Category Archives: Articles

IT boss ‘blown away’ that IRS backup tapes in Lerner case erased

The chief technology officer at the IRS was “blown away” after learning backup tapes that likely contained messages to and from controversial ex-official Lois Lerner were destroyed, according to an internal government watchdog report. The 1,600-page report, prepared by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, examined the agency’s handling of Lerner’s missing emails and apparent computer crash. Lerner is […]

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Sacramento School: Hey, Let’s Dumb Down Education for Immigrants!

A republic such as the one born 239 years ago tomorrow requires a populace capable of citizenship. Unfortunately, a Sacramento city school district is doing everything it can to prevent children of immigrants from acquiring the skills of citizenship. The Sacramento City Unified School District’s Board of Trustees has unanimously agreed to establish an ethnic studies pilot program because, as […]

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Ted Cruz: ‘Sad’ US Will Have Embassy in Havana Before Having an Embassy In Jerursalem

Republican presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz denounced the US opening an embassy in Cuba wondering “How sad is it that under the Obama administration the United States is going to have an embassy in Havana before we have an embassy in Jerusalem?” on Wednesday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show.” Cruz said, “I think this is a serious mistake. It’s a […]

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Bill Would Create New Homeland Security Office for “Countering Violent Extremism”

“Extremism” is one of those politically correct words used to protect Islam by the left. Remember when the Justice Department announced last year that it would be launching some pilot programs devoted to “countering violent extremism”? Now Rep. Michael McCaul wants to create a federal Office of Coordination for Countering Violent Extremism and house it at the Department of Homeland Security. […]

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Jimmy Carter: U.S. is ‘the Most Warlike Country on Earth’

When is he going to go away? In a recent interview with the Soros-funded “policy studies” nonprofit Aspen Institute, former worst President of the United States Jimmy Carter did what he has always done best: criticize America. For that he was rewarded with frequent applause from his audience, who shared his revulsion for the greatest country in the history of humankind. Asked about Obama’s inability to […]

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Chelsea Clinton Paid Over $1,000 a Minute to Appear at a College

After discovering that Hillary Clinton charges exorbitant amounts to appear at events (actual quote: “Yikes!”), administrators from the University of Missouri at Kansas City decided to go with a slightly cheaper member of the Clinton family to headline their lunchtime gala for the opening of a women’s hall of fame: Chelsea. Chelsea, a relative bargain at $65,000 compared to her […]

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Walmart bakes cake bearing the Islamic State flag following refusal for cake with Confederate flag

Charles Netzhammer went to his local Walmart to order a cake with the Confederate flag that stated, “Heritage Not Hate.” The bakery refused to do so since the company ordered a ban on the flag after a gunman murdered nine people at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Netzhammer later drove back to that Walmart and asked for a […]

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Obama announces opening of US Embassy in Cuba – Hillary Celebrates

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made sure to give her official endorsement of the re-opening of a U.S. embassy in Cuba, a part of President Obama’s restoration of diplomatic relations with the communist country. Senior administration officials informed CNN that the president and Sec. John Kerry are expected to announce the restored embassy this week. The embassy will be located at the same building […]

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Lawless Administration Won’t Enforce Law Against Israel Boycotts

Eugene Kontorovich: New federal law fights European boycotts of Israel In plain English, this means U.S. courts cannot enforce judgements that doing business in or being based in the West Bank or Golan Heights violates international law, or particular European rules. There are not as of yet any such foreign judgements to speak of; indeed, legal challenges to business activities […]

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Texas, Other States Resist Complying With Gay Marriage ‘Edict’

While a host of state officials across the country have expressed sentiments ranging from disappointment to outrage over the Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing gay marriage — stripping the issue from state control — some officials are not accepting the decision without a fight. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton characterized the decision as “a judge-based edict that is not based in […]

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Nuclear Deal Would Leave Terrorist Iran With 5,000 Centrifuges

Iran will be permitted to operate more than 5,000 nuclear centrifuges under any final deal secured in the coming days, according to Western sources who fear that the Islamic Republic could use such technology to continue building a nuclear weapon. Sources commenting on the resumed talks indicated on Tuesday that Iran and Western powers have reached a deal that would enable […]

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Israel deports terrorist supporting Gaza flotilla activists, including Tunisian ex-president

Israel has deported a group of [Nazi Anti-Israel] activists, including a former Tunisian president, who tried to breach its naval blockade of the Gaza Strip. Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Haddad said among those sent home Tuesday was former Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki. Another 14 people on board the activist boat, which was peacefully intercepted early Monday, will be deported in […]

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“Moderate” Fatah charges Hamas Terrorists with being too peaceful towards Israel

The [so-called] PA government dissolved two weeks ago and there has been no agreement on the new members as the PLO attempts to replace the “technocrats” with its own political hacks. Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction issued a statement insulting Hamas for not being serious enough about forming a new national unity government. Their specific charges against Hamas reveal yet again […]

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Surveillance Court Rules That N.S.A. Can Resume Bulk Data Collection

