Author Archives: Shlomo

Ted Cruz is Right: Federal Government Covertly Funneling Muslim “Refugees”

Ted Cruz made time in the midst of an intense presidential campaign to issue a letter taking two high ranking government officials to task over the burdensome and high-cost refugee resettlement program. “The United States resettles more refugees each year than any other nation. Since 2011, more than 330,000 refugees have arrived in the United States,” begins the March 24 […]

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Donald Trump: No, ‘I Don’t Regret’ Writing Checks to Hillary Clinton’s Campaigns

During an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor Monday night, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump was asked by fill-in host Eric Bolling if he regrets writing checks to Hillary Clinton’s political campaigns. After first dodging the question, the answer was no (bolding is mine). BOLLING: You’ve donated to Hillary Clinton in the past and she’s been trashing you fairly heavily lately, […]

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Cops: Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old in TX

An illegal immigrant has been arrested and charged with raping and impregnating a 12-year-old Texas girl, authorities say. Prosecutors charged that in 2015 an illegal immigrant, Jose Alejandro Najarro, tried to convince his 12-year-old victim to have sex with him, but she refused. Refusing to take “no” for an answer, the suspect allegedly raped her at his home in Kyle, […]

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Anti-Semitic fliers appear on campuses across the country

Schools have received the fliers addressed to ‘white men’ and disparaging Jewish people. The University of Maine is among several major colleges and universities across the country that have received racist, anti-Semitic fliers on their network-connected printers and fax machines. A representative of the Anti-Defamation League said a neo-Nazi group appears to have hacked into school information systems in what […]

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Trump explains his degrading comments on women: “I never thought I would run for office”

Donald Trump on Monday defended his past controversial remarks on women, saying they date from his time as a celebrity entertainer. Radio host Charlie Sykes challenged the Republican presidential front-runner during an interview on WTMJ in Milwaukee, asking whether the rules are different for celebrities when it comes to insulting women. “The rules aren’t different, but certainly I never thought […]

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Religion of Peace: Muslims Murder Dozens in Terror Bombing Targeting Christians in Pakistan

UPDATE: Sunday 2:42 p.m. ET: Pakistani Taliban faction tells AP it’s responsible for the bomb attack in a Lahore park. ISLAMABAD (TheBlaze/AP) — The death toll in a bomb blast that occurred in a park in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore on Sunday has climbed to 60 people, with 300 reported wounded, a local health official said. ISLAMABAD (@AP) […]

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Steny Hoyer: Trump Is Good for Liberal Democrats

Democratic whip Steny Hoyer said Tuesday Donald Trump’s improbable rise to the top of the Republican Party during the presidential primary season is a good thing for Democrats. Hoyer, a congressman representing Maryland’s 5th district, thinks the fractured GOP will lead to Democrats getting more votes come November. “Democrats are in good shape,” Hoyer said, reports The Hill. “I think […]

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Obama Claims Power to Make Churches Fund Abortion

The Obama administration is claiming it has the unprecedented power to compel churches to provide abortion-related products and services. Referring to Obamacare’s abortion-pill mandate during arguments in the Little Sisters of the Poor case at the U.S. Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts asked U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, “Could you apply the same requirements you apply to the Little Sisters […]

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Trump Supporters: “Who Knows if Trump is Lying to us or Not? That’s Part of the Excitement!”

So you’re about to watch a video of a Trump supporter who’s not just a random man-on-the-street person. This is a person who was selected to appear on television on purpose because she was perceived by CNN to be a good television spokesperson for Donald Trump supporters (like Amanda Carpenter is for Cruz supporters or Goblin Jeffrey Lord or Edgar […]

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Facebook’s Zuckerberg Meets with China’s Propaganda Chief

Mark Zuckerberg is already used to “regulating the internet”. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg held a rare meeting with China’s propaganda chief, at a time when Chinese authorities are tightening control over their cyberspace. Liu Yunshan told Zuckerberg in their meeting Saturday that he hopes Facebook can share its experience with Chinese companies to help “Internet development better benefit the […]

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Ted Cruz Is Religious Liberty’s Only Hope

America’s Christian bakers and florists and wedding planners will be safe under a Ted Cruz presidency. “I am absolutely convinced in my discussions with the senator that religious liberty will be a lot better off in America with a Cruz administration,” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council and Chair of Cruz’s Religious Liberty Advisory Council. The council […]

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Vulgarity Won’t Hurt Trump’s Campaign, It’s What His Campaign Is Based On

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Washington Post columnist George Will criticized Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump for attacking Heidi Cruz, the wife of his opponent Ted Cruz. Will said, “The wrong question is will his coarseness and vulgarity hurt his candidacy? His coarseness and his vulgarity are his candidacy. This is considered politically brave somehow to do this. This this is […]

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Iranian cyber war on the US exposed

In landmark indictment, US charges 7 Iranians working for IRGC with widespread campaign targeting American banks, NY dam and NASA. Seven Iranians hacked into the computer systems of key US industries for the Iranian government, according to an unprecedented indictment on Thursday charging state-sponsored hackers with such crimes for the first time. The seven suspects are accused of conducting a coordinated campaign of […]

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Insanity: The Pope washes and kisses the feet of Muslim “refugees” after Brussels terror attack

Can we say ultimate victory for Islam? Multiculturalism: A narrative popularized by liberal pols and pundits is that the Belgian and French terrorists were mistreated and alienated by the native population, and that’s why they lashed out in violence. It’s a pernicious lie. A former Obama official summed up this pathetic excuse-making for mass murder on Wednesday during an appearance […]

