Category Archives: Articles

‘Democrats will not succeed in filibustering Judge Gorsuch’ – Ted Cruz vows confirmation

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said that democrats would not be successful if they attempt to filibuster Judge Gorsuch, the pick by President Trump to fill the deceased Judge Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court. He made the comments to Jim Acosta on CNN moments after the announcement Tuesday. Acosta asked Senator Cruz if he thought that Gorsuch would face the […]

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No borders. No nations. No clue.

Do you lock your front door at night? Hater! Do you have an alarm system at your house? Xenophobe! Do you ask who’s ringing your doorbell before letting a visitor in? Rotten bigot! That, essentially, is the reaction from the politically charged left to President Trump’s executive order about admitting people from certain countries into the United States. The unhinged […]

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Trump fires Obama’s acting attorney general

“She betrayed the DOJ.” President Trump replaced acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates late Monday evening, hours after she criticized his executive order on immigration. The White House announced the unusual move in a scathing statement, calling Yates “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.” Yates had been appointed deputy attorney general by former President Obama last January. […]

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Uber Offers To Pay Illegal Immigrants’ Lost Wages Because Of Trump Policies

It’s no wonder since Uber got $3.5 billion from Saudi Arabia and launched in Pakistan. Car-sharing service Uber announced it would pay “lost wages” to drivers temporarily restricted from reentering the United States after President Donald Trump’s travel ban on certain Middle Eastern countries. Trump signed an executive order Friday that temporarily bans travel from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days, and […]

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Trump to Keep Obama LGBT “Workplace Protections”

President Donald Trump will continue to protect the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the workplace, the White House said Tuesday. An executive order signed by then President Barack Obama in 2014, which protects employees “from anti-LGBTQ workplace discrimination while working for federal contractors, will remain intact at the direction of President Donald J. Trump.” People in […]

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US VP Mike Pence and Jordan’s King Abdullah Discuss “How to Best Make Progress” on Israel “Two-State Solution”

Muslim Terrorist Jordan’s King Abdullah II was the first foreign leader to visit the residence of Vice President Mike Pence in Washington DC. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence hosted Jordan’s King Abdullah II for breakfast and talks Monday morning at the Naval Observatory in Washington DC. Grateful to welcome King Abdullah II of Jordan this morning as first foreign leader […]

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Terrorist Iran tests its first ballistic missile

US officials confirm that Iran tested their first ballistic missile during Trump’s presidency and in defiance of the UN: FOX NEWS – Iran conducted its first ballistic missile test under Donald Trump’s presidency, in yet another apparent violation of a United Nations resolution, U.S. officials told Fox News exclusively on Monday. The launch occurred at a well-known test site outside […]

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Trump Administration to Allow 872 “Refugees” Into U.S. This Week

The U.S. government has granted waivers to let 872 refugees into the country this week, despite President Donald Trump’s executive order on Friday temporarily banning entry of refugees from any country, according to an internal Department of Homeland Security document seen by Reuters. A Homeland Security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed the waivers, noting that the refugees were […]

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Leftist Gov. Andrew Cuomo Wants ‘Right’ to Murder Babies in New York State Constitution

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday called for a state constitutional amendment to codify abortion rights should Roe v. Wade be overturned, the latest idea from Democrats in this blue state eager to push back against the new administration of President Donald Trump. Addressing hundreds of abortion-rights supporters rallying in Albany, Cuomo said New York must ensure that legal access to […]

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Mayor of NYC DeBlasio to CNN: It’s OK to shield illegal alien “undocumented” drunk drivers

Anything the left can do to help this whole one world government crap even if it’s illegal and kills people. New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio told CNN’s Jake Tapper that it is OK to shield “undocumented immigrants” [that’s what the left calls illegals] who drive drunk from federal authorities if it does not “lead to any other negative outcome.” […]

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Israeli Police Officer Injured as Hundreds of Arab Muslims Hurl Rocks in Stoning Attack

An Israeli police officer was injured Sunday night in a massive stoning attack in the town of Hilif, in the Basmat Tiv’on local council district. Basmat Tiv’on is a Bedouin town in northern Israel with a population of approximately 8,000 residents. A mob of some 300 people had gathered and started rioting, hurling boulders and cinder blocks; but the officers […]

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Countries that Trump Targeted with Travel Ban Are Jew-Hating Terrorist Countries that Deny Visas to Israel

  The purpose of President Trump’s executive order is to protect the U.S. from Islamic terrorism. And the Left is going crazy, with much screaming and teeth-gnashing. But Israelis are banned from entering many Muslim countries – even if they have no intention of leaving the plane. And the Left’s reaction? Crickets. Via Daily Caller. At least six out of […]

