Author Archives: Shlomo

We Are Seeing Homosexuality Being Elevated to the Status of a National Religion

Where’s Congress in the war on religious liberty? This year, the federal judiciary took over national sovereignty. Today, in our post-constitutional society, the most foundational aspect of personal sovereignty – religious conscience and property rights – will be placed in the hands of the Supreme Court as well. Once again, we have an incontrovertible and foundational right to conscience and […]

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Arab students desecrate slain soldier’s memorial

Students at the Hebrew University affiliated with the school’s local chapter of the Hadash faction, a part of the Joint Arab List, today desecrated the memory of IDF combat soldier Sergeant Ron Kukia, who was murdered last week in the city of Arad. Members of the Im Tirtzu movement, a collegiate NGO whose goal is to “strengthen and advance the values of Zionism in Israel”, established […]

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Wife of Orlando Muslim terrorist mass murderer says she knew he was “preparing for jihad”

The Southern Poverty Law Center classified Omar Mateen’s jihad massacre in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida as “right-wing extremism,” and there are others who still insist that the attack had nothing to do with Islam or jihad. But Omar Mateen’s wife, Noor Salman, who was in on the plot, knows better. “Wife told FBI she knew Pulse shooter was […]

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New Facebook Messenger app targets 6 to 12-year-olds

And parents are not allowed to “spy” and see any of their children’s messages. No, that’s Facebook’s job. Kids ages 6 to 12 now have their own Messenger app called Messenger Kids, Facebook announced Monday. The app works on Apple iPhones and iPads, with an Android app soon to follow. … Kids must be signed up through a parent’s Facebook account. Under Facebook policy and federal child […]

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Comey back in the spotlight after Flynn makes a deal

Former FBI Director James Comey is back in the spotlight of the Russia investigation now that former national security adviser Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the bureau. Lawmakers in Sunday television interviews across the networks were re-evaluating Comey’s June Senate testimony accusing President Trump of asking him to drop the investigation into Flynn, with several guests indicating Comey might be able to answer additional […]

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REPORT: Kushner In Secret Talks To Build Massive Support For a So-Called “Palestinian” State

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. Click here for more information. The biggest indicator that Rex Tillerson [who also kisses the tuchus of the Arab Muslims] should probably just walk, due to a lack of respect for his position is […]

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Jared Kushner: White House Has Not Decided to Recognize Jerusalem or Move Embassy

Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner said Sunday President Trump has not decided whether to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s official capital. Speaking at the Saban Forum in Washington, D.C., Kushner said Trump is still weighing the issue. “He’s still looking at a lot of different facts and then when he makes his decision, he’ll be the one to want to […]

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Email from former Trump official says Russians threw the election to him

It’s an email obtained by the New York Times that has K.T. Macfarland apparently saying the Russians threw the election to Trump: On Dec. 29, a transition adviser to Mr. Trump, K. T. McFarland, wrote in an email to a colleague that sanctions announced hours before by the Obama administration in retaliation for Russian election meddling were aimed at discrediting Mr. Trump’s victory. The […]

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Tens of Thousands Rally Against Bill Curbing Police Reports on Netanyahu Investigation

Tens of thousands of Israelis on Saturday night demonstrated on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv, as well as in Haifa and Rosh Pina, and ten other towns, against a new law blocking police recommendations to indict when submitting the results of an investigation of a public official to the prosecution – unless asked to submit its recommendations by the Attorney […]

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CEO Tim Cook: Apple Shares Communist China’s Cyberspace Vision

China is known for their forced abortions, extreme human rights violations, absence of freedom and extreme online censorship. Apple shares their “vision”. Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the company shares China’s cyberspace vision, during a surprise keynote address at China’s World Internet Conference on Sunday. Cook’s comments come weeks after Apple pulled over 600 VPN apps from its Chinese app […]

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Michael Flynn pleads guilty to false-statements charge in Russia probe

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty Friday to making false statements to the FBI – as part of a deal that involves his full cooperation with investigators in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. Court documents show Flynn has acknowledged to investigators that at least two Trump transition members were involved in his outreach to Russian officials – […]

