Category Archives: Articles

Wimpy politicians ask UN for “permission” to inspect UN compound being illegally constructed on Israeli government land

Why is the Israeli government still kissing the tuchus of the Jew-hating United Nations? It’s your country and your land. Stop being pathetic cowards! There is no mitzvah for being stepped on. The Jerusalem District Court last week ordered the Jerusalem Municipality and the Israel Land Authority to respond to the petition filed last week by Regavim against the United […]

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Trump signs permits funding Planned Parenthood abortion clinics… but not for a border wall

President Donald Trump signed the first federal spending law of his administration yesterday, a one-week extension of the spending law signed by President Barack Obama in December that was set to expire last night. The law Trump signed permits funding of Planned Parenthood but not for a border wall. During his presidential campaign, then-candidate Trump vowed to build a wall on the […]

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Conservative movement reaching a breaking point

Whether it’s the continuation of Obamacare and Obama’s policies, illegal immigrants and crime, the lack of any kind of wall on our borders, allowing Muslim migrants from enemy countries into U.S. “sanctuary cities”, pushing Israel to give up it’s land and become some kind of “partner” with terrorists, allowing terrorist Iran to create nuclear weapons, extending Obama’s sanction relief to […]

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Religious Jewish Youth Banned From Judea and Samaria – Banned From Their Own Homes

Authorities bar youth activists from entering Judea and Samaria, effectively banning them from their homes. Five youths from Judea and Samaria received administrative orders early Friday morning barring them from entering Judea and Samaria, effectively prohibiting them from residing in their own homes, the Honenu legal assistance organization reported. In addition to the ban, Honenu reported, several of the youths […]

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U.N. “Human Rights Council” Member Saudi Arabia Sentences Man to Death for Renouncing Islam

Saudi Arabia has a very active ex-Muslim underground. Ex-Muslims in the Islamic theocracy are active on social media where they anonymously criticize Islam while maintaining an outward show of Islamic values in public. Because they know what will happen to them if they are caught. Here’s what the UN Human Rights Council member is doing to one man for renouncing Islam […]

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Iran is using the $1.7 billion that Obama gave them to arm Hezbollah terrorists attacking Israel

Where is Trump and what’s he doing about Iran building nuclear weapons? All signs are looking like the Iranians are sufficiently confident that Bashar Assad will not only survive but prevail that they have started turning their attention to the next phase of Iran’s plan, unleashing Hezbollah on Israel. The least remarked upon casualty of the war in Syria has […]

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German Foreign Minister Insults Jewish Victims of the Holocaust

Monday was Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. [German Foreign Minister] Sigmar Gabriel opted to meet with hard-left [and anti-Semitic] NGOs [Breaking the Silence and B’Tselem] instead of with Netanyahu earlier this week. Breaking the Silence uses anonymous testimonies to claim that IDF soldiers commit war crimes. “My basic principle is simple,” Netanyahu said, “I don’t welcome diplomats from other countries […]

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Wisconsin Students Blame Israel for Violence Against African-Americans

You know where the most violence on blacks comes from? Not Jews. Not Israel. 93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. Blaming Israel is just straight up anti-Semitism. Plus, I thought liberals blamed global warming for violence. The student government of the University of Wisconsin-Madison unanimously passed on Wednesday a divestment resolution targeting companies operating in many countries that […]

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First homosexual same-sex conjugal visits approved by Israel Prison Service

What’s next? Will they also allow the Arab terrorists to have conjugal visits from goats and camels? The Israel Prison Service for the first time granted a same-sex conjugal visit for a prisoner. The decision reportedly was made Tuesday, though the Hebrew-language Walla news website reported that the visit took place a day earlier. Zaor Hankishayev took the Israel Prison […]

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Breaking: Trump tells Mexico and Canada that he won’t leave NAFTA after all

Trump promised to leave NAFTA on the campaign trail. Now he says he’s going to “renegotiate” it. It’s now being reported by the White House that Trump has told Mexico and Canada that he won’t leave NAFTA and they’ve agreed to renegotiate: BREAKING: Trump tells Mexican, Canadian leaders he won’t terminate NAFTA; all agree to renegotiate. — The Associated Press […]

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Even Ann Coulter Blasts Trump, GOP: “Can Republicans Ever Win NOW?!”

We’ve been saying that before flip-flopper Trump even got elected. Now his biggest supporters are turning on him. Ann Coulter is very upset that her allies abandoned her over her speech at Berkeley that was cancelled. She even compared it to Trump caving on deporting illegals who received “Dream act” deportation waivers. Watch below: .@AnnCoulter: “What I’m frustrated with right now is, […]

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Pentagon yields to Hamas-linked CAIR demand to ‘review’ counter-terror training

And the Trump administration does nothing. “Air Force chaplain Walid Habash has been assigned to begin reviewing slides from Dunleavy’s lesson material later this week. Habash, however, Sperry reported, received his Islamic education from a Muslim Brotherhood school in Virginia, the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences, which was raided by federal agents in 2002 as part of a […]

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Bill Nye Wants to ‘Penalize’ You for Having ‘Extra Kids’

Fake “scientist” Bill Nye loves the communist policies of China. Anti-Science Guy Bill Nye recently almost “broke” the internet by introducing the world to a disastrous song and video featuring sitcom actress Rachel Bloom called “My Sex Junk.” The song, about gender fluidity, lox, and bagels (yes, really), came from the new modestly-titled Netflix series Bill Nye Saves the World. But his most […]

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Ted Cruz Has A Plan For Paying For Trump’s Border Wall: Use Money Seized From Drug Lords

