Category Archives: Articles

Advertisers flee YouTube over videos exploiting children

Yet conservative, pro-Israel, and independent Youtube channels are hit by censorship. [Fox News] – Major companies have suspended advertising campaigns on YouTube after their ads were displayed with videos depicting children in threatening situations—while the tech giant investigates ‘disturbing’ autofill results that users flagged over the weekend. The Wall Street Journal reports that Mars Inc., Adidas and Diageo, maker of spirits including […]

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Racist Liberal Professor: Having “White Nuclear Family” Promotes White Supremacy

A City University of New York sociology professor reportedly said in a tweetstorm last week that “the white-nuclear family” promotes racism, prompting a backlash on social media. Jessie Daniels, described as an expert on “the Internet manifestations of racism” on her CUNY page, infuriated social media users after reportedly saying that white families promote racism by default. The professor began her […]

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JTF This Week: VaYishlach; Yaakov struggles with angel; meets Eisav; Shchem destroyed; Sinai mosque massacre; Demjanjuk case (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 37 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Why Did Trump Expose Israeli Covert Operations to the Russians?

Remember when US President Donald Trump banned airlines passengers entering America from certain countries from carrying laptop computers into the flight cabin? It was a major inconvenience that caused a great many people to groan. And, it turns out, Israel was behind that decision. In a meeting with Russian official, the details of which were recently revealed to Vanity Fair, […]

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Netiv Avot Jewish Residents Gather to Protest Impending Demolition of Their Homes

Residents of the tiny neighborhood of Netiv Avot, adjacent to the town of Elazar in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem, gathered Sunday evening with Education Minister and party chairman Naftali Bennett of Bayit Yehudi to protest the impending demolition of their homes due to an order by Israel’s Supreme Court. “Bring all of your determination, work to save Netiv Avot,” […]

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Netanyahu wants Jews to work on Shabbat; Health Minister Yaakov Litzman resigns over it

Netanyahu lies claiming “Shabbat is important to us” while he pushes for state-owned railways to be open on Shabbat. Let’s be honest, Netanyahu cares less about religion and Judaism than he does the Jewish people in Israel that he throws out of their homes while punishing soldiers who shoot Arab Muslim terrorists caught in the act of stabbing Jews. Yeah, […]

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After 30 Years, Alarmists Are Still Predicting A Global Warming “Apocalypse”

And before that, it was “global cooling.” For at least three decades scientists and environmental activists have been warning that the world is on the verge of a global warming “apocalypse” that will flood coastal cities, tear up roads and bridges with mega-storms and bring widespread famine and misery to much of the world. The only solution, they say, is […]

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South Florida Muslim Leader Posts Video in Order to “Beat the F***ing Jews”

Sofian Zakkout, President of the Miami, Florida-based American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), likes to air out his [Nazi] views in public, regularly posting his bigoted and radical provocations onto social media. This month has been no exception, as he has taken to Facebook to belittle the members of the Jewish community with a post that refers to them […]

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Drexel University to Launch New Training Program Designed to Drag Us Further Into Insanity

Because the lunatics are running the asylum. Drexel University’s College of Medicine has announced a Transgender Fellowship Training Program, to take place at their teaching college, Hahnemann University. Nope. They’re not training competent psychiatrists and counselors to deal with the deeply disturbed individuals that believe cosmetic surgery is the cure to all their emotional dysfunction. They’ll be training up more […]

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Unbelievable: Trump says he’s going to call Muslim Turkey’s anti-Israel Dictator Erdogan about bringing “peace” to Middle East

This is the same anti-Israel Islamist dictator Erdogan who says he is working to halt the ‘Judaization’ of Jerusalem and arrested and jailed an innocent U.S. consulate employee. Trump tweeted out this morning that he’s going to call Turkey’s Erdogan about bringing peace in the Middle East: This is the man who helped create ISIS and is trying to revive […]

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University of Michigan Students Behind Anti-Israel Resolution: “Jews Are Not a Nation”; “Zionism is Terrorism”

Students at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (UM) supporting an anti-Israel student government resolution were caught on hidden camera rejecting the concept of Jewish nationhood and denying a Jewish student the right to participate in a discussion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended […]

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Democrat Alabama Senate Candidate Doug Jones is Linked to the KKK

Honestly, where is the outcry?? Much of the focus of the Alabama U.S. Senate race has been focused on the last-minute political character assassination against conservative constitutionalist and former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Judge Roy Moore. As the days have gone since the hit piece from the leftist Washington Post — who previously endorsed the Democrat in the race, […]

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Culture Rot Update: Shootings, Brawls, Babies Injured as Americans Trample Each Other on Black Friday

This is what happens when materialism replaces G-d. Many Americans left their family atmospheres and descended upon department stores and big-box retailers across the country to partake in rampant and apparently violent Black Friday consumerism. Mindless shoppers aren’t even getting the great discounts they cherish since retailers artificially inflate prices of goods in the months before the sales in order […]

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Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s “last Jew” “experiences anti-Semitism on a regular basis”

