Category Archives: Articles

23-year-old Muslim arrested for planning attack in Milwaukee

FBI arrests 23-year-old who originally planned to attack Israelis before abandoning that plan and choosing Milwaukee instead. A 23-year-old arrested by the FBI for planning a shooting attack in Milwaukee originally planned to attack Israelis, it was reported on Tuesday. According to WDJT-TV in Milwaukee, the suspect, Samy Mohamed Hamzeh was charged with possessing machine guns and a silencer. He […]

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Social conservative leaders seek to halt Trump’s momentum

With less than a week until the first votes are cast, a group of social conservative leaders are targeting Republican frontrunner Donald Trump — and warning Iowans that the billionaire “cannot be trusted.” In an open letter sent to Iowa voters on Tuesday, a number of those leaders, including Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, Concerned Women for America […]

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Pressure Mounts Over Trump Spokeswoman’s ‘Bigoted’ Tweets

Since The Daily Caller first revealed Trump campaign spokeswoman’s long history of targeting conservatives, Christians and Catholics in angry and sneering tweets, pressure has mounted for the spokeswoman to explain her statements, which have been slammed in the media as “bigoted,” “outrageously racist,” and a “goldmine of embarrassment.” Katrina Pierson, call your office. (cc: @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino) — Matt Mackowiak (@MattMackowiak) […]

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PM Netanyahu Backs DM Ya’alon Regarding Eviction of Jews in Hebron

While there is outrage among Hebron residents and supporters following the erev Shabbos eviction of residents of the newly-acquired buildings in the community, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has given his total backing to Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, who ordered the eviction. While Hebron community leaders insist the building was legally purchased as a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars, […]

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Mindless responses to National Review’s “Against Trump” essays

Fox News is a large outfit with plenty of on-air personalities. So it’s natural that some of them are pro-Donald Trump, or at least anti-anti-Trump, and that therefore some reacted negatively to National Reviews “Against Trump” issue. The problem is the mindlessness of some of the negative reactions. John Daly documents them at NR’s Corner. Take Fox News host Judge […]

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Tough-guy Thomas Jefferson crushed Muslim terrorists

Historian: 3rd president offers lessons for confronting Islam. While Muslim terrorists kidnapped and killed innocent people around the world as they do today, Thomas Jefferson knew exactly how to end radical Islam’s bloodshed – with a classic American take-no-prisoners smackdown. President Jefferson refused to play games when given the choice of appeasement or confrontation in the face of terror. Historian […]

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JTF This Week: Rabbi Kahane’s grandson on hunger strike; 200 Hevron Jews expelled; Ted Cruz the underdog fights uphill battle in Iowa

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 33 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Trump Spokeswoman: Malcolm X Is ‘My Idol,’ Republicans Are Racist

Malcolm X was a vicious racist who called whites “devils”, and was a vicious Muslim anti-Semite who called for a holocaust against Israeli Jews. Since joining the Trump campaign as a national spokeswoman in November, Katrina Pierson has served as an attack dog of sorts for Donald Trump, attempting to expose his critics and opponents as faux conservatives who are […]

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Netanyahu fails to quell rebellion threats over evicting hundreds of Jews from their Hebron homes

Israel’s government has a nasty habit of throwing Jews out of their own homes in order to appease Muslims, the U.N., the E.U., and Obama. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to quell all rebellion threats from Bayit Yehudi politicians who pledged to vote against the coalition on Monday to protest the forced eviction of Jewish families Friday from two homes […]

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Muslims Claim Offense at National Anthem: It’s Part of “Oppressive Campaign”

America better wake up to what the usurper-in-chief and his minions, along with a complicit Congress, are allowing into America’s borders. A good lesson could be learned from the folks down under in Australia, who recently offended Muslims for having them sing the country’s national anthem. The Australian reports: Requiring schoolchildren to sing the national anthem, and the citizenship pledge […]

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National Review Editor Rich Lowry Explains Why 22 Conservative Leaders Are Against Trump GOP Nomination

[Fox Nation] – Over 20 conservative leaders published a piece in the National Review urging other conservatives to speak out against Trump, an effort led by National Review editor Rich Lowry who spoke out on “The Kelly File” Thursday night. “If you are truly are a conservative, you believe in ideas and principles…they are basically afterthoughts to Donald Trump,” Lowry […]

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Watch: 200 Jews evicted from their new Hevron homes in Israel

Large Security forces gathered on Friday morning and evicted the roughly 200 Jews who took up residence the day before in two new buildings in Hevron, which they noted were bought in full from an Arab seller. The eviction concluded not long after it began, and ended without incident. It comes after sources close to Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon (Likud) said Thursday […]

