Category Archives: Articles

Cruz: Trump Can’t Defend Record, So Engages In Profanity

Ted Cruz says Donald Trump has no choice but to engage in profanity because the billionaire businessman can’t defend his record. Cruz briefly addressed Trump’s latest insult Tuesday afternoon as he greeted voters inside Manchester’s Red Arrow Diner, a must-stop for candidates in both parties. “Part of the reason that Donald engages in insults is because he can’t discuss the […]

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‘The Roof of the Bus Goes Flying’ – Music Video Glorifies Jihadi Bus Bombings

And the world says nothing. The international community shakes its head and talks about the oppressed savages who behead, maim and sing about blowing up buses. “Oh martyrdom-seeker, the Al-Aqsa Mosque has called.” “You did not let a single bus drive through a neighborhood without having chunks of the bus and body parts go flying.” Obama say, “respect it.” ‘The […]

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Islamic State ‘Rape Handbook’ Lists 15 Rules For Using, Selling, Sharing Female Slaves

U.S. Special Operations Forces have reportedly just released a fatwa first intercepted in January that lays out 15 rules on how female slaves are to be treated by the Islamic State. The “handbook,” if you will, explains when and how an ISIS member can have sex with a female slave. It lists how and when she can be traded or sold, with whom her body can […]

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Cruz: It’s Nuts, Wrong, Dangerous and Immoral to Draft Women and Put Them In Close Combat

Cruz is right. Sen. Ted Cruz on Sunday talked about his opposition to drafting women into combat in the U.S. military in remarks to an audience at a town hall in Peterborough, New Hampshire. According to the Boston Globe, Cruz mentioned Saturday’s debate and without naming them referred to his competitors, Sen. Marco Rubio and Governors Jeb Bush and Chris […]

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Insanity: Israel plans to increase number of terrorists’ work permits

Plans to grant 30,000 additional work permits to Arabs from the West Bank. [Ynet] – Israel plans to increase the number of entry permits it grants to [Arab] workers, [so-called] “Palestinian” and Israeli sources said on Monday, in a drive to ease economic hardship that has contributed to a wave of [Arab terror] attacks. Publicly, the Israeli government has accused […]

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Trump Turns on Audience During GOP Debate

“That’s all of his donors and special interests out there.” Presidential candidate Donald Trump turned on the audience during Saturday night’s GOP debate, after the audience booed him while had a heated exchange with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. The exchange concerned the issue of eminent domain, which is the government’s ability to confiscate property from citizens for the public […]

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Obama Demands ‘Double Funding’ to Battle Junk-Science Global Warming

President Obama announced a new budget proposal during his weekly address that will implore Congress to double the funding for clean energy research and development in the hope that climate change will become a thing of the past. On the heels of “the most ambitious climate agreement in history” held in Paris last year, Obama is disguising his request under […]

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Report: Gov’t Granted $750 Million Obamacare Funds to Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants

The government’s Obamacare program gave up $750 million in taxpayer subsidies to illegal immigrants and individuals without verified immigration status, says a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee report obtained by Fox News. “The Administration awarded approximately $750 million in tax credits on behalf of individuals who were later determined to be ineligible because they failed to verify their […]

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Ted Cruz: ‘We’re Going To Build A Wall’

Presidential candidate Ted Cruz laid out a strategy to “build a wall” along the United States border as a paramount portion of his plan to solve illegal immigration. During Saturday night’s Republican Presidential debate in New Hampshire he added, referring to Donald Trump, “I’ve got somebody in mind to build it.” Moderator David Muir asked Cruz about his immigration plan and […]

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Rubio’s Effort to Deceive Americans in Pursuit of Open Borders

Phyllis Schlafly has released a new report extensively detailing Marco Rubio’s efforts to deceive the American people in his determined pursuit to open the nation’s borders. Schlafly’s 15-page report on Rubio’s “betrayal” provides hyperlinked sources to document Rubio’s “big con.” Schlafly’s memo warns the American people that Rubio’s push to deliver globalist immigration policies for his donors is not finished. […]

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Cruz’s Iowa Win in Part Due to Culture of Kindness and Courage at Campaign HQ

