Category Archives: Articles

The Number One Most Googled Question on Hillary Clinton During the Democratic Debate

“Will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted?” That was the number one question googled about the Democratic frontrunner during Sunday night’s Democratic debate, according to the search engine. The number three question was, “What did Hillary Clinton do that is illegal?” #1 most Googled question on Clinton during debate: “Will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted?” — Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) January 18, […]

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Pregnant woman stabbed by Arab terrorist in Gush Etzion

A 30-year-old pregnant woman was moderately injured in a stabbing attack in Tekoa, south of Jerusalem. The victim was given emergency treatment at the scene for multiple stab wounds to her upper body. Magen David Adom paramedics managed to stabilize her, and she was evacuated to Jerusalem’s Shaarei Tzedek hospital in moderate condition. She was later identified as Michal Froman, daughter-in-law of Rabbi […]

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Welcome to the Banana Republic – Obama Defies Law and Removes Sanctions on Terrorist Iran

In case you were just enjoying the weekend with your family and not listening to the news, the world changed over the past 48 hours. The United States has now officially become a Banana Republic. In sweeping moves that gave the lie to repeated assertions by Secretary of State John Kerry that there would be no “comprehensive” deal with Iran, […]

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Iran Pledges to Defy U.S. and Build up Ballistic Missile Program

Gee, thanks Obama. Iran will ignore recently-passed U.S. sanctions against its ballistic missile program, the regime’s defense minister pledged on Monday, promising to unveil new homemade weapons systems in the near future. “[Any] attempt to impose new sanctions [against Iran] under irrelevant pretexts is indicative of the continued US hostile policy and acrimony toward the Iranian nation, and a futile […]

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Trump Executive Action Ambitions Worry Conservatives

Conservatives are concerned over Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s vow to take the same path of bypassing Congress as President Barack Obama – even though the billionaire said his actions would be “much better” than Obama’s and done for “the right things.” “Does Mr. Trump enjoy power? Is he more likely to prefer limited and constitutional or unlimited and unconstitutional […]

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Arab Workers Banned from Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria Tuesday

Arab workers will not be allowed into Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria Tuesday, the IDF decided Monday night. The announcement comes following a decision by Etzion Brigade Commander Colonel Roman Gofman to remove all Arab workers from the Gush Etzion communities, in response to the two attacks on Jewish women by Arabs armed with knives. The ban will be […]

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Bill banning child marriage fails after it’s deemed un-Islamic

Islamic apologists in the West argue furiously that child marriage has nothing to do with Islam, and that the idea that Muhammad married a child is the invention of greasy Islamophobes. In reality, few things are more abundantly attested in Islamic law than the permissibility of child marriage. Islamic tradition records that Muhammad’s favorite wife, Aisha, was six when Muhammad […]

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Arab terrorist stabs Jewish woman to death in front of her children in her own home

Woman stabbed in front of her children at home in Otniel identified as mother-of-six Dafna Meir; sources chasing attacker who fled scene. An Israeli woman was murdered in a stabbing attack late Sunday afternoon in Otniel, a town in the southern Har Hevron region of Judea. The woman has since been identified as 39-year-old Dafna Meir, a mother to six children, two of them foster […]

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South Carolina: Donald Trump Booed by Conservative Crowd After Attacks on Ted Cruz

Among conservatives, Donald Trump can typically do no wrong — until he attacks Ted Cruz. On Saturday, Trump drew boos from a grassroots conservative crowd during remarks at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention for his attack on Cruz’s previously undisclosed loans. “You give a campaign contribution to Ted Cruz, you get whatever the hell you want,” he said, […]

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Muslim “Refugee” Rapes 10 Year-Old Girl In Minneapolis

A Muslim immigrant was arrested Wednesday night and charged with viciously raping and attacking  a 10-year-old girl in Minnesota. Something strange occurred during the initial reporting of the case, since local news outlets refused to release information showing that the suspect was in fact a “refugee” from Somalia. According to WND: KSTP 5, an ABC affiliate in Minneapolis, referred to the suspect, Ahmed Hersi […]