Why didn’t conservatives vote for Ted Cruz? It just boggles my mind. Sen. Ted Cruz (R – Tex.) wants to pay for Trump’s promised border wall with money seized from drug lords, like Mexico’s notorious El Chapo. In fact, the clever word games congressmen often play with bill titles has the bill being named directly after the escaping kingpin. Cruz’s […]

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Trump stabs NUNS in the back on contraception mandate

Dude. After telling the “Little Sisters of the Poor” nuns that he would get Obamacare off their back about providing contraception against their religious conscience, he’s stabbing each little old nun right in the back. From the Star Tribune: President Donald Trump promised religious groups he would reverse the Obama administration’s requirement that employers provide birth control to their employees […]

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Ivanka Trump: Allowing Syrian Muslim refugees into the U.S. “has to be part of the discussion but won’t be enough”

“That has to be part of the discussion, but that’s not going to be enough.” @IvankaTrump on opening borders to Syrian refugees in US — TODAY (@TODAYshow) April 26, 2017 This is the daughter and official adviser to the president. Ivanka Trump on Wednesday expressed openness to allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S., but said that alone won’t be […]

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Yet, another loss: Federal judge blocks Trump’s order on sanctuary cities

“Art of the Deal” my tuchus. Everything Trump’s promised has failed. He’s done pretty much nothing. A federal judge blocked the executive order from President Trump that would defund cities who kept their ‘sanctuary’ polices to aid illegal aliens in escaping federal immigration authorities. From CNN: In his ruling, Judge William H. Orrick sided with Santa Clara County, the city of […]

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Second Temple period antiquities stolen by Arabs recovered in Samaria

Israeli police and members of the archaeological department of the Civil Administration raided the village of Hawara in Samaria and confiscated hundreds of highly valuable old coins from various periods, as well as pitchers, earthenware items and jewelry. The forces arrested an Arab resident of the village in his fifties who is suspected of purveying ancient artifacts, not announcing their […]

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Former Florida principal’s excuse for misusing school funds: “Lots do it”

When confronted about a wrongdoing, some [kids] will always respond with the time-tested rationale that “Everyone else is doing it.” They haven’t learned yet, but they can still fall back on their youth and immaturity. But how pathetic is it when a middle school principal takes the same approach, particularly when confronted about the misuse of school funds? Leon McCants, […]

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Pope Francis appears in “global warming” movie featuring Obama, Clinton, Leonardo DiCaprio

Pope Francis made a climactic appearance in a National Geographic film about “global warming” that was narrated by Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio and released on DVD this week. The film, titled Before The Flood, contained a line-up of left-leaning activists renowned for pushing the theory of man-made global warming. The list included Ban Ki-moon, Bill Clinton, Oprah, Elon Musk, John […]

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NY Times: We Avoid Term “Female Genital Mutilation” Because It’s “Culturally Loaded”

The leftist media avoids any Muslim term, no matter how heinous, because they defend Islam including calling mass-murdering terrorists “freedom fighters”. The New York Times Health and Science editor explained Friday that the paper did not use the term “female genital mutilation” in a story for fear that it would “widen the chasm” between Africa and the West. A Times reader wrote in […]

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Tel Aviv Hotel Jihad Stabbing Terror Attack Caught on Security Camera

The [Arab Muslim] terrorist from Shechem who stabbed 4 people in and around the Leonardo hotel in Tel Aviv received a special one-day permit as part of a “peace program” that takes [PLO Muslim] Arabs to Tel Aviv in order to “reduce tensions” between Arabs and Jews. [The program doesn’t work because it’s created by mentally challenged idiots that have no […]

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Trump doubles down and claims that Mexico will pay for the border wall after begging Democrats for the money

@realDonaldTrump Mexico has already stated point blank that they will not pay for the border wall: — Tom Coates (@tomcoates) April 23, 2017 El Presidente Trumpo took to Twitter to reassure his followers that Mexico will indeed pay for the border wall. Eventually, but at a later date so we can get started early, Mexico will be paying, […]

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“That’s What Mammals Do!”: Alex Jones’ Comments Supporting Trump ‘P—y’ Video Rear Head in Court

A tape that was played accidentally during the Alex Jones custody trial in Texas was briefly the subject for a mistrial motion by attorneys for the right-wing broadcast personality. The video was from an appearance by Jones on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, in which Jones expressed his support for Donald Trump’s remarks that surfaced in the infamous “pussy grab” Access Hollywood video. During the […]

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Planned Parenthood Once Declared Abortion Was Murder

Long before Planned Parenthood’s crusade to anesthetize the general consciousness as it relates to abortion, the organization flat-out admitted it was a life-ending procedure. Cecile Richards and her minions will declare abortion is “women’s healthcare” and that it occupies the same category as routine procedures like Pap smears and breast exams. Except it doesn’t. Basic women’s healthcare doesn’t involve stopping […]

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Muslims plan protest march against Amazon for not providing prayer rooms

Have you ever noticed that Muslims are always “outraged?” They are never happy. There is nothing you can do to appease them. Outraged Muslims are reportedly planning a May 1 demonstration at the Amazon headquarters in Seattle, Washington. The company is under fire after several Muslim security guards demanded time and space to pray five times a day, while on the […]

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JTF This Week: Trump supports French Jew-hater Le Pen; Netanyahu agrees to China’s BDS boycott of settlements (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 23 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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NOW WE KNOW: Iran Nuclear Deal Prohibits U.S. Officials From Criticizing the Deal

Why isn’t Trump doing away with the Iran deal that gives Muslim terrorists nuclear plans and materials? One of the most unusual features of the Iran nuclear deal was the existence of extensive side agreements which the administration refused to share with Congress and which remain secret. Oddly enough, some of the side agreement remain secret from the United States. In […]

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