Author Archives: Shlomo

Arab Traitor in Knesset Arrested For Aiding Hamas Terrorists in Security Prisons

This is what happens when you put the enemy in your own government. MK Basel Ghattas was arrested Thursday night after questioning in connection with allegations he passed cell phones, SIM cards and coded messages to Arab terrorist prisoners incarcerated in an Israeli prison, according to the Hebrew-language 0404 news site. According to the report, Ghattas passed information and communications […]

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Trump Team Calls for State Department Info on “Gender Issues”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team ordered the State Department on Wednesday to turn over all the information it had on “gender-related staffing, programming, and funding.” That has prompted fears the incoming administration will go after programs centered around women’s issues and those who work on those programs, according to the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin. Rogin reported he got a copy […]

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Berlin Truck Attacker is MUSLIM MIGRANT who BURNED DOWN SCHOOL in Italy, Arrested 3 times, NEVER DEPORTED

Take little comfort Americans, President Obama won’t deport criminal illegals either. Anis Amri was arrested three times this year and his asylum application was rejected, but deportation papers were never served and he disappeared. A European arrest warrant from Germany, indicates that Anis Amri (pictured above) has at times used six different aliases and three different nationalities. German police were […]

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Trump’s CIA pick faces ‘serious management problem’

Rep. Mike Pompeo is about to take on a particularly difficult task: Leading a spy agency ridiculed and criticized by the nation’s incoming commander-in-chief. If confirmed, as expected, to be the nation’s next CIA director, the Kansas Republican will take the reins of an agency Donald Trump has repeatedly bashed as ineffective and unreliable. Trump has even taken the unprecedented […]

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Huckabee Defends Trump’s $1 Trillion Spending Package. He Condemned Obama’s Plan. What’s the Difference?

Appearing on Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday, former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee defended Donald Trump’s proposed trillion-dollar infrastructure initiative: “Well, let’s first just talk about the fact that we really do have probably two-three trillion dollars in total needs that have been identified by the Civil Engineers of America. And I know that sounds like, ‘Well, let’s just go and spend […]

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Black shooter arrested for killing 3-year-old black baby because of “road rage”

Do black lives matter to the black community that kills it’s own children in cold blood? Authorities say a man suspected of fatally shooting a 3-year-old boy [named Acen King] in a road rage incident in Little Rock has been arrested. The Arkansas Democrat Gazette reports that Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Harris said late Thursday that the man had been […]

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Anti-Israel U.N. to vote on ‘anti-settlement’ resolution

UN Security Council will vote on Thursday afternoon on resolution calling on Israel to “cease all settlement activities”. The United Nations Security Council will vote on Thursday afternoon on an anti-Israel draft resolution, diplomats told Reuters on Wednesday evening. According to the news agency, the resolution will demand that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the [so-called] […]

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Gingrich: Trump Moving Past “Drain the Swamp” Talk

Just like we warned, Trump’s going all in for globalists and establishment. President-elect Donald Trump’s phrase “drain the swamp” was “cute,” but he is now heading in a different direction and might be leaving behind that campaign promise, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Wednesday morning. “I’m told he now just disclaims that,” Gingrich, who remains a close adviser of […]

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Trump vineyard asks to have more foreign workers

A Virginia winery owned by President-elect Donald Trump’s son is seeking more foreign workers, according to a new report. The Department of Labor petitioned for the winery, called Trump Vineyard Estates, to bring in six foreign workers using the federal government’s temporary work visa program known as H-2, BuzzFeed reported on Wednesday. Trump’s son Eric owns the Virginia vineyard. BuzzFeed News […]

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Trump Is Already Ditching His Movement and Supporters

The president-elect’s supporters are quickly discovering that he fights only in his own self-interest. We are one month from inauguration day, and it looks like the Donald Trump revolution is already almost over. In its place is a globalist establishment led by a rogue tweeter. Doubt me? Let’s review the great causes that motivated his base. Since winning the White House, […]

