Category Archives: Articles

HOW LOW CAN IT GO? Congress job approval at 8%!

A new poll by The Economist finds Trump with a 39 percent “favorable” rating, with 23 percent holding a “very favorable” view of the president, and 16 percent “somewhat favorable.” Forty-five percent say they have a “very unfavorable” view of Trump. While Democrats and some Congressional Republicans may be reassured by Trump’s relatively low numbers, leaders of both parties fair significantly worse in the […]

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Texas Liberal Activist Judge Blocks Law Banning Horrific Abortion Practice

In a horrible affront to the sanctity of life, and just common decency, a liberal Texas judge has blocked a Texas law that would ban abortion by dismemberment. Life News had the breaking news this morning: U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel blocked Texas Senate Bill 8 one day before it would have gone into effect, according to the Tribune News Service. Signed […]

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Islamic terror and nuclear Iran doing OK under Trump

A few days ago, I wrote a piece about how the Trump administration has taken a leftist approach in its dealings with Islam. I wrote about how there are those within Trump’s inner circle who have adopted Barack Obama’s policies concerning Israel and Islamic terrorism–promoting the two-state solution in favor of the [so-called] Palestinians, and refusing to use the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” […]

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Google Issues Ultimatum Towards Over 400 Conservative Sites to Censor Content Or Lose All Ad Revenue

The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent/conservative media. The ‘New Media’ lead by the likes of Breitbart, Natural News and many other great independent sites will have an uphill battle when it comes to getting their content in front of readers. Google has announced they will be doubling […]

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College Professors Discover New Way To Get Offended: “Invisibility Microaggressions”

Some race-consumed college professors just discovered a new way to get offended called “invisibility microagressions” that are invisible, and “published their findings in the NASPA Journal About Women In Higher Education.” Unfortunately, they are more concerned with the invisible racist boogie man than education (literally). From the Daily Caller: The two professors interviewed 13 non-white [that means black] women at “predominantly white […]

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Google, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram censoring content to suit terrorist Iran’s Imams

Several social media companies in the West have been criticised for a perceived lack of transparency in alleged talks with the Iranian government on censoring content to the approval of the country’s strict religious authorities. Instagram, currently available in Iran – as well as Twitter and YouTube, which are blocked but widely visited by Iranians using proxy servers – have all been reported by local media in recent […]

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Alarming new Google tool for “hate crimes” questioned by conservatives

Widespread blacklisting of mainstream conservative sites is on the table. [Fox News] – Google is attempting to “help reporters find hate crime stories” with [artificial intelligence] machine learning – though it remains to be seen how impartial the effort is. The machine-learning tool is aimed at helping journalists utilize hate crime data in their reporting, Simon Rogers, Data Editor at […]

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LA City Council Votes to Make ‘Columbus Day’ ‘Indigenous People’s Day’

Los Angeles will no longer be celebrating Columbus Day because it supposedly celebrates genocide. Instead, the City Council voted on Wednesday to replace it with “Indigenous People’s Day.” From KTLA 5: Over the objections of Italian American civic groups, the council made the second Monday in October a day in L.A. to commemorate ‘indigenous, aboriginal and native people.’ The day will remain […]

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Real Racism: Michigan’s Population is 14% African-American, But 50% of Babies Murdered in Abortions are Black

They should just rename the organization to “Black Lives Don’t Matter” since they mass-murder their own children at record rates. Yesterday Right to Life of Michigan visited three pregnancy centers located in Detroit to award them a total of $8,970 in grants. The grants represent a step towards increasing the prolife movement’s focus on addressing the high abortion rate in […]

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Bereaved Families to UN: Stop Funding Organizations That Defend Terrorist Mass-Murderers

The families said only people who attacked Israelis received this kind of legal aid from the UN. ore than 40 bereaved families, in a letter to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday, demanded that the United Nations stop funding Israeli organizations that defend terrorists in Israel’s Supreme Court. Guterres made his first visit to Israel in his capacity as secretary-general this […]

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Pentagon: 11,000 US troops in Afghanistan, more than previously reported

Remember that Trump and Tillerson are sending our military to Afghanistan to “engage with the [so-called] moderate elements” of the Muslim terrorist Taliban after Trump promised to pull out our troops during his campaign. The Pentagon on Wednesday acknowledged that there are about 11,000 U.S. troops currently serving in Afghanistan, thousands more than what it had previously reported. Defense Department spokeswoman Dana White made clear […]

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Gov Bureau of Labor Statistics: Americans Spend More on Taxes Than Food and Clothing Combined

Don’t expect the phony Republicans to actually do anything about it. It appears this year will end without a single significant Republican bill becoming law. Americans on average spent more on taxes in 2016 than they did on food and clothing combined, according to data released this week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The same data also shows that in […]

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Olympics Will Allow Transgender Competitors for 2018 Winter Games

