Category Archives: Articles

Obama let’s 6,000 convicts go free

As part of a mass prisoner release of convicted drug felons ordered by a restructuring of federal sentencing guidelines, as many as 2,000 illegal aliens are about to be released back onto U.S. streets. The federal sentencing rules for drug crimes were quietly rewritten in 2014 by the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Among the first wave of 6,000 convicted drug felons […]

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Islamic State tells Israeli Muslims: Turn the Jews “into rotten corpses”

Islamic State clips encourage Muslims in Israel to continue attacking Jews; ISIS terrorists to enter Jerusalem ‘with Allah’s help.’ The Islamic State released several videos on Sunday praising the recent wave of attacks against Israelis – the first time the organization has publicly referenced the present escalation. Some of the videos were uploaded to social media sites with the hashtag […]

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The Farce: New ‘Star Wars’ movie blasted as anti-white

Director J.J. Abrams’ political activism has prompted online fans to boycott “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” for being anti-white. The hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII exploded on Twitter Monday, just hours before the release of a new trailer during ESPN’s Monday Night Football game between the New York Giants and the Philadelphia Eagles. The reason: Abrams’ movie is allegedly a dream come true […]

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Netanyahu: Jerusalem mufti convinced Hitler to massacre Europe’s Jews

In a speech to delegates at the 37th World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem on Tuesday, the premier claimed that Hitler’s original intentions were solely to expel the Jews. Social media was abuzz on Wednesday following claims made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Adolf Hitler initially had no intention of massacring European Jewry. In a speech to delegates at the […]

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Surrendering to Terrorism: Netanyahu Cancels Demolition of Illegal Arab Homes Due to “Tensions”

Netanyahu is all talk and no action – except for appeasing Obama, Kerry, the UN, and Muslims. Prime Minister Netanyahu has been urging the Jerusalem municipality to speed up the demolition of houses belonging terrorists’ families in response to the wave of Arab violence, but according to an Army Radio report Tuesday, since the wave of terror began, the PM’s […]

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UN draft resolution: Western Wall in Jerusalem is “part of al-Aksa mosque”

Israel is working to thwart a draft UNESCO resolution which declares that the Western Wall in Jerusalem – the most holy site in Judaism – belongs to al-Aksa Mosque compound. The draft text to be voted on Wednesday in Paris states that UNESCO “affirms that the Buraq Plaza is an integral part of al-Aksa Mosque/al-Haram al-Sharif.” Israeli Ambassador to UNESCO […]

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PLO Fatah: Suicide Bombings ‘The Top of Our Priorities’

And these are the so-called “moderates” that Obama and John Kerry are wanting Israel to give up land, including Jerusalem, to. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the “terrorism arm” of the Fatah movement behind the government of [PLO] Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, welcomed the shooting attack on the Be’er Sheva Central Bus Station Sunday, calling it a “heroic operation.” “We call upon the […]

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Unbelievable: Obama Will HELP Iran Modernize A Nuclear Reactor

The Department of Energy agreed to help modernize Iran’s Arak nuclear reactor as part of the deal struck between the Obama administration and the Iranian government. … The Arak reactor is a natural uranium-fueled heavy-water reactor originally designed for making weapons-grade plutonium that could be used for nuclear weapons. Spent fuel from heavy-water reactors contains plutonium suitable for a nuclear bomb. If allowed to become fully operational, Arak […]

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Kerry Wants Temple Mount “Status Quo” that “Jews can’t pray at the holiest site in Judaism” in Writing

John Kerry, blaming Israel for terrorism, wants to put the banning of Jews on the Temple Mount in writing while Arab Muslims use the Al-Aqsa Mosque as a terror hub to mass-murder more Jews. Secretary of State John Kerry is seeking to “upgrade and clarify” the understandings reached by Israel and [Arab Muslim] Jordan last year on the Temple Mount […]

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Director of CIA’s email hacked – Hacker releases personal data for top CIA, DHS officials

What makes this story even worse? The director of the CIA is using AOL e-mail to send and receive top-secret information. The person who claims to have hacked an AOL e-mail account belonging to John Brennan, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, has now released a small spreadsheet with alleged personal information for a number of former and current government officials. The […]

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Gee Thanks: MSNBC apologizes for airing anti-Israel Muslim jihad propaganda

MSNBC went on to admit that there is no such thing as a “Palestine”. MSNBC has apologized for airing a deeply “confused” and “absurd” graphic last week claiming to show how much land Israel has taken from [so-called] “Palestine”. There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. “Last […]

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Phony George W. Bush Trashes Ted Cruz at Jeb Bush Fundraiser: “I Just Don’t Like This Guy”

Inside a sleek Denver condominium, George W. Bush let a hundred donors to his brother’s campaign in on a secret. Of all the rival Republican candidates, there is one who gets under the former president’s skin, who he views as perhaps Jeb Bush’s most serious rival for the party’s nomination. It isn’t Donald Trump, whose withering insults have sought to […]

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Horror: Terrorist Attacks Israeli Bus Station, Leaves One Dead and 10 Wounded

