Author Archives: Shlomo

Nuke deal makes no sense with Iran’s leader threatening to annihilate US as well as Israel

WASHINGTON, DC —“Of course, yes, death to America,” Iran’s Supreme Ali Khamenei, declared just last month, echoing the crowd Leaderchants as he marked the Persian new year. Seeking to turn the recent nuclear accord into a final deal, President Obama says he hopes a deal “ushers a new era in U.S.-Iranian relations,” with the economic benefits convincing Iran to focus […]

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Obama Won’t Invite Netanyahu to the White House Until After Iran Deal — Though Here’s Who He Has Invited

President Barack Obama told Jewish leaders in a meeting last week that he will not invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the White House before the June deadline for a final agreement over Iran’s nuclear program, because he believes the meeting would end with Netanyahu publicly criticizing Obama’s approach, the New York Times reported. At the same time, Obama’s […]

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Israel as a “Catastrophe”: European-Funded NGOs That Promote the “Nakba” Narrative

Jerusalem – In advance of Israeli Independence Day, NGO Monitor has documented a number of Israeli NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that mourn the establishment of the state of Israel as a “Nakba” (“catastrophe” in Arabic) and actively promote a [so-called] “Palestinian right of return,” which, if implemented, would effectually mean the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state. Such efforts are […]

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U.S. House Speaker: Hillary Broke Law in Handling of Her Email

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner said Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton are good public servants but have explaining to do about their charitable foundation and said her handling of official emails as secretary of state broke the law. “They’re good people, but there’s questions that have to be answered,” said Boehner. He was asked during an interview Thursday […]

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More IRS Employees Busted for Fraud and Theft

A little insight into the people handling your your 1040 form. Have you ever wondered how Internal Revenue Service employees make ends meet on those skimpy federal salaries? What with the competing demands of mortgages, feeding the kids, and those damned cable television bills, life can be expensive, so how to keep your head above water…? I know—unemployment fraud! According […]

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Ted Cruz: Nominate Another Dole or Romney and Hillary Wins in 2016

Picking another establishment GOP presidential nominee in the mold of Mitt Romney, John McCain or Bob Dole to run in 2016 will guarantee that Hillary Clinton wins the White House, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz told Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview. Republicans will lose the 2016 presidential election if they nominate an “establishment” GOP candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz told Newsmax […]

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Resolutions Alone Won’t Protect Jewish Students From Campus Anti-Semitism

Breaking news from Palo Alto: Stanford undergraduate Molly Horwitz, a candidate for the Student Senate, was vetted by the Students of Color Coalition about her fitness for office. According to Horowitz, she was asked: “Given your strong Jewish identity, how would you vote on divestment?” Last February, the Stanford student government had approved a resolution for divesting in companies doing […]

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8,345,000 people living in Israel

Ahead of country’s 67 anniversary, Central Bureau of Statistics figures reveal Israel’s population increased by some 162,000 people since last Independence Day; number of people who made aliyah in past year stands at 32,000. [Ynet] – Israel’s population numbered 8,345,000 people on the eve of its 67th anniversary, according to data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) this […]

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Israel welcomes Independence Day with torch-lighting ceremony

If only Israel truly was independent and didn’t care what Obama or Europe thought. [Ynet] – Israel made the jarring move from grief to joy on Wednesday evening, welcoming Independence Day with a torch-lighting ceremony at Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem. The torch-lighting ceremony, which officially marks the beginning of Independence Day celebrations, focused this year on trailblazers – outstanding Israelis […]

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ACLU sues feds in bid to make Catholic groups provide abortion to illegal immigrants

Providing food and shelter to illegal immigrants isn’t enough for federally-funded Catholic organizations, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, which is suing the federal government to help ensure the religious organizations provide abortion and contraception to them as well. The suit aims to obtain government records related to reproductive healthcare policy for unaccompanied immigrant children in the care of federally funded […]

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Hillary Camp Blasts Timing of Benghazi Report as Proof Probe ‘Solely’ a 2016 Game

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign charged that the delay of the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s report into the 2012 terrorist attack is proof that the probe is purely politicized. Bloomberg first reported that the release of the findings of Chairman Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) committee would be pushed into campaign season, but Republicans contest that’s because of uncooperative figures in the […]

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Traitor Mitch McConnell bill would extend NSA surveillance