On Monday night, the Republican Party gave the first victory of 2016 to the first Hispanic candidate for president of the United States, Ted Cruz. Sen. Cruz won for many reasons: his outsider appeal, disciplined message, and sophisticated get-out-the-vote operation. But after two trips to Iowa to volunteer for Cruz, I noticed something else about the Cruz campaign that probably made a […]

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Trump Defends Eminent Domain – Power of Government to Seize Private Property Without the Owner’s Consent

Donald Trump defended eminent domain Saturday during the Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire, saying that it was “an absolute necessity for a country, for our country. “Without it, you wouldn’t have roads,” he told the audience at St. Anselm College in Manchester. “You wouldn’t have hospitals. You wouldn’t have anything. You wouldn’t have schools. You wouldn’t have bridges. You […]

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Iranian Imam describes how the Ayatollah Khomeini raped a 5 year old girl given to him by a family he was visiting

Ayatollah Khomeini as everyone probably knows, was the leader of Iran. Kohmeini was also a very respected poet and scholar on the Koran and on Sharia law, and wrote many books and interpretations on the teachings of Islam. In Iran Khomeini was basically looked on as a form of prophet with deep spiritual knowledge and wisdom. There are over 200 […]

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Duma torture testimony revealed

Documents from Deputy Attorney General’s visit exposed for first time, revealing he ‘silenced’ detailed testimony of severe torture. Documents were revealed for the first time on Thursday from the investigation into the lethal arson at Duma last July, and they fall in sharp contrast to the denials of torture against the Jewish suspects made by officials and numerous politicians. The torture claims […]

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Israeli Arab Knesset members meet the families of terrorists; say they had a ‘warm and productive’ meeting with the murderers of Jews

Why are these Arab terrorist supporters in the Israeli government? Three MKs of the Arab Joint List party met this week with the family members of Arab terrorists, including terrorists who have murdered Israelis during the recent wave of attacks, in a meeting met with condemnation from the Knesset on Thursday. The three MKs are Hanin Zoabi, Jamal Zahalka and […]

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State Dept.: Hillary Received $500K in Jewelry from Saudi King

Gifts were accepted to avoid “awkward moments.” The State Department revealed on Thursday that Hillary Clinton received $500,000 in jewelry from Saudi Arabian King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz and received $58,000 worth of jewelry from Brunei. Other gifts to Clinton include a $560 bottle of cognac from Russia’s Vladimir Putin. The New York Daily News reports, “The Constitution prohibits U.S. […]

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Muslim “Refugee” Decides To Murder His Three Children Ages 5, 3 And 1 – Throws Them Out Of A Two-Story Window

In a report from Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Germany, a 35 year old Syrian Muslim man was arrested for attempting to murder his three children ages five, three, and one by throwing them out of a two-story window at the refugee center they were staying at. All three children were badly injured but survived and are currently in the hospital, and the father […]

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Meir Ettinger’s Lawyer: State Trying to “Re-educate” Ettinger Amid Discussions to Extend His Imprisonment by Four Months

The Central District Court held a hearing Wednesday on right-wing activist Meir Ettinger, who has been on a hunger strike for 16 days after six months in administrative detention. Ettinger had his detention extended on Monday by an additional four months by Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon (Likud). He has been held since last August 3rd without trial, charges or evidence against him. He is the […]

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Jimmy Carter endorses Donald Trump — over Ted Cruz

Former President Jimmy Carter, at Britain’s House of Lords on Wednesday to deliver a lecture on the campaign to eradicate the Guinea worm disease, was derailed for a few minutes by a BBC reporter who asked about the presidential election. Carter opened with praise for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ “remarkable” showing in Iowa’s Democratic caucus and a prediction that frontrunner […]

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Top House Republican demands Kerry explain $1.7 billion Iran payment

Kerry admits some Iran deal funds will likely go to terror. The chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee demanded Wednesday that Secretary of State John Kerry explain a $1.7 billion settlement paid to Iran that some Republicans have described as a “ransom” tied to last month’s release of five American prisoners. Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., complained in a letter […]

