Author Archives: Shlomo

Obamacare now taking from the poor

Despite the extensive problems associated with Obamacare — both those known at the time of enactment and those discovered since — one significant perversity that disproportionately affects the poor seems to have gone largely unnoticed. During these busiest two weeks of tax season, when up to 25 percent of returns are filed, our attention turns to compliance. Many Americans are […]

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California judge orders state to provide sex change surgery for murderer in prison

(Reuters) – A federal judge in San Francisco on Thursday ruled that California must provide sex reassignment surgery to a transgender inmate, calling denial of the procedure a violation of constitutional rights. U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar wrote in his 38-page order that the state was violating the constitutional rights of Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, who was convicted of second-degree murder in […]

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US WIMP-OUT ON IRAN DEAL: France admits Kerry team caved to keep Iranians at the table, get a deal

Obama and Kerry want the suicidal Iran deal so bad, they are just giving Iran a nuclear program that will start a Muslim arms race between terrorists. Never make a “deal” with evil. U.S. negotiators reportedly lowered the bar for their own goals during talks over Iran’s nuclear program in response to resistance from the Tehran team. And, on the heels […]

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Obama just cut a deal with Iran – lifting sanctions and giving mass murderers nuclear program

International negotiators on Thursday announced a preliminary agreement on Iran’s nuclear program sketching the framework for a final deal, capping days of exhaustive and tense talks that blew past their original deadline. At a press conference in Switzerland, negotiators unveiled the framework that would guide the next phase of talks. The U.S., Iran and five other world powers plan to […]

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Feds won’t pursue contempt charges against IRS Lois Lerner

The Justice Department has declined to pursue contempt of Congress charges against Lois Lerner for refusing to testify about her role at the IRS in the targeting of conservative groups.  The department announced the decision in a letter Tuesday to House Speaker John Boehner, whose Republican-controlled chamber made the request to prosecute, after holding Lerner in contempt for refusing to […]

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Jewish Kindergarten in Brussels, a City With 25% Muslim Population Deemed Uninsurable

Brussels’ metropolitan area is a quarter Muslim. The number of Muslims in Brussels—where roughly half of the number of Muslims in Belgium currently live—has reached 300,000, which means that the self-styled “Capital of Europe” is now one of the most Islamic cities in Europe. In 2013, Muslims made up approximately 26% of the population of metropolitan Brussels, followed by Rotterdam […]

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Eradicating Israel Non-Negotiable, Iranian Nuclear Bomb Negotiable?

On Tuesday, Iranian Commander Mohammad Reza Naghdi, the head of the Basij paramilitary forces was quoted as saying, “The destruction of Israel is non-negotiable and the freedom of Palestine is one of our highest priorities.” On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu struck back, saying, “Yesterday an Iranian general brazenly declared,’Israel’s destruction is non-negotiable.’ But evidently giving Iran’s murderous regime […]

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Having Killed Religion of Freedom Act, Georgia Republicans Are Now Launching Assault on Synagogues and Churches

First Georgia Republicans cut a deal with Democrats. They would kill Georgia’s RFRA legislation in exchange for Democrats supporting roughly a billion dollar tax increase. Not content to deprive [religious Jews and] Christians of religious protection, Georgia Republicans have decided to go after [synagogues,] churches and other non-profits directly. They’re going to do it via “definitions” in a new piece […]

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Gaza Mufti top Muslim leader: Muslims have religious obligation to destroy Israel

“Liberate Palestine” — this century’s euphemism for the next holocaust. “Liberate Palestine” = destroy Israel. It is what the “final solution” was to the Nazis. President Obama supports this genocide and is punishing Israel for refusing to submit to it.  

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Indiana Legislature Caves, Guts Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Rights for all? All except Jews and Christians. On Thursday, Indiana Republicans in the state legislature caved to pressure from the left regarding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which simply preserved the right of religious people to act according to their rights in their businesses, so long as those principles did not conflict with a “compelling state interest.” The amendment […]

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The Sexual Revolution and the death of love

The attack by homosexual activists and their supporters on the ability of religious people (primarily Christian [and Jewish] because they are afraid members of some other religions might blow them up if pressed) to practice their faith as anything but a cultural artifact on Sundays and a few holidays has reached full-throated roar over laws passed in Indiana and Arkansas. […]

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Insanely stupid Americans sign petition to promote illiteracy

What’s the best way to support a new Obama Administration “education program”? Well, lend your support to an “illiteracy project,” so that kids won’t be taught how to read. Sounds goofy? Of course, it is goofy, but that’s exactly what a number of Americans implied by signing a fake petition to support illiteracy, offered by serial public policy prankster Mark […]

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Obama Adviser on Iran Worked for Pro-Regime Lobby

The White House released a list of its high-ranking officials who took part in a video conference with President Obama late Tuesday. Among them appears Sahar Nowrouzzadeh, who apparently has formerly worked for the National Iranian-American Council. The White House brief, which was disclosed by The Daily Beast, listed Sahar Nowrouzzadeh as the National Security Council Director for Iran. Nowrouzzadeh […]

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Iran militia chief: Destroying Israel is ‘nonnegotiable’

The commander of the Basij militia of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said that “erasing Israel off the map” is “nonnegotiable,” according to an Israel Radio report Tuesday. Militia chief Mohammad Reza Naqdi also threatened Saudi Arabia, saying that the offensive it is leading in Yemen “will have a fate like the fate of Saddam Hussein.” Naqdi’s comments were made public as […]

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Obama wants to turn America against Israel

[Shlomo: There is no such thing as a “Palestinian”.] Barack Obama wants to fundamentally transform something besides America. As most informed Americans know by now, Barack Obama is a man with grandiose visions of himself. According to Barack Obama, President Obama’s accomplishments have vaulted him into the pantheon of the greats: Lincoln, Roosevelt and Johnson. His nomination victory speech marked […]