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a bill Tuesday night to extend through 2020 a controversial surveillance authority under the Patriot Act. The move comes as a bipartisan group of lawmakers in both chambers is preparing legislation to scale back the government’s spying powers under Section 215 of the Patriot Act. It puts McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman […]

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Barack Hussein Obama Blasts Egypt Jailing of Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi

On Tuesday, former Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt Mohammed Morsi was sentenced to 20 years in prison without parole, convicted of killing protesters in December 2012. Twelve other Muslim Brotherhood leaders, including the general secretary of the Muslim Brotherhood, were sentenced to 20 years as well. As TruthRevolt reported: Judge Ahmed Sabry Youssef read the sentence live on state television. […]

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GE CEO: I Will Not Release Hillary Clinton State Department Emails

General Electric (GE) CEO Jeffrey Immelt said Wednesday that he will not release the emails that GE exchanged with Hillary Clinton’s State Department during the period in which GE was donating to the Clinton Foundation. “Again, I think that’s not something we would do. Right?” Immelt said at GE’s shareholder meeting in Oklahoma City, OK in response to a question from […]

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Obama Delivers Global Warming Speech To Empty Seats

Obama can’t even muster up enough supporters for an Earth Day speech. Lots of empty seats as Obama speaks about climate change in the Everglades — Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) April 22, 2015 That’s a far cry from the days when Obama filled the Colosseum. Maybe America isn’t the only thing that’s been transformed. Change.

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Poll: American Jews Turn Their Back on the Torah and Overwhelmingly Back “Gay Marriage”

Jews are overwhelmingly supportive of same-sex marriage, with nearly 3 out of 4 backing it, according to a new survey by the Public Religion Research Institute. Of the 724 Jews surveyed, 47 percent said they strongly favor allowing same-sex couples to marry legally and 30 percent said they favor it. Nine percent of respondents said they oppose gay marriage, and […]

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IRS Hung Up On 8 Million Taxpayers

Obamacare forced agency to divert millions from taxpayer services. In part due to millions of dollars being diverted to Obamacare, the IRS hung up on over 8 million taxpayers this tax season. A new House Ways and Means Committee report initiated by House Republicans found that of the phone system of the IRS was overloaded this year, forcing the system […]

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Michael Brown’s family to file lawsuit against Ferguson and Darren Wilson

Lawyers for the parents of Michael Brown have announced that they plan to file a civil lawsuit against the city of Ferguson on Thursday. Attorneys for the family said in a statement Wednesday night that the wrongful death lawsuit would be filed the next day. The lawsuit had been expected. Attorneys for Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, and his father, Michael […]

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‘I sought to kill Jews,’ said Arab Muslim terrorist who rammed car into Israelis at Jerusalem bus stop

Khaled Koutineh, 37, from Anata, was arrested for running over and killing Shalom Yohai Cherki, 25, and seriously injuring a young woman. The east Jerusalem Palestinian who rammed his car into Israelis waiting at a bus stop in the French Hill section of the capital last week told police that he was intent on “seeking out Jews to murder,” authorities […]

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Jeb Bush: NSA Spying on Innocent Americans ‘The Best Part of the Obama Administration’

Plenty of Republicans have been railing against the NSA’s bulk metadata collection for a while now, but not only does Jeb Bush support it, he thinks it’s the best thing about the Obama administration. Bush was defending NSA surveillance months ago as “hugely important program to use these technologies to keep us safe.” Today, he was on Michael Medved‘s radio […]

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WSJ Editor Tells Israel to Ignore World after Obama Betrayal… and He’s Right.

Pulitzer-prize winner Bret Stephens advises Israel to return to days when it wasn’t afraid to go ‘rogue,’ because US isn’t the US anymore. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and deputy-editor of the paper Bret Stephens argued on Monday that due to US President Barack Obama’s irreversible actions, the US doesn’t have Israel’s back anymore – and Israel should learn to stand […]

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Common Core’s real goal? ‘Dumbing down people’

Declining SAT scores. Falling literacy rates. Reduced critical thinking ability. American children today appear to be getting dumber – and that’s exactly how the government wants it, according to one journalist who has covered education topics extensively. “The schools are actually doing exactly what they were designed to do: dumb down the American people,” declared international journalist and teacher Alex […]

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Amnesty International Rejects Motion to Combat Anti-Semitism – The Only Resolution Rejected