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Kushner is senior transition official who ordered Flynn to contact Russia

President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is the “very senior member” of the president’s transition team who told Michael Flynnto contact Russian officials about a United Nations resolution before Trump took office, multiple news outlets reported Friday. Bloomberg News first reported that Kushner was the senior member mentioned in court documents filed by special counsel Robert Mueller in the case against Flynn. NBC News […]

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Trump lies for the third time this year about moving Embassy to Jerusalem

In March 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump gave a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), where he made this promise: “We will move the American Embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem.” Trump also stated that the move “would send a clear signal that there is no daylight” between America and Israel and that peace with the […]

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BREAKING: Arrest warrant issued for illegal who was let off the hook for Kate Steinle’s murder

Well this is a little good news today after Zarate was just let off the hook for murdering Kate Steinle: THE HILL – A warrant has been issued for the arrest of an undocumented Mexican immigrant acquitted of murder charges in the 2015 killing of Kathryn Steinle. The arrest warrant unsealed in the Western District of Texas on Friday accuses Jose […]

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Unbelievable: Five-Times-Deported Illegal Alien Found “Not Guilty” in Murder of Kate Steinle

This is shocking: How is that possible?! More from Fox News: San Francisco is a sanctuary city, with local law enforcement officials barred from cooperating with federal immigration authorities. President Trump has threatened to withhold federal funding to cities with similar immigration policies, but a federal judge in California permanently blocked his executive order last week. While Zarate’s immigration status is […]

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Ann Coulter to Trump: Where. Is. The. Wall?

Kate Steinle “would still be alive if we had a wall.” On Thursday, a California jury found seven-time felon and five-time deported illegal alien Jose Garcia Zarate not guilty of murdering 32-year-old Kate Steinle in 2015 in the sanctuary city of San Francisco, Breitbart News reported, despite Zarate’s admission. Following the shocking verdict, Ann Coulter took to Twitter to share her disgust […]

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US officials: Trump still not declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Just like Obama, Trump can’t even declare Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. From the Times of Israel: After a lengthy back and forth at the White House meeting, Trump and his inner circle appeared to accept those concerns but insisted that the president had to demonstrate his stated commitment to move the embassy, the officials said. The discussion then turned toward […]

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Facebook launches new guide for Muslims, telling them how to report anti-Islam “hate speech”

“Hate speech” is a subjective category. What is or is not classified as “hate speech” depends upon the preconceptions and perspectives of the one doing the judging. For Facebook, the judges are Sharia-compliant, and consider honest analysis of the motives and goals of jihad terrorists to be “hate speech.” Facebook’s Vice President Joel Kaplan traveled to Pakistan in July to assure the […]

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Vicious anti-semite Linda Sarsour on so-called panel of antisemitism: “I support boycott of Israel”

Ironically, who better than a vicious antisemite to sit on a panel about antisemitism? And of course, Linda Sarsour didn’t disappoint. She wore her Jew-hatred like she wears her hijab. Increasingly, colleges and universities have become hotbeds of radicalism and Jew-hatred, while US Jewish leadership stands idly by, or worse, aligns with the left. Powerful Jewish voices are silenced and […]

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Israel Embassy Move to Jerusalem Is Fake News; Trump’s White House Says Embassy Move Report “Premature”

After Israeli TV predicts imminent declaration by Trump recognizing Israeli capital, press secretary says administration ‘has nothing new to announce.’ The White House on Wednesday said reports that it is poised to move the US embassy to Jerusalem were “premature,” ahead of a decision deadline. The White House urged caution after an Israeli TV report suggested a decision would come […]

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Jews minority most targeted by hate crimes in Canada

Data finds Jews were the most targeted minority group for hate crimes in Canada last year. Where’s the outcry? What would happen if it were blacks, homosexuals or Muslims? Jews were the most targeted minority group for hate crimes in Canada in 2016, according to data released by Statistics Canada, the country’s main numbers-keeper. According to “Police-Reported Hate Crime, 2016,” […]