This is pretty much the end to women winning anything in the Olympics. So much for liberals and women’s rights. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) confirmed that it would allow transgender athletes to compete in whatever category they wish to participate in during the 2018 Winter Olympics, a report says. IOC officials noted that they will not require athletes to compete in […]

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My Weekend at the Falwells’ South Beach Hostel With an On-Site Liquor Store

Liberty University presents itself as a temple of virtue, but its founding family’s secret Miami hostel is a cesspool of vice. “Why does Falwell need to own an LGBT-friendly hostel?” It’s actually that one,” our Uber driver said, pointing with one hand and shifting into reverse with the other. “Right here?” I asked, thinking he must have gotten the address […]

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After Trump Renews Obama’s Nuclear Deal, Iran Rejects US Demand For Inspection Of Its Military Sites

Big surprise. After Trump’s State Department claims Iran is “compliant” with the Nuclear deal, Iran rejects inspections of it’s facilities. Iran has dismissed a top U.S. diplomat’s demand for the inspection of Iranian military sites by the U.N. nuclear watchdog, shrugging off comments by America’s ambassador to the U.N. as only a “dream.” Iran’s government spokesman Mohammad Bagher Nobakht told […]

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Iran Renews Terror Funding for Hamas

After falling out over the Syrian war, Iran-Hamas join hands to wage Jihad warfare against Israel. Islamist terror group Hamas confirmed the restoration of ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran after a five-year rift in the wake of the Syrian conflict, Associated Press reports. Iran, a Shia theocracy, has renewed the funding for the Gaza-based Sunni terrorist outfit to boost its […]

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Turkey’s dictator Erdogan claims Israel “undermining” peace efforts with Muslim terrorist mass-murderers

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday accused Israel of undermining the efforts to reach a two-state [final] solution, calling on the Jewish state to end such actions. Erdogan described the two-state solution as the “historical responsibility of the international community to the Palestinian people” and added that recent tensions at the Al-Aqsa compound in Jerusalem would not favor anyone. […]

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19 of Turkey’s dictator Erdogan’s thugs INDICTED for beating up protesters on U.S. soil

We were really pushing that scumbag Turkey dictator Erdogan’s thugs would be prosecuted for attacking protesters on U.S. soil, and they got NAILED for it. BREAKING: 19 people, including 15 Turkish security officials, indicted for attacking protesters during Erdogan visit to DC in May. — The Associated Press (@AP) August 29, 2017 BOOM! NEW: 15 Turkish security officials indicted by feds […]

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UN chief met with families of Muslim terrorists in Ramallah, Israel

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres met with the families of imprisoned “Palestinian” terrorists after his Ramallah meeting with PLO Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on Tuesday. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. In a statement, the UN said […]

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Confirmed: Muslims took leading roles in violent BLM riots across U.S.

It’s no surprise that Muslims took leading roles in the Black Lives Matter riots in cities across the US. Source: Mosque’s first forum examines Muslim women in Black Lives Matter movement – Orlando Sentinel After a dozen interviews and years of work, Fulbright Scholar Iman AbdoulKarim was finally ready to share her findings with her Muslim community. After her hourlong presentation examining the […]

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“McMaster sees the threat of Islam through an Obama administration lens”

Anti-Israel McMaster “sees the threat of Islam through an Obama administration lens, meaning that religion has nothing to do with the war we are in.” When jihad terrorists the world over are invoking the Qur’an and Sunnah to justify their actions and make recruits among peaceful Muslims, this is a self-defeating stance that prevents American officials from understanding the enemy […]

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Tillerson Explains What “Winning” Looks Like in Afghanistan; Wants “Reconciliation” Between Terrorist Taliban and Afghan Government

This is pure evil. Even Obama never went this far. Winning in Afghanistan looks like “reconciliation” among the Taliban and the Afghan government and the end of terrorist safe havens, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told “Fox News Sunday.” I think we all recognize that for the past couple of years, the Taliban has been advancing and Afghan forces have […]

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Nikki Haley Hammers UN “Peacekeeping” Force For Concealing Nazi Terrorist Hezbollah Rearming With Weapons From Iran

On Friday, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley stripped the hide from the commander of the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), a Irish general named Major General Michael Beary (as an aside, the entire regular establishment of the Irish Army is basically a reinforced brigade in a real army) over the torrent of Iranian supplied weapons flowing into Hezbollah occupied south […]

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Border tunnels now servicing illegals along Mexican border

Apparently, it is going to take more than just a wall to gain control of U.S. borders. Lawmen are worried that the cartel tunnel builders on the Mexican border are now using their engineered concoctions to smuggle illegals, not merely drugs. That’s what the Daily Caller has found, describing the new anxiety as one was discovered over the weekend, catching about 30 illegals coming […]

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Report: Trump’s Business Wanted to Open a Trump Tower in Moscow While He Was Campaigning

Trump Organization executives and investors almost reached a deal to launch a large scale development project in Moscow while President Trump was running for office in late 2015 and early 2016, according to a report. Felix Sater, a Russian-born developer, wanted Trump to come to Moscow to discuss the proposal to build a Trump Tower in the city. He even […]

