Category Archives: Articles

Trump Tantrum: If Tillerson Called Me a Moron, We Can Compare IQ Tests and ‘I Can Tell You Who Is Going to Win’

Is the president supposed to act like an egotistical child throwing a temper tantrum? This is just sad. Trump put Tillerson in power. Trump was asked about Tillerson referring to him as a moron in an interview with Forbes and this was his response: CNN – President Donald Trump, scorned by reports that Rex Tillerson called him a “moron” earlier this […]

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Trump/Corker Twitter war proves the swamp is still full

Donald Trump embarked on one of his worn-out, self-aggrandizing Twitter wars over the weekend, this one against retiring Senator Bob Corker. Essentially calling the Tennessee Republican a coward, Trump Tweeted to the world that Corker only chose to retire after the New York Liberal refused to give the Tennessee RINO his endorsement. When you consider the loss by Luther Strange […]

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Poll: Trump approval falls in every state

President Trump’s approval rating has fallen in all 50 states since his inauguration in January, according to a new poll. A Morning Consult survey found that Trump’s national job performance numbers have also dropped since January. In September, 43 percent of respondents said they approved of Trump’s performance, and 52 percent disapproved. In January, 49 percent of voters approved of Trump’s performance, compared […]

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The Phony American Jewish Historical Society Hosts Destroy Israel Event

Hamas, Hezbollah and BDS in a “Jewish” organization. The American Jewish Historical Society was founded to study and preserve Jewish history. These days it’s instead partnering with Jewish Voice for Peace: an anti-Israel BDS hate group that defends anti-Semitism and which sponsored talks by an anti-Semite who accused Jews of drinking blood. The fruits of the AJHS and JVP partnership have been a series […]

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Report: Iran tried to acquire nuke, missile technology 32 times

The Iranian regime made dozens of attempts to acquire technology critical for its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, Fox News reported Monday night, a possible violation of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known as the Iran nuclear deal. Fox News cited three German intelligence reports which indicated that agents working on behalf of Tehran made “32 procurement attempts… […]

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Knowingly Exposing Others to HIV (Including Donating Infected Blood) Is No Longer a Felony in California

California has harsher penalties for LGBTQQIP2SAA “pronoun violations” than murdering people by giving them AIDS. Homosexual perverts are the new protected class. The act of knowingly donating HIV-infected blood, also a felony now, will be decriminalized. In the name of political correctness, it is no longer a felony in the state of California to knowingly expose another to HIV whether through intercourse […]

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Trump Will Not Move US Embassy to Jerusalem Because “Two-State Solution” Deal

US President Donald Trump said Saturday he will not go ahead with his controversial pledge to move the American embassy to Jerusalem until after pushing for an Israeli-Palestinian “peace deal” [with mass-murdering terrorists]. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here […]

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‘DEEPLY TROUBLING’: Ted Cruz, Mike Lee Warn Trump to NOT Appoint Hillary Hack as Colombia Ambassador

Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are urging President Trump not to appoint as ambassador to Colombia a prominent career State Department official who served as a top aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and worked closely with her in the aftermath of the Benghazi attacks. Joseph MacManus, a 30-year veteran of the foreign service, is a […]

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Now Muslim Turkey’s Dictator Erdogan Arrests and Jails Innocent U.S. Consulate Employee

Turkey said Sunday it was suspending all visa services for U.S. citizens at its missions in the U.S., after the American Embassy in Ankara suspended non-immigrant visa services following the arrest of a consulate employee in the Islamist government’s ongoing crackdown on dissent. “Recent events have forced the U.S. government to reassess the commitment of the government of Turkey to […]

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Iran Promises “Crushing” Response if U.S. Designates Guards as Terrorists

Iran promised on Monday to give a “crushing” response if the United States designated its elite Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist group. The pledge came a week before President Donald Trump announces final decision on how he wants to contain Tehran. He is expected on Oct 15 to will decertify the landmark international deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program, in […]

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Berkeley Snowflakes Scream That Making Them Take an Exam Is “Racist”

I like to call them “reality-phobes.” Everything campus snowflakes don’t like is racist. Few students like taking exams. Consequently, it was only a matter of time before they discovered that exams are “white supremacist.” From Berkeley, because of course it is: Berkeley profs almost earn their bloated paychecks by babysitting these entitled brats, thereby keeping them safely isolated in the Never […]

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70 Year Old Jewish Man From Elkana Murdered by Arab Muslim Employees

Arabs violently murder Elkana resident Reuven Shmerling, police investigate whether murderers were Shmerling’s employees. Jews should never hire enemies of the Jewish people to work for them. Reuven Shmerling, 70, was found stabbed to death in the Arab town of Kafr Qasim, located in central Israel. The victim’s body was found by his son in a factory the victim owned […]