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IDF Chief Tells Cabinet: “It’s Time to Learn to Live with Iran at Israel’s Border”

So now Netanyahu and the Israeli government are just “accepting” that Iran is at their border and doing nothing about it while Iran builds nuclear bombs. IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot on Monday briefed the members of the Political-Security Cabinet on the situation in Syria: the danger posed by the Iranian presence in post-civil war Syria and the meaning […]

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College Course on ‘White Racism’ Teaches All Whites ‘Operate to Maintain Racial Domination’

Leave it to the racist liberals to claim all white people are “racists” because of the color of their skin. Florida Gulf Coast University is offering a “White Racism” class teaching that the U.S. is a white supremacist society. “Many whites have subscribed to and promoted racist ideologies, championed and/or enacted scores of racist laws, policies, practices, and traditions, and […]

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North Korea Launches ICBM Likely Capable of Reaching Washington, US East Coast

And North Korea shares their nuclear technology with terrorist Iran. North Korea abruptly ended a 10-week pause in its weapons testing Tuesday by launching what the Pentagon said was an intercontinental ballistic missile — possibly its longest-range test yet — a move that will escalate already high tensions with Washington. US experts now believe that Washington D.C. and the US […]

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Israeli Police Assault Religious Jews from Judea and Samaria: “Lower your underpants or you’ll be arrested”

Police arrest, brutally assault, shove man onto road shouting ‘now you’ll learn how to talk to police’ as pregnant wife screams in alarm. It’s not enough that they evict them from their homes. Three complaints were recently submitted to the Police Complaints Officer in the Samaria Judea (Shai) District against one policeman for violent arrest, unnecessary delays, and illegal vehicular […]

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Federal Judge Rules Trump Must Enlist Transgenders into the Military

A federal judge on Monday ruled that the government must allow transgender people to enlist in the military beginning on Jan. 1, 2018. The order came after the government asked Washington, D.C., District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly if it could push back the Jan. 1 enlistment date, which was established under President Barack Obama. Last month, Kotar-Kelly issued a preliminary […]

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Four dead and five injured as building explodes and collapses in south Tel Aviv neighborhood

Police are not being forthcoming on the cause of the explosion. Five injured, including one person in a serious condition, after blast in the south Tel Aviv neighborhood; rescue teams still working at the site. A building in Jaffa collapsed in a ball of flames after a large explosion there late Monday night, wounding at least five people, including one […]

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FACEPALM: Trump makes “Pocahontas” joke during Native American war hero event

Trump made a dumb Pocahontas joke about Elizabeth Warren today during an event where he was honoring Native American code talkers for being war heroes during WWI and WWII. Watch: I’ve never had any problem with Trump mocking Elizabeth Warren for lying about her heritage to advance her professional career. He absolutely should because she deserves it and the media […]

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Court Documents: Roy Moore Accuser Has ‘Violent Nature,’ History of Criminal Fraud Against Own Family

Court documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman who claims that Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore groped her in his office decades ago, may raise questions about Johnson’s motives in making the accusation. The documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, show that Moore represented Johnson’s mother in a nasty custody case for Johnson’s then 12-year-old son, Daniel Sitz. In the […]

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Advertisers flee YouTube over videos exploiting children

Yet conservative, pro-Israel, and independent Youtube channels are hit by censorship. [Fox News] – Major companies have suspended advertising campaigns on YouTube after their ads were displayed with videos depicting children in threatening situations—while the tech giant investigates ‘disturbing’ autofill results that users flagged over the weekend. The Wall Street Journal reports that Mars Inc., Adidas and Diageo, maker of spirits including […]

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Racist Liberal Professor: Having “White Nuclear Family” Promotes White Supremacy

A City University of New York sociology professor reportedly said in a tweetstorm last week that “the white-nuclear family” promotes racism, prompting a backlash on social media. Jessie Daniels, described as an expert on “the Internet manifestations of racism” on her CUNY page, infuriated social media users after reportedly saying that white families promote racism by default. The professor began her […]

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