Author Archives: Shlomo

Kerry: ‘We’re closer than ever to an Iran nuclear deal’

John Kerry claims that giving terrorist Iran (that promise to annihilate the U.S. and Israel) nuclear materials and technology will make the world safer. Seriously… What crack is he smoking? The six-world powers are closer than ever to a deal with Tehran that would “close off” Iran’s ability to produce atomic weapons, US Secretary of State John Kerry optimistically told […]

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Army Day in Iran: Cries of “Death to Israel and U.S.”

One would think that the ruling clerics of the Islamic Republic would moderate their hatred, anti-American, anti-Semitic, and anti-Western sentiments after President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry handed the Iranian government a lot of compromises, a sweet nuclear deal, eased sanctions, and have turned a blind eye to Iran’s interventionist and expansionists policies. In fact, it is the […]

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U.S. Homeland Security: No regrets for bypassing Congress on amnesty for illegals

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told the Senate Tuesday that he has no regrets at all for going around Congress to implement President Barack Obama’s several immigration-related executive actions. “Do you regret the actions that you and the administration have taken that have gotten us to this point?” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) asked Johnson at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. […]

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IRS watchdog finds 6,400 missing Lois Lerner emails

Washington (CNN) – The IRS watchdog investigating the disappearance of Lois Lerner’s emails told a Senate committee it has found roughly 6,400 messages that have never before been turned over to Congress. Lerner was the IRS official at the center of allegations that the agency targeted tea party groups applying for nonprofit status. Congress requested Lerner’s emails from the IRS […]

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Obama’s Lawyer: Religious Institutions May Lose Tax-Exempt Status If Court Rules for Gay Marriage

Religious institutions could be at risk of losing their tax-exempt status due to their beliefs about marriage if the Supreme Court holds that gay couples have a constitutional right to wed, President Obama’s attorney acknowledged to the Supreme Court today. “It’s certainly going to be an issue,” Solicitor General Donald Verrilli replied when Justice Samuel Alito asked if schools that […]

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Terrorists Targeting Border Police

Since 2014, the Border Police have become a favorite target for Arab terrorists. 2014 and 2015 witnessed an unusually large number of terror attacks directed at Border Policemen and Policewomen, as well as police SWAT and undercover units. According to a new Walla! report, there were 995 attacks during this period. 70% of these attacks happened during “peacetime” periods, while […]

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Iran Supreme Leader: ‘Ridiculous That Even Though US President Is Black, Still Such Crimes Against US Blacks’

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) — The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei, is blasting the United States for what he’s calling the country’s “ridiculous” racial inequality and police brutality, labeling the U.S. government a “major enemy to human rights.” Addressing the 20th annual General Congress of Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Commanders and Staff on Sunday, Iran’s Supreme Leader criticized […]

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The Time to Limit NSA Snooping Is Now

When Congress passed the PATRIOT Act in 2001, it did not intend to authorize the indiscriminate collection of personal information about every American. But that is what Congress will be doing if it renews the law next month without changes aimed at protecting our privacy from an increasingly intrusive national security state. Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act, which is […]

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Black Rioters in Baltimore Smash Police Cars, Attack Motorists, Looting, and Destruction

Because destroying your own city, attacking random people, setting businesses on fire, and looting and stealing electronics is a form of “protest”. 11:19 PM: Boyle reports People were allowed to leave the Orioles’ Stadium at the end of the extra-innings game, right after Baltimore hit a walk-off home run. Seconds earlier, an announcement came over the loudspeaker at the stadium telling […]

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995 Attacks on Jerusalem Border Police By Muslims Since 2014

Attacks aimed just at Border Police and SWAT teams since January 2014 nearing 1,000 mark, data reveals; 70% during ‘peacetime.’ Violence in Jerusalem continues to snowball, according to a report Tuesday – and most of the incidents are in what is defined as peacetime. A total of 995 terror attacks against the Border Police, SWAT teams, and undercover officers were recorded […]

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‘New Wording’ is Making Antisemitism ‘Acceptable’ Again

French philosopher and public intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy told a New York audience on Sunday that an emerging new language for antisemitism is once again making the world’s “oldest hatred” acceptable. “Antisemitism in Europe is taking on a new form, is adopting a new wording which makes it again acceptable … by a growing number of French and European people,” he […]

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EPA Grant to Study How Churches Can Preach Junk Science “Global Warming”

The Environmental Protection Agency is funding an $84,000 grant to study churches and faith-based groups that encourage members to fight climate change, The Washington Free Beacon reports. The public money is backing a graduate fellowship at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor that is looking at “sustainability initiatives” at 17 faith-based institutions in order to develop workshops for religious […]

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Americans Have No Money To Save

If one looks behind the curtain of the Great Wizard of Obama, the supposed economic recovery that followed Great Recession of 2008-2009 looks more like a humbug. The overall savings rate, which rose slightly between 2009 and 2012, has since taken a plunge.  An Assets and Opportunity report from 2014 stated that 44% of Americans either were in the red, […]

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White House Still Refusing to Force Release of American Hostages As Part of Suicidal Iranian “Nuclear Deal”

Speaking from the White House Monday, press secretary Josh Earnest reiterated the Obama administration’s position not to require the release of three American hostages being held by the Iranian regime as part of ongoing nuclear negotiations. “Why not use this moment of leverage that you have with the Iranians to push for not just the release of [Washington Post reporter] […]

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Israeli Police: Two Arab Muslim Terrorists Shot Dead After Knife Attacks

