. Provided Arms to Muslim Jihadists Who Killed Americans in 9/11 Attack

The Obama administration may have provided the weapons used by some [Muslim terrorists] to kill four Americans at the United States’ compound in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, according to a Libyan source who told Breitbart News he witnessed the attack first hand. Breitbart News’s Tera Dahl spoke to the witness who was living near the U.S. compound in Benghazi when the […]

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Iranians are buying Democrat Congress (they already bought Kerry, Clinton, and Biden)

Frontpage Magazine has published a bombshell report that has been met with total silence by the media.  Daniel Greenfield’s piece is entitled “Traitor Senators Took Money from Iran Lobby, Back Iran Nukes.” Our politicians bought by Iran include not just a list of senators and congressmen about to vote on the Iran deal.  Recipients of Iran’s largess for their campaigns […]

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Gun Owners Group: We Oppose ‘Feel Good,’ ‘Uninformed’ Gun Control Measures

One day after the fatal shooting of two Virginia journalists, news reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Andy Ward, the Independent Firearm Ownership Association (IFoA) has issued a statement on gun control measures: “Once again America grieves over a senseless tragedy caused by a mentally deranged dangerous person committing a horrible multiple murder with the use of a firearm. Once again […]

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IAF Hits Hamas Weapons Factory Following Rocket Attack

IAF launches airstrike against a weapons manufacturing site belonging to Hamas in retaliation for rocket attack on Eshkol region. The Israel Air Force on Wednesday night launched an airstrike against a weapons manufacturing site belonging to Hamas in central Gaza. According to a statement from the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, the airstrike was retaliation for a rocket attack by Gaza terrorists […]

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Almost 200 Retired Generals, Admirals Tell Congress: Vote Down the Iran Deal

Nearly 200 retired U.S. military generals and admirals sent a letter to Congressional leaders Wednesday, asking them to vote down the Iran nuclear deal. According to The Washington Post, which obtained a copy of the letter, many of the signees have worked in the White House going back three decades. The letter was addressed to House Speaker John Boehner, House […]

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Obama Says Guns Worse Than Terrorism

President Barack Obama reacted to the live, on-air shooting deaths of a reporter and cameraman during an interview with a local ABC affiliate in Philadelphia. Speaking with reporter Monica Malpass, Obama said more Americans are killed by guns than terrorism. “It breaks my heart every time you read or hear about these kids of incidents,” Obama said before taking aim […]

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John Boehner’s pro-abortion adviser and #PPSellsBabyParts

People are policy. The corollary to that is O’Sullivan’s Law which states “All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.” If you what an quick explanation for why pro-life legislation has had such tough time the US House of Representatives, it could be because some of Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) N/A%‘s most trusted advisers are radical […]

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What Is Obama’s Top Population-Control Freak Hiding?

The president’s science czar furiously tries keep secret emails from public view. The most transparent administration in American history is at it again — dodging sunlight and evading public disclosure. Joining former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her secret servers, former IRS witch hunt queen Lois Lerner and her secret email accounts, former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and her […]

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Islamic train gunman watched jihadi videos before attack

The Moroccan man who French police say brandished and fired an AK-47 on a high-speed train headed to Paris from Amsterdam before he was restrained by three Americans had watched a jihadi video on his cellphone just before the attack, a prosecutor announced Tuesday. Francois Molins formally opened a terrorism investigation, citing the actions of 26-year-old Ayoub El-Khazzani on the […]

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Traitor Senators Took Money from Iran Lobby, Back Iran Nukes

The Democrats are becoming a party of atom bomb spies. Senator Markey has announced his support for the Iran deal that will let the terrorist regime inspect its own Parchin nuclear weapons research site, conduct uranium enrichment, build advanced centrifuges, buy ballistic missiles, fund terrorism and have a near zero breakout time to a nuclear bomb. There was no surprise […]

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Iranian Senior Foreign Affairs Adviser: ‘Israel Should Be Annihilated,’ Iran’s Ultimate Goal

On Tuesday, Hussein Sheikholeslam, a senior foreign affairs adviser to the Iranian parliament claimed that Israel “should be annihilated.” The condemnation came after the United Kingdom reopened their shuttered embassy in Tehran on Monday. British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond lauded the move by the British government, citing the current Iranian administration’s “more nuanced” attitude toward Israel’s place in the Middle East. This comment […]

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Instead of jail, judge orders Islamic State terrorist to ‘rehab’

Can a Muslim fanatic who wanted to join ISIS be “de-radicalized” so that he’s no longer a threat to society? A Minnesota judge thinks so.  He ordered Abdullahi Yusuf, who pleaded guilty to giving material support to terrorism, to leave jail and report to a halfway house where a counselor would presumably deprogram him. Oh – the halfway house has absolutely […]

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