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Federal Judge just issued a stay on Trump’s new executive order on immigration

A federal judge has just stepped in on behalf of a couple of Iraqi refugees who landed today but were denied entry, issuing a stay on Trump’s executive order: BUSINESS INSIDER – A federal judge in Brooklyn, New York issued an emergency ruling Saturday evening on President Donald Trump’s executive order barring travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the […]

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Cancel Your Vacation Plans! Iran Bans U.S. Citizens in Retaliation to Donald Trump

Because everyone we know is just waiting to get into terrorist Iran where Americans are kidnapped and tortured. DUBAI – Iran said on Saturday it would stop U.S. citizens entering the country in retaliation to Washington’s visa ban against Tehran and six other majority-Muslim countries announced by new U.S. President Donald Trump. “While respecting the American people and distinguishing between […]

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Reince Priebus has NO REGRETS over omitting Jews from Holocaust Remembrance statement

El Rinso says he has no regrets about whitewashing Jews from the holocaust while talking to Chuck Todd this morning. Watch below: The WH statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day didn’t explicitly mention Jews. @Reince‘s defense: “I don’t regret the words, Chuck.” #MTP — Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) January 29, 2017 How weird is that? I’m honestly completely bewildered by […]

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“Bury this!”: Used menstrual products pelted at Texas governor after he signs fetal burial order

Vice President Mike Pence proclaimed his intentions to fight for the lives of the unborn but Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has taken extreme steps to shut down choice by women. After Abbott made an order that all women who have abortions and miscarriages must pay to have the remains buried, women launched a protest. The Dallas Morning News reports that […]

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The Left Doesn’t Care That Top Speaker at Women’s March Once Kidnapped, Tortured, Sodomized and Killed 62 Year Old Gay Man

They believe she is qualified to talk about human rights. If you were to have asked any of the participants of the Women’s March dressed as vaginas what they were protesting they would’ve said Donald Trump for once uttering the P-word. But what if you’re a strong women’s advocate who once, a long time ago, kidnapped, tortured, and murdered a […]

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Trump Retreats From Immigration Hard Line, Continues Obama’s Executive Amnesty

How many times have you heard the immigration hawks refer to Barack Obama’s “Executive Amnesty” with every ounce of derision that can possibly be mustered? Well that derision is going to have to find a new home, because President Trump has not only backed off of taking early action on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and DAPA (Deferred Action […]

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Trump Administration Debates Designating Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Group

You have to be kidding me. A debate is under way in the Trump administration about whether the United States should declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and subject it to US sanctions, according to US officials and people close to President Donald Trump’s transition team. A faction led by Michael Flynn, Trump’s National Security Advisor, wants to add […]

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1,960 “Refugees” Enter U.S. From Muslim Countries on Trump’s Watch

Since Donald Trump’s first full day in the White House on Jan. 21, the U.S. has imported nearly 2,000 refugees from around the world, with about half coming from Muslim-dominated countries. The expected executive orders to halt all resettlements of refugees for four months while the administration searches for a better system of vetting was originally said to be coming […]

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Blacks Complain Women’s March Too White and Cop Friendly

In the current politically correct culture, labeling a march for “women” has proven problematic because being a woman these days doesn’t mean what it used to. So, when hundreds of thousands of biological women gathered at protests around the country wearing costumes of the female anatomy and emphasizing genitalia above all else, transgender people were offended and criticized the marchers […]

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Governor Andrew Cuomo: “If we’re going to deport immigrants, START WITH ME!” – We couldn’t agree more!

The dim-witted governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, whined one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard about deporting illegal aliens. Watch below: As I’ve said before, I say again today, if there is a move to deport immigrants, I say then start with me. — Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) January 25, 2017 I absolutely agree with him – let’s […]

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Trump says he “hopes America has seen the end of Clinton probes”; Wants Hillary off scot-free without any consequences

President Trump said he hopes the days of investigations into his former rival Hillary Clinton are behind them. ABC’s David Muir asked Trump in an interview whether Americans are done hearing news about probes into the former Democratic nominee. “I just don’t know, I mean I hope so. From my standpoint we want to move on to the future, so […]

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Trump freezes Obama’s last-minute cash gift to Islamic terrorists in Israel

Former US President Barack Obama, in his waning hours, quietly released $221 million to the PLO, which Congress had been blocking. The Trump administration announced it is freezing the move. The State Department is reviewing the last-minute decision by former Secretary of State John Kerry to send $221 million dollars to the [so-called] “Palestinians”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” […]

