Author Archives: Shlomo

After jihad terror attack in Israel, John Kerry blames Jews

US Secretary of State blames “settlement construction” hours after deadly terror attack. Just hours after a terror attack in Gush Etzion which left 30-year-old air force reserve captain Eliyav Gelman dead, US Secretary of State John Kerry responded by condemning Israeli housing projects in Judea and Samaria. While speaking to a congressional subcommittee hearing on the State Department’s budget request, […]

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Trump: ‘Part of the Problem with Republicans’ Is Opposition to Socialist National Health Care

Donald Trump attacked Republicans this morning for their opposition to government-provided health care. Appearing on Meet the Press, Trump told host Chuck Todd, “We’re not going to let people die in squalor because we are Republicans, okay?” “That’s part of the problem with the Republicans, somehow they got fed into this horrible position,” Trump said. “We’re going to take care […]

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Obama closing Guantanamo: Shows again that Obama doesn’t even believe we’re in a war

Barack Obama announced Tuesday that he was finally fulfilling one of his foremost campaign promises and closing the Guantanamo Bay detention center. Usually the closing of a prison camp for enemy combatants signals the end of the war, and since Obama has never acknowledged that the U.S.’s defense against the global jihad is a war at all, it is fitting […]

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Dick Morris: Rubio Vulnerable on Personal Finances

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s personal finances will be used against him in the general election if he wins the GOP presidential nomination, political analyst Dick Morris told Breitbart News in a story published Wednesday. “In the general election, Hillary [Clinton] will feast on the records of Rubio’s personal finances,” Morris told Breitbart. “His abuse of his Republican Party credit card, […]

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Cruz: Voters Want a Real Conservative — Not Trump Who Supported Carter, Kerry and Hillary

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz took aim at his opponent GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump, arguing conservatives don’t want a candidate that once supported Democrats. Partial transcript as follows: STEPHANOPOULOS: “That may be true, but as long as you and Marco Rubio are going after each other, doesn’t that give Donald Trump a clear […]

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Anti-Israel Hillary Clinton teaming up with pro-Iranian group for fundraiser… at Twitter exec’s home

In case you missed it, over the weekend, Twitter suspended the account of prominent conservative Robert Stacy McCain. This marks the second time in recent weeks that Twitter has suspended the account of a prominent conservative in addition to several other cases of prominent conservatives having their blue verification buttons removed. Also over the weekend, Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo […]

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Dear Trump Fan, So You Want Someone To ‘Tell It Like It Is’? Here You Go.

“You rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.” Dear Donald Trump Fan, I’m going to tell you the truth, friend. You say you want the truth. You say you want someone who speaks boldly […]

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Muslims Just Beheaded 2 Toddlers, What They Were ‘Guilty’ Of Is Unfathomable

It seems that every time we hear about Muslims committing depraved and debauched acts on innocent children, we think to ourselves that it can’t possibly get any worse. However, witnesses have come forward to reveal that devout Islamists savagely beheaded a pair of “guilty” 2-year-old and 4-year-old toddlers, and the reason behind their execution is no less disturbing. According to […]

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Libertarian Rep. Justin Amash Endorses Ted Cruz

The libertarian Congressman, who previously supported Rand Paul’s (R-KY) presidential bid, wrote an op-ed explaining his endorsement of Cruz: Ted is not a libertarian and doesn’t claim to be. But he is a principled defender of the Constitution, a brilliant strategist and debater who can defeat the Democratic nominee in the general election, and the only remaining candidate I trust to take on what […]

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Tom DeLay: ‘I Am So Disappointed in the Evangelicals’ for supporting Trump

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV he is “disappointed” in evangelicals for supporting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. When asked Monday on “The Steve Malzberg Show” why Texas Sen. Ted Cruz keeps losing evangelical votes to the billionaire real estate developer, DeLay said, “I have no idea. I am so disappointed in the evangelicals.” The former Texas congressman […]

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Rubio Lied His Way to Get Elected to the U.S. Senate, ‘Got a Huge Trust Factor’

Monday on his radio show, conservative talk show host Mark Levin ripped Marco Rubio, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination for his repeated attacks on his opponent Ted Cruz accusing him of not being truthful. Levin insisted that it was Rubio was lying and not Cruz and that people were believing Rubio because he was repeating his attacks on […]

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Obama Skips Scalia Funeral – Will Visit Cuba to Honor the Castro Brothers

I ask on behalf of Raul Castro–because Barack Obama seems infatuated with him. Seems that every time the Stalinist terror-sponsoring dictator (who craved to nuke the U.S.) looks over his shoulder, there’s the President of the U.S. making goo-goo eyes at him. “People characterized as stalkers,” explains Wikipedia, “may be accused of having a mistaken belief that another person loves […]

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Liberal “Tolerance”: Twitter Is Locking Down Conservative Accounts

