Author Archives: Shlomo

Religion of Peace: Islamic State Butchers more Christians in Libya

(CNN) – ISIS [terrorists] have beheaded two groups of prisoners, believed to be Ethiopian Christians, in Libya, according to a video released Sunday by the terror network’s media arm. The al-Furqan Media video — which is highly produced and titled “Until There Came to Them Clear Evidence” — shows two groups of men in orange and black jumpsuits being [murdered] […]

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Hillary Says! ‘We are all immigrants!’

Voilà!  In addition to handling a private/official email problem, flying coach, and carrying her own luggage, Hillary Clinton may now be able to add to her list of outstanding accomplishments singlehandedly resolving the contention surrounding immigration reform. Recently, on a tightly stage-managed listening tour Hillary, granddaughter of alleged immigrants, revealed her acute sensitivity for the plight of – you guessed […]

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Israeli military networks breached by hackers

Hackers have managed to penetrate computer networks associated with the Israeli military in an espionage campaign that skillfully packages existing attack software with trick emails, according to security researchers at Blue Coat Systems Inc. The four-month-old effort, most likely by Arabic-speaking programmers, shows how the Middle East continues to be a hotbed for cyber espionage and how widely the ability […]

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Princeton Professor: Kill severely disabled infants under Obamacare – “We are already taking steps”

In a radio interview Sunday, Princeton University “ethics” professor Peter Singer argued it is “reasonable” for government or private insurance companies to deny treatment to severely disabled babies. Singer contended the health-care system under Obamacare should be more overt about rationing and that the country should acknowledge the necessity of “intentionally ending the lives of severely disabled infants.” Throughout the […]

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Islamic Jihad Comes to Campus

The world is witnessing a resurgence of global anti-Semitism not seen since the 1930s and the “Final Solution.” In the Middle East, Hitler-admiring regimes like Iran, and Hitler-admiring parties like Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, are openly planning to finish the job the Nazis started. Even in America, until now the most hospitable place outside of Israel for Jews, […]

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“Murder or Get Out of Medicine!”

Medical martyrdom is coming, a term I coined to describe doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other such professionals being forced (soon) to choose between their callings and participating in the intentional taking of human life. That is already the law of Victoria, Australia, where doctors must perform abortions when asked or refer to a colleague they know will do the deed. […]

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Hamas Adds More Conditions for Releasing Jewish Soldiers’ Bodies – Want More Muslim Terrorists Released

Hamas demands release of terrorists from 2014 deal, 63 terrorists rearrested since 2011 for bodies of Hadar Goldin, Oron Shaul. Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal has introduced strict conditions for any future transaction with Israel regarding the return of the bodies of two soldiers killed in Operation Protective Edge. Last October, there was talk in Hamas of a swap of Arab terrorists in […]

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Israel analysts shocked by Obama’s comments on sanctions and Russia’s S-300 supply to Iran

‘This is the new America. We had better get used to it,’ says TV commentator after president leaves door open to Iran’s sanctions demand, defends Putin’s missile sale. Israeli analysts expressed shock and amazement Friday night at US President Barack Obama’s stated openness to Iran’s demand for the immediate lifting of all economic sanctions, and his defense of Russia’s agreement to supply […]

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Obama executive order on immigration back in court

Demonstrators gathered outside a New Orleans federal courthouse on Friday as President Obama’s efforts to overhaul the country’s immigration system dangled in legal limbo. Justice Department lawyers urged a federal appeals court to lift an injunction on a plan that would let up to 5 million illegal immigrants live in the country, obtain work permits and receive other benefits. In […]

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Think Junk-Science Global Warming Is Bad? Wait Until You Meet “Sustainability”

The problem with global warming is that eventually it must meet reality. Either the globe is warming up at horrific rates as the models have promised, or it isn’t. And if it isn’t, then those still calling themselves “scientists,” and meaning it, must admit failure and move on. Incidentally, the globe is not heating up as promised, and hasn’t been […]

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Education disaster ‘no accident,’ expert warns

American schools are producing illiterates by the millions and burning through dollars by the billions – and it’s all by design, according to international journalist and educator Alex Newman. “It’s no accident that we’re getting the kinds of terrible education results that we’re seeing right now,” Newman said in a recent interview on “The Steve Malzberg Show.” “Common Core is […]

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While Obama makes deals with Iran: US Marine imprisoned in Iran being drugged, whipped, and tortured

The family of a U.S. Marine imprisoned in Iran for nearly four years says the American has been drugged, whipped and told a heartbreaking lie that his mother died in a car accident while he awaits a retrial. The sister and brother-in-law of Amir Hekmati appeared on Fox News Channel’s “On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren,” where they described […]

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Jeb Bush Murdered Terri Schiavo: “I Wouldn’t Change How I Handled Terri Schiavo Case”