Why on earth is this guy living in Pakistan? He should move to Israel! His life is in mortal danger. Shouldn’t Fishel Benkhald be showered with displays of Islamic tolerance? H.R. McMaster and Pope Francis need to go to Pakistan and explain to the Pakistanis how they’re misunderstanding their peaceful, tolerant religion. The Qur’an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil […]

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Rutgers president defends anti-Semitic professors who call Judaism the “most racist religion ever”

President Robert Barchi defends professor who called Judaism ‘most racist religion ever’ – instead attacks whistle-blowers who reported it. The president of Rutgers University in New Jersey has come under fire after he publicly defended several professors accused of anti-Semitism, and appeared to disparage a Jewish media outlet which helped publicized the professors’ behavior. Over the past few weeks, an […]

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Netanyahu Throws Deputy FM Under Bus over “Offensive Remarks” Against Liberal Anti-Israel, Anti-Torah U.S. Reform Jews

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday announced that he “condemns Tzipi Hotovely’s offensive remarks regarding the American Jewish community. The Jews of the Diaspora are dear to us and are an inseparable part of our people. There is no place for such attacks, and her remarks do not reflect the position of the State of Israel.” Netanyahu’s Deputy Foreign Minister […]

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Iran Guards Chief: Hezbollah Terrorists Must Remain Armed to Fight Israel

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards will play an active role in establishing a lasting “ceasefire” in crisis-hit Syria, its chief commander Mohammad Ali Jafari said, adding that disarming Lebanon’s Hezbollah was non-negotiable, state TV reported on Thursday. “Hezbollah must be armed to fight against the enemy of the Lebanese nation which is Israel. Naturally they should have the best weapons to protect […]

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Report: Trump Told Russian Officials of Israeli Operation in Syria in May

U.S. President Donald Trump informed Russian counterparts of a joint mission between Sayeret Matkal and the Mossad in Syria during a closed-door conversation in May, Vanity Fair reported Wednesday. The mission was to gather intelligence on an ISIS plot to transform computers into bombs undetectable by airport security. US Homeland Security officials imposed restrictions on passengers carrying laptops and other large electronic […]

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Alphabet book sold in NYC teaches Muslim children to murder Jews: “I is for Intifada”

Yet another Nazi book used to teach Muslim children to murder innocent Jews. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. Click here for more information. From the New York Post: A children’s book titled “P is for Palestine” is infuriating some New […]

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Jewish Victim of Jerusalem Terror Attack Dies After Six Years in Coma

Hodaya Nechama Asulin, who was critically injured in a 2011 terrorist attack in Jerusalem, died on Wednesday in the capital’s Hadassah-University Medical Center. Asulin, a resident of the West Bank settlement of Mevo Horon, was 14 when she was injured in the attack in March 2011. She was waiting at a bus station across from the Jerusalem International Convention Center […]

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Another Alabama Poll: Judge Roy Moore Leads Democrat Doug Jones by Six Points Again

A second Alabama special Senate election poll has Judge Roy Moore, the GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate, up six points over radical leftist Democrat Doug Jones ahead of the December 12 election, Breitbart News has learned exclusively. Moore, at 43 percent, leads Jones—who lags down at 37 percent—by six points in a survey conducted between November 18 and November […]

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Judge Roy Moore’s Opponent, Leftist Democrat Doug Jones, Defended Man With Ties to KKK and Holocaust Deniers

Doug Jones, the Democratic nominee in the Alabama Senate race, once defended a man who has ties to the Ku Klux Klan and Holocaust deniers. Jones has largely built his campaign on his stint as a U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, where he prosecuted two KKK members who killed four black children in the 16th Street Baptist […]

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Second Former Conyers Staffer Says He Sexually Harassed Her on a Daily Basis

The double standard and hypocrisy against Roy Moore is just unbelievable. Buzzfeed exposed yet ANOTHER sexual harassment claim against tippity top Democrat Conyers, except this one was retracted voluntarily by the accuser. From Buzzfeed: In the court documents filed earlier this year, the former staffer said she had a “fatherly affection” for Conyers, as well as “extreme admiration and respect […]

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Ivanka Trump promotes Democrat-friendly tax-reform plan Hillary Clinton would love

From the beginning of his Presidency, Donald Trump had every intention of allowing his office to be used as a platform to advance the socialist feminist agenda of a woman he once said he would be hitting on if she wasn’t his daughter, Ivanka. Beginning with an announcement earlier this year about advancing Hillary Clinton’s policies regarding government spending on women’s health care and government-guaranteed paid […]

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Virginia: Islamic conference decries US as “land of infidels,” says Americans should be “forced” to accept Qur’an

Pakistan born Islamic cleric Rafiq Khan defined America as “The land of Infidels” at a fundraiser for his Islamic charity this Saturday. The event which was held at a Holiday Inn in Springfield, Virginia attracted over 100 participants. Speakers included an Islamist from Pakistan as well as radical Imams from the states of Maryland, Virginia, and Texas. The conference revolved around the topics […]

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Federal judge permanently blocks Trump’s executive order on denying funding to sanctuary cities