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House Report: Obama Admin Attacked Own Scientists to Advance Global Warming Agenda

The House Science, Space and Technology Committee issued a report Tuesday revealing that President Obama sabotaged his own scientists in order to advance his agenda on “climate change”. The Obama administration “engaged in a calculated effort to dismantle an Energy Department program so it could focus on meeting the goals of the president’s climate change agenda, even going as far as to […]

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‘Free us or you die, cracker!’: Armed black panthers march against police ‘genocide’

Black Panthers marched in Milwaukee over the weekend to protest police “genocide” of blacks, toting rifles and chanting “black power!” along with profanity-laced epithets against law enforcement. Other chants included “free us or you die, cracker!” as well as “f*** the pigs” and “f*** the police.” “This is genocide. It can’t go on,” said Dr. Alli Muhammad with the Revolutionary […]

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Insanity! Netanyahu says Israel is looking to absorb Syrian Muslims from Aleppo

The Foreign Ministry on Tuesday began exploring ways for Israel to “expand the medical assistance given to civilian casualties in Syria”, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday. “We see the tragedy of the terrible suffering of the civilians,” Netanyahu said at an annual New Year’s event he holds with the foreign press. “We are prepared to take in wounded […]

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Obama Announces ‘Indefinite’ Offshore Drilling Ban — Admin Says Not Even Trump Can Undo It

President Barack Obama on Tuesday took unilateral action to make most U.S. Arctic waters “indefinitely off limits” to future oil and gas leasing — just weeks before Donald Trump’s administration takes over. Obama invoked a provision in a nearly 70-year-old law pertaining to offshore leases, according to CNBC. “Today, in partnership with our neighbors and allies in Canada, the United […]

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Ted Cruz calls to cut funding of universities that boycott Israel

At the “Champion of Jewish Values International Awards Gala,” Ted Cruz called for the government to cease funding universities that support the boycott of Israel movement. Republican Texas Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz announced on Thursday that any university which supports legislation calling for the boycott of Israel ought to lose its federal funding. The announcement came in a […]

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Trump Adviser: Take Trump ‘Symbolically,’ Not ‘Literally’

That means not to believe anything Trump says… from his own adviser. President-elect Donald Trump’s comments should be taken “symbolically,” not “literally,” Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci said Tuesday. MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle asked when Trump was going to hold a press conference he had promised regarding his business interests and other topics. “He’s a very precise, very detail-oriented guy, and I […]

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DC mayor signs legislation to allow doctors to murder their patients

So-called “physician-assisted suicide” is murder. D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser has signed legislation that will allow terminally ill patients to legally end their own lives, the Washington Post reports. The legislation will now be sent to the Capitol for a 30-day review period, and the earliest the law could take effect is October 2017. The Post notes that some critics […]

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Muslims Strap Explosives on an 8-Year-old Girl – Detonating Her Via Remote-Control Inside Police Station

The 8 year old girl was the only one to die in the blast carried out by Syrian Muslims. by, The Clarion Project | RT News Damascus, Syria: An eight-year-old girl carried out a suicide bombing attack at a Damascus police station, according to SANA (the Syrian Arab News Agency) and as reported by RT. The agency cited a source in […]

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Lena Dunham Hasn’t Killed a Baby in the Womb But Wishes She Had

Continuing the tradition of moronic modern feminist statements, actress/author Lena Dunham told her recent podcast listeners that she wished she could say she’d had an abortion. “Something I’ve thought about a lot is the fact that there is stigma around abortion,”  said Dunham on her Women of the Hour podcast. Dunham discussed a visit to a Texas Planned Parenthood where she was […]

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Obama announces record wave of pardons, commutations for convicts

President Obama on Monday pardoned 78 people and granted another 153 commutations, amounting to the most acts of clemency granted by a U.S. president ever in a single day. White House Counsel Neil Eggleston announced the decisions in an official blog post. He described all the individuals being pardoned or seeing their sentences shortened as “deserving.” “The 231 individuals granted […]