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Kids suspended from school and adults arrested for “misgendering” in California

It was only a few days ago that I wrote a piece about Rocklin Academy charter school in Rocklin, CA. and how a kindergarten teacher staged a “transition ceremony” during class for a sexually confused five-year-old boy who thinks he’s a girl. During the ceremony, the teacher read pro-LGBT books to the young, impressionable minds that endorse and celebrate the sexual abuse […]

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Anarchy in Berkeley: A hundred black-clad antifa leftists with “no hate” signs storm rally, pepper spray conservative Patriot Prayer group, clash with cops

Leave it to the hypocritical and so-call “tolerant” left to promote hateful violence while carrying “no hate” signs. Violence has broken out between left- and right-wing protesters, after more than 100 black-clad masked antifa broke through police barricades at a ‘Rally Against Hate’ [what a farce] and assaulted at least four, including the leader of a pro-Trump conservative group. At […]

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JTF This Week: Dozens of Hilltop Youth go to prison to protest Bibi policies; Trump hands over Syria & Iraq to Iran (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 19 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Hurricane Harvey Dubbed “Racist” Because “More Blacks Will Be Affected”

Is anyone surprised? We thought it was pretty stupid that The Atlantic published a story claiming this week’s total eclipse was racist because it was only passing over white America, but now the Daily Kos is upping the ante by calling Hurricane Harvey racist since it’s heading straight for black people in Texas (but not the Hispanic population?). Notice how they double-blamed President Trump, […]

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Chicago: Muslim Uber driver locks 19-year old female in car, demands sex as payment

A West Rogers Park Uber driver was ordered held on $100,000 bail Saturday for allegedly locking a ride-share customer inside his vehicle and demanding sex from her, authorities said. Muhammad Fahim, 44, of the 6100 block of North Washtenaw Avenue, faces three counts of unlawful restraint for the July 4 incident that began with him allegedly picking up the 19-year-old […]

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Congress Quietly Passed A Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches of Homes – Only 1% Opposed It

A bill that will allow homes to be searched without a warrant was passed with overwhelming support by the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Trump—and it happened with no media coverage and very little fanfare. On the surface, House Joint Resolution 76 looks harmless. The title of the bill claims that its purpose is “Granting the consent and approval […]

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Ted Cruz Responds To Activist Judge Striking Down Texas Voter ID Law

Sen. Ted Cruz, who has argued and won many cases before the U.S. Supreme Court as Texas solicitor general, blasted the latest decision to (once again) strike down the state’s voter ID law. Cruz posted on Facebook: Yesterday’s decision to strike down Texas’ commonsense Voter ID law undermines the rule of law and frustrates Texas’s responsibility to preserve the integrity […]

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Trump’s own economic advisor NOT happy with how Trump handled Charleston; almost resigned

Trump’s economic advisor, Gary Cohn, has some tough words for Trump over how he handled Charlottesville: NY POST – White House economic adviser Gary Cohn said the Trump administration “must do better” to condemn neo-Nazis and white nationalists in the wake of the protests in Charlottesville, according to a report. The former head of Goldman Sachs told the Financial Times […]

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College Republican threatened after asking Muslims to decry terrorism

The leader of San Diego State University’s College Republicans received threats of violence after he asked the campus’s Muslim Student Association to condemn recent Islamic terrorist attacks. SDSU’s College Republicans president Brandon Jones announced on social media that soon after he wrote a letter to the school’s Muslim group requesting them to condemn the deadly terror attack that recently took place […]

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Zero Tolerance: Venice Mayor Orders Cops To Shoot Anyone Who Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’

Venice’s right-wing mayor has ordered cops to shoot anyone who shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ – rather than risk a terror attack. The Times reports that Italian mayor Luigi Brugnaro claimed that his city Venice was safer than Barcelona – where 14 people died being run down by a van last week. “In contrast with Barcelona, where they had not set up protection, […]

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Social justice warriors want universities to ‘ban veterans’

A flyer that appeared at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (UCCS) declared that “in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities.” flyer recently appeared at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (UCCS) declaring that “in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities.” The flyer is part of a new […]

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First-grader sent to principal’s office for misidentifying another child’s ‘new’ gender

A first-grade girl attending a charter school in California faced disciplinary action after she misidentified a peer’s “new” gender, according to a California-based pro-family group. Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute — a pro-family group in Sacramento — revealed the offending incident to the Washington Times on Wednesday. “There was a little girl who had been in […]

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Trump’s own hand-picked ambassador to Israel: Charlottesville response “wasn’t fine”

Even Trump’s own hand-picked ambassador to Israel knows that “very fine people” don’t march next to Nazi and KKK flags at a Nazi rally. President Trump’s ambassador to Israel on Wednesday criticized the president’s response to the deadly violence earlier this month at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. During an interview with an Israeli television reporter, Ambassador David Friedman […]

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