[ABC News] – Israeli police officers on Saturday shot dead two knife-wielding [Arab Muslim terrorists] in response to separate stabbing attacks against Israeli officers, police said, before a third attack against police forces later in the day left three officers injured. In the first incident, police spokeswoman Luba Samri said a 17-year-old east Jerusalem resident named Ali Mohammed Abu Ghannam […]

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The new government’s greatest tasks – USA to abandon support of Israel at UN

In testimony last week before the House committee in charge of State Department funding, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power acknowledged that the Obama administration intends to abandon the US’s 50 year policy of supporting Israel at the United Nations. After going through the tired motions of pledging support for Israel, “when it matters,” Power refused to rule out […]

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Feds Play the Race Card on Common Core

There was a time when Common Core supporters loudly insisted the program — adopted by no fewer than 46 states — was most assuredly not federal, that any allegation that this astounding national uniformity was the result of federal pressure was a nasty, vicious lie. The State Standards Initiative confidently declares as “myth” the assertions that “Common Core State Standards […]

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Black Rioters in Baltimore Smash Police Cars, Attack Motorists in Frenzied Protest

11:19 PM: Boyle reports People were allowed to leave the Orioles’ Stadium at the end of the extra-innings game, right after Baltimore hit a walk-off home run. Seconds earlier, an announcement came over the loudspeaker at the stadium telling fans they were no longer going to be kept in the stadium. 9:58 PM: Investigative reporter Matthew Boyle reports that both he […]

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National Debt Soars Over $18 Trillion

In an article for Forbes, Mike Patton, a Contributing Editor with Investment Advisor magazine, explains how the mushrooming national debt will cost the public an exorbitant amount of money. After pointing out the simple truth that the reason debt is dangerous is that “a dollar borrowed today necessitates that a dollar plus interest be repaid in the future. This reduces […]

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Shocker on CBS: Earth ‘Not As Warm…As the Climate Models Predicted’

On Friday’s CBS Evening News, a NASA scientist made a surprising admission about climate change during a report about an erupting volcano in South America. Correspondent Michelle Miller turned to Dr. Allegra LeGrande, who detailed how the gases from a volcanic eruption can lead to a reduction in the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth. Le Grande added that […]

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Bill Clinton Quit Education Company Because of ‘Clinton Cash’

From Joshua Green and Jennifer Epstein writing at Bloomberg Politics, confirming yet another set of facts from Peter Schweizer’s “Clinton Cash” and showing that Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, lied in claiming government funding for the International Youth Foundation went down when Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State: Former president Bill Clinton stepped down from his position at […]

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Judge Orders Bakers to Pay $135,000 For Refusing to Make Gay Couple’s Cake

A judge in Oregon has concluded that the bakery owners who refused, for relgious reasons, to make a cake for a gay wedding should be forced to pay $135,000 in fines. “[T]he forum concludes that $75,000 and $60,000, are appropriate awards to compensate [the gay couple] for the emotional suffering they experienced,” wrote Alan McCullough, a judge for Oregon’s Bureau […]

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Weak RINO Republicans Cave: Senate Confirms Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney General

The Senate confirmed President Obama’s nominee for attorney general Loretta Lynch in a vote of 56-43, Thursday afternoon. Ten Republicans [who were afraid of being called racist] joined the Democratic caucus in supporting her confirmation: Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Orrin Hatch (R- UT), Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL),Sen. […]

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IDF strikes terror targets in northern Gaza

In retaliation for rocket attack, Israeli military attacks Hamas position in Beit Hanoun. [A series of rockets were] fired on Thursday evening from Gaza towards communities in southern Israel. The rocket exploded in an open field in the Sha’ar Ha Negev Regional Council. There were no injuries or damages reported. Close to midnight on Thursday, the IDF tanks attacked a […]

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Russian Hackers Break Into Pentagon Computer Network

Russian hackers allegedly broke into one of the computer networks of the Pentagon, according to a report broadcast Thursday on Fox News. Cyber centers that guard unclassified networks reportedly detected the Pentagon security breach and kicked the hackers off “in a way that minimized their chances of returning,” according to the report. The breach apparently took place earlier this year, […]

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Busted: Clinton Foundation told IRS it got no donations from foreign governments for three years

The biggest news here may not be the news itself, although it’s certainly significant. That the Clintons lied about where their money was coming from? No surprise. That they’ve been caught red-handed and forced to admit it? Sure, that’s serious news. But even bigger: The revelation comes as a result of a review of Clinton Foundation records conducted by none […]

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Film Reveals High School Anti-Israel Curriculum

Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) today released a video, ‘Axis of Bias @ Weston High School,’ documenting the biased work of a Boston University-based group called Axis of Hope (AOH). The AOH workshop, entitled “Whose Jerusalem?” has been conducted in many schools across the U.S., including in Weston High School in Massachusetts. AOH workshops on the Arab-Israeli conflict reflect a highly […]

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U.S. Killed Jewish Hostage In Al-Qaida raid, White House Says

U.S. forces accidentally killed Warren Weinstein, the Jewish-American government contractor who had been held hostage by al-Qaida since 2011, the White House acknowledged. Weinstein was killed along with Italian hostage Giovanni Lo Porto, held captive since 2012, during a counterterrorism operation in January in which U.S. forces targeted an al-Qaida-linked compound in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border area, the White House said […]

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Hillary On Abortion: ‘Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed’

NEW YORK, N.Y. — Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a feminist tone on Thursday. She told attendees at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit that “deep seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” for the sake of giving “access” to women for “reproductive healthcare and safe childbirth.” “Far too many women are denied […]

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