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Child Abuse: National Geographic Putting 9-Year-Old Tranny on January Cover

The left calls it a “gender revolution” but it’s just simply glorified child abuse. The final 2016 issue for National Geographic will feature a transgendered 9-year-old boy on its cover in declaration of the “Gender Revolution.” Avery Jackson is a biological male who now identifies as female, and even though he’s only in the fourth grade, National Geographic included the following […]

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Israeli Arab Lawmaker Smuggling Phones to Muslim Terrorists in Security Prisons

Insanity is putting a bunch of Arab Muslims who openly support terrorists mass-murdering Jews into your own government. [Haaretz] – Prison personnel found 12 phones on prisoners who met Basel Ghattas when he visited the prison. Balad party calls summoning ‘political persecution.’ Israeli Arab lawmaker Basel Ghattas (Joint List) will be summoned by the police for questioning for allegedly smuggling […]

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Amona Residents Forced Into Having Their Homes Destroyed in Expulsion “Deal” by Israeli Government to Appease Arabs

Now they will still be thrown out of their homes and will be moved into trailers for an indefinite period of time while their houses are destroyed because Arab Muslims simply claimed they own the land without any proof. What a deal! Thanks Netanyahu! Residents of Amona have approved an agreement with the government after a night-long negotiation led by […]

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Trump Says His Own Supporters Were Vicious, Nasty, Violent, Screaming, Crazies

Yeah. We know. With the election behind him and nothing to lose, Trump is openly admitting what was pointed out on social media and more traditional news sources throughout the campaign: Trump supporters are dangerous. From the Hill: “You people were vicious, violent, screaming, ‘Where’s the wall? We want the wall!’ Screaming, ‘Prison! Prison! Lock her up!’ I mean you […]

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CNN: Trump Paid Nearly $12.5 Million to His Own Companies During Campaign

A CNN review of federal reports shows Donald Trump paid almost $12.5 million out to his own businesses and family during his campaign for the presidency, but according to a legal expert, the expenditures, while unprecedented, are allowed and legal. Trump-owned company Tag Air Inc. netted $8.5 million for operating his airplanes, with the next largest payment, of $2.2 million, […]

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Report: 820,000 criminal illegals, 84% with felonies, serious misdemeanors

Illegal immigrants with criminal records, the deportation priority of President-elect Trump, total at least 820,000, with most having felony and serious misdemeanor convictions, according to a new report. Some estimates have suggested up to two million criminal illegals, but the numbers cited by the Center for Immigration Studies still show an enormous group larger than the populations of four states, […]

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Insanity: DHS gives Somali Muslims security briefings and tours of secured areas in airports

It was revealed in August that the DHS gave Somali Muslims special airport security tours because the Somalis felt harassed and profiled; and days ago it came out that the DHS hired Hamas-linked CAIR to train French counter-terrorism officials. Now comes more news from Judicial Watch about this crooked organization that is in charge of public safety: The Department of Homeland […]

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Rex Tillerson Has Quite a Cozy Relationship With the Hamas Supporting Islamic Supremacist Nation of Qatar

Trump pick for Secretary of State has a close relationship with Muslim terrorist nation Qatar who gives more money to Hamas than any other country. The media have struggled to present a clear picture of what you’re getting with Donald Trump’s secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson. He’s been a company man for ExxonMobil all of his working life and, […]

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Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama’s Birth Certificate a Forgery

5-year investigation finds ‘9 points of forgery‘ in Obama’s birth certificate. Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference on Thursday to release information he says proves that President Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate is a forgery. Arpaio said he received information in 2011 that indicated the certificate could have been forged, and he consulted forensic experts […]

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Jerusalem Ties With Islam Is a Myth

The media has been abuzz with reports that President-elect Donald Trump intends to honor his pre-election promise to act on the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act (we’ll have to see, because Trump has been untrustworthy to say the least) –– whose implementation has been deferred by six monthly waivers invoked by successive presidents, most recently last week by President Obama –– […]

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Why Do VA Employees Include Child Molesters, Rapists and Kidnappers?

