Category Archives: Articles

Proof Trump is NOT pro-life: “The Laws Are Set’ on Abortion, I Think We Have to Leave It that Way’”

Two days after GOP presidential contender Donald Trump caused a firestorm after walking back his statement that women who have illegal abortions should receive some form of “punishment,” he said during another interview that abortion “laws are set,” and they should be left that way until changed. In an interview on CBS’ Face the Nation – the broadcast of which […]

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Meir Ettinger still imprisoned without charges – not allowed to attend son’s brit milah

Meir Ettinger, the grandson of Rabbi Meir Kahane, has been sitting in jail for the past 8 months, and hasn’t been charged with a crime. He is being held under administrative detention rules, and most of the time in isolation – after prison services claimed he was influencing other prisoners with his political ideology. The bris (circumcision) of Ettinger’s firstborn […]

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Democrats Banking on Trump to Win

And so the true legacy of Trump will go down as the hammer that tolled the bell, signaling the clamorous end of the Grand Old Party. When the ugly side of humanity, not yet evolved from the ancient primordial ooze, suddenly began to walk upright and into the voting booth, sporting red ball caps and chanting, “Make America great again!” […]

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Obama admits at Nuclear Summit: Islamic State plotting nuclear attacks on the West

While Obama gives terrorist Iran nuclear weapons. World leaders gathered on Friday in Washington for the Nuclear Security Summit to discuss the growing threat of nuclear terrorism. Noting the chilling possibility of a nuclear attack, US President Barack Obama remarked that Islamic State terrorists have already made use of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, and that there […]

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Ted Cruz Is Right: ‘Trump Is The Kim Kardashian Candidate’

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz likened rival Donald Trump to reality TV star Kim Kardashian — a slam that brought strong advice Friday from The Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol. “There’s no doubt that Donald Trump is the Kim Kardashian presidential candidate,” Cruz said Thursday on the syndicated “John & Ken” radio program in Los Angeles. “He sits on Twitter […]

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Belgian vice PM admits: Muslims celebrated in the streets after Brussels jihad massacre, media ignored them

Young, old, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands slaughtered in cold blood, and still the media, political and cultural elites are covering for these savages. It’s time for a revolution against the enemedia, the jihadis and their handler/apologists. Muslims celebrated Brussels, just as they celebrated 9/11. And 15 years later, the West is as subdued as ever (more now, methinks). […]

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Library of Congress to Eliminate Terms ‘Illegal Alien’ and ‘Alien’

The Library of Congress is dropping the terms “illegal alien” and “alien” from its subject headings after a group of college students and the American Library Association protested the words’ usage. As early as May, the Library of Congress will begin revising its subject headings and replacing “Aliens” with “Noncitizens” and heading references to “Illegal aliens” with “Noncitizens” and “Unauthorized […]

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My dinner with Ted Cruz

Does Senator Ted Cruz have a shot at replacing Barack Obama as leader of the free world in January 2017? I think so. All candidates love to create the impression that they will win. At a private dinner in Los Angeles Wednesday night, Cruz was no different. He knew just what to say to make the case that he’s on a […]

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86% of Muslim Turkish women suffer domestic abuse – UN blames Israel

Turkish Family Ministry finds shockingly widespread physical and psychological violence, as Turkey follows trend of wider Muslim world. A new study conducted by the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policies revealed that no fewer than 86% of Turkish women have suffered physical or psychological violence at the hands of their partners or family, and pursued legal proceedings afterwards. The […]

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Questioning ‘Gay’ Lessons Gets 4-Year-Old Booted From Preschool

Officials hand parents letter saying child’s attendance “not a good fit”. A preschool in the Denver area has booted a 4-year-old from its classes, telling her parents her attendance was “not a good fit,” after the parents questioned the cooperative about the books being taught, including those promoting homosexuality and transgenderism. R.B. Sinclair, of Aurora, told the Denver Post it […]

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Poll: Cruz Racing To The Top – Away From Trump, Kasich in Wisconsin

Republican presidential candidate Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has opened up a lead of more than nine points over rival Donald Trump in Wisconsin, according to a new Marquette Law School poll released Wednesday. Cruz garnered nearly 40 percent of support in the Badger State among registered Republican-likely voters, while Trump received just 30.4 percent. Ohio Gov. John Kasich received 21.4 […]

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Trump Calls for Punishing Women for Abortion — Then Backtracks

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women who end pregnancies should face punishment if the United States bans abortion, prompting a torrent of negative reactions from critics, including his White House rivals. After MSNBC broadcast a clip of an interview with Trump’s comments, the billionaire appeared to walk back his remarks by saying the abortion issue should […]

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Associated Press willingly cooperated with the Nazis

News agency and Third Reich said to have made mutually beneficial deal, with AP providing countless photos for Nazi propaganda; AP denies collaboration. The Associated Press news agency willingly cooperated with Nazi Germany, submitting to the regime’s restrictive rulings on the freedom of the press and providing it with images from its photo archives to be used in its anti-Semitic […]

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Donald Trump’s campaign manager charged with battery of female news reporter

Donald Trump’s campaign manager was charged with battery against a Breitbart News reporter on the same day police released a video apparently corroborating her account. Corey Lewandowski was charged by the police in Jupiter, Florida, Tuesday and turned himself in that morning. In a statement soon afterward, Trump said Lewandowski “is absolutely innocent of this charge.” “He will enter a plea […]

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Are Trump’s “Conservative” Media Flacks Preparing to Jump Ship?