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Lindsey Graham: Trump Is A Con Man, Not A Conservative

Ex-GOP presidential candidate Lindsey Graham Thursday declared front-runner Donald Trump is “a con man,” not a conservative, and he’s chosen to back Ted Cruz instead because he thinks Trump will “destroy the Republican Party.” “We’re already split,” the South Carolina Republican told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program. “Here is my concern, we can lose in 2016 and we probably will. Trump […]

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Trump ‘doesn’t know what he’s talking about’ – has no understanding of policy

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz belittled Donald Trump for having no understanding of policy, and cited Trump’s debate performances as evidence. “Donald has a real problem: He doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Cruz said in Wisconsin. “As the field has gotten smaller, Donald’s done worse and worse and worse because he gets a little more time. When he runs beyond […]

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Univ. of California Approves ‘Softer’ Anti-Semitism Statement

The University of California Board of Regents unanimously approved a watered-down statement condemning anti-Semitism on campus. The statement says the university would not tolerate anti-Semitism “but rejected a proposal to equate anti-Zionism with religious bigotry.” Pro-Palestinian campus activists, however, say they are simply voicing legitimate criticism of Israel, which, they say, is being misconstrued, creating a pretext for pro-Israeli activists […]

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Muslim Female in Hijab and Muslim Male Remove and Rip Up Israeli Flags at Brussels Memorial

VIDEO: A Muslim woman was seen removing an Israeli flag at the makeshift memorial to the terrorist victims in Brussels, Belgium. The Muslim woman in a hijab removed the flag, tore it up and replaced it with a Palestinian flag. This comes after Islamic terrorists slaughtered 31 people in airport and Metro bombings this week. The Jerusalem Post reported: A […]

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Colorado School District to Begin Distribution of Satanic Materials to Children

After coming under fire from atheist groups for the distribution of free Bibles, the Delta County School District (DCSD) has approved the circulation of atheistic, secular and Satanic literature to middle and high school students. Several atheist organizations, including The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), Western Colorado Atheists and Freethinkers (WCAF) and the Satanic Temple, applied to distribute their literature […]

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It’s Time for Kasich to Quit the Race

“Some think Kasich is remaining in the race to divide the anti-Trump vote and give Trump the nomination. Trump, in turn, might coronate him with the vice-presidential nomination.” Long considered the total outsider, Bush’s embrace of outsider Cruz now unites both the establishment and conservative wings of the Republican Party behind him. The bottom line now is very clear: the […]

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Ted Cruz has crushed the competition in Utah. NBC has called it at 2:25 a.m. Eastern, CNN shortly after, and the AP after that. The vote totals are not released but at last count Cruz was over 68%. I will update this post with the official results shortly but it certainly appears that Cruz has exceeded 50%. [update:] Cruz dominated […]

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In Wake of Brussels Jihad: Obama’s State Dept SCRUBS, CENSORS, REFUSES to Identify or Acknowledge Numerous AMERICAN VICTIMS

In what has now become a repugnant, disgusting pattern of the Obama administration, Obama’s State Department refuses to comment, confirm or identify American victims of jihad. This is standard operating procedure — the Obama administration waits until the media swarm passes and people move on before they quietly release the number of victims or the monstrous details of the latest […]

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Cruz Calls for Increased Muslim Surveillance, Hillary & Bernie Call for More Tolerance

To Hillary and Bernie, the problem lies in our refusal to embrace Muslim communities more. In the wake of yet another deadly bombing spree carried out my Muslim terrorists, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said Tuesday that the U.S. must step up its surveillance of Muslim neighborhoods around the country. This will surely elicit the typical kneejerk reactions and screams […]

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Report: White House to Pay Iran Close to $1.7 billion following Secret Talks

The Obama administration has been in secret talks with Iran for three years, resulting in the US paying close to $2 billion to the Iranians, with more payment still to come, according to a recent letter issued by the State Department which the Washington Free Beacon obtained exclusively. The Free Beacon reported in January that the administration had announced settling […]

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Club for Growth Makes First-Ever Presidential Endorsement… For Ted Cruz

The Club for Growth announced Tuesday night that it had endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for president. The group, which bills itself as an organization that advocates for limited-government and free-market policy, had never made a presidential endorsement before. “[T]his year is different because there is a vast gulf between the two leading Republican candidates on matters of economic liberty,” […]

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Official admits: Released Gitmo prisoners have killed Americans

An Obama administration envoy for closing the Guantanamo Bay prison confirmed Wednesday that Americans have died as a result of the release of an unspecified number of prisoners from the facility. Paul Lewis, the Department of Defense’s special envoy for Guantanamo Closure, told a House Foreign Affairs Committee that some Americans have died at the hand of at least one […]

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Brussels Islamic State Terror Attack: Muslim Police Refuse to Protect French Synagogues

At least 34 said killed as terror attacks rock Brussels airport, metro At least 34 people were reportedly killed and dozens were wounded in twin attacks Tuesday morning on Brussels’s airport and metro, authorities said. By mid-afternoon official figures put the death toll at 26. But local media was reporting a total of 34 dead, 14 in twin bomb blasts […]

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Trump Names Israel Among Countries That Will Reimburse U.S. When He’s President

Ahead of speaking to a pro-Israel conference in Washington, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said that the nation of Israel should reimburse the U.S. for military assistance. “I want them to pay us some money,” Trump said during a press conference Monday at the site of Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C., which is set to open later this year. “I […]

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