When elderly World War II veterans go to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to receive urgent care, they may be greeted by child molesters, ex-convicts, men with face tattoos and gun-wielding rapists. Eleven sex offenders list the John D. Dingell VA Hospital in Detroit as their work address. Within the VA’s regional office for Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, 30 sex […]

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WikiLeaks Julian Assange: “Some leaks may have been Russian”

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said that hacked Democratic documents sent to reporters at Gawker and The Hill may have come from Russia. But, he said, he is confident the emails he received did not come from the same source. The Hill and other outlets received documents from a hacker or hackers calling itself “Guccifer 2.0.” Guccifer 2.0 also posted separate documents […]

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University course to explore ‘The Problem of Whiteness’

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is offering a class next year called “The Problem of Whiteness” that will explore how white people “consciously and unconsciously perpetuate institutional racism.” The University of Wisconsin-Madison is offering a class next year called “The Problem of Whiteness.” The course objectives, according to an online overview, are to teach students “what it really means to be […]

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Six Jewish Minors Arrested in ‘Amona Protest’ Released for Lack of Evidence

The six minors were released from the Ariel police station without conditions, because Police were unable to show evidence to their claim the minors threw stones at Arabs cars. According Honenu, police officers warned the minors to remain away from Amona, even though there have not been charged, let alone convicted of disorderly behavior. According to Honenu, the minors were […]

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Illegal Arab outpost still standing after 8 years – Supreme Court and Netanyahu don’t care

They only care about evicting and expelling Jews from their homes to appease Muslim terrorists. At a time when all eyes are raised towards the future of Amona, the Regavim movement (which is dedicated to monitoring and taking legal action against construction without permits conducted by Arabs and Bedouins on state land) has submitted a petition to the Israeli Supreme […]

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Rex Tillerson’s Exxon CEO didn’t put America first – disregarded historic U.S. shale boom

“America First” is the mantra that guided Donald Trump during his entire presidential campaign. Ironically, Rex Tillerson, Trump’s pick for the top post in his cabinet, took a decidedly different approach as he led America’s largest oil cmpany. During Tillerson’s decade in charge, ExxonMobil (XOM) was more focused on pumping oil in far-flung places like Russia and the deepwaters off […]

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Reports: Putin Personally Involved in US Elections Hack

Intelligence officials believe Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in a campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election. Putin’s suspected involvement was first reported Wednesday by NBC News. According to NBC, new intelligence shows Putin directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked and otherwise used. CBS News, citing its own American intelligence sources, reported Thursday that investigators […]

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Terrorist Iran building nukes tells Muslims to conquer Jerusalem, says Israel will NOT EXIST soon

The Iran deal must be completely dismantled and not renegotiated. Iran is now publicly threatening Israel, saying the “Zionist regime” will not exist in 25 years: INDEPENDENT – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, called on Muslims to “resist and fight” to gain control of Jerusalem, which is claimed as a capital by both Israelis and Palestinians. “Any other solution is […]

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Parents Fighting After School “Satan Club” For Elementary School Students

Yes. You read that correctly. There is an after school program that includes a Satan Club. Parents and other members of the community are concerned to say the least. “The Satan Club attacks G-d, undermines moral values” the local priest proclaims. While a spokesperson for the Satanic after school club says the parents and pastor have nothing to worry about. […]

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Over 1000 Muslims block London streets chanting Allahu Akbar to demand Islamic caliphate

The street outside the empty embassy in Belgrave Square, London, was closed off as it filled with protestors and Islamic leaders chanting loudly and calling for America to be punished over Aleppo. The demonstration became an alternative to an official rally calling for an end to the bloodshed in Syria outside Downing Street. During the speeches which lasted almost an […]

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Traitor Netanyahu: I want Trump to help us reach a two-state solution with Muslim terrorists

PM says Trump a friend of the Jewish people and wants to pave the way for a so-called “Palestinian” terror state. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed optimism about the incoming […]

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