Is it just me, or has there been some notable distancing going on over the past week between Donald Trump’s usually reliable cheerleaders in the conservative media and their guy? Some of Trump’s biggest promoters suddenly seem far less enthusiastic about their candidate, and shockingly, a few even appear to be testing the waters for a public withdrawal of support. […]

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PPP Poll: Cruz Surging to Tie Trump Nationally

Billionaire developer Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are virtually tied in a head-to-head race among Republican presidential voters, according to a national poll released Tuesday. Here are the results of the latest Public Policy Polling survey of 505 GOP voters, conducted between Thursday and Saturday: Trump: 46 percent. Cruz: 44 percent. However, in a battle involving Ohio Gov. […]

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Purim 2016 Lessons Lost: Soldier Who Shot Stabbing Terrorist Butcher Is a Hero

The Israeli soldier who shot a terrorist last Thursday in Hebron was in court Tuesday. “What happened in Hevron does not represent the values of the IDF. The IDF expects its soldiers to act with self-control and in accordance with the open-fire regulations.”-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “Gentlemen, what do you want here? An army that becomes bestial? An army that […]

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Islamic Terrorism Toll 800% Higher Since 2010

“I don’t think people have grasped how significant these numbers are.” A new report blames the rapid expansion of Islamist groups across the Middle East and Africa for the booming death toll of terrorism worldwide: a nearly 800 percent rise since 2010. According to Fox News, terrorism expert Steven Emerson’s nonprofit Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) found that an average of nearly 30,000 people […]

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Scott Walker Endorses Cruz for ‘3 Simple Reasons’

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker endorsed Ted Cruz  in the Republican presidential race on Tuesday, a week before the state’s primary. Walker made his endorsement on Twitter and on Charlie Sykes’ radio show on WTMJ in Milwaukee. And, the Wisconsin governor issued this statement: “After eight years of the failed Obama-Clinton Administration, Americans are looking for real leadership and a new […]

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Trump defends his violent campaign manager: “We’re going to destroy a man’s life over this?”

Trump has destroy millions of lives with his casinos, his bankruptcies, and his fake Trump University school. Donald Trump’s campaign manager shouldn’t be “destroyed” over charges he violently grabbed a reporter, the billionaire businessman pleaded Tuesday. The GOP presidential candidate defended campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who was arrested on Tuesday and charged with simple battery against former Breitbart reporter Michelle […]

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Donald Trump: Disrespecter of Women

A female Trump supporter once said to me a reason she supports Donald is because he cherishes women. You need only look over the past week, and the Trump campaign’s dealing with the incident involving Corey Lewandowski and Michelle Fields, to see his true nature toward females. That any woman could be anything but disgusted by his words and actions directed at women […]

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Ted Cruz is Right: Federal Government Covertly Funneling Muslim “Refugees”

Ted Cruz made time in the midst of an intense presidential campaign to issue a letter taking two high ranking government officials to task over the burdensome and high-cost refugee resettlement program. “The United States resettles more refugees each year than any other nation. Since 2011, more than 330,000 refugees have arrived in the United States,” begins the March 24 […]

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Donald Trump: No, ‘I Don’t Regret’ Writing Checks to Hillary Clinton’s Campaigns

During an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor Monday night, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump was asked by fill-in host Eric Bolling if he regrets writing checks to Hillary Clinton’s political campaigns. After first dodging the question, the answer was no (bolding is mine). BOLLING: You’ve donated to Hillary Clinton in the past and she’s been trashing you fairly heavily lately, […]

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Cops: Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old in TX

An illegal immigrant has been arrested and charged with raping and impregnating a 12-year-old Texas girl, authorities say. Prosecutors charged that in 2015 an illegal immigrant, Jose Alejandro Najarro, tried to convince his 12-year-old victim to have sex with him, but she refused. Refusing to take “no” for an answer, the suspect allegedly raped her at his home in Kyle, […]

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Anti-Semitic fliers appear on campuses across the country

Schools have received the fliers addressed to ‘white men’ and disparaging Jewish people. The University of Maine is among several major colleges and universities across the country that have received racist, anti-Semitic fliers on their network-connected printers and fax machines. A representative of the Anti-Defamation League said a neo-Nazi group appears to have hacked into school information systems in what […]

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Trump explains his degrading comments on women: “I never thought I would run for office”

Donald Trump on Monday defended his past controversial remarks on women, saying they date from his time as a celebrity entertainer. Radio host Charlie Sykes challenged the Republican presidential front-runner during an interview on WTMJ in Milwaukee, asking whether the rules are different for celebrities when it comes to insulting women. “The rules aren’t different, but certainly I never thought […]

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Religion of Peace: Muslims Murder Dozens in Terror Bombing Targeting Christians in Pakistan

UPDATE: Sunday 2:42 p.m. ET: Pakistani Taliban faction tells AP it’s responsible for the bomb attack in a Lahore park. ISLAMABAD (TheBlaze/AP) — The death toll in a bomb blast that occurred in a park in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore on Sunday has climbed to 60 people, with 300 reported wounded, a local health official said. ISLAMABAD (@AP) […]

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