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Obama at Muslim Brotherhood-linked Mosque: “Muslims Keep Us Safe”

And: “Islam has always been part of America.” Really? When Barack Obama visited the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic Society of Baltimore on Wednesday, he said: “The first thing I want to say is two words that Muslim Americans don’t hear often enough: Thank you.” While Obama has been President, Muslims have murdered non-Muslims, avowedly in the cause of Islam, at Fort Hood, […]

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Leftist Media HuffPo: Best Way To Liberate ‘Black Lives’ Is Through More Abortions

And don’t forget exploring “black love” and fighting transphobia. Nothing can prepare you for the bizarre, disjointed screed you are about to read by Huffington Post’s resident “reproductive justice activist” Renee Bracey Sherman. So out of touch with reality is her February 3 column, that there is little we can add in the way of commentary — the article, of […]

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Border policewoman killed in Jerusalem attack carried out by three Arab terrorists

Second female officer critically wounded; All terrorists shot dead. A Border Policewomen was killed and another badly wounded in a combined terror stabbing and shooting attack at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City on Wednesday. Police said that three terrorists, armed with three automatic weapons, knives and two explosive devices arrived at the Damascus Gate. The terrorists aroused the suspicion […]

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Donald Trump implodes campaign by being a sore loser

Ted Cruz fired back at Donald Trump Wednesday over allegations that he “stole” the Iowa election, accusing the reality show billionaire of throwing a “Trumpertantrum” and questioning whether he has the temperament to lead. Nobody likes a sore loser, and by adopting that role on Wednesday morning in charging that Sen. Ted Cruz “stole” Iowa, Donald Trump has effectively imploded […]

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Obama: TV Shows Need More Muslim Characters Who Aren’t Terrorists

Obama calls for more television and movie propaganda to make Muslims more “acceptable” to Americans. During his first visit to a U.S. mosque as president, President Obama weighed in on the issue of “diversity” in Hollywood casting by calling for American television shows to feature more Muslim characters “that are unrelated to national security.” Speaking at the Islamic Society of […]

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Ted Cruz Campaign Fires Off Two-Sentence Response to Donald Trump’s Iowa ‘Fraud’ Allegation

The Ted Cruz campaign is hitting back after Donald Trump called for a “new election” after alleging that the Texas senator “stole” the Iowa Republican caucus. Trump came in second to Cruz in Iowa Monday night. The billionaire businessman was uncharacteristically silent on Twitter through Monday night and much of Tuesday, but early Wednesday morning he launched into a Twitter […]

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Rand Paul and Rick Santorum Dropping Out of Race

The field narrows. Rand Paul has officially dropped out of the presidential race: Republican Presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul announced on Wednesday that he is dropping out, following a disappointing Iowa caucus for the libertarian Tea Partier. “It’s been an incredible honor to run a principled campaign for the White House,” said Paul. “Today, I will end where I began, […]

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Protests Grow as Rabbi Kahane’s Grandson Meir Ettinger Detention Extended

As Meir Ettinger’s administrative detention was extended by four months, posters were put up throughout Israel calling for his release and noting that he is incarcerated without trial merely for expressing his opinion. News was received on Feb. 1st that Meir Ettinger’s administrative detention will be extended by four months in the coming days. The current order that placed Ettinger […]

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Limbaugh: Trump Lost Iowa with Pledge to ‘Make Deals’ with Democrats

On Tuesday, in the aftermath of Cruz’s victory in Iowa, Rush Limbaugh was more critical of Trump than usual for promising that he could make deals with Democrats in Washington. Limbaugh … said that Trump erred by promising to compromise with the left: In a Republican primary, you do not win if you’re going to sound like a liberal Democrat criticizing Ted […]

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US Officials: Hillary’s Emails Contain Names of Undercover CIA Spies

U.S. intelligence officials say “top-secret” emails Hillary Clinton kept on her private email server when she headed the State Department include the real names of CIA spies serving undercover overseas — a violation of federal law that has put the agents in harm’s way, The Observer reports. And, The Observer’s John Schindler writes, those emails also include the names of […]

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