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says he wouldn’t do anything differently in the way he handled the situation surrounding the life and death of Terri Schiavo, but he wishes she had signed an end-of-life directive. “I don’t think I would have changed anything,” Bush said Friday in response to a question during a “politics and eggs” breakfast in New Hampshire, […]

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20 Watchdog Groups Want University of California Anti-Semitic Course Removed

On Thursday, twenty Jewish and education advocacy groups organized by The AMCHA Inititative wrote the University of California (UC) Riverside chancellor calling on him to cancel an anti-Semitic course being offered this quarter. The class, titled, “Palestine & Israel: Settler-Colonialism and Apartheid,” is being taught by Tina Matar, an undergraduate student in UC Riverside’s Students for Justice in Palestine chapter […]

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Senate ‘just rewrote’ Constitution to give Obama more power

‘Now we need a supermajority to override the president’ The bill that would enable Congress to review any nuclear deal with Iran is coming under fire for allegedly altering the Constitution’s requirements for treaties. One prominent talk-radio host even is accusing the U.S. Senate of rewriting the Constitution to allow approval of a treaty with only one-third of the Senate, […]

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“Kill All Men”: Liberal Democrat Atheist Lesbian Feminist and the Hate Filled Left

A Liberal Democrat activist who sits on two national party committees has been suspended from her regional party after a string of sexist comments on social media. The activist in question, Sarah Noble, made multiple tweets of a disturbingly hateful nature, including “kill all men”, “f*** men”, and “die cis[gendered] scum”. The comments were brought to light by by HEqual, […]

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Act of Love: Phony Jeb Bush Pushes Republicans to Cave to Obama Executive Amnesty, Approve Loretta Lynch

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has joined Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid in calling for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to abandon his pre-election promise to fight President Obama’s executive amnesty by holding a vote to confirm U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. “I think that presidents have the right to pick their team,” Bush said in New Hampshire […]

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NY High School Students Wear T-Shirts with Swastika and the word “Auschwitz”: “Hit the showers!”

And these depraved animals weren’t expelled? Where are the other parents? Where are school officials? Speak about Islam in a public school and you will be ruined (as was this teacher in Texas) but this? In a statement, school district brass noted that “the actions of these students are not representative of the student body at Commack High School. We […]

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Police: Muslims Murdered 12 Christians – thrown overboard during Med voyage

[Yahoo! News] – Italy’s migration crisis took on a deadly new twist Thursday as police in Sicily reported that Muslim migrants had thrown 12 Christians overboard during a recent crossing from Libya, and an aid group said another 41 were feared drowned in a separate incident. Palermo police said they had detained 15 people suspected in the high seas assault, […]

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MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry joins Al Sharpton in gallery of tax deadbeats – Owe’s IRS $70,000

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry and her husband, James Perry, owe about $70,000 in delinquent taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, the Winston-Salem Journal reported Thursday. The IRS filed a tax lien on the Perrys on April 6 for the outstanding debt, which is from 2013. In an email to the Winston-Salem Journal, Harris-Perry said she was unaware of the tax lien but […]

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Iran releases ‘fact sheet’ of nuclear agreement at odds with US version

Besides differences in number of centrifuges that can operate and length of the deal, Iran’s fact sheet also claims that there must be an immediate end to all US, EU sanctions and UNSC resolutions. The Iranian parliament’s nuclear committee released a fact sheet on Wednesday regarding the framework agreement reached in Lausanne over its nuclear program, and it differs significantly […]

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No, Really… Mexican Theme Park Offers Illegal U.S. Border Crossing Attraction

Illegal immigration may be a big issue at the U.S.-Mexico border, but in one Mexican town it counts as a theme park attraction. The U.K. Telegraph reports that a theme park in El Alberto, Mexico has been selling tickets for tourists to pretend they are illegal immigrants crossing the border into the U.S.— for over a decade. The park is called EcoAlerto. […]

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Israeli researchers say attacks against Jews spiked in 2014

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Jewish communities around the world faced an “explosion of hatred” last year, with the number of violent anti-Semitic attacks rising by 38 percent, according to a report released Wednesday by Israeli researchers. With most of the violence concentrated in Western Europe, Jewish leaders warned that many in their communities are questioning whether they have any […]

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Muslim Arab arrested for attempted rape in Jerusalem

A 21-year-old Arab man from the Shuafat Refugee Camp was arrested Thursday morning on charges of aggravated assault and attempted rape, for allegedly attacking a woman in Jerusalem’s French Hill neighborhood the previous night. According to police, the victim is a 24-year-old living and working at the German Embassy, who was accosted while walking her dog. When the woman refused […]

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Iran’s Supreme Leader anoints Israel as the Great Satan with the US only its slave

Two tweets from Iran’s Supreme Leader yesterday show that the US has lost its perch as being Great Satan to Israel’s Little Satan. If US officials act agnst Zionists’ wishes,they threaten to make them resign or create scandal for them.That’s why they’re Zionists’ yes-men — (@khamenei_ir) April 15, 2015 US govt has entrusted its economic power & national status […]

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Does Switch Really Make It Kosher To Switch Lights on Shabbat?