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Young Jewish Girl Hospitalized After Anti-Semitic Beating by Muslim Classmates

A 10-year-old Jewish girl in France has been hospitalized after she suffered a beating from her classmates in Paris, according to a report by the BNVCA, the French watchdog National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism. The child arrived at the hospital with visible contusions on her rib cage and stomach requiring 10 days of recovery, according to the report. The […]

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Trump Administration approves $15 billion sale of THAAD missile launchers to Muslim Saudi Arabia

The State Department has approved the possible sale of 44 Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile launchers to Saudi Arabia, worth up to $15 billion. The sale is part of the $110 billion mega arms deal with Saudi Arabia that President Trump announced during his trip there in May, according to a State Department official. The THAAD sale would further […]

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NFL In Bed With Nazi George Soros

It’s being reported today that the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA), the union that represents NFL players and who came out in support of Colin Kaepernick’s attempt at social justice activism, has some significant associations with progressive activist and billionaire George Soros. Which is to say, they are aligned with groups that take his money to try to implement the leftist […]

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Trump Will Lose His Base if He Caves to Leftists on Gun Control

President Trump said Tuesday that his administration will “weigh gun laws in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre”, a move that advisers say would shock and disappoint core supporters like no other action of his presidency. Mr. Trump was asked by reporters if the mass shooting at an outdoor concert that left at least 59 dead, plus the gunman, and nearly 530 injured — […]

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Leftist Anti-Gun Group Refuses To “Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste” After Vegas Shooting

An anti-gun and anti-Second Amendment lobby group called the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence steeped to an new low Monday as the number of lives lost in the tragic Las Vegas Strip shooting were still being tallied. At 9:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time Monday morning, just hours after the barrage of bullets rained down on country music concert goers […]

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Remember when Barack Obama and Eric Holder allowed guns to be put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels?

Remember when Barack Obama and Eric Holder allowed guns to be put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels in order to cause maximum violence? As Democrats and Left-wing “progressive” anti-gun activists continue to push for gun bans and other erosions of the Second Amendment following the terrible mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday, it is well to remember that, once upon a […]

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DHS Official: Donald Trump Wants DACA Illegals to Get Amnesty, Become Citizens

President Donald Trump thinks it makes sense to sign an amnesty for young illegal immigrants and to let them become citizens, an official from the Department of Homeland Security told Senators on Tuesday. “Under a rational bill, these [DACA] individuals would be able to become lawful permanent residents with a pathway to citizenship,” Michael Dougherty, the assistant secretary for border, immigration and […]

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“Credit Negative For U.S. Government”: Moody’s Threatens Downgrade If Trump Tax Plan Is Passed

As various institutions continue to publish very detailed estimates of how Trump’s tax plan will impact the federal budget, which is somewhat amazing since income brackets haven’t even been assigned yet, Moody’s published a note today threatening to finally strip the U.S. of its AAA credit rating if the tax plan is ultimately passed as currently contemplated. President Donald Trump’s […]

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Islamic State issues new video claiming Las Vegas massacre is revenge for US attacks on their caliphate

Islamic State continues to claim the Las Vegas shooting. “ISIS release new video, bragging that Las Vegas shooting is REVENGE for US attacks against their ‘caliphate,’” by Gareth Davies, Mailonline, October 3, 2017: Islamic State has released a new video bragging that the Las Vegas massacre was revenge for US attacks against their caliphate. In what appears to be a desperate […]

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Fannie Mae Charged Taxpayers $250,000 for a Chandelier

Inspector general highlights $32 million in cost overruns at new headquarters. Fannie Mae is charging taxpayers millions for upgrades to its new headquarters, including $250,000 for a chandelier. The inspector general for the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which acts as a conservator for the mortgage lender, recently noted $32 million in questionable costs in an audit for Fannie Mae’s new headquarters […]

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Israeli Cabinet Minister: “Trump administration continuing Obama tradition”

Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin (Likud) criticized the Trump administration over pressure it puts on Israel to cease building in Judea and Samaria. Elkin told NRG that while the Trump administration was substantially better for Israel than former President Barack Obama, “the only thing that has not changed is the negative way it looks at Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria. On […]

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Liberals Celebrate Shooting at Country Music Festival, Because It’s White People

How many times have we been told how “tolerant” leftists “hate” hate and call anyone who disagrees with them racists? This says it all. Democrats are celebrating today, basically dancing in the streets because of the shooting at the Route 91 country music festival in Las Vegas last night. Why? Mostly because the vast majority in attendance and those shot […]