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Silent Intifada Weekly Summary: One Jew was murdered and 17 Jews were injured in over 150 terror attacks this week

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that […]

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National Review: Why we’re against Trump

Donald Trump … is not deserving of conservative support in the caucuses and primaries. Trump is a philosophically unmoored political opportunist who would trash the broad conservative ideological consensus within the GOP in favor of a free-floating populism with strong-man overtones. Trump’s political opinions have wobbled all over the lot. The real-estate mogul and reality-TV star has supported abortion, gun […]

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Obama Releases Another Gitmo Prisoner — This Time it’s a Bomb Expert

We feel safer. Really. Sixteen prisoners have been released from Guantanamo Bay since the beginning of the year as part of President Obama’s promised Gitmo cleansing. But like so many others before, there is something interesting about one of the last two released: he was an expert bomb maker for Al Qaeda. The president has continually assured that these detainees […]

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Gates: ‘Odds Are High’ Russia, China, Iran Accessed Hillary’s Unsecure Server

Just yesterday, a man asked Hillary Clinton about a report that her unsecure, improper private email server had been hacked. “Totally untrue,” she responded twice. Watch: Man on rope line asks Clinton about report saying her email server was hacked. Clinton: “It’s totally untrue” — Monica Alba (@AlbaMonica) January 21, 2016 This is self-serving wish-casting cloaked in assertion, especially with someone who […]

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Govt Posters to Muslim “Refugees”: Please Don’t Poop in the Showers or Rape Our Women

In the wake of widespread sexual assaults on women during New Year’s Eve celebrations at choice spots in Germany, much of which was alleged to have been committed by recent refugees and migrants, the government has put out some alerts and warnings aimed at defraying future similar incidents – in the form of posters and cartoon pictures. One such poster […]

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Olympics Allowing Pre-Op M-to-F Transsexuals to Compete with Women

If transvestites declare themselves women and reduce their testosterone below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to competition, they can compete against ladies. … According to transgender guidelines approved by the International Olympic Committee, genitalia does not serve as a prerequisite. The guidelines state: “To require surgical anatomical changes as a pre-condition to participation is not necessary to […]

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Rabbi Kahane’s Grandson on Hunger Strike

The Grandson of Rabbi Meir Kahane, Meir Ettinger, 24, who has been in administrative detention—an old British Mandate regulation which is being employed by Israeli courts to incarcerate security risks whose alleged crimes cannot be proven—since August, began a hunger strike last Tuesday. The strike is in protest of his prison conditions. Ettinger’s arrest, carried out without an indictment and […]

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Obama Administration: ‘Possible, If Not Likely,’ That Some of the Billions in Iran Sanctions Relief Will Fund Terrorism

Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday that some of the $55 billion in sanctions relief for Iran will likely fund acts of terrorism, and the White House later backed him up on that point. However, they both defended the Iran nuclear deal on the grounds that it keeps a check on Iran. CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin asked, “Do you […]

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With Democrats In Charge The Result Is Racism, Rape, Riots, and Poison Water

Pop quiz: Who almost exclusively has run Hollywood, America’s university system, and almost every big urban city in America, and done so for decades?  The answer is more complicated than “Democrats.” Most of the people who run these institutions and communities are so much more than Democrats. They are leftists — hardcore, government-loving, Alinsky-worshipping, central planning, community-organizing leftists. And yet, […]

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Common Core Exec: ‘Damn the Second Amendment’

Says conservatives are “idiots.” Project Veritas has released its third undercover video of another Common Core executive revealing the political ideology behind the national educational standards. And this time the anti-American agenda is made clear. The featured Common Core salesperson in this video is Kim Koerber of National Geographic Education (funded by the Gates Foundation, by the way) and a […]

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Migrant Claims Sex With a Dead Girl Not An Assault, Says Conviction Should Be Dropped

An illegal migrant who was convicted in Wisconsin of sexually molesting the body of a dead girl is seeking to have his conviction on sexual violence charges overturned, by claiming that a dead body can’t be sexually assaulted because it cannot be forced or coerced into a sex act. The vibrantly diverse migrant, Eusebio Varible-Gaspar, was convicted in Wisconsin of a […]

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College Takes White-Hating, Self-Loathing To An All New DISGUSTING Extreme

It’s not their fault they were born with the “silver spoon of whiteness” in their mouths. Still, having recognized that being white is unacceptable, inaction simply cannot be tolerated. It’s one thing to have been born white; it’s quite another to accept it as normal. As mankind is now beginning to understand, a lack of sufficient pigmentation is irrefutable evidence […]

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Anti-Semitic British doctors seek to expel Israel from World Medical Association