The wave of violence that’s embroiled Israel escalated this weekend when an Arab terrorist attacked a bus station, killing an Israeli soldier and wounding 10 others. Fox News reported that out of the 10 people wounded, five were police officers. The attacker was shot and killed… An armed Arab terrorist killed one and wounded several others after entering a bus […]

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Treasury will begin issuing Iran sanctions waivers under Obama order

President Obama signed an order Sunday directing his administration to begin issuing waivers to Iran nuclear sanctions — but the waivers will only go into effect once Iran meets its obligations under the agreement limiting its nuclear program. The presidential memorandum marks what’s being called “adoption day” for the international agreement intended to roll back Iran’s nuclear program. The milestone, four administration officials said, is […]

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African American Conservatives Unite Behind Sen. Ted Cruz for President

Presidential Candidate U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today announced statewide leaders for the Cruz for President African-American coalition, including Elbert Guillory, Robin Armstrong, and Bishop Robert Smith as National Co-Chairs. “Today I’m pleased to announce a strong group of men and women from diverse backgrounds to lead our African-American coalition,” said Sen. Cruz. “These individuals are leaders in the areas […]

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“Frustrated” Muslims Can’t Stop Killing Jews… and Everyone Else

Muslim “Frustration” caused 9/11 and every other act of terror. As Jews were being butchered in the streets of Jerusalem, Secretary of State John Kerry blamed them. “There’s been a massive increase in settlements over the course of the last years, and now you have this violence because there’s a frustration that is growing,” the nation’s greatest diplomat said. “Settlements” […]

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MSNBC Spreads Lies Against Israel: Airs Arab Muslim Jihad Propaganda Map

Last Friday, MSNBC aired a segment featuring a [so-called] “Palestinian” propaganda map that is a total fabrication, a pack of lies that contradicts established historical fact and is part of The Political Swindle of the Century, a.k.a “The Plight of The Palestinian People.” There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war and a […]

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Minnesota Governor Dayton: Don’t want migrants? GET OUT OF MINNESOTA!

Governor Mark Dayton attended a community conversation about race hosted by the St. Cloud NAACP and told people who have been questioning refugee resettlement in the central Minnesota region to “find another state.” This mirrors the German authorities who told a small town of 3,000 that is being forced to absorb 4,000 Muslim migrants, “If you don’t like hosting refugees […]

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Arab PLO Police Violently Beat Jewish Worshipers at Joseph’s Tomb

The Ariel Police detained five people – including three minors – overnight Saturday/Sunday, on suspicions of entering Joseph’s Tomb outside Shechem (Nablus). Their attorney, Itamar Ben-Gvir, reported that some detainees were bleeding after [Arab PLO] police found them and beat them; two of them are suffering from head injuries. On Saturday night, the detainees arrived at the Tomb together with […]

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Pure Anti-Semitism: Obama Blames Israel For Arab Muslim Terrorism

US President Barack Obama said Friday that both Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and PLO-Fatah terrorist leader Mahmoud Abbas are responsible for rhetoric stoking a wave of violence between their peoples. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms violence directed against innocent people and believe Israel has a right to maintain basic law and order,” Obama said, in his first comments […]

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Muslim terrorist disguised as journalist stabs IDF soldier near Hebron

Soldier sustains moderate wounds; attacker shot dead at scene. [An Arab Muslim] disguised as a photo journalist stabbed and moderately wounded an IDF soldier near the West Bank city of Hebron, police reported Friday. The stabbing incident occurred at Zayit Junction, in the Kiryat Arba area. The terrorist was shot dead at the scene. During the incident, the terrorist approached […]

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Ted Cruz Demands John Kerry Resign for Blaming Terrorism on Israel and the Jews

Presidential candidate urges Kerry to pack his bags after he blamed ‘settlements’ for terror, and his spokesman slammed ‘Jewish terrorism.’ In response to a slew of critical comments by US Secretary of State John Kerry and his spokesman against Israel as it defends itself from a wave of Arab terror, Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Friday demanded […]

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Israel Knesset MK Zoabi: Enough Lone Attacks, Time for Mass Intifada

Apparently, Hamas supporters like Hanin Zoabi are allowed in the Israeli government while Rabbi Meir Kahane was deemed “racist” and thrown out. While Jews are forbidden to pray on their holiest site because it is deemed “incitement”, how is this not incitement to mass-murder innocent Jews? There is no such thing as a “Palestinian”. It is a propaganda war and […]

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51% of America’s Muslims Admit Wanting Sharia Law: An Islamic Fifth Column Builds Inside USA

And this is only the percentage of Muslims in America that actually admit wanting Sharia Law forced on all Americans. As the global jihad grows, Obama is importing hundreds of thousands from jihad nations. If you are hanging your hopes on the “moderates,” think again. According to a recent poll, 58% of US Muslims reject First Amendment criticism of Islam […]

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Iraqi Ayatollah: ‘Abducting Women’ and ‘Destroying Churches’ Is ‘Real Islam’