Adam Baldwin Quits Twitter Over its Locking Down of Conservative Accounts. Twitter is a cesspool of hate, ugliness, illiteracy, stupidity, and vile personal attacks. Through its newly-appointed Trust and Safety Commission, designed to create a “safe space” online for Twitterers, the social media platform has begun locking down accounts that the leftist commission deems offensive – beginning with conservatives. Actor Adam Baldwin is a […]

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Trump continues to align with left on foreign policy – Wants Israel to submit to mass-murdering Muslim terrorists

Donald Trump [is] pushing an foreign policy agenda that’s largely indistinguishable from President Obama’s. In a Republican primary in conservative South Carolina, that could prove significant, given assumptions about what GOP voters are looking for in a commander in chief and how the party’s eventual nominee might stack up against his Democratic counterpart. The New York celebrity businessman’s latest presumed […]

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Why Ted Cruz and Not Trump

My friend Jim and I have a running debate via e-mail about the candidacy of Donald Trump. I maintain he is not presidential material in any way while Jim thinks he is the best of those running.  His argument is that Trump wants to build a wall and deport illegals and that he is not politically correct.  I maintain these are […]

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Hillary Clinton: Two-State Solution, Support for Muslim Terrorists in ‘Best Interest’ of Israel

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton reaffirmed her call for a two-state solution to the [Muslim terrorism in Israel] on Sunday and added it is in Israel’s best interest to provide greater support for the “aspirations” of the [so-called] “Palestinian” people. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy […]

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Obama administration agreed to drop de-nuclearization requirement for North Korea

The Obama administration secretly dropped a requirement that North Korea reduce its nuclear weapons stash before pursuing peace talks, just days before the country conducted its latest nuclear bomb test, according to a report Sunday. Federal officials told the Wall Street Journal that the Obama administration instead agreed that North Korea’s nuclear weapons program could simply be part of the […]

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Trump: ‘Part of the Problem with Republicans’ Is Opposition to Socialist Government Controlled Health Care

Donald Trump attacked Republicans this morning for their opposition to government-provided health care. Appearing on Meet the Press, Trump told host Chuck Todd, “We’re not going to let people die in squalor because we are Republicans, okay?” “That’s part of the problem with the Republicans, somehow they got fed into this horrible position,” Trump said. “We’re going to take care […]

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Silent Intifada Weekly Summary: One Jew murdered and eleven injured in over 200 terror attacks this week

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that […]

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Torah Scrolls Set Ablaze By Arab Muslim Nazis In Gush Etzion Synagogue

Where’s the media outcry? [Arab Muslim] arsonists set fire to Torah scrolls on Friday in a synagogue located in Givat Sorek, within the Gush Etzion region of Judea and Samaria. The Givat Sorek outpost was established atop a hill overlooking the site where three Jewish teens (Gilad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach, and Naftali Frenkel) were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists in the […]

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Donald Trump to push Israel to make a “deal” with Muslim terrorists

Trump says he will be “neutral” between Israeli Jews and Arab Muslim terrorists. GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said he’d give brokering a [so-called] “peace” accord between Israel and [so-called] Palestine “one hell of a shot” as president but that he didn’t want to start pointing fingers at who’s to blame since it might hurt the efforts down the road. […]

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Ted Cruz would declare Jerusalem ‘eternal capital of Israel’ first day in office

While his opponent Donald Trump said he would take a [terrorist supporting] stance on the [so-called] “Palestine”-Israeli conflict, Republican Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz only recognizes one side. On Cruz’s website, one of nine main platform issues is ‘Stand with Israel,” where he says on the first day of office, his administration would “recognize Jerusalem as the eternal, undivided capital of […]

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BernieCare and Sanders’ Lies

How Sanders’ proposed replacement for Obamacare will bankrupt America much sooner. Socialist Bernie Sanders is lying about the crushing cost of his quixotic government-run universal health care scheme because he can. Sanders and the true-believers who surround him claim implausibly that BernieCare will save America $6 trillion over a decade. Forbes, on the other hand, asserts that BernieCare could lead […]

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Bernie Trump? The Donald Thinks Description of Socialist Sounds Like Himself

During Wednesday’s Trump town hall on MSNBC, Republican front-runner Donald Trump seemed quite stumped by host Mika Brzezinski’s description of a “certain” candidate whom he thought sounded pretty familiar. “I’d like to describe a candidate to you,” Brzezinski began: The candidate is considered a political outsider by all the pundits. He’s tapping into all the anger of the voters, delivers […]

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Rafael Cruz: Need Ted to Appoint ‘Constitutional Conservatives’ to High Court

Pastor Rafael Cruz, the father of Ted Cruz, emphasized that his son would be the best president to appoint reliable “constitutional conservatives” to the Supreme Court. Speaking to Breitbart Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, the host of Breitbart News Daily, the evangelical pastor declared: Our America is in the balance. With the death of Antonin Scalia, it is very important that […]

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Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini and Quran’s endorsed instructions to bestiality, necrophilia, and sex with infants

Iran’s former “supreme” leader Ayatollah Khomeini was a beast in the usual Islamic vein. Kohmeini was also a highly respected poet and scholar on the Koran and on Sharia law. He wrote over 200 books and interpretations on the teachings of Islam. Khomeini is revered as a saint. There are over 200 books by Khomeini translated into English and most […]

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Donald Trump Took $150,000 After 9/11 Because He Was A “Small Business” Owner

We’ve documented how Donald Trump’s affinity for the tragedy of 9/11 and the victims of that terrorist attack is closely linked to whatever political benefit he can gain from that association. He didn’t attend memorial services for police or fire fighters or for any of the “hundreds of friends” that died that day. He gave a pittance to 9/11 charities, […]

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Police in Europe Arrest Man For ‘Offensive’ Facebook Post About Syrian Migrants

The insane left has a strict policy on protecting Muslims while attacking Jews and Christians. British police have promised not to tolerate any speech that could cause offense on social media regarding Syrian migrants, after arresting a man for Facebook comments made about recent arrivals on his small Scottish Island. The tiny Isle of Bute in the Firth of Clyde, which […]

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Tea Party Caucus Chairman Endorses Ted Cruz: A ‘Full Spectrum Conservative’

Rep. Tim Huelskamp, the chairman of the Tea Party Caucus, has endorsed Ted Cruz as his choice to become the next President of the United States. “Ted Cruz is a full spectrum conservative that the people of Kansas should rally behind,” said Huelskamp, who is also a leader in the House Freedom Caucus. Huelskamp added: I have seen Senator Cruz stand up […]

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Obama skipping Scalia funeral to golf?

‘The president will pay his respects at the Supreme Court on Friday’ upreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s nearly 30 years on the bench was not enough to get President Obama out of bed for a weekend funeral. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed Wednesday that Obama will not be attending Scalia’s funeral this Saturday at the Basilica of the […]

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Cruz dares Trump to sue him over abortion ad, vows to run it ‘more frequently’

Ted Cruz is daring Donald Trump to sue him over an ad running in South Carolina that questions his record on abortion, rejecting the billionaire businessman’s complaints and vowing instead to run the ad “more frequently” because voters “deserve to know the truth.” “You have been threatening frivolous lawsuits for your entire adult life,” Cruz said Wednesday. “Even in the […]

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WSJ/NBC Poll: Ted Cruz Overtakes Donald Trump Among Republicans

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has overtaken businessman Donald Trump in the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News national poll of likely Republican voters. Here’s how the six remaining candidates stack up, according to the poll: Ted Cruz: 28 percent Donald Trump: 26 percent Marco Rubio: 17 percent John Kasich: 11 percent Ben Carson: 10 percent Jeb Bush: 4 percent In head-to-head […]

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Ted Cruz Unveils Military Plan: ‘Islamism Will Join Other Discredited Ideologies … on the Ash Heap of History’

Hundreds came to see Ted Cruz as he unveiled his national defense strategy aboard the USS Yorktown Tuesday morning. He was joined on the aircraft carrier by former Texas Governor and U.S. Air Force veteran Rick Perry, who said Cruz had a “Deep and heartfelt commitment to the men and women” in the United States military. Cruz was also joined […]

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Ted Cruz Says Second Amendment Will Be ‘Written Out of the Constitution’ If Any of These Presidential Candidates Are Elected

Following the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz said the 2016 election should be a “referendum” on the nation’s highest court. The Texas senator told NBC’s Chuck Todd Sunday morning that he is looking forward to debating either of the Democratic presidential contenders on the future of the Supreme Court. However, according to Cruz, […]

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Trump, Lies, and Bankruptcy

Saudi prince laments that he was twice forced to “bail out” Donald Trump, whom he describes as a “disgrace to the United States.” Donald Trump is a habitual liar, and the thing about habitual liars is that they lie habitually. In a testy exchange with former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Trump insisted that he’d never gone bankrupt, and that claims […]

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The Mask Is Off: Trump Blames Conservatives For GOP Betrayals

On Wednesday, Donald Trump finally came out of the closet: yes, he admitted, he’s no conservative, but conservatives are the problem with the country anyway. Here’s his tweet: Remember, it was the Republican Party, with the help of Conservatives, that made so many promises to their base, BUT DIDN’T KEEP THEM! Hi DT — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 11, 2016 Trump […]

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The ‘White Privilege’ Lie

A pillar of contemporary leftism is the notion of “white privilege.” Given that a generation of high school and college students are being taught that a great number of “unearned privileges” accrue to white Americans — the charge of white privilege demands rational inquiry. The assertion turns out to be largely meaningless. And more significantly, it does great harm to […]

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Trump: Sure I Said My Sister Should be on the Supreme Court, but I Have no Idea What She Believes

Trump says his pro-abortion sister would make ‘phenomenal’ Supreme Court justice. Donald Trump held an impromptu press conference today that was perhaps an even bigger trainwreck than his meltdown in the debate on Saturday or his worse meltdown on the Sunday shows. I have no idea why, but Ted Cruz is causing Donald Trump to absolutely lose his mind. First, […]

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