Latest group calling for a boycott of Israel is a group of 71 British doctors, chairman of the Israeli Medical Association World Fellowship reveals to Knesset panel. The students exposed to boycotts against Israeli academia today will be the senators of the next generation, and here lies the long-term danger, Prof. Peretz Lavie, president of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology […]

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Clinton Aide Connected To Muslim Brotherhood Resisted State Department’s Suggestion Clinton Use Account For Email

Bombshell emails from the State Department show that a top official at the agency suggested to Hillary Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin, in August 2011 that the then-secretary of state begin using a government email account to protect against unexpected outages of her private email server. But as the emails show, Abedin pushed back on the suggestion, telling the official, Stephen […]

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Saudi and Qatari Governments Order All Muslims to Hate Americans

With “friends and allies” like these, who needs ISIS? As American talking heads continue to express their “moral outrage” at Donald Trump’s call “for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” perhaps they should first consider what the official position of foreign Muslim governments is […]

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Harry Reid Wants to Use $600K of Unspent Campaign Funds for His Personal Retirement

Just how Harry Reid became a wealthy man during a lifetime in politics is the subject of a Wall Street Journal editorial that questions the Democratic Senate majority leader’s ethics. “[Reid] attributes it to shrewd investing, and we wonder if that includes the sweetheart retirement deal he’s trying to score with some $600,000 in campaign and political action committee funds,” […]

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Islamic Professor: Muslims Can Rape Non-Muslim Women to Humiliate Them

The degradation of non-Muslims is the essence of Islamic religious practice. Here’s an important thing to understand; this woman is a moderate. And I’m not saying that sarcastically. In Islamic terms, her position is a moderate one. She’s specifically staking out a position against concubinage and slavery within Muslim society. The exception is when Muslims attack non-Muslims and take female […]

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Cruz Exposes Trump for Donations to Democrats

Ted Cruz on Monday added fresh fuel to his rivalry with Donald Trump, aggressively highlighting donations Trump previously gave to Democrats and swiping at him for his frequent broadsides against Cruz on Twitter. “We need a leader prepared to do whatever is needed to keep this country safe,” Cruz said. “Typically, that doesn’t include spending time on Twitter.” … “I’m […]

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Islamic Nuclear Arms Race: Saudis “Not Ruling Out Nuclear Option If Iran Gets Bomb”

Thanks, Obama, for allowing terrorists to build nuclear weapons. (Reuters) – The lifting of sanctions on Iran as a result of its nuclear deal with world powers will be a harmful development if it uses the extra money to fund “nefarious activities,” Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told Reuters on Tuesday. Asked in an exclusive interview if Saudi Arabia […]

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Inspector General: Clinton’s Email Server Exposed Top Secret Intel

The Inspector General laid out finding that Hillary Clinton’s emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs. Hillary Clinton’s emails on her unsecured, homebrew server contained intelligence from the U.S. government’s most secretive and highly classified programs, according to an unclassified letter from a top inspector general to senior lawmakers. Fox News exclusively obtained the unclassified letter, sent Jan. 14 […]

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Rush Limbaugh: Trump Is Making a Strategic Mistake in the Way He’s Going After Cruz

RUSH: I want to paraphrase an e-mail that I received.  It’s like a number of e-mails that I have received.  As I said, I’m paraphrasing it because it represents quite a few people who are e-mailing.  They’re confused and they don’t know what to do.  These are Republicans, slash, conservative primary voters.  And they are — well, they’re confused.  “Mr. […]

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Czech President: ‘It’s Impossible to Integrate Muslims’ Into Western Culture

It is impossible for Muslims to integrate into Western Europe, the Czech President Milos Zeman told local television Sunday. Mr. Zeman also blamed the New Years Eve sex attacks in Cologne, Germany, on “Muslim culture”. Mr. Zelman has previously been outspoken on the migrant invasion flooding Europe and accused refugees “with iPhones” of exploiting their children to get asylum in the European Union […]

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Facebook Cracks Down on ‘Extremist Speech’

After Zuckerberg promises to ‘fight to protect the rights of Muslims’; says no more xenophobia or hate speech online. In an effort to tackle “extremist speech” online, Facebook has announced the launch of a new campaign against hate speech called the “Online Civil Courage Initiative.” The announcement came Monday night as Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg told a gathered crowd in […]

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Black Seed and Black Queer Liberation Protesters Block Bay Bridge – Dozens Arrested

All lanes of the Bay Bridge have reopened about an hour and a half after protesters shut down all lanes just east of Treasure Island Monday afternoon, according to the local CBS affiliate KPIX. Protesters announced just before 4 p.m. local time that they had shut down Bay Bridge traffic heading into San Francisco with a row of cars chained to each […]

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