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CBS Executive “Not Sympathetic” for Las Vegas Shooting Victims Because “Country Music Fans are Republicans”

Will Ricciardella at the Daily Caller reports the senior counsel for strategic transactions at CBS named Hayley Geftman-Gold spewed on Facebook that she “is not even sympathetic” for the hundreds of victims of a mass shooter in Las Vegas Sunday night. That didn’t end up being a very strategic transaction. “If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have […]

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ISIS Claims Responsibility For Las Vegas Massacre That Murdered 58 People and Injured 515

Big surprise from the “religion of peace”: Las Vegas Police ID gunman after 58 people murdered and 515 taken to hospitals, and the shooter turns out to be a Muslim convert. As people search for the logic or reasoning behind a gunman opening fire at a music festival in Las Vegas, one terror group has claimed responsibility for the tragedy. BREAKING: […]

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Hezbollah Terror Leader Tells Jews to Leave Israel before “Demise in Next War”

Hezbollah’s leader Nasrallah issued more warnings to Israel, calling on Jews to return to Europe before the next war. Secretary General of the Hezbollah terror group, Hassan Nasrallah, issued an ominous threat to Israelis urging them to return to the countries “from where they had come,” before it becomes too dangerous for them in “Palestine.” There is no such thing as […]

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Texas Muslim Convicted of Helping Attack U.S. Army Base in Afghanistan

A federal jury in Brooklyn, New York, returned a guilty verdict today against Muhanad Mahmoud Al-Farekh on nine counts, including conspiracy to murder U.S. nationals, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, conspiracy to bomb a government facility and conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Farekh faces up to life in prison. At trial, the government presented evidence […]

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The Racist NFL Shouldn’t Be Using Taxpayer Money To Fund Their Stadiums

NFL players are raising their fists to support black supremacy. Why should our tax dollars support multi-millionaire racists? A bi-partisan proposal to stop taxpayers from funding huge sports arenas has taken on a new urgency in light of the “take a knee” crusade sweeping across the NFL. Back in June, Sens. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and James Lankford (R-OK) co-sponsored the bill, […]

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O.J. Simpson Released Early From Nevada Prison

The Los Angeles Dog Trainer (officially known as the Los Angeles Times) reports: Former football star O.J. Simpson was released from a Nevada prison early Sunday after serving nine years for a 2007 armed robbery and kidnapping in Las Vegas. The onetime football legend whose 1995 murder trial in Los Angeles inspired years of debate over race and justice was paroled only minutes after […]

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Muslim Terrorist Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Slits Woman’s Throat in France

This is the new Europe. Terrorist attacks like these are not an aberration. They’re the new normal. And the new normal procedure is to bury them as crimes or just the random attacks of random madmen, randomly shouting, “Allahu Akbar”. A man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ has stabbed two women to death with a butcher’s knife before being gunned down by soldiers […]

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Liberal Insanity: Feminist Claims Teaching Women Self-Defense Has “Racist” Roots

To loony liberals, even defending yourself is racist. Women’s self-defense is grounded in racist and anti-immigrant sentiments, according to feminist author Wendy L. Rouse. In her new book, “In Her Own Hero: The Origins of the Women’s Self-Defense Movement,” Rouse describes the study of self-defense through an intersectional feminist lens, and posits that self-protection has a history of bigotry. While […]

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Study: Wealthy, not middle class, would be big winners in Trump’s new tax plan

About 30 percent of those earning between $50,000 and $150,000 would pay more under the Republican plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. The top 1 percent of income earners would be the biggest winners under Republicans’ plans to rewrite the tax code, according to a new analysis, while some moderate-income people would face tax increases. About 30 percent […]

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Sanders: White House disagrees with Roy Moore’s comments on homosexuality and Muslims

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday that the White House does not agree with comments by Roy Moore, the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama, that many found offensive, including that homosexual conduct should be made illegal and that Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress. “I would certainly say we don’t agree with those comments,” Sanders said […]

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Blacks, Crime, and the Bended Knee

Fresh off the heels of the march on Charlottesville and the destruction of historical monuments in the South by Black Lives Matter, protests are occurring; this time it is against our National Anthem and our flag in stadiums across our country. “Taking the knee“ was first introduced by former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick about a year ago, but has since gained in momentum as […]

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Google, Facebook, Social Media Executives Were Actively Helping Hillary Clinton

Big Tech and social media executives being characterized as experts on Russian election meddling in Congress were actively helping to elect Hillary Clinton. The emails belonging to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and released by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks are riddled with proof of actual collusion. Simply search queries reveal constant contact between Mr. Podesta, top Clinton campaign officials and […]

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