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Trump: “Undocumented youth shouldn’t be worried” because “I do have a big heart”

Young illegal immigrants who have been granted relief from deportation “shouldn’t be worried” about having their legal status revoked, President Trump said Wednesday. In his first television interview since entering the Oval Office, Trump told ABC’s David Muir that individuals protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program “shouldn’t be very worried” about a sudden change that would […]

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Jerusalem Schools and Synagogues Would Be Shut if UN Resolution Is Implemented

“The human consequences of implementing the recent United Nations resolution about Israel would be devastating, say American representatives of Israeli schools, synagogues and other institutions in parts of Jerusalem that Israel captured in 1967. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click […]

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Muslim Teacher Cuaght Performing Sex Acts on Underaged Students; Blames Islam

A high-school teacher who was jailed for performing sex acts on her underage pupils has blamed her strict religious upbringing for her crimes. Linda Hardan, from Prospect Park in New Jersey, was jailed to three years in prison yesterday after sending scores of sexually explicit text messages to pupils, aged 14 to 16 years-old in 2014, and then engaging in sex […]

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BOOM! Ted Cruz bill empowers STATES against federal government settling refugees

The TedNado is looking to empower the states to have some recourse against the federal government resettling refugees in their states. From the Washington Examiner: The bill from Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Ted Poe, both of Texas, is a reaction to years of growing GOP frustration with the Obama administration’s aggressive effort to take in refugees, and resettlement across […]

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Trump’s White House Reaction to Israel New Housing in Judea & Samaria: “We’ll Continue to Discuss That”

Where is the support Israel was promised during Trump’s election? Journalists in the United States pounced on the issue during Tuesday morning’s White House news briefing, asking the press secretary what the president’s response was to the announcement. “Israel continues to be a huge ally of the United States,” Secretary Spicer replied. “He wants to grow closer with Israel and […]

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Ego Tantrum: Trump won and is still whining about the popular vote and made-up voter fraud

Even former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, one of President Donald Trump’s staunchest supporters, is at a loss for why Trump continues to claim he did not win the popular vote only because some three to five million people voted illegally. “I’m not sure why he brought it up,” Huckabee told Fox Business Network, stressing “I have no evidence whatsoever, and I […]

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Ivanka and Jared’s Ride to Church on Shabbat

Many see decision by President Trump’s daughter and son-in-law as befitting Jewish law and reflecting ’embrace of the world,’ and justify inaugural forays apparently approved by an anonymous Orthodox rabbi. When America’s most famous observant and newly influential Jews, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kusher, travelled to her father’s inaugural balls by car last Friday and then attended a church service with […]

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Trump’s Gay Presidency

Trump has made homosexual perversion even more acceptable than Obama did – now it’s embraced in the Republican party. On gay-related issues, the news media couldn’t have picked a “Republican” president more in sync with their views than Donald Trump. But the country isn’t dealing with a rational press right now. The GOP was stuck on gay stuff until a […]

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Netanyahu Claims “Most Arabs Want to Integrate Into Society” – “My Government Invests Heavily Towards This Objective”

Netanyahu ignores daily terror and mass-murdered Jews in Israel while quoting Obama that the Arab Muslim terrorists are so-called “lone-wolf extremists”. Remember when the hypocrite Netanyahu was running for election and said “Arab voters are heading to the polling stations in droves” and claimed they were threatening everything? Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu this evening (Monday) wrote a Facebook post stating […]

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Final “Screw You” to Israel: Obama Released $221 Million Dollars to Terrorist PLO Hours Before Leaving Office

Obama has Jewish blood on his hands. Former U.S. President Barack Obama defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the PLO in the final hours of his administration, officials told The Associated Press on Monday. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the […]

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Obama Administration Let The Iranian Government Dictate The Iran Nuclear Deal IN THE WHITE HOUSE

Last week we posted on how Barak Obama’s deputy national security adviser and congenital liar, Ben Rhodes, was denied a security clearance by the FBI because his very, very, very, very close ties to the Iranian government and how he somehow got one anyway. Now that Obama is gone and people are no longer afraid of retribution, that Rhodes and […]

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Trump told leaders ‘illegals’ cost him popular vote

President Trump’s first White House meeting with congressional leaders was, by all accounts, a cordial affair. But Trump apparently couldn’t resist taking a jab across the aisle, telling the gathering of bipartisan leaders that he’d lost the popular vote only because of rampant voter fraud by “illegals,” according to a pair of sources familiar with the conversation. “He said 3-5 […]

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