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Transgender who was shot dead trying to ram SUV through NSA gate was a ´homeless prostitute who was facing prison time´

The FBI has identified two people who were shot outside the National Security Agency’s headquarters on Monday after allegedly stealing an SUV they were driving from a motel. Kevin Lamont Fleming, 20, and his friend Ricky ‘Maya’ Shawatza Hall, 27, were allegedly picked up in Baltimore by another man on Sunday night before ‘partying’ at nearby lodgings in Howard County. […]

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Scientists Say New Study Is A ‘Death Blow’ To Junk-Science Global Warming Hysteria

A new study out of Germany casts further doubt on the so-called global warming “consensus” by suggesting the atmosphere may be less sensitive to increases in carbon dioxide emissions than most scientists think. A study by scientists at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Meteorology found that man-made aerosols had a much smaller cooling effect on the atmosphere during the 20th […]

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Facebook tracking all users even if they delete accounts, ask never to be followed

A new report claims that Facebook secretly installs tracking cookies on users’ computers, allowing them to follow users around the internet even after they’ve left the website, deleted their account and requested to be no longer followed. Academic researchers said that the report showed that the company was breaking European law with its tracking policies. The law requires that users […]

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Thousands of New Homes for Jerusalem Approved – For Arab Muslims Only

Jews can’t build new homes in Jerusalem… but Arab Muslims can. The Jerusalem Municipality has approved a project to build 2,500 housing units in Jabel Mukaber, in southern Jerusalem. This will be the largest construction project for Jerusalem Arabs since 1967. Jabel Mukaber borders the neighborhood of East Talpiot.

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Over half a million call on Congress to overturn net neutrality rules

Opponents of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s new net neutrality rules aren’t giving up, with a conservative advocacy group saying it has collected more than 540,000 signatures on a petition asking Congress to overturn the agency’s action. American Commitment, a group with connections to Republican billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, delivered those petitions to Congress this week. Each petition […]

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Jon Stewarts replacement is anti-Semite Trevor Noah: Act like a Nazi, get your own prime-time TV show

Yesterday, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency appeared to be the first media outlet to notice a disturbing tweet from Comedy Central’s new hire Trevor Noah, who is pegged to replace Jon Stewart as host of the Daily Show: South Africans know how to recycle like israel knows how to be peaceful. — Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) June 2, 2010 Late this evening, […]

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Anti-Semitic Incidents In U.S. Up By 21 Percent

Anti-Semitic incidents in the United States rose by 21 percent in 2014, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s annual audit of anti-Semitism. The organization counted 912 anti-Semitic incidents last year, up from 751 in 2013, with the period surrounding last summer’s Gaza war seeing a surge of incidents. The tally included 36 cases of assault or other violence, 363 incidents of […]

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Hotel for Michelle Obama’s Cambodia visit cost $242,500

Hotel accommodations for First Lady Michelle Obama’s two-day trip to Cambodia required 85 rooms and cost taxpayers $242,500, according to a government contract released Friday. Mrs. Obama traveled to Siem Reap, Cambodia on March 21 to promote a girls education initiative. A contract was awarded on March 3, citing the “unusual and compelling urgency” of the First Lady’s trip. Mrs. […]

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“Help” pleads 43 year old white man beaten on train because he refused to speak about Michael Brown

David Autry, a white man savagely beaten on a St. Louis Metrolink train by three black teenagers for declining to speak about Michael Brown, is pleading with the public for help, so he no longer has to be exposed to such racial violence. But he may have a long way to go, as analysts contend the Obama administration’s comments and […]

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Poll: Vast Majority of Arab Muslims in Israel Support Violence Against Israel

And these are the ones who admit it! Almost three-quarters of [Israeli Muslim] Arabs support Hamas in its “armed struggle” against Israel, a recent poll reveals Monday. According to the poll, conducted by the “Palestinian Center for Political Research”, 74% of [Arabs in Israel] support Hamas’s fight against Israel. 56% of [Israeli Arabs] support adopting Hamas’s strategies in its “struggle” and […]

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Netanyahu slams emerging nuclear deal as ‘a reward for Iran’s aggression’

As Iran and world powers face less than two days to reach a framework nuclear deal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday again attacked the emerging agreement for serving as “a reward for Iran’s aggression.” Netanayhu, who has maintained a staunch stance against a nuclear Iran, warned that Israel among other “moderate and responsible” states in the Middle East would […]

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Not A Joke: ‘The Gov’t Employees Can’t Watch Porn At Work’ Legislation Passes Oversight Committee

Your tax dollars hard at work. Earlier this week a bill prohibiting federal employees from looking at porn on government computers and devices passed through the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. It’s quite a sad commentary on the state of government affairs that this bipartisan bill’s advancement is news, let alone good news. So, why was it necessary to begin […]

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Cut a baby from a woman; kill it; it isn’t murder in Colorado

When people defend abortion, this is one of the consequences. I’m not sure the Planned Parenthood, pro-infanticide crowd sees this as a feature or a bug: A former nurse’s aide will not face murder charges for allegedly cutting and removing an unborn baby from the mother’s womb, Boulder County, Colorado, prosecutor Stanley Garnett said Thursday. The mother, Michelle Wilkins, answered […]

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Lawlessness: Hillary Clinton confirms she wiped her email server

Members of the US House of Representatives hoping to get a look at Hillary Clinton’s personal email server just got a big disappointment. Clinton’s attorney has confirmed to a House committee on Benghazi that, after handing over work-related email to the State Department, the politician both “chose not to keep” personal messages and set a 60-day limit on what the […]

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