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ruled late Monday that the National Security Agency may temporarily resume its once-secret program that systematically collects records of Americans’ domestic phone calls in bulk. The program had lapsed on June 1, when a law on which it was based, Section 215 of the U.S.A. Patriot Act, expired. Congress revived that provision on June 2 […]

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Judge Blocks New Florida Law That Delays Abortions 24 Hours Because That’s Just “Too Much”

Because giving someone time to think it over before an abortion might actually prevent a minority of abortions and that’s completely unacceptable to “compassionate” liberals. [AP] – A Florida judge is blocking a new state law that requires women to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion. Chief Circuit Judge Charles Francis blocked the law Tuesday, one day before it […]

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US church to boycott Israel for “apartheid” of Muslim terrorists – Israeli Jews aren’t allowed to defend their lives

Delegates call on UCC’s financial arms to sell off stock in any company profiting from ‘human rights violations arising from the occupation’ – Economic impact on Israel expected to be negligible. The top legislative body of the [Nazi] United Church of Christ voted Tuesday to “divest” from Israeli companies with business in the [Arab Muslim] territories, a sign of the […]

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Leftist Press Dances Around Terrorist Iran’s “Negotiation” for No Weapon Inspections

It would be nice if the establishment press, including the folks at the Associated Press, aka the Administration’s Press, had spent a bit less time this past week preparing for and celebrating the Supreme Court’s sadly as-expected Obamacare and same-sex “marriage” rulings, and a bit more on giving readers, listeners and viewers genuine updates on the horrid state of U.S. […]

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Census: More Minority Children Than Whites, More Whites Dying Than Being Born

Racial and ethic minorities children under the age of five are now the majority as non-Hispanic white children make up an ever-smaller slice of the population, according to the Census Bureau. New population estimates released Thursday reveal a striking shift in the composition of America’s population as racial and ethnic minority births are also outpacing minority deaths. Meanwhile non-Hispanic whites […]

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It Begins: New Calls To Strip Churches of Tax Exempt Status After Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

For years conservatives and proponents of religious liberty in America have warned that if same-sex marriage became legal, the left would then pursue revoking the tax exempt status for religious institutions, particularly Christian churches, around the country. Just days after the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that gay marriage is a constitutional right, progressive activists like Mark Oppenheimer […]

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Ted Cruz: Justices Showed Contempt for Constitution, Own Oath

Justices on the Supreme Court, with their majority back-to-back decisions on Obamacare and same-sex marriage, violated their judicial oath, Sen. Ted Cruz said Monday. “On Thursday of last week the court rewrote Obamacare, rewrote the statute, ignored the language of the statute and as a result forced millions of people into this failed law,” the Texas Republican, a presidential candidate, […]

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Fueled by Snowden and Apple, private search engine DuckDuckGo rapidly grows

The privacy-minded search engine DuckDuckGo announced this week that it has reached a milestone. The Google alternative now serves over 10 million searches per day. (By comparison, Google serves about 4.3 billion per day.) Back in May 2012 when Ars profiled the startup, we reported that DuckDuckGo hit an all-time record of 1.5 million searches per day. At that time, its daily […]

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Ted Cruz: GOP sheds ‘crocodile tears’ on same-sex marriage

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, accused Republicans of doublespeak and shedding “crocodile tears” over Friday’s Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage. Many in the Republican party are “popping champagne” after the decision, Cruz said at stops across Iowa Friday, accusing Republicans of issuing deceptive press releases at odds with what they truly believed. While other Republican candidates are happy […]

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America’s Obamacare Nightmare Is Just Beginning

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could continue to subsidize health-insurance coverage through, the federal exchanges. An ecstatic President Obama declared that Obamacare is “here to stay.” No, it’s not. A judicial victory doesn’t automatically translate into a political victory, let alone a policy success. Once they’ve quaffed their celebratory champagne, the president and White House […]

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Confederacy banned – Nazi symbols spared

Confederacy purge builds steam, while last century’s worst villains spared All symbols of the Confederacy are rapidly disappearing from stores, websites and the public square in the wake of last week’s racially charged shooting in a Charleston, S.C., church, but the purge of some allegedly hateful icons has spared memorabilia linked to some of history’s most infamous mass murderers, some […]

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Supreme Court Declares Itself G-d, Redefines Marriage and Rights

Supreme Court ruled Friday that states no longer have rights and cannot ban same-sex marriage. The day after declaring Obamacare magically rewritten and that the lawsuits against discrimination in housing require no proof of actual discrimination, the Supreme Court found a unicorn in the 14th Amendment. By a vote of 5-4, the Supreme Court ruled that the right to privacy […]

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Gruesome Muslim beheading: Jihad terror attack at US factory in France

Both the attacker and the victim of a gruesome terrorist attack in France on Friday morning have been identified by authorities. At least one Islamic terrorist launched a daylight raid on an industrial gas factory in France Friday and pinned a severed head to the gates, in what President Francois Hollande called a “terrorist” attack. The grisly attack near France’s second […]

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Farrakhan: We Need to Put the American Flag Down

Obama’s mentor and pastor Rev. Wright and Obama himself attended the Million Man March of Farrakhan. According to Washington DC radio station WMAL, controversial race leader Louis Farrakhan stated “We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag.” “White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city, […]

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