At its annual conference, “human rights” organization Amnesty International rejected a motion to address the rise of anti-semitic attacks in Britain. The measure was brought before the international conference after Amnesty’s UK Board affirmed the resolution in March. Despite the British branch’s support, however, the motion was ultimately defeated Sunday, 468 to 461. According to Amnesty International UK member Andrew Thorpe-Apps, who […]

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US Deploys More Ships Towards Yemen To Cut Off Iranian Vessels (11 Total)

Wait just a second… I thought Obama trusted Iran enough to give them nuclear technology, end all sanctions, and give these terrorists a $50 BILLION dollar signing bonus. Right? While Obama spinelessly but furiously works towards removing sanctions and giving Iran their nuclear weapons program, the US Navy deploys more war ships to cut off Iranian supply routes. Officials giving […]

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Leftist and Racist Guardian: “I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back”

Per the Guardian, the writer Toni Morrison has some pretty peculiar [evil] ideas about “racial healing”: “People keep saying, ‘We need to have a conversation about race’,” Morrison told the Daily Telegraph. “This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back.” She added: “And I want to see a white man convicted for […]

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Netanyahu Refuses to Meet With Anti-Israel and Jew-Hater Jimmy Carter

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin say they will not meet with former President Jimmy Carter during his coming visit to the area, The Times of Israel reported Monday. A senior diplomatic official told Israel’s Channel 10 that the former U.S. president — who is also to visit Hamas-ruled Gaza during his visit to the region, slated […]

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London Hosts Holocaust Denier & Nazi Rally

The U.K. denied entry to “Islamophobes” Robert Spencer and Pam Geller claiming their visit would not be “conducive to the public good.” The country, however, has no problem allowing Nazis from around the world to enter. Stating the truth about Islam is not conducive to the public good, but apparently, denying the holocaust, supporting Nazism, and applauding Islamic terrorism is: […]

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Two men who plotted to bomb shopping mall in Jerusalem sentenced to prison

Judge says terror attack would have resulted in mass murder, no damage was caused “in a miracle.” The Jerusalem District Court on Sunday sentenced two east Jerusalem residents who planned a massive terrorist attack at Jerusalem’s outdoor Mamilla mall during the High Holy Days in 2013 to lengthy prison sentences. Ahmad Rishek, who was given a 10-year term, and Ismail […]

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School under fire for transgender kindergarten lesson

KITTERY, Maine – Officials at Mitchell Primary School are apologizing after a book about a transgender child was read to most of the school’s K-3 students. “We have a practice of if a topic is considered sensitive, parents should be informed,” superintendent Allyn Hutton told “In this situation, that didn’t happen. The whole culture at Mitchell School is about […]

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Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood: The Ties that Bind

In 2013, Egyptian media claimed President Barack Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Leading the charge was Tahani al-Gebali, Vice President of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt. He spoke on a TV program, Bitna al-Kibir, insisting there would a time when a number of conspiracies against his nation would be exposed, including why Obama’s support of the Brotherhood remained steadfast, even […]

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Obama: Alleged war on Islam is ‘an ugly lie’

WASHINGTON — President Obama said Thursday that governments across the globe are obligated to confront the “warped ideologies” that lead to terrorism, “especially their attempt to use Islam to justify their violence.” National leaders must also dispute claims that there is a clash of civilizations in the world, the president said during a second-day speech at the White House Summit […]

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Will America soon fall, just as Rome did?

Unfortunately, the fall of Rome is a pattern repeated by empires throughout history … including ours? A group of libertarians gathered in Las Vegas recently for an event called “FreedomFest.” We debated whether America will soon fall, as Rome did. Historian Carl Richard said that today’s America resembles Rome. The Roman Republic had a constitution, but Roman leaders often ignored […]

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Iran: We Won’t Allow “Foreigners” to Inspect Our Sites

A top Iranian commander on Sunday said that his country will never permit “foreigners” to inspect its military sites. “Not only will we not grant foreigners the permission to inspect our military sites, we will not even give them permission to think about such a subject,” Brigadier General Hossein Salami, the second-in-command of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), was […]

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Ted Cruz: If Only Terrorists Attacked A Golf Course, Then The White House Might Pay Attention

On Saturday, Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz took a hard shot at President Obama over radical Islamic terror. Cruz was asking his audience to picture a 2016 winner that would meet America’s expectations about safety and security, when he described what it might take to get the President to take the threat seriously: a golf course attack. Twenty months […]

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