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After Paul Ryan Funds Visas for 300,000 Muslim Migrants, House Republicans Give Him Standing Ovation

Last month, House Speaker Paul Ryan successfully pushed through Congress his $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that funds visas for nearly 300,000 temporary and permanent Muslim migrants over the next 12 months. The omnibus bill also funded sanctuary cities, illegal alien tax credits, and changed federal law to allow for a massive increase in low-skilled H-2B workers– an immigration expansion opposed by more than nine […]

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Cruz on prisoner swap: Obama administration was negotiating with terrorists

OP presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Sunday criticized the prisoner swap this weekend between the U.S. and Iran, saying the Obama administration is “negotiating with terrorists” and suggested the deal is part of the president’s overall weak foreign policy. “Our enemies are laughing at us,” the Texas senator said on “Fox News Sunday.” The deal announced Saturday returns four Americans […]

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Mass Grave of Children Who Rejected Islamic State Found in Sinjar, Iraq

Officials discovered another mass grave in Sinjar, Iraq, containing bodies of Yazidis, including children, who refused to join the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL). CNN toured the town with Mayor Mahama al-Shangali. He showed Nima Elbagir a new mass grave filled with at least 130 bodies of men, women, and children. The Islamic State wanted to take these people to Tal Afar, […]

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Europe’s Jews Fleeing to Israel in Record Numbers

And not just from France but the UK, Belgium and Italy, too. With the rise of Islam, so too has anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic attacks spiked worldwide, and particularly in Europe. It comes as no surprise then that a new report shows that immigration to Israel, otherwise known as “Aliyah,” among European Jews is at all all-time high. TruthRevolt previously reportedly the fact that Jews are […]

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Naftali Bennett calls religious Jewish settlers “extremists” and again falsely accuses innocent Jews for Duma

Education Minister Naftali Bennett compares religious Jewish settlers to BDS and leftist anti-Semites. Right and left-wing extremists are desperate and as such are trying to “burn down our house,” Education Minister Naftali Bennett said on Thursday. He made these remarks while delivering a guest lecture to undergraduate students in an “Israeli identity” course, taught by  Eldad Yaniv, director of the […]

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Busted: Establishment GOP Caught Sending Amnesty Message in Spanish Version of SOTU Response

Busted by the Miami Herald. After Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) delivered her post-State of the Union response, a Spanish-language version was subsequently released. However, according to the Miami Herald, the latter had a “decidedly softer” message on illegal immigration and may have caught the GOP red-handed sending what some conservative sites are calling an “amnesty pledge” to Latino voters. Patricia […]

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Religious farmers refuse to host gay wedding – fined $13,000 and forced to attend “re-education training classes”

A court has ruled against a husband and wife who own a farm in central New York, upholding a $13,000 fine that was imposed over the couple’s refusal to host a same-sex wedding on their property back in 2012. The New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Third Department, upheld a punishment imposed by New York’s Division of Human Rights that included $10,000 in […]

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Iranians Force American Sailors To Kneel Before Them — And John Kerry Says Thanks!

From CBS News: The vice president explained that the “the Iranians picked up both boats — as we have picked up Iranian boats that needed to be rescued.” Iranian officials then “realized they were there in distress and said they would release them, and released them — like ordinary nations would do.” He added that situations like the capture of […]

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Obama brags over nuclear deal as Iran arrests U.S. sailors

‘Why we are about to give them sanctions relief?’ Iran seized 10 U.S. sailors on Tuesday as President Obama prepared to give his final State of the Union speech. He still touted this summer’s nuclear deal anyway. “We built a global coalition, with sanctions and principled diplomacy, to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran,” Obama declared. “As we speak, Iran has rolled back […]

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Donald Trump lacking any foreign policy credentials while Iran and North Korea go nuclear

… “It’s more than a little strange to see Donald Trump is relying on as authoritative a liberal left-wing judicial activist Harvard law professor who is a huge Hillary supporter,” said [Ted] Cruz in Hudson, New Hampshire, referring to his former law school professor Laurence Tribe, who has said the issue remains debated. “It starts to make you think, gosh, […]

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Al Jazeera Shutting Down in America

