Trump’s ego bruised: says “Iowa meaningless”, turns into cry baby

trump_cryingIs this what you would want for a president? Me either.

Donald Trump went into the Iowa caucuses on Monday as the Republican presidential front-runner and finished an unexpected second. Now, he is retweeting a follower who declared Iowa is “meaningless” in the overall election picture.

Trump appeared much more subdued when he met supporters in Iowa after the results were announced late Monday night. He then fell uncharacteristically silent on Twitter, his favorite mode of communication with the public.

But he was back by midday Tuesday, playing his second-place finish to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz as a win. He was never expected to do well in the heavily evangelical state anyway, Trump noted, and therefore didn’t spend much effort there.

Trump then turned to blasting the media for what he termed unfair coverage of his campaign [even though he was covered more than 10 times as much as Ted Cruz].

Finally, Trump sounded unhappy with voters for not giving him credit for not taking money from big donors. He has said he wouldn’t be beholden to special interests since he is using his own massive wealth to pay for his campaign.

Later in the afternoon, Trump fired a zinger at Cruz’s own speech, which was criticized for its length. Trump’s own speech was much shorter.


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