(JTA) — It promises a revolutionary innovation that could transform Jewish Sabbath observance. By changing the way a light switch works, the patented Kosher Switch offers a novel — and, its backers say, kosher — way to turn light switches (and, perhaps, other electrical appliances) on and off during Shabbat, circumventing one of the Sabbath’s central restrictions: the use of […]

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Another Arab Muslim terrorist runs over two Jews with car near Jerusalem – Victims seriously wounded

Late Wednesday evening, April 15, a vehicle slammed into two Israelis waiting at a bus stop in the French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem. The incident took place at the intersection of Ramat Eshkol and Route One. A 20 year-old female soldier and a 30 year-old male civilian were struck by the car. The two injured Israelis were taken to Ein […]

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Hillary Clinton Was Asked About Her Email Use Years Ago and Didn’t Respond

Back in 2012, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), as part of his frequent investigations of the behavior within President Barack Obama’s administration as the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent a letter directly asking then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if she or any other senior agency official at the State Department had used a personal email account […]

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Clinton Campaign Kicks Off as Hillary’s Top Senior Aide, Huma Abedin Linked to Muslim Brotherhood, Probe Begins

At long last the Department of State is investigating why a top Hillary Clinton aide with generational ties to Islamic terrorism was allowed to work in a sensitive government position while simultaneously working for a Clinton-connected private sector consulting firm. Hillary Clinton and the senior aide, Huma Abedin, apparently conspired to keep the sweetheart working arrangement that the Muslim Brotherhood-linked […]

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Islamic State committing ‘organized rape’ of women, girls: rights group

Islamic State [terrorists] are committing harrowing crimes against Yazidi women and girls in Iraq, including organized rape and sexual assault — and in one case, chose women by drawing names in a “lottery,” according to a report by Human Rights Watch. “… Those fortunate enough to have escaped need to be treated for the unimaginable trauma they endured,” said Liesl Gerntholtz, […]

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Hillary Clinton’s Common Core Problem

Which presidential candidate is most likely to be tripped up by their position on the Common Core? Jeb Bush comes to mind, of course. Yet the candidate whose support for Common Core could be most personally perilous—and most consequential for the larger 2016 race—is Hillary Clinton. Yesterday, Clinton effectively endorsed the Common Core. Yes, she threw a bone to liberal […]

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Leftist Evil: 1/3 Dutch GPs Would Kill Mentally Ill

42 mentally ill patients were “euthanized” in the Netherlands. Whoa! Don’t tell me that euthanasia doesn’t lead off a vertical moral cliff: A recent survey of Netherlander MD general practitioners found that very high percentages would kill cancer patients, and 1/3 would be willing to euthanize the mentally ill. From the PsychCentral story: For mental illness, only 34 percent would consider […]

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White House: New Transgender Bathroom!

The White House, in one more attempt to satisfy the LGBT community and satisfy Barack Obama’s obsession with transforming America, has now designated a gender-neutral restroom for visitors and staffers inside the White House. The restroom is situated in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where numerous staff offices and meetings are held, according to NBC News. The announcement of the […]

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Federal agents who had sex parties with hookers and let drug cartels foot the bill cannot be fired

DEA chief tells House committee she can’t fire agents involved in sex parties. WASHINGTON –  With the Secret Service still smarting from its 2012 prostitution scandal in Cartagena, Colombia, another federal law agency is in hot water over an even more salacious sex scandal – in the same country. The Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Michelle Leonhart, Tuesday faced a grueling […]

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Black Judge Gives Black Home Invader Probation, Calls White Victims Racist

A black judge, offended by a white family’s concern that their toddler was frightened of black men after a violent home invasion and robbery, publicly shamed them and let off the convicted man with mere probation. When Gregory Wallace was sentenced for alleged armed home invasion near Buechel, Kentucky, Judge Olu Stevens “slammed” the homeowners, Jordan and Tommy Gray, for not correcting their […]

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Federal Judge Orders DOJ To Release Illegals Without Bond

Ruling could impact “tens of thousands” of illegal immigrant detainees. A federal judge in Seattle has ordered the Department of Justice to release illegal immigrants detained for failing to post a required bond. The decision could impact tens of thousands of detainees nationwide. U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik issued the order Monday, citing a law he argued should overrule a conflicting […]

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