Who says the news is all bad? Capital New York reports that Al Jazeera America is shutting down operations after only two and a half years. Al Jazeera America employees were told that the channel’s business model was “no longer sustainable” and that it will shut down by April 30. The media company has plans to pursue a “new global online strategy” with […]

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“Israel is closing its doors to official visits from Sweden”

The Foreign Ministry summoned Swedish ambassador to Israel Carl Magnus for reprimand on Wednesday evening after Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom called to investigate the Jewish state for the “execution” of [so-called] “Palestinian” terrorists. Magnus was summoned by Aviv Shiron, the Foreign Ministry’s director-general for Western Europe division, who attacked Wallstrom for her “biased and hostile attitude toward Israel.” “The minister’s remarks […]

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Hillary Clinton mulled secret plan to spark Arab Islamic terrorism in Israel

Four years ago, then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton considered a secret plan created by her advisers to clandestinely foment unrest among Arabs in Judea and Samaria, in order to “push the Israeli government back to the negotiating table”. The revelation arises from emails released as part of the investigation into the Democratic presidential frontrunner’s private email server. There is no such thing […]

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Race-Obsessed Geraldo Rivera: America ‘Was Not Ready for a Black President’

On the Fox News Channel’s Outnumbered, race-obsessed Geraldo Rivera, inexplicably a network regular, put forth his predictable explanation for President Obama’s failure to unite the country on issues like race, guns and terrorism: Americans weren’t ready for a black president. Geraldo said to his female co-hosts on Outnumbered, “I think, and his is just strictly my Constitutionally protected opinion—I know you’ll get mad at me but I think this—I […]

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Ex-CIA boss: Islamic State gaining new members ‘faster than Al Qaeda ever did’

The Islamic State’s web of affiliates is growing faster than Al Qaeda’s ever did, a former top CIA official told Congress on Tuesday – on the heels of yet another attack blamed on ISIS. Michael Morell, President Obama’s former deputy and acting CIA director, issued the warning in testimony to the House Armed Services Committee. He said the number of […]

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Ted Cruz: Dems Behind Trump’s ‘Natural Born’ Citizen Debate, Propping Up Candidate Dems Can Beat

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz responded to Trump’s comments about whether or not Cruz is a “natural born” citizen and able to run for President of the United States–suggesting that Democrats are the ones prompting Trump to question Cruz’s citizenship. “I will say it is more than a little strange to see Donald relying on as authoritative a liberal, left-wing, […]

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Common Core Textbook Executive: “I Hate Kids… It’s All About the Money”

On Tuesday, James O’Keefe’s corruption-exposing outfit Project Veritas released its latest undercover sting video that exposes textbook publishers involved in a shameless “money game” to get rich off of selling Common Core educational standards. “In this new video, Project Veritas journalists visit with America’s top textbook publishing companies, the moneymakers of Common Core, in an effort to expose how crony […]

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Ambassador Danon on Iranian Holocaust Denial Cartoon Contest: “Pure Evil”

Winner of the competition for cartoons that ridicule and deny the Holocaust will receive a prize of $50,000. Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon called on the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, to condemn Iran for hosting an annual cartoon contest promoting Holocaust denial. “This anti-Semitic act represents the pure evil of the Iranian regime,” Danon said Tuesday. “Denying the Holocaust […]

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NCAA Is “Racist” Because Black Athletes Help White Coaches Get Rich

Can we say NCAACP? The NCAA is racist, according to Donald H. Yee, a lawyer whose firm represents professional athletes, including New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. It’s racist, he argues, because the organization, which brings in billions from lucrative TV contracts each year, makes white coaches and college administrators rich on the backs of unpaid black athletes. And in the […]

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“Shabak fights against the Jewish vision” – Jewish victim speaks out

Hakol Hayehudi interviews Mordechai Ben Gedalya (Meyer), who was released last week from administrative detention after a mistake was uncovered by the Shabak. Mordechai Ben Gedalya (Meyer) was released last week after sitting under administrative detention for five months. It turns out that his administrative arrest was the result of faulty intelligence on the part of the Shabak. Hakol Hayehudi […]

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