During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist. First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a […]

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Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ to Be Sold in Germany

Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler’s malevolent and malignant anti-Semitic manifesto, will be sold in German bookstores starting in January. The Munich-based Institute of Contemporary History (IFZ), funded by the German government, has edited an annotated version of the book, and will publish it after the copyright held by the German state of Bavaria expires in January 2016. For those wanting more, […]

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John Kerry Blames Terrorism On Jews – While State Department Calls Israel Terrorists

State Department: “Certainly, individuals on both sides of this divide have proven capable of and, in our view, are guilty of acts of terror.“ At an event at Harvard University on Tuesday evening, Kerry spoke of the unraveling situation in and around Jerusalem, where a tempo of violence has relentlessly increased over the last two weeks. “What’s happening is that, […]

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Iran reveals underground tunnel filled with missile launchers – just one day after signing nuclear deal

Iran reveals underground tunnel filled with missile launchers and warns they are ready to be used ‘when our enemies make a mistake’… just one day after agreeing to nuclear deal. Tunnel hundreds of metres long filled with ballistic missiles and hardware Military chief warns they ‘will erupt like a volcano from the depth of earth’ Comes days after Tehran tested […]

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FBI Director: Islamic State Recruiting ’24 Hours a Day’ in All 50 States

FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday the recruitment of potential homegrown terrorists by the Islamic State group is widespread and goes on “24 hours a day” across the United States. Hundreds of people are “consuming” social media efforts to either draw them overseas to join the extremists “or if you can’t come, kill where you are,” Comey said. “And that […]

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The New Big Lie – Israel is “Executing” Arab Muslims While Stabbing Jews

Let’s be honest here. If a terrorist is in the middle of stabbing Jews, they SHOULD kill them! The Israeli government issued photos and video Thursday to debunk [PLO] President Mahmoud Abbas’ recent claim that Israel had executed a 13-year-old [Arab Muslim terrorist] after he and his cousin stabbed and seriously wounded two [Jewish] Israelis earlier in the week. In […]

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Hezbollah Chief Backs Arab Muslim Terrorist ‘Intifada’

After Al Qaeda endorsement, Hassan Nasrallah emphasizes Hezbollah’s ‘absolute support’ for terrorist attacks against Jews in Israel. The head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist movement on Wednesday backed a campaign of [Arab Muslim] terrorist attacks on Israelis, describing them as resistance and an “intifada.” “I emphasize our absolute support for the rights of the [so-called] Palestinian people and their intifada,” Hassan Nasrallah said in […]

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Feds Charge Three Airport Workers With Stealing Items — Including Guns — From Checked Luggage

Three [airport workers from Norfolk, Va] now face federal charges for stealing from passengers at Norfolk International Airport. Indictments unsealed Wednesday morning name Donte Chandler, Gregory Paul Wingard and Chris Arthur Perry on various charges involving theft, conspiracy and fraud. The charges say the thefts involving Perry and Wingard began in December 2013, and the charges against Chandler are connected […]

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Stabbing Attack at Jerusalem Central Bus Station – 70 Year Old Jewish Woman Wounded

Meanwhile, the terrorist shot dead while carrying out an attack earlier today in Jerusalem’s Old City has been identified as Bassel Sadr, 20, from Hevron. One person has been wounded in a terrorist stabbing attack just outside Jerusalem’s central bus station. The terrorist began his attack by stabbing a 70-year-old Jewish woman, leaving her with moderate-to-serious wounds. An alert bus driver then quickly spirited […]

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Iran Rejects Obama’s Iran Nuke Pact, Writes Own ‘Deal’ To Disarm and Destroy Israel

The Iranian parliament has rejected the formal, legal text of President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal, negotiated in July by the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Russia, China and the Tehran regime. Instead, the majilis approved their own version of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), creating a situation where the Iranian government simply hasn’t signed on to the accord that Obama […]

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John Kerry Says No Jews Should Be Able To Pray On Temple Mount In Israel

Kerry tells PM to hold status quo ‘in word and in deed.’ WASHINGTON — US officials on Tuesday declined to take sides in a debate over Israel’s true policy and intentions regarding the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif), a point of tension exacerbating conflict on the ground between [Israeli Jews and Arab Muslims]. Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has repeatedly blamed [PLO/Fatah] […]

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Newly-Declassified U.S. Government Documents: The West Supported the Creation of Islamic State

Judicial Watch has – for many years – obtained sensitive U.S. government documents through freedom of information requests and lawsuits. The government just produced documents to Judicial Watch in response to a freedom of information suit which show that the West has long supported ISIS.   The documents were written by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency on August 12, 2012 … […]

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Israel embassy in Berlin blasts German media for anti-Semitic terror coverage

There is a reason the Nazis took power in Germany. Israel’s embassy took German-language media organizations to task on Monday for shoddy reports on the [Arab Muslim] terrorism sweeping across Israel. Writing a commentary on its blog titled “Journalism against all rules,” the embassy accused certain media outlets of failing to identify victims and perpetrators. “We find again new examples […]

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