A federal judge has permanently blocked President Donald Trump’s executive order to cut funding from cities that limit cooperation with U.S. immigration authorities. U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick issued the ruling on Monday in lawsuits brought by two California counties, San Francisco and Santa Clara. Orrick said Trump cannot set new conditions on spending approved by Congress. The judge had previously put a […]

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Rex Tillerson’s State Department Marks “Transgender Day of Remembrance”

A State Department press release in the name of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is honoring the memory of the so-called “transgender” individuals around the world on “Transgender Day of Remembrance.” “On Transgender Day of Remembrance, the United States honors the memory of the many transgender individuals who have lost their lives to acts of violence,” the statement read. The Day […]

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Tillerson gives another $47M to Muslim “refugees” in Myanmar; $150M so far in 2017

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson just concluded a visit to Burma where he called upon the government to investigate allegations of atrocities committed by the Burmese military against the Rohingya. Close to 600,000 Burmese Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh after the military retaliated for attacks on its security outposts on August 25. The UN calls the retaliation a textbook case […]

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State Department Officials: “Rex Tillerson Violating U.S. Law On Child Soldiers”

Ok. Wow. Reuters is reporting that about a dozen State Department officials are charging Secretary of State Rex Tillerson of violating a federal law that is meant to prevent foreign governments from using child soldiers. From Reuters: A confidential State Department “dissent” memo not previously reported said Tillerson breached the Child Soldiers Prevention Act when he decided in June to exclude […]

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Soldiers punished over shooting of suspected car ramming Arab terrorist

The commander of the Givati ​​Brigade, Colonel Dado Bar Kalifa, reprimanded a company deputy commander following a shooting incident last month near Neve Tzuf, during which an Arab driver was killed after soldiers thought he was preparing to ram them. The investigation was presented to Central Command Chief Major General Roni Numa. The officer was reprimanded for faults in the manner in […]

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Al Franken gets a free pass from the media while Roy Moore gets the third degree

It’s remarkable how thoughtful and reserved the national media become when a political scandal doesn’t fit the narrative they pound day-in and day-out. Early on Thursday, a radio news anchor accused Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., of sexual assault, claiming that in 2006 he aggressively put his face against hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth as they were “rehearsing” a skit they […]

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Calls grow for arrest of Gloria Allred over forgery of Roy Moore’s signature in yearbook

On Sunday, Jim Hoft said at the Gateway Pundit that calls are growing for the arrest of celebrity attorney Gloria Allred over an allegedly forged signature in the yearbook of Beverly Young Nelson, a woman who accused Judge Roy Moore of sexual misconduct some 40 years ago. Among those calling for Allred’s arrest is Nelson’s stepson, Darrel, who, Hoft said, sent a […]

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Cuomo and liberals turned blind eye to accused sexual harasser

An upstate woman has stepped forward to reveal she is the sex-harass accuser who prompted the resignation last month of a high-ranking Gov. Cuomo appointee — and to accuse the governor of repeatedly ignoring his pal’s “horrific acts.” In a shocking Manhattan federal court lawsuit filed Saturday, Lisa Marie Cater alleges former Empire State Development Corp. regional president William “Sam” Hoyt got […]

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White WWII veteran calls for help and dies as black nurses laugh, video shows

A hidden video from 2014 showed nurses laughing as a World War II veteran repeatedly called for help and died while in their care. The family of James Dempsey, 89, of Woodstock, Ga., hid a camera in the late veteran’s room in the Northeast Atlanta Health and Rehabilitation Center which captured the night he died. The video showed the decorated WWII veteran […]

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Border Patrol agents ambushed and stoned with rocks by illegals, one dead

If we had a wall on our border already, this wouldn’t have happened. This is truly horrible: SAN ANGELO LIVE – U.S. Border Patrol Agent Rogelio Martinez and another agent were tracking a group of illegal aliens and were ambushed and beaten with stones, National Border Patrol Council President and Border Patrol Agent Brandon Judd told Breitbart Texas. The Customs and […]

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Israel’s Energy Minister: We have “secret ties” with “many” Arab states

Israel government secretly working to benefit Arab Muslim enemies that promise to destroy the Jewish state. A cabinet minister said on Sunday that Israel had covert ties with “many” Arab and Muslim states, but was obliged not to name them at the other sides’ request. A rare interview given by the head of Israel’s armed forces to a Saudi-owned news […]

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Arab Terrorist Stabs and Rams Over Israelis in Murderous Spree Across West Bank

35-year-old seriously injured in combination ramming, stabbing attack in Gush Etzion. An Arab terrorist carried out a combined ramming and stabbing attack in Gush Etzion on Friday morning, leaving two Israelis injured, including one in serious condition. The terrorist ran over a 70-year-old man at the Efrat south junction, lightly injuring him. The victim was evacuated to Shaarei Tzedek Hospital […]

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Senators Press Jared Kushner For More Info In Russia Investigation

The top Republican and Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee are saying President Donald Trump’s son-in-law hasn’t been fully forthcoming with the panel’s probe into Russian election interference, asking him to provide emails sent to him involving WikiLeaks and a